Author Topic: [ACCEPTED] Rudolph's Returning Application  (Read 1353 times)

Offline Rudolph the Master Blaster

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[ACCEPTED] Rudolph's Returning Application
« on: March 09, 2014, 11:20:38 AM »
<::| FORMAT: Returning Applicant |::>

This section is essential to the success of your application. You must be able to provide evidence (screenshots are the best way) which shows that you had an OTA unit in the past at Catalyst Gaming:


1. Steam Name: Rudolph the Master Blaster

2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26380020

3. Are you listed here? If yes, what unit are you? Rudolph - UU.OTA.VANGUARD.70655

4. What country and time zone are you located in (please use a GMT- or GMT+ modifier)?  Canada, EST [GMT-5]

5. Have you been removed from the Overwatch or the MPF for being inactive? No

6. Do you understand that by being accepted into the Overwatch faction, you are bound to the OOC standards? Yes, I do

ASSESSMENT #1 - IC situation: You have just been tasked with escorting a VIP (in this case, a Civil Administrator) from the Nexus to the center of the plaza for a speech. It is expected that an attempt will be made on the VIP's life today at an unknown time. A citizen begins to follow your escort group. You suspect that they belong to a rebel group who intend to kill the VIP. How do you approach the situation? Be creative.
(I will be OTA unit 1.)
** Yet another day arrives the in quiet, depressing concrete city**
     Four OTA units are sent to escort and protect the Civil Administrator while he sends his speech to the general public about recent openings in the CWU's medical department. The commanding OTA briefs the three other units about the possible attack on the CA. "<:: Be aware of any suspicious activity and report in, the standard ROE is in place, unless there is an attack on the CA." says the senior OTA unit. The three other units reply with a quick "<:: Yes, sir." The four units wait at the lift where the CA eventually meets them after coming down from his office. "<:: Come with us, Civil Administrator. We will be escorting you. Units, assume the dagger formation when we exit the nexus!" the Senior OTA unit orders. The CA seems to be calm, and collected- despite the danger that he may be attacked... It seems as though the CA has his confidence in the OTA units.

     The group moves towards the public speaking area in their dagger formation, it seems a large group of citizens have already arrived and taken their seats to listen to the CA give his speech. Two units stand on the stage with the CA in the middle at the podium, while two others are on the lower level, watching any possible movement from their flanks. Unit 1. is tasked with staying with the CA on the stage, he briefly observes the group, looking for any forms of suspicious activity. One male in the crowd is constantly looking around him, keeping his hand in his pocket and his other balled in a fist. Unit 1 speaks into his radio" <:: Suspicious citizen in the crowd, he may have some sort of weapon in his pocket". The elite officer responds in his radio " Affirmative. Remember the ROE." The citizen that had his hand in his pocket has finally pulled it out, revealing a rather sharp shiv. The crowd around him notice his erratic movements- his violent shouting despite the CA giving his speech. They quickly disperse away from the man, worried that they might get caught up. The man is therefore, revealed in full view of his weapon, he stands there with an insane look on his face. He proceeds to take slow but sturdy steps towards the stage.

     Unit 1 responds on the radio "<:: The citizen has pulled out a weapon and is approaching the CA." The unit swiftly raises his OSPIR at the man in question- prepared to fire. The man gulps after seeing the weapon being pointed to him, he stops dead in his tracks, breathing and shaking heavily. The whole crowd has been evacuated by now, the only people left at the stage the CA and the four OTA units stare at the citizen before them. Silence falls upon them, no movement is made expect the raising of each OTA unit's OSPIR... It seems rather silent for a good moment. The attacker suddenly yells- he advances towards the stage at a even greater velocity than he did before, his eyes widened with fear and anger. At that exact moment, a volley of fire meets the man's torso from each individual OSPIR. No screams of agony, shuffling of feet or yelling. The attacker drops dead, leaving only the sound of his corpse thundering down onto the stage. With no wasted movement, the OTA reforms around the CA. "<:: Evacuate to the nexus, the CA is no longer safe." The group exits the area, the units watching every corner, window or catwalk that may give way to possible anti-citizens. They quickly return to the nexus without any further danger, the CA is sent back into his office without any injuries. "<:: That's it wrap it up". The elite officer says to his group of men. "<:: Unit 1 is returning to stasis.", the unit says as he hops back into his stasis chamber, waiting for the next mission.

     Meanwhile, two lowly recruits are given the task to clean up the body at the theater. "<:: This is rubbish, I hate corpses...They make me sick." says one of the recruits. "<:: Yea, no kidding! Those...soldiers...You'd think they would make his death a little less messy." He complains, picking up the corpse to reveal a mountain of blood and guts- he almost pukes in his mask. "

** And so, the day ends in the quiet, depressing concrete city.**

ASSESSMENT #2 - OOC situation: The following scenario has taken place: a player who is in command of a criminal character in possession of hidden contraband was in the process of being handcuffed before they suddenly ran away without any valid RP. A member of the administration team locates and brings the offending player back to where they started. The player does not seem to understand the rules of the server. They are frozen in place while the administrator is sent to deal with an urgent matter. Before the administrator leaves, you are asked to explain to the player about what they did wrong. How do you proceed?

First, I'd explain to him why he was brought back by the administrator. Telling him his mistakes will help him understand the rules better when explained to him. I would then, explain the concept of P2L, powergaming and fear rp- seeing as those are the three main rules needed in that certain situation. If he did not understand further, I would assume that he might of gotten the contraband incorrectly, and ask him how he got the items.
If it proves to be stolen, I would explain to him that every action must be done with a /me, with the exception of obvious things like walking or moving up the stairs in an apartment. I would tell him to return the items to the administrator so that the admin could return it to it's rightful owner. If he does not comply, I would call the admin and wait for him/her to deal with the player.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 04:58:12 PM by o.g jackal »

Offline garry :D

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Re: Rudolph's Returning Application
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2014, 04:57:59 PM »
Accepted, welcome back to the OTA!


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