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Topics - Kevin

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General Discussion / Goodbye Catalyst Gaming
« on: October 24, 2011, 09:23:11 PM »
I know many of you don't know, because a lot of players left and only new players remain, but here goes.
I haven't been on the server at all in the past 3 months. If you are wonderring why, a few reasons. First- my main character died, he was the OfC of NOVA a while back, which is why I quit mainly, but while I'm at it I might as well say some stuff about people.

First off, lets start with RoflWaffle- Rofl you seem cool enough, and sorry when I annoyed you on many occasions on steam.

RTLK- Your the type who I feel sorry for, about the things you've gone through, but the shit on CG, why people hate you, you did it to youself, you just made bad decisions, and we all do at some point

Burning Bullet and Yankee- You guys were by far both of my favorites, but when you left, I lost interest. You both were cool.

Bokslag and Fear- You guys are both of the best RPers I've ever seen, and Fear, you'll be missed. Bokslag, I'll see you elsewhere.

SkeptiK- never played much with you, but I liked you.

Now for the people I hate, I'm not saying anything in fear that I'll come back and rage.

Leomarr... and thats about it for now. I blanked out.

Oh, one last thing- Monkey With A Gun, you are by far my favorite admin, and you will be missed. You always listenned, unlike other admins, and always helped me with tough situations in game. You were a great Rper and a good friend. I'll talk to you on steam buddy.

I might get on the server on the rare occasion, but probably for good,

     Goodbye, Catalyst gaming, you were by far my favorite server until all these douchebags showed up.

IC Chat / Beans + Beef's journal
« on: September 22, 2011, 08:07:56 PM »
(It is very sloppy writing, many of the words are misspelled- as Beans is illiterate. Beef is a little better, but not by much)

beenz- 2dae i fined diss book. i take it 2 beef and he say write in. i start to write in.

a number daes ugo me and beef hungri, so wee fined a man lie sleep, so i take him to beef, and we ate. he yummy. denn nextday we go and fined pretty laydy, so i tell her folloe, she duz. i taek off pant and try show luv, she no like, denn lady come in wiht gunn and try kil me.


Denied PK Appeals / 527's ban Appeal (Chunkey approves)
« on: September 21, 2011, 04:11:26 PM »
Name: OOC- Bowser93
RP Name (at time of ban): CCA.C18.NOVA-OfC.527
STEAM ID: Unsure at this time
Reason: Death
Length: Perma
Banner: Unsure- Gmayn I think. Something with a G and a modified man
Why should you be unbanned?: Because the only reason I killed 527 is because he was he was to be amputated anyways. I just wanted to make it a little more interesting. I want to void everything 527 has done starting from the angry log. I assumed NOVA was gone for good, which is why I killed him. Also- my friend Tommy Rodrigez was killed in the shootout. If he can too be unbanned, that'd be great. I realize that I would not regain my Officer position, as I assume 813 took it, but I am at least asking that he come back, and as either EpU/01. If 527 does not get banned, however, I am okay. I will just work my way back up the ladder the where I was.
Possible evidence of misunderstanding: No misunderstanding- just regret.

IC Chat / The life and times of 527
« on: September 18, 2011, 11:52:14 AM »
February 20th, 1984
   “Congratulations, Ms. Neill!”
   Several people peered into the doctor’s arms to admire the new child. He began to wipe the child gently with a towel, as Ms. Neill began to speak, “Can I hold him?”
   The doctor slowly placed the wrapped infant into her arms, “Michael,” she said, softly.
   Michael Neill was born into a lower middle-class family, in Boston, Massachusetts. His father was an Irish immigrant, who left his home when he was very young to start his own life. His mother was born into the same circumstances as himself. It was a cold February morning when Michael Neill began his life, and no-one could have guessed how important his life would be.

May 10th, 1998
   By this time, Michael had gone through years of school, and he was now 14 years of age. He went to Boston Latin Academy, in Boston. He was a relatively smart boy, except the occasional D in math or latin. Being the scrawny and skinny boy he was, it was only normal he was picked on. The thing most kids didn’t know, except for his closest friends- Michael Neill had a raging temper, that would build and build until it would explode- which happened very rarely.
   On a warm May morning, a boy decided it would be funny to start pushing Michael around, about 4 other kids joined in, and Michael was tossed around the circle like a ragdoll. His temper was building, he was on the verge of crying, when suddenly, it exploded. The ring-leader was about to get the worst of it, “Stop!” He cried out, he kept on being pushed, “Stop!” He yelled again. Boom. “I said f******stop, you fat f****** piece of shit! Nobody at this school likes you, f****** douche!” The pushing stopped, and Michael drove his fist into the bully’s nose. His lips began to quiver, as Michael pushed his way out of the circle to his locker down the hall. All the boys and girls in the hallway stared, they stared at Michael and the bully for a few moments, and continued their day.

