Author Topic: <::||CmD.88740's Private Logs||::>  (Read 13286 times)

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||EpU.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2011, 03:28:01 AM »
UNIT: 887

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<::|| Today... oh my today....

Well. 160 was dealt with. Amputation, I assume... or "Off World Relocation". I'm not sure the difference between the two. The video evidence against him was MASSIVE.... not to mention a first hand account from a "Steve Blugger". His mouth was stitched shut, voice box removed.  Large amounts of blood loss caused nausea when he awoke, also light-headed. And... obviously unable to talk.  He was issued a Recruit Vocoder for the time being while he told me his story.  I removed it at the end and sent him on his way. 160 was called into the HCMR, there was a gunshot, then silence.  Blissful silence.  Unsanctioned manipulation of the Citizen and Recruit population is not acceptable by any means.

Halfway into training 619, I was ordered into the HCMR by the Sectorial Commander. When I'd gotten there, I knew what was going to happen.  Promotions.  Me, 602, 803, and 935.  The latter two were inducted into HELIX as 04. I was promoted to the EpU position as well, my heart skipped a beat for a moment though, 602 mixed up the pockets and pulled out a fist full of blackmarks instead... I'm glad it was only an accident.  I don't know what I could have done to get blackmarked... Regardless, the 04's, I was instructed to teach them so I taught them everything they needed to know and more. They were given Combat Training by me as well, a higher grade than 155 gives her Units. It also incorporated squad based interaction. It was very effective, thus far. My Auto-guns were VERY effective, even loaded with a very low powered bullet.  Felt like a hornet sting when it hit you. I superseded 155's training because these are the Units watching MY back.  I want them to be up to my standards, which are, sadly, higher than hers.

602 and I also constructed what he called the "Croot Crusher".  It was very effective. 803 never made it to the end, 129 did complete the course, though.  We had an unexpected guest towards the end.  The Sectorial Commander (Not the one giving the Amputation for 160, the other one) decided to awaken.  Not a big deal, we were engaged in clean up anyways.... I've packed up my auto-guns and put them in storage. I don't think I'll be using them for training for a while.

Recruit.568 is still missing.  I am expecting him to be inducted into the Overwatch program, though.  Lacking the creative side of his brain, he's literally useless to the CCA. You need the imagination in GRID, NOVA requires it to preform Critical Thinking and APEX definitely needs it to deal with SocioInstability. If he can not be inducted, I assume he will be terminated. ||::>

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« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 03:32:17 AM by SaoulZod »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Re: <::||01.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #46 on: August 18, 2011, 09:04:17 AM »
// I have felt a bunch of stress to always be on due to my CCA unit. That stress has been lifted. So its kind of a good thing 160 was OWRed, becuase I feel I can sleep earlier now. On another note, I can't believe the SeC actually messed up. Not that it matters, because he has the power to eliminate anyone that knows. Of course 129 would be able to get through the course, he's an 01. I do remember saying something about replacing 568's brain, now don't I? - The thoughts of The Mighty cookiemonstur
Kathryn Williams
Now in the trading business with Angus Buchanan.
Val'Nok Rotuk
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Ember Olliver (Tier-3)
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Does anyone else taste metal and see red?

Offline Pielolz

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Re: <::||01.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #47 on: August 18, 2011, 10:48:25 AM »
// I have felt a bunch of stress to always be on due to my CCA unit. That stress has been lifted. So its kind of a good thing 160 was OWRed, becuase I feel I can sleep earlier now. On another note, I can't believe the SeC actually messed up. Not that it matters, because he has the power to eliminate anyone that knows. Of course 129 would be able to get through the course, he's an 01. I do remember saying something about replacing 568's brain, now don't I? - The thoughts of The Mighty cookiemonstur

Why was 160 killed?...

