Author Topic: [ACCEPTED] Dixon's Overwatch Application  (Read 1386 times)

Offline Dixon

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[ACCEPTED] Dixon's Overwatch Application
« on: March 14, 2014, 09:55:28 PM »
<::| FORMAT: New Applicant |::>

Although this section is non-essential and won't impact your application negatively, any screenshots of logs showing a member of the CCA who holds a position of OfC (Officer) and above who are recommending you for a position in the Overwatch faction will be held in high regard:

Recommendation #1:
Recommendation #2:
Recommendation #3:

1. Steam Name: Dixon

2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39890983

3. How old are you? 15

4. What personal qualities do you have that make you suitable for a place in the OTA faction? I currently have a RCT, I would be on more but I have a lot of work with School and all - Even so, I follow orders OOCly (lel) and ICly, I have RP'd as a Overwatch Unit plenty of times and I know how to role-play accordingly so it's basically become a normal thing now.

On this server named CoG - I had the DvL of GRID, OTA Squad Leader KING and on that server, the highest KING was the only KING. The Overwatch Leader.

S12 - I had Sectorial and a normal Overwatch Unit.

CottonCandy - Sectorial, Overwatch Unit, DvL of GHOST.

5. What is your experience with roleplaying in general? Found Catalyst in April 2012, came with my cousin - KoolKidKarl2k8 and with him I met Dredigan (I think that's how you spell it) Or Sven IC. and I went from there meeting Misty, 3.14 and Old Greg, my internet was lost for a month or so, left to several other servers since HL2RP's downtime here and I came back and I've always been a fan or SeriousRP from day one, the detail, stress (OOCly and ICly) and running from Overwatch, Metropolice or chasing Citizens, raids, it gets me liking it even more. I played the Last Of Us RP, which was fun and incredibly compelling but I'm always with HL2RP, just more appealing to me.

6. What other characters do you play? I play: Nikolai Markin, Unit 492 (Forgot format of it, typing this at 1 AM and I'm tired, sorry) Hayden R. Dixon

7. How long have you been involved in serious RP? Three Years, I had another Steam account but something happened and I couldn't get it back :/

8. How long have you played at Catalyst Gaming? Two Years, I believe.

9. What country and time zone are you located in (please use a GMT- or GMT+ modifier)? GMT

10. Do you have any experience in any factions at Catalyst Gaming or other communities? Overwatch Transhuman Arm, Civil Protection, Civil Administrator, Xenian, Vortigaunt, Enslaved Vortigaunt etc. On CoG and S12, I was the only Vortigaunt in S12.

11. Have you ever been subject to punishment in a faction for doing something wrong OOCly? If so, please explain. Blackmarked for OOCly throwing a chair at the DvL- OOCly.

12. Do you understand that by being accepted into the Overwatch faction, you are bound to the OOC standards? I understand.

ASSESSMENT #1 - IC situation: You have just been tasked with escorting a VIP (in this case, a Civil Administrator) from the Nexus to the center of the plaza for a speech. It is expected that an attempt will be made on the VIP's life today at an unknown time. A citizen begins to follow your escort group. You suspect that they belong to a rebel group who intend to kill the VIP. How do you approach the situation? Be creative. (Taking role of Squad Leader - UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263)

UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263 radios "<:: All active Overwatch Units, report to The Nexus main doors."

** The doors open as heavily armored Soldiers step out of the doorway, gripping their OSIPR's tightly and a straight posture, the Civil Administrator slowly looks at the Soldiers, inspecting them slightly.

UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263 says "<:: Units, diamond formation, move it!"

** As he says diamond formation, 74263 at the front, the Civil Administrator behind him, two out of the three stand next to the Civil Administrator and the last one stands behind the Civil Administrator."

yells "<:: Raise your weapons, possible threat outside for the Administrator's life, OSIPR's raised, let's move."

** The front doors open; they pass the barriers and step outside, looking at The Citizens, the Overwatch unit to the Civil Administrator's right - UU.OTA.VANGUARD.56562 says "<:: Two Citizens, 1 O'clock, hands in pockets, possible weapon, eyes on them, sir."

UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263 says "<:: Copy that, almost to the-"

** Several shots are fired, they miss the Overwatch units completely and the Civil Administrator. The single Citizens stands there and stares at the Overwatch, UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263 yells "<:: Lethal force authorized, fire at will! I repeat, fire at will!"

** As 74263 yells that, several Citizens run out from the shadows and alleyways with weapons, the man by himself attempts to reload- The Overwatch Units fire upon all with weapons, UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263 aims for the one with the pistol, blowing the man's leg off, the OSIPR rounds ripping through his flesh, burning through it, the man would not be bleeding out but the rounds cauterized the wound as it ripped his leg apart, he screams as he hits the ground while the other Units fire at the others amd the Citizens hide behind bins and throw rocks at the Overwatch Units and it does nothing, one hitting the Civil Administrator, he backs off and hides, speaking to the Squad Leader. "I'll be fine! Get those Anti-Citizens!"

UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263 yells "<:: Move in! Move it!"

** Without question, the Units run forwards to the bins and dumpsters, walking around each side and they have their OSIPR's raised up, they spin around the dumpster, yelling. UU.OTA.VANGUARD.56562 says "<:: Anti-Citizens! Three, two, one! Amputate." The begin to fire at the crowd of Anti-Citizens, the pulse rounds running through the bodies, after an entire round of pulse-shots - the once alive pile of Anti-Citizens is a mutilated, burnt and amputated pile of Anti-Citizens, most limbs are missing, large holes in the flesh and bone is easily seen pushing out of the mutilated bodies, some flesh falling off the body and onto the concrete.

UU.OTA.VANGUARD.56562 "<:: Anti-Citizens are neutralized, sir."

UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263 says "<:: Good, take the one without a leg to detainment and he will be interrogated and some other Unit's will clean that up, good work, units. Move it!" ** The Squad Leader then checks on The Civil Administrator who would be holding his head, blood dripping down from his palm and down his wrist then dripping off onto his suit as seven ground units run outside and pick the bodies up, some units shaking and gagging for air as they drag the mutilated body to the incinerators.

UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263 says "<:: Sir, we should take you to the medical station, the cut is deep and could be infected."

Dr. Owen Morningwood says "Agreed, ahh, this stings."

** The VANGUARD Squad Leader leads the Civil Administrator back into the Nexus, the NOVA unit taking him up to the NOVA Treatment Facility, treating his wound as the other Overwatch make sure there are no other conspirators in the area.

UU.OTA.VANGUARD-E.74263 radios "<:: All Overwatch Units, back to stasis. Civil Administrator is secure in The Nexus and safe, is the plaza secured?"

UU.OTA.VANGUARD.45876 radios "<:: Plaza is secured, sir. Moving to stasis."

** The Overwatch Units slip back into their stasis pods, sleeping. 

ASSESSMENT #2 - OOC situation: The following scenario has taken place: a player who is in command of a criminal character in possession of hidden contraband was in the process of being handcuffed before they suddenly ran away without any valid RP. A member of the administration team locates and brings the offending player back to where they started. The player does not seem to understand the rules of the server. They are frozen in place while the administrator is sent to deal with an urgent matter. Before the administrator leaves, you are asked to explain to the player about what they did wrong. How do you proceed? I would ask if they know how to type in LOOC, if not. I would tell them to type in chat: [[ Hello. and if they do that correctly, we can go from there.

I would ask if he knows how to RP correctly and seriously and attempt to do some /me's with him (i.e fighting) and teach him the difference between /it's and /me's and tell him how /me's work that you can only /me once and wait for the other player to /me after yours then so on (I believe so), if he complies and goes along with it, I'd keep teaching him the basics, if not I would ask him to try again until he gets it correct, if he does so- I would keep going and tell what Meta, P2L and Power-Gaming is; making sure he listened I would test him quickly on it and correct him if he gets something wrong but if he doesn't comply and just begins to /charfallover and minge punch me, I will contact another admin to take it out of my hands instead of me.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 10:17:47 PM by o.g jackal »

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Re: [ACCEPTED] Dixon's Overwatch Application
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2014, 10:17:56 PM »
Accepted, welcome to the OTA!


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