Author Topic: <::||CmD.88740's Private Logs||::>  (Read 13294 times)

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||04.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2011, 08:56:17 PM »
UNIT: 887

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New File Started: msg.00007
To: Self
Subject: Yesterday's activies

<::|| New format for these messages, I am not a fan... Regardless, I will recount yesterday's activities...

I spent a long amount of time sheparding Citizens into their respective apartments and dealing with the issues associated with that.. It was a lot of parenting-like problems... "Oh, Officer, help me! This man touched me." "Oh, help me, it's an emergency! This guy's in my apartment." Even as a kid I didn't whine this much... I also had to preform something of a surgery myself. The NOVAs were not active... I got to remove a bullet and patch the wound. How he got shot, I didn't really care, I guessed it had something to do with a random shooting in the streets. Sadly, it is my job to maintain Sociostability, by any means necessary... which brings me to something else.

WHAT IS WITH ALL THE BLEACH!?  I must have turned in 13 units of Bleach last night. Where does it keep coming from?! I did preform adequately and gave all of the insight I could to the Citizen, if they saw anything specific (like who was passing it out) to get their description and contact the CCA immediantly. I'd hate to have to beat him too for inaction.

I don't feel bad about beatings, like at all.  In the morning, I sort of did, but doing more and more, it just became easier. I started to look at it as a kind of interpretive dance, as odd as that may sound, or a necessary evil. I did find out that my mask is good for more than just headbutting civilians then, because one of them got cheeky and came up behind me with a SHOVEL and banged me in the back of the head. My ears are still ringing from that... Lucky, I had been talking to a Loyalist when it happened and he called it on his Radio. The OfC came rather quickly and dispatched the Civilian. I am not sure if I've ever been that mad before, but I pounded the blade of the shovel through the dead body's back... it seemed fitting.

After that, you could say that things got interesting... There was a chemical leak in the Nexus. 399 was experimenting with Sulfur and different chemicals, it seems, and created a highly virulent gas that kill them. An Overwatch was called in, sealed the issue, and the scrubbers were introduced. We had to evacuate the Nexus while it was going down. That's... all I know about the situation, though.

But the worst thing... beyond anything else... it has truly made me respect the Citizen Population less. A woman asked me aside and asked for an Xray, not a big deal, the Officer took her through the scanners between Districts 2 and 3. (I didn't know they could do that... I always assumed, though) Only to find out there's a flashlight in her bunghole... she says she doesn't know how it happened... HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?! ||::>

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Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 04:06:49 AM by Saoul »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||04.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2011, 02:12:01 AM »
UNIT: 887

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New File Started: msg.00008
To: Self
Subject: <no subject>

<::|| I've come out of stasis in a strange room.  I hadn't seen it before.  Wandering a little, I've determined it's one of the Nexuses. Perhaps the old one I never saw...

I was right. We're back in City 18.  I'm glad City 8 was just temporary, there was just too much ground to cover. It seems we've also lots quite a lot of our Citizen population in the transfer. I am thinking they were swapped elsewhere. But what's happened since then? Nothing. At. All.
Lots of patrolling and clamping the HAP/CEP... bit of a windstorm as well. I was not a fan of the latter, personally. While I'm glad we've returned to City 18, I will miss the activity and bustle of the city, as much as I hate to admit it.

Ah, I've also received my Mp7 Training. It was not as in-depth as I had expected, but I can field strip it once I get my own. Shooting it was easy, but it is horribly inaccurate when fired rapidly. 155 is very monotone, at the free-fire portion of the training, I couldn't tell if she was approving or annoyed at my target... I'm not even sure if I passed or failed the training, I was never told. I'll look up my Data-sheet in one of the terminals later... ||::>

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Disconnecting serial number here
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 08:59:51 AM by SaoulZod »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2011, 01:10:37 PM »
UNIT: 887

Enter Password: ************

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New File Started: msg.00009
To: Self
Subject: <No Subject>

<::|| So... today was interesting.... I was fired upon, freaked out, looked up to, and judged. Not exactly in that order.

Called into the High Command room, sweating bullets.  A Blackmark chance in the hands of the DvL... something smiled on me, though. I left with a Promotion to 03 instead.  I will not question it in the least, but I'm on thin ice now with 155. I don't think she likes me very much... But she doesn't have to. 155 and I did a sweep of the Apartments, it went well. I didn't mess up.  I can do breaches real easy if it's just me and the TL... more people, more chance for "human" error.  I use quotes in this... I don't know the extend of Augmentations in the higher ranks.

Ah... can't think of anything else, I will edit this file later, maybe.