Re: <::||01.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #48 on: August 18, 2011, 10:53:49 AM »
// Umm... I believe it was medical experimentation without authorization. I am also thinking grievous maltreatment of a citizen, but I could be wrong about that. All in all 160 fucked up, and that's the important thing.
Kathryn Williams
Now in the trading business with Angus Buchanan.
Val'Nok Rotuk
Lost in the canals.
Ember Olliver (Tier-3)
Enjoying her new CWU Winter Coat.
Look at my dress, my dress is amazing.
Does anyone else taste metal and see red?

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||01.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #49 on: August 18, 2011, 01:24:52 PM »
// I have felt a bunch of stress to always be on due to my CCA unit. That stress has been lifted. So its kind of a good thing 160 was OWRed, becuase I feel I can sleep earlier now. On another note, I can't believe the SeC actually messed up. Not that it matters, because he has the power to eliminate anyone that knows. Of course 129 would be able to get through the course, he's an 01. I do remember saying something about replacing 568's brain, now don't I? - The thoughts of The Mighty cookiemonstur

// You didn't have to tell us about 568. He was very sick during patrolling and was spoutting babble while in the medbay until he collapsed. He told us you did it. :D

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Re: <::||01.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #50 on: August 18, 2011, 02:31:00 PM »
// Bullshit. I did nothing to his brain.
Kathryn Williams
Now in the trading business with Angus Buchanan.
Val'Nok Rotuk
Lost in the canals.
Ember Olliver (Tier-3)
Enjoying her new CWU Winter Coat.
Look at my dress, my dress is amazing.
Does anyone else taste metal and see red?

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||01.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #51 on: August 18, 2011, 02:42:52 PM »
// Bullshit. I did nothing to his brain.

// Oh! No.  I did something with his brain.   It's actually in 887's storage... It replaced with a CyberNET

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Re: <::||01.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #52 on: August 18, 2011, 03:45:49 PM »
// Thanks a lot. So I get blamed for that. Well, I was going to be amputated anyway, do to the carnal maltreatment of a citizen and the unauthorized medical experimentation.
Kathryn Williams
Now in the trading business with Angus Buchanan.
Val'Nok Rotuk
Lost in the canals.
Ember Olliver (Tier-3)
Enjoying her new CWU Winter Coat.
Look at my dress, my dress is amazing.
Does anyone else taste metal and see red?

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||01.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #53 on: August 18, 2011, 10:21:58 PM »
// Thanks a lot. So I get blamed for that. Well, I was going to be amputated anyway, do to the carnal maltreatment of a citizen and the unauthorized medical experimentation.

You made out like a bandit, though.   Lost your requirement to stick around with CCA and got your OTA

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||EpU.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2011, 05:02:28 AM »
UNIT: 887

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<::|| Combat Training will now be mandatory for all Recruits and CCA units. Hand-to-hand combat will also be taught to all Recruits.

Two new changes I've gotten through one of the Sectorial Commanders. I now have to get a hold of UNIFORM's DvL to tell him... I don't even know who is holding that position anymore.

I've provided training for NOVA Units lately. I need to get a hold of their DvL, but he's more elusive than the escaped Unit.... Which did happen.  Why he was not outfitted with a tracking beacon, I'll never know.  I'm going to pitch the idea of a Bioscanner placed under the skin that has a locator beacon so this never happens again.   Poor bastard, I can only assume he's escaped into Outlands. Overwatch will most likely have him as high-priority. He knows CCA secrets up to 01's clearance... that's a good bit.  He also is able to open any biolock while out there... Disgusting.

I have yet to get in contact with APEX High Command, they're still missing as far as I can tell. ||::>

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you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||OfC.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #55 on: August 24, 2011, 05:49:43 AM »
UNIT: 887

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<::|| HELIX-OfC.887  I kind of like that. I wish I was told ahead of time that it was going to happen, but you can't have everything. My day had started with me getting out of stasis feeling my suit on awkwardly.   My suit had been changed in my sleep, nothing was sized correctly, but hey. It's a Promotion. Whoop, about time to start training the Units.  I'll get back to this log later... maybe.

