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Messages - YankeeSamurai

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 :D  removed all reference to the guide being unofficial

rrg can't change the title name but I guess an admin can change it

edit: Derp yes I can. *changes title*

edit: Made some minor changes/fixes and replaced all instances of "MPF" with "CCA." (except for the diagrams, of course)

Thanks people  :)

The guide is not stolen. I made it.
Starting Sunday I began typing a draft on notepad, and all through Wednesday I revised it while researching the tactics and weapons and stuff.
Yesterday I drew the pictures and uploaded them all onto my computer with a scanner and then onto imageshack.
I added URLs to websites that were used for inspiration, information, or copy/pasting phrases.

And what makes you think it is stolen, anyway?

And that's the end!  :D  I'm curious to know what the community thinks of really freaking long guides like that...
Maybe I should've divided it up into separate threads?

so anyway, post any feedback you have- good or bad.

Injection Protocol sequences simplified

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Note: the apparent scribbling in the last 3 pictures was my failed attempt at drawing fields of view or something lame like that. Ignore the scribbles; they mean nothing.

Prep Sequence:

1. If possible, the EcM coordinates with CCA units to establish a perimeter around the target building.
2. The element pops smoke for concealment as they prep and stack up outside the point of entry (usually a door).
3. The EcM radios the codeword "Inject" to initiate breaching sequence.

Breaching Sequence:

1. #05 breaches the door and gets out of the way.

2. #03 throws a flashbang or HE grenade through the doorway.

3. #02 enters the room and eliminates immediate threats. He moves to either the left or the right corner of the room. His ability to move to a corner will be determined by obstacles, size of the room, and the enemy situation.

4. #03 enters the room with #02. He moves along the wall in the opposite direction of #02. Both units clear the breach point and immediate threats, all while moving to their chosen corners.
IC note: Rooms are never entered with less than two units. The #02 or #03 may radio "short zone" if the room is too small for the whole team.

5. #04 enters the room and moves in the opposite direction of #03. He primarily scans for any overhead threats.

6. The EcM enters the room and moves in the opposite direction of #04.

7. #05 enters the room and moves in the opposite direction of the EcM. He provides rear security as the situation dictates.

8. All units move along their walls while engaging threats. Grenades must be used with caution in enclosed spaces.

9. The EcM radios "clear" when all threats are eliminated.

VIII. Injection (breaching) Protocol
 (information from

Injection is a relatively complex procedure that is highly effective for clearing rooms of hostiles.
If the element has enough patience to master the technique, injection can be a decisive and rewarding tactic.

Injection Team members:
   02- The team's pointman. He is responsible for frontal and breach point security. He must act the quickest and make immediate decisions.
   03- The #3 is directly behind the 02 in the order of movement and is normally responsible as an entry or clearing team member.
   04- The #4 is directly behind the 03 in the order of movement and is normally responsible as an entry or clearing team member.
   EcM- The EcM is directly behind the 04 in the order of movement. The EcM is responsible for initiating all voice commands, and must exercise situational awareness at all times with respect to the task, friendly force, and enemy activity.
   05- The #5 is responsible for breaching the door (by shooting the lock, placing a door charge, etc.) before the pointman and 02 rush in. He is normally the last unit in the room and is responsible for rear security (i.e. gunning down any mingerunners).

Five-unit Stack positions:

   05 04 02 [DOOR] 02 EcM

Element Formations: (information from

DAGGER- Units move in a single file line. The pointman is usually at the front of the line. Used when speed and distance are priorities and enemy contact is not expected.

SWORD- Units move in a loose horizontal line.
Used when contact with the enemy is in progress or expected.

SLASH- SLASH is the act of changing from DAGGER to SWORD.
This is the set up command to execute a static defense or to get into a SWORD formation for assault.

RAZOR- is a modified SWORD skirmish line that moves at an angle.
This is often used when an element is moving along a road, building, or other boundary.

MACE- A MACE consists of surrounding an enemy position and assaulting from multiple directions. It is often used when assaulting a hostile building or bunker. This requires an advantage in manpower as casualties will be heavy.

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Simple fire and manuever

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fire and manuever "leapfrogging," or "bounding"
*this was not drawn by me

VII. OTA Tactics

Fire and Movement (information from
   Fire and and Movement is an assault tactic used by Overwatch units in HL2, as well as by real life military units.