Weeeell that got eventful real damn quick. After rationing, there was a request of a possible 647E that was armed. Me and an 02 joined me, we made it to the apartment to find a Recruit running around after a Citizen with his stunstick. The Citizen locked himself in the bathroom, when the recruit opened the door, there were gunshots and he was dead. The door closed again.

I pulled my pistol, ripped open the door and stood back. Opening fire on anything in the bathroom that moved... After the white passed, I found myself slumped on the wall and a very dead Anti-Citizen in the bathroom. Slipped away the gun when 155 came in... I don't know why she was there, probably because she's APEX, it's her job to oversee... but she wasn't Active when we injected the room. Regardless... maybe I was wrong about her. She was really nice when yanking the slug from my shoulder, she even patched it up real well. Maybe she's got medical experience...  I pitched my idea of Electifying the Biogel before use. It will create a much faster healing process as the particles of the Gel will be able to rebuild tissue faster.

Of course, she didn't think it was appropriate at the time to test it, I half agreed. It's not like I hadn't tested it before myself, but that was before I was a Civil Protection Unit... It rebuilds Tissue damage and actually strengthens muscle fibers, the second effect is... Interesting, to say the least. I'll pitch it to the GRID-DvL, maybe he could use the information.... probably better to tell the NOVA, though. It is medical after all... ||::>

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Disconnecting serial number here
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 05:29:52 PM by SaoulZod »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline Qwahchees

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2011, 07:48:42 PM »
// These are interesting.  Post more.  It's like a book.

Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2011, 08:43:19 PM »
// Still trying to figure out WHY the hell the croot breached with out backup. Oh and who gave him the auth...
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2011, 06:17:07 AM »
// I think he just did it out of revenge, it was the 2 Blackmark recruit (990), so he may still be irritated that he's got 'em. Regardless, it's no excuse.

// Ah, thank ya Qwahchees.  If I can get authorization to be in the UA-squad it will be very detailed because I'll be adding NOVA and GRID experiences as well as APEX. But that is going to take some doing to get into.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2011, 07:20:31 PM »
UNIT: 887

Enter Password: ************

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New File Started: msg.00010
To: Self
Subject: <No Subject>

<::|| I found a little bit of spare time, sitting on the District Two-HAP while a Recruit watched the doorway... A brief bit of tunneling and I was able to access these files through the console; I will, of course, be delaying the initial upload of this file to the home-server by a few days.

Today was rather eventful. I'd met another one of the 01's today... GRID, I believe.  We had a very Malcompliant young lady who though it was very amusing to pelt a Recruit with cans while making false requests with the Request Device... that was quelled rather rapidly. The administrative Unit was having difficulties with her Radio, I had to make the request for Amputation multiple times, causing me to get... agitated.   I administered a Level Two Verdict while waiting, puncturing her thigh with my knife while we waited.  Eventually, the call got through and we went to Treatment.

Halfway to Treatment, the Malcompliant (Referred to as "Subject" from here out) was very apologetic and tried pleaing with me to let her go. I explained why that was not possible and she kept begging.  It's strange, no one's ever begged me before, I imagined it would feel better. But all I could do was remember that she did it to herself and she was fully aware of what she was doing... deserving.  Assault Class 3C, Sociocide Lv. 3, Multiple Audio Violations, Mobility Violation, Evading Capture, only to name a few of her charges. There was no chance for rehabilitation. We got to the Room and there stood the GRID, she was nice, oddly pleasant, or maybe I'm just used to the Females of High Command... We had a little chat with the Subject, and I clamped her in without much restraint from her as she was very weak from her leg.

The GRID stepped out with a happy sounding laugh and came back with a Hammer and a fist full of nails... This GRID woman must be after my heart.  She asked me to do the "Honors" and apply where I thought fitting... I am not a monster, at least, I don't think so... and I've been called terrible things in my existence, but never took them to heart. Perhaps I should, because I scared myself at how easy it was. I'd used four nails before directed to move to the other-side where I got sidetracked...

-First nail was hammered through the second and third metacarples in the Subject's Left hand. Effectively stapling it to the chair.
-Second nail was pinned between her Radius and Ulna of the Left forearm.
-Third nail was used to pierce through her Radius and Humerus on her Left Arm, disabling the joint entirely and piercing the nerve cluster in her elbow, I imagine it was extremely painful.
-Fourth nail was used to pin her Clavical and her Humerus in a downward motion, effectively stopping all movement from her Left Arm as it pierced the main tendons that function as movement.
-Finally, I used my knife to reopen the wound in her thigh and pierce her Femur. It took a moment, but with a twist it splintered and shattered like a piece of dried driftwood.