Got a foot out of the Stasis Pod to see 305 standing by an open vent. Odd, so I went over to look and a damned Headcrab launched itself from the ventilation shaft.  I mean what the hell is going on with this place?  It must have gotten loose after Kill House training the other day... who knows how many more might be lurking in the vents.   It scratched my mask up somethin' fierce, but it's manageable.  Between trainings, I think I worked out one or two of the issues in my Auto-Guns. They don't need Cooled down nearly as long and I've increased the fire rate by 150%. They work amazingly well!

I've also started my recent weaponized project. Electrical Gas Grenades. It sounds endlessly more complicate than it really is.  It sounds difficult to make, but not very.  There are certain gels that can be created that are very conductive of electricity. I can make a device that ejects the gels out in every direction and send an electric charge to them.  My hoped use for these?  To be able to disable an entire room without major issue.  Pop the door, throw one in and POW... everything is stunned.  All electronics affected will be shorted out as well, that's a.... unique version.

I also plan to start my Scanner soon I don't expect much difficulty from it, it's rather straight-forward..., I got the go-ahead from 676... but he's... uh... yeah.  Turns out he had a brother! Who's now a Recruit. 767 are his brother's digits, rather strange to have the inverse. Maybe this new recruit will be less temperamental. I didn't know the old DvL personally, but rumors spread even in the CCA.

*Annoyed yell and slam of machinery* Not ten minutes... TEN DAMN MINUTES did one of my Units get out on the street before he got jumped and near killed.  803 was promoted today, I gave it to him, he seemed happy. A call came in, I dismissed him so he could go take it and then there's an 11-99 on the damn radio.  I left the Nexus with stretcher in hand, found him broken and bleeding outside of the Nexus Airlock with 117 standing over him....  I uncollapsed the stretcher, we got him on it and then him into the Medical Bay.  I couldn't watch, I had to go. I had to do something. Let it be known, staring out at the City from the top of that watch tower is kind of nice... ||::>

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you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||OfC.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #56 on: August 30, 2011, 08:00:20 AM »
UNIT: 887

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Subject: <No Subject>

<::|| Necrotics, Infection, and what the hell was that in the Cell?

Many, many Necrotics.  Many, many tears in my suit.   I've gone through two in the past week. It's pathetic. How do they keep getting into the City?  And where do they keep getting hosts from?  Headcrabs don't just sprout bodies like that. Once again, I was unable to collect many samples. I have been processing them in the time that I am due in the Stasis Chambers.. Regardless, I shall recount my "adventures" during these... eh.. Invasions.

First night:  Climbed out of my pod and hit the ground immediately. I could sense something was off, but I couldn't quite tell what it was. Tearing off my mask when I felt a wave of nausea was a great plan.  It seems they took my advice and changed the Antibiotics they give us. Sadly, I made my way down to the Nexus Airlock with my mask back on. When opening the door I was met with a strange sight, a line of Citizens on the wall and two Units standing at the HAP, guns in hand.   I tried asking what happened, no one said anything.  I felt invisible for a minute but that really quickly subsided when I found my ol' buddy 117.  He said my HELIX Unit lost his gun.  Well, my units, my responsibility.  The Unit (935) said he lost it in Apartment C2.  No biggie, I headed that way to deal with it myself.  Pushing my way into the Lobby of the UCH I was met with an eerie silence. It wouldn't have taken a biologist to know the building was infected.  The walls were starting to blacken from the corpsely vapors and I could feel my migraine getting worse. Skipping the first two floors, I went straight to C. I felt jumpy, looking behind myself often when hearing light scratching on the wooden floors.  APEX training had taught me to move in dead silence, no pun intended, which seemed to do very well as when I reached the room it pushed open with ease.  The lock had been shot off, it seemed someone had breached it already, but inside the room was probably the reason as to WHY it was breached.  There were dozens of Necrotics packed into the small apartment. I hadn't sooner tried to shut the door than did one turn to me.  I stared where it's eyes should have been and it felt like it was staring back.  I could feel my body tense up and my every fiber of my being screaming "RUN!" And I did run... but not out. I ran into the crowd.  Pulling my knife and pistol out, there was a flurry of action and gunshots.