The basic principle: One group pins down the enemy while another group advances and flanks.

     How to Perform Simple Fire and Movement-
1. The EcM divides his element into two groups, typically one led by him and one led by his 02.
2. Group 1 pops smoke to cover themselves as they set up.
3. Group 1 lays down near-continuous fire on the enemy.
     a. Suppressive fire limits enemy firepower and renders the enemy unable to react or assess their situation clearly.
4. Group 2 advances while group 1 has the enemy pinned down.
5. Group 2 flanks around the enemy's cover and destroys the enemy in close-quarter battle.

     The "Leapfrogging" varient of FaM
When group 1 sets up its base of fire, group 2 will not advance all the way to the enemy. Instead, they will advance part of the way there, then set up their own base of fire.
When group 2's BoF is set up, group 1 will advance under the cover of the new firebase.
   The proccess continues until one group reaches the enemy and destroys him.

IC Note: As a rule of thumb, OTA units should always act as a team. A single unit is little more threat to enemies than an armed citizen. Overwatch elements are lethal because of the exeptional teamwork they demonstrate in combat.

VI. COTA Loadout Protocol

Note- the purpose of this mechanic is to allow the EcM a wide variety of tactical choices and customization for his team.

Loadout Protocol:
   -Each unit must use one primary weapon with 5 boxes of ammunition
   -05, 04, 03 have equipment slots x1
   -02 has equipment slots x2
   -EcM has equipment slots x3
   -SeC has equipment slots x5

   One slot is filled for each piece of equipment taken.
   Multiple grenades and energy balls can be taken at one slot per grenade/ball
   Multiple armor upgrades cannot be taken.

Sample Element Loadouts:

Injection team-
   05: SMG1. HE grenade.
   04: SMG1. HE grenade.
   03: SMG1. flashbang.
   02: shotgun. armor upgrade, flashbang.
   EcM: AR2. energy ball, flashbang x2

Urban combat-
   05: SMG1. SMG grenade.
   04: AR2. HE grenade.
   03: AR2. HE grenade.
   02: SMG1. flashbang x2
   EcM: AR2. armor upgrade, smoke grenade x2

Uploaded with
chart showing available equipment slots

V. OTA Weapons and Equipment
(information from

     Primary Weapons:
SMG1/MP7- low power, high fire rate, poor accuracy. Low recoil. Undermounted grenade launcher. Ideal for close-range combat.

Shotgun/SPAS 12- extremely high power, low fire rate. Fires buckshot in a cone-shaped pattern. Can fire both barrels at once. Ideal for close-range combat.
   NOTE: only the 02 and higher ranks are authorized to use the shotgun.

AR2/pulse rifle- high power, low fire rate, moderate accuracy. High recoil. Can launch energy balls. Ideal for medium-range combat.
Body armor upgrade- further protects wearer from bullets and shrapnel in the form of more plating, padding, etc.

HE (high explosive) grenade- useful for flushing enemies from cover

Smoke grenade- useful for screening assaults

Flashbang- useful for clearing rooms

SMG grenade- useful for neutralizing enemies in cover

Energy ball- ideal for causing chaos in enclosed spaces.
   NOTE: only the EcM and SeC are authorized to fire the energy ball.

APEX is supposedly in the game files for an MPF or Overwatch phonetic alphabet. I made up the abbreviation EcM, although I took "Element" from a suggestion Skeptik made awhile back. MPF is an abbreviation that ReignServers, a server I played on for a few times, uses for their CCA. I'm just used to using it, sorry.

IV. OTA Deployment Protocol

1. A CP will request support to OTA SeC.
   a. He must briefly state why Overwatch support is needed.
   b. In the absence of SeC, the EcM considers the request. If neither SeC nor the EcM is online, Overwatch support is IC-ly considered unavailable.

2. If Overwatch support is granted by SeC, SeC must alert his EcM and brief him on the situation.
   a. (optional) Logs must be made by the CP DvL or OfC detailing why OTA support was requested, and the outcome of the request.

3. The SeC will brief his EcM on the situation.

4. The EcM will assemble his units to brief them and assign weapon loadouts.

5. Overwatch will deploy from the Nexus and must take the safest route to the combat zone.

6. On completion of a mission, Overwatch must restrict access to the combat zone until CP units can relieve them and dispose of on-site contrabrand.

7. After being relieved by the CCA, the element will return to the Nexus for debriefing.

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