The Subject had blacked out by this point.  I could tell the Female GRID had enjoyed the performance, I even thought about bowing, but I felt it was in poor spirit. Had we'd gone with my plan, it would've taken substantially longer of a time-frame to complete. Regardless, the Superior ended the Subject's torment with a round of buckshot and left leaving me with an order to clean the Cell and display the corpse in the Plaza....  Easily done.

I've decided to withhold this event from the Recruits. They seem to look at me like the last ties to their Humanity, I will not tell them of this event of inhumanity, lest they lose their will and slip into madness.

At the end of the day... I ask "Why?"
Why do I allow myself to do these things?  Why am I not back in the Lab?  Why am I still APEX, because I enjoy tormenting the Citizens on some obscure level?  Why can I not tell the difference between the "Special" and the "Smooth" Breen's Waters?

I enjoy asking myself nonsensical questions, reminds me of a time when I had an interest in Social Interaction. ||::>

Saving File As: msg.00010
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Disconnecting Unit.887
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 07:25:58 PM by SaoulZod »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2011, 07:30:16 PM »
// You do know that OfCs+ can view this right?
// Because if I remember right what you did was borderline of hacking CCA computers...
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2011, 07:31:35 PM »
UNIT: 887

Enter Password: ************

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New File Started: msg.00011
To: Self
Subject: <No Subject>

<::|| I am absolutely thankful for having multiple Units active... but it is getting to the point that I am very annoyed about being the only one around with Medical or Technological backgrounds.  GRID and NOVA need to be active more often. Just me and a fist full of Recruits with the occasional High Command thrown in is getting very tiresome. I fixed the HAP, stitched someone's hand, detained MANY citizens and reworked Sociostability all in a matter of hours.

Just me.  One Unit.  This is very troublesome to me, APEX is not meeting what I'd expected, GRID and NOVA do not follow the paths either. There must be a Fourth option.  I am going to try and get in contact with the Sectorial Commander, perhaps he and I can decide something more fitting.  I'd seen shadows of a fourth Division. UA? Not sure what that is, but it seems to be the Wild Card group... I'll look into it. ||::>

Saving File As: msg.00011
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File Saved

Disconnecting UNIT.887
Console Shut Down.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2011, 07:34:02 PM »
// You do know that OfCs+ can view this right?
// Because if I remember right what you did was borderline of hacking CCA computers...

// Yeah, I am aware. :D 887 is too, to a varied degree.  Not exactly Hacking, all the consoles are intra-connected, as far as I understand. It's just opening through another filepath.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline Pirate Robot

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2011, 08:40:56 PM »
You do realise that UA stands for Unassigned...
And is a temporary stage.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2011, 09:05:41 PM »
You do realise that UA stands for Unassigned...
And is a temporary stage.

// I am aware. 887 is not.  I can not use OOC information ICly, that's Metagaming.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline Pirate Robot

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2011, 08:22:06 AM »
// Fuck you should know that IC  :P dum dum

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2011, 08:35:50 AM »
// Fuck you should know that IC  :P dum dum

// UA isn't exactly advertised, you know. lol.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||03.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2011, 10:13:59 PM »
UNIT: 887

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New File Started: msg.00012
To: Self
Subject: <No Subject>

<::|| Pretty good day, nothing out of the ordinary, up until the end...

Came out of stasis, called down to do an Interrogation and Amputation with 155; no hitches. Knife in the man's hand, split the metacarples, knife in the man's esophagus, he drowned in his blood and a slash through the jugular for good measure. Afterwards, second Interrogation. Bent the metal chair across the man's chest... he started talking quickly after that. No important information

Lots of clamping... oh always with the clamping.  Since we came back to City 18 that's all I've done. Clamp, clamp and more clamp. I'm going to talk to the High Command about the number of Reserve units we have, they're always in stasis, reaping the benefits of our labor.

Last off... a man turned in Contraband; standard format, he walked up and said he had something I might like. I inquired, then I think my jaw banged against the bottom of my mask.  The man turned in one of the Spas-12 Shotguns that 01+ uses. No ammunition, but you could tell it had been fired recently. Semi-Automatic variant, not the Pump that the CCA employs. Bore for 12 gauge rounds, customized hairpin trigger...  It was not a Civilian's weapon.... As far as I know, that man that told me about it died in Interrogation, I didn't see him for the rest of the night.  It was death in Interrogation or Amputation.  He wasn't going to leave that room alive.

155 did some training for one of the 04's. Training I wasn't required to get though, I asked about joining to receive it too, but she only called the other Unit down. I did feel a little dejected, but everything has it's place.  I will talk with her when I am out of Stasis again... I also need to talk to the NOVA-DvL... or OfC. Either/or. ||::>

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Disconnecting Unit.887
Console Shut Down.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.


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