Sooner or later I found myself half buried in dead(-er) Necrotics, spent clips of ammunition littered the room and I could feel the warm night's air on my back, my suit had been breached. I looked out the window, seeing 935 down at the Nexus HAP.  I couldn't let him down, it would betray everything I had taught the Recruits of his Class and my own HELIX Units... the gun needed to be found. I sifted through the bodies, plunging my knife through dead Headcrab after dead Headcrab.  I had been jumped by one in the past and didn't want a repeat experience.  I thought I had seen a glint of metal near the Refrigerator and moving to it I abruptly felt paralyzed by fear as a heard the horrid rattling sound of the Black Headcrabs. Making a quick scan of the room, I did not see it, but every time I got near the fridge, the rattling sound would go off. Dropping the clip in my sidearm and replacing it, I slipped my knife away, there was no way in hell that I was going to get THAT close to those creatures.  I'd known them to bring down much stronger men than I. With a shaky hand, I opened the fridge and jumped back to see the Black Beast "staring" at me, it's long legs wrapped around what looked to be a limb of sorts, maybe an arm.  I emptied the clip into it, even it's tough hide wouldn't have been able to take all of the shots. Staring down at my prize, the glinting metal at the foot of the refrigerator, picking it up... it was a kitchen knife. Disappointment and rage started to rock my body and I slid the knife into my belt, kicking the bathroom door open harshly to search there as well, I was met with a gruesome sight. A headcrab was coupling with a citizen, the poor sap was still trying to struggle, I knew I couldn't do anything for them, so I unclipped one of my HE grenads, pulled the pin and left it clenched in the Citizen's hand.  Hustling out back to the hallway to catch my breath, I heard the tell-tale crack of the grenade going off... I may not like these Citizens... but they don't deserve a "life" like that.

Peeking my head around to the stairway, I started to get curious.  Maybe in all the hustle, the Unit got the number wrong.  I raced up the stairs, happy to get the hell out of the Apartments if I could, I turned the corner blindly to get into the Floor D hallway and was met with a strike that almost threw me back down the stairs.  A behemoth of a Zombie was staring at me.  I hadn't come across this before, FOUR black headcrabs were latched to the poor being.  Gasping for air briefly, I pointed my pistol at it and squeezed to hear a sound that froze my blood... Empty Clicking. Ripping my knife out, and the kitchen knife, I made the lunge for the beast.  The inferior Citizen's blade snapped off in one of the Headcrabs, nailing it to the fiend. I stabbed up with my hunting knife, and felt the familiar squish of brain matter pouring down my hand as I nailed the monstrosity through the jaw. I shoved the behemoth back and felt warmth in my suit again.  Skin was ruptured.  I knew it was a matter of time before their infected claws had their necrotic virus in me.  Even with the new Antibiotics, I knew how it would go... burning pain, like someone lit your bones on fire followed my hemorrhaging and death. I didn't want that.  What message would that send to the others?  Some a-hole lone wolfing it into unknown territory to be taken down by a damned virus.

