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Messages - The Viper

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General Discussion / Re: Goodbye
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:14:55 AM »
You never know. I might visit from time to time. Thank you.

General Discussion / Goodbye
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:06:24 AM »
Dear Catalyst-Gaming.

Over a year of gaming with you, a wonderfull experience. You all made me able to have fun. I must leave you now. I have other matters to tend to in my life. I love this community, and I encourage you to continue having fun.

RoflWaffle, you're a great guy to talk to, you really know how to run a community. Good job.

Raiden. I loved roleplaying with you, you're a very nice person, keep up the good work.

Kronic. We Rped a lot together, I knew you for a while, you're en excellent admin.

Brandon. We had fun, thanks for all of your help.

Bluff. I'm not sure, but something always got to me that you didn't like me mutch. If I did anything to offend you, I'm very sorry. You're a good admin.

Alex. I always seemed to annoy you somehow, I'm sorry for this. You're a good person, and an excellent roleplayer.

Jogzi. We didn't talk much, but when we did, you always knew how to cheer people up.

KillmePlz. We had fun Rping together, thank you for the experience.

Kom'Rk. Man, we had a lot of fun, thank you so much. I hope we can keep in touch.

Monkey With A Gun. Thanks for all the help, CG made a good desision making you an administrator.

NickNero. We Rped together, and had fun. You were a nice person to talk to. Thank you.

OzJackal. You helped me a lot with problem in HL2Rp, thanks for taking your time to do this.

Purple. We had fun man, it was nice RPing with you. Enjoy the CS:S I gifted you.

SatN. I have to say, some of your choices were'nt... To my standards. But you did your best, and did what you though was right. Thanks for the good RP memories. We had fun.

Teh Caek. You were the cause of a lot of good RP memories. Thank you.

Yagrum. We've known eachother for a long time, thank you for the good memories.

GeneralTrivium. You helped me with my depression a lot. I thank you for this, if it wasn't for you, I would have probably taken my life. Thank you so much for talking to me about my problems. I owe you.

Tyler Pirrilo. I've known you ever since I joined CG. We had a lot of fun. THanks for everything.

Abbott. You were the reason I got in the CCA, thank you. You were a great admin.

Sexy Frog. We Rped a lot, thanks for the fun.

Veran120, like general trivium, you helped me a lot, thank you.

I know I'm forgetting people, sorry. I just can't think of anyone esle off the top of my head. Anyway, thank you to everyone. You all welcomed me to this community. You guys gave me a great experience. One year can really give you a lot of fun. Thank you guys, you will be in my memory.

Bug Reports / Re: Citizen point history
« on: March 29, 2012, 03:28:06 PM »
The point system is gone now anyway... So... Yeah. I don't think we need to worry about this glitch anymore.

IC Chat / Re: <::||APEX-EpU.498's Personal Logs||::>
« on: March 20, 2012, 07:09:31 PM »
UNIT: 498
Elite Protection Unit
Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

<::|| *An Odd Silence in the Audio Log* There's not much to log at this time, but I'll see what I can do.. Well... I don't know why.. But sometimes I wonder if it's normal for me to be able to kill people so easy. It just seems odd, I can kill someone with a single finger movement, and I never get sentimental. I... It seems too easy. I'm thinking about talking to my High Command about it. But... I wonder if they'll pin me as 10-103M for being like that. I don't know. I'm going to cut this short, I really don't feel like logging today.

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IC Chat / Re: <::||Unit 498's Personal Logs||::>
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:30:38 PM »
UNIT: 498
CLEARANCE: Elite Protection

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

<::|| Well, I haven't done one of these in a while, so I might as weel catch up. I got promoted to EpU about a week ago. I like the rank, nice new uniform and mask. It makes me feel more... Useful. Lately I've had to give a lot of citize- anti-citizens advanced treatement. Units say my torture is the most grusom, and sometimes I don't know if I should be prowd of it. I suppose it would give me a good word, this is what my division focuses on, afterall. Funny though, I succesfully killed an armed anti-citizen the other day, I'm prowd of that atleast. I'm going to cut this a bit short, not much else to say.||::>

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IC Chat / Re: <::||Unit 498's Personal Logs||::>
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:45:07 PM »
UNIT: 498
Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

<::|| Rather interesting day today. Two City Administrators fighting, I'm the lucky one who had to stop them. Not like a fist fight, but rather a verbal skirmish. I won't go into detail about that though. After these events, things just died down. I don't know whym but lately something just feals wrong, but I can't put my finger on it. Just, my division, my.. Thoughts I guess. It all seems.... Odd. My thoughts keep jumping from loyalty back to guilt. I don't want to be a sentimental about it, but it just seems odd. I'm thinking of checking with NOVA, maybe get mental evaluation. Not too much to talk about, I spent most of my time in the nexus. Lately, I've been thinking of joining NOVA. I know in my last log I said I want to die with this division, but now it seems more of an insult. The amount of work needed on APEX is extensive. High Command is low, what's up with that? I haven't seen any APEX High Command in two or three days. Not like I care, I still remember when I got demoted to 02. It was random, unnecisary. I had my training MEMORIZED and they didn't even respect that. Does this division respect me now? Only time will tell.  ||::>