October 21st, 2002
   Michael Neill had begun college, and all looked well for his future. He was interested in joining a career based around law enforcement, whether it be a lawyer, or joining the police force. He planned on becoming one of the best.

September 8th, 2008
   Michael had taken a path he hadn’t expected. He went through a year of college with doubts about becoming a lawyer. He wanted to change his path, and because of influence from his friends and family, took a medical route instead. He was average within his class, and showed a hunger for learning. He would eventually finish college, without hope of finding anyone looking for someone in his position, so he thought he would wait. He would wait until 2015, despite all the pushing from his family to get a career.

February 17th, 2015
   It had started. The Combine invasion was underway. People were either running around the city, or staring up at the combine ships in the sky. Michael and his roommate were hiding in their apartment when they burst in and repeatedly hit them until they fell unconscious. Michael woke up in a train, he sat there, looking around at the people surrounding him, some were either passed out, or sitting there silent, wondering what the hell was happening.
   When they arrived at their destination, men in military-like suits with gasmasks were handing blue jumpsuits to those stepping off the train. Speakers were blaring the message, “Welcome to C18, or City eighteen. Please wear your citizen jumpsuit at ALL times, and listen to the following rules- “Michael listened closely at the rules. They were absurd, some banned simple things, such as, “Running or jogging of any kind IS PROHIBITTED!” Michael listened to the rules, thinking them through, and how unfair and stupid they were.

January 21st, 2016
   Michael had been in the city for almost a year. He knew how the cities worked, and got set up in an apartment. One man, “Ghost” he called himself, had even given Michael a gun- for free, it was a USP Match 9mm.
   On a gray January afternoon, Michael was sitting in the trainstation, alone. Except for a single man, sitting on a suitcase in the corner of the station. The two sat silently, and suddenly, the man stood up, and approached Michael, “The name’s Jordan, You?”
   Michael stared for a moment, and then replied, “Michael. Neill. You new?”
   He nodded. Michael and Jordan talked for an hour or so, about the rules, the CP, the Combine, and all things of that matter. Michael stood, and motioned for Jordan to follow. The two jogged down the street, when suddenly, a CP stepped from the corner, stunstick lit. “Oh great. A slap-happy f****in’ recruit.” Michael though. Jordan froze, Michael was relaxed. “Wall!”
   Michael obeyed, suddenly remembering his gun. He stood, against the wall, stunned, as the recruit patted him down. “My god…” the CP muttered through his mask. He turned, and spoke inaudibly in his mask. He turned back to Michael, holding the pistol with two fingers like it was covered in acid. He slid the pistol into an empty holster, and whacked at Michael until he fell unconscious. He was dragged away. He woke up in a bland room with only a table and a chair. A CP asked questions that Michael could not or would not answer. He was beaten unconscious again, and woke up on a bench, next to Jordan. He felt his face, he was covered in bruises and felt dry blood all over his head.

January 24th, 2016
   “175 tokens?”
   “Kind of expensive, don’t yeh think?”
   “Look, do you want it or not?”
   Michael handed the man 175 tokens, he dropped a pistol on the ground and rushed out, Jordan looked at him as he stormed out, and Michael picked up the pistol, cocking it, “This thing is badass!” Michael exclaimed.
   “Damn right. And you only put me in debt by 20 tokens!” muttered Jordan, a bit annoyed.
   The two walked out of the un-owned apartment quickly, and ran up the stairs onto the D2 bridge, they jogged across and ran into a young looking, pretty woman. “Whoa hey! Sorry.” Said Michael, Jordan looked her up and down, nervously.
   “Eh… hi… do you guys happen to be uhm…” She got between Michael’s and Jordan’s heads. “Are you resistance members?” She asked quickly
   Jordan and Michael looked at eachother, and Michael looked back to her and said, “No. But we are armed.” Michael replied as he lifted up his shirt, showing the scratched up pistol in his waistband.
   The girl’s mouth dropped open, and the trio walked briskly to the pizza shop, about a block away. When they got in, they were greeted by 2 malnourished looking men. The 5 of them talked for a short time, and discussed the need for weapons. When they finished, Jordan and Michael snuck back into District one, and entered Jordan’s apartment. Michael had gotten into a close call, he was jogging out of an alleyway when a CP spotted him, he was beaten, and luckily his pistol was not found.
   Because of that, Michael turned his pistol into a GRID unit, which was then known as GEAR. When he did, the unit looked at him, and shooed him away. The next morning, Michael met a man hiding behind a vending machine. The man offered him black market. Michael knew better, Michael asked what he was selling, as he gripped his request device