I pushed into the Floor D, feeling exhaustion setting on.  Normal Headcrab "Zombies", nothing.  I was able to dispatch a dozen of them unarmed. The skinny-boney ones that jump, though... Terrors. They can rip through even my ELITE graded Kevlar. I shudder to think what happens to a Recruit, their armor is basically wet paper. I may be getting sidetracked, though. With the now useless pistol of mine in a pocket, I moved to the first door and felt mentally defected for a minute as I unslung my shotgun. Blowing the door off the hinges, I kept firing, not wanting a repeat of the floor below me. I pumped and squeezed until the gun clicked, everything felt so fluid, like it was a movie. I swung the gun up, grabbed it by the smoking barrel and used it like a club, bashing apart a couple of the Necrotics. I'd beaten at least nine down before I calmed and looked at the situation.  It looked like someone had rammed the bodies into a meat grinder. There was blood and chunks of rotting flesh everywhere. I could feel the almost slimy gore drip onto my skin... I had lost my sleeve in the ordeal. I searched the room thoroughly... nothing again. Bits of meat and claws hung to what was left of my suit as I trudged to the next room. I looked behind me in another bout of paranoia and startled myself. There was a line of fresh blood following behind me, I couldn't feel the injury, but I knew it was there. Clean cut, the worst kind of laceration you can get. Reaching the second door on the Floor, I heard the familiar chain-like patter of footsteps rushing up the stairs.  Overwatch had been called in.  I quickly ducked back into the first room, stripped down and bandaged myself as much as possible.

I hadn't ever been happy to see the Overwatch before. I always regarded them as mindless bags of metal... but one of the KING actually seemed to show compassion. He held out his hand, we shook.  It was crazy... he motioned for me to leave and I did just that. No excuses. I trudged back to the Nexus HAP, walked by both 117 and 935. Holding my head high, even in my mission's failure. I felt like a god.  I've told no one about what went on in that Apartment Complex. Somehow I think they would believe me weak to have been overcome. I ducked into the Training Room, it's become my haven. I repaired my armor briefly, but left the mask scarred... it seems fitting somehow.

I will write about the Second and Third nights another time.  It's time for me to hit Stasis. ||::>

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you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline Yimmy The Cat

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Re: <::||OfC.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #57 on: August 30, 2011, 10:03:53 PM »
// is one of those other stories me chocking the shit out of your RCT?
What starts off as a joke soon becomes a gamemode.

I envy you :'(  Did you furiously pull your cock off until your penis shot pure childrens tears?

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Re: <::||OfC.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #58 on: August 30, 2011, 10:25:09 PM »
// 'Couldn't let him down..' What?

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: <::||DvL.887's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2011, 08:00:08 AM »
UNIT: 887
CLEARANCE: Division Leader

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Subject: Self-Specific Updates

<::|| **AUDIO LOG**

I haven't much felt like typing so I've implemented an old speech-to-text program to my Datapad and routed it to access these logs. Rather simple.  I find myself to be the only Unit active, well only visible one, and find myself greatly bored.  I've hit my glass-ceiling, nothing left to strive for. But now I command a small army. They're all rather loyal, out of respect or fear... either is acceptable. I also find myself to be rather alone on my island.  Finding intelligent conversation is next to impossible in the recent days. The closest thing to intelligence I found was in an Anti-Citizen. We were able to talk on end about our differing philosophies, and I actually converted him to the Combine World before I amputated him. It was rather amusing.  I've also stopped harming the Subjects in interrogation. Why?  Hurt someone enough and they'll tell you how Stonehenge was built. They'll tell you anything to make the pain stop.

*brief pause*

I am in the process of improving my armor. Ceramic plating, inner-chainmails and biogel injection systems.  Now that I am Division Leader, I can do such things.  My only hangup is weight.  I have no augmentations that I know of... unless they've been slipping me them while I am in stasis, which I rarely am... I sit in a backroom of the Nexus and build. All of my projects... insanity. Mixtures of mechanics, biologicals and combat techniques.  Thinking of new courses to run my Units through. The constant reoccurring factor is the Unit's mortality.  Just a pesky thing.  Maybe I can just weaponize the Necrotics better.  It wouldn't be too difficult. 913 had a fairly good idea... Canisters filled with Headcrabs to be launched into Anti-Citizen areas... but I would really rather remove the facts of Friendly Fire.  I don't want the Necrotics coming back after me if we go to view the progress. ||::>

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you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.


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