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IC Chat / Re: <::||APEX-01.498 Personal Logs||::>
« on: February 29, 2012, 10:09:41 PM »
UNIT: 498
Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

<::||Well, my third log. Not much to talk about today though. The Commander, 10770 decided to give me an and 02 an assignment. It wasn't very... Uh... How do I put this... Well, you get it. He made us search through archives of 647E activity. That took me like an hour just to find three. I should really do more computer work, be prepared for stuff like that. Anywho, there was a riot today, I tossed a flashbang, all of that. The Commander, as usual was trying to find the smallest thing wrong with what I was doing just so he could yell at me, or just try to show he's always right. I know it's bad to talk about him this way, but this stuff never ends. I've been an 01 for three months now, or just about. Give or take a few, I don't know exactly. APEX has one, ONE High Command, that being the DvL. He needs to do his job and pick some units for Officer position. Maybe 211, she's a great unit, very committed. I've been told that I'm being recomended for Officer, some 04 unit I think recomended me. I doubt the voice of an 04 has an influence though. I probably won't live to be High Command. Been an 01 through three division leaders. 313, 182, now 435. All of them were very noble, but 313 I didn't see too much. 182 was a wonderful DvL, he had pride in bringing changes, making us better. 435 is also a great division leader, he connects with us. He gets to know our strengths and weeknesses. Problem is, he's not putting the Leader, in division leader. He hasn't done much to manage the division. I'm beginning to worry about the status of it. I keep getting told to switch to another division, NOVA mainly. I'm in APEX, and I'm here to stay. I'll be with it untill I die. I'm going to cut this short, or this audio-log will never upload. I hope that changes are made soon. Otherwise, I- [MAXIMUM LENGTH REACHED] ||::>

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IC Chat / Re: <::||APEX-01.498 Personal Logs||::>
« on: February 29, 2012, 10:48:37 AM »
UNIT: 498
Enter Password: ************
Connecting to Network
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New Log Opened: <::|| I'm trying to do these logs every day. They keep me.... Stable. So, I've been an oh-one for about three months now, give or take a few days. My division only has two high command units, and two elite ground units. I'm the only oh-one. My division seems to be... Exclusive, rank wise. Funny though, I.. Can't seem to remember much about being something below 01. I suppose it's for the best. Anyway, lately I've been trying to teach lower ranks to be harder. They have to many emotions flowing through them, like they support offences. One citizen had a pot of ash from their relatives, I destroyed it. Once I did, the oh-four dishonored me by yelling for me to stop what I was doing. That little [AUDIO CENSORED] thinks he can get away with that? I made the citizen clean the remains of the ash, and flush it down the drain. It makes them learn their lesson, I'm doing it for the union. Recruits are no better then a citizen stealing a Units gear. I'll continue to train the way I please. I'm sending them in the right direction.  ||::>
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Introductions / Re: Fresh off the train!
« on: February 27, 2012, 03:11:07 PM »
Glad to see a new member! Being with CG for just about a year, I can tell you that CG is deffinatly the best of the best in RP communaties. Welcome to Catalyst-Gaming!

IC Chat / <::||APEX-EpU.498's Personal Logs||::>
« on: February 27, 2012, 10:44:04 AM »
Enter Password: ************
Connecting to Network
New Log Opened: <::|| I wish I had started these earlyer to visit past memories, but some I probably wouldn't want to remember anyway. Might as well log some things, relieve stress I guess. During the past week, I have noticed myself getting very tired, just simply standing up, or patroling. I might talk about with NOVA to see what's happening with me. My Division Leader suggested coffee, so I took a break with him. Odd, it's like me and my divisional leader have some sort of.... Friendship. I don't want it to get too personal, because of the pase things change. I've had two new Divisional Leaders in a month just about. Becoming good friends with one wouldn't last very long. Besides, I don't think it would be good for the divisions management, but I guess some social chat would be fine. Odd though, APEX has two current High Command ranks, and two Elite Protection Units. I don't see my High Command too often, I guess we're just 10-7 at different times. Another strange thing, I'm not exactly sure, but I might be the only oh-one in APEX? I have not seen any others on duty. I don't know why, but I just have a strange fealing about all this. A Sectorial Commander dies, and a Unit I knew for quite some time also was killed. VOID Division Leader 326. We were 02's at the same time, he got 01 before me, then skipped to Officer, and then division leader. Look who's still an 01. Strange, but I'm not concerned. 326 was a good Unit, he died with honor. Things are changing, adapt or die.||::>
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Creations / Half Life Two Roleplay Pics
« on: February 14, 2012, 09:15:54 PM »
This is a pic I took in singeplayer, used NPC's and models. It represents the a D6 sweep with Two DvL's, Sectorial Commander, and OTA.

Creations / Re: My first custom sig.
« on: January 26, 2012, 04:39:07 PM »
Alright, I'll get working on it. :)

Creations / Re: My first custom sig.
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:14:54 PM »
I'll see how it works out. :)

Accepted Outlands Appeals / Re: Alan Refield's Outlands Appeal
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:50:42 PM »
Alright, I'll elaborate on it.

Edit: I elaborated a bit, if you need more then this, tell me.

Donation Questions and Trades / Re: Yes, I'm sure I dont want anything.
« on: January 19, 2012, 09:28:52 PM »
Hey, you guys are the kind ones letting me have fun with the community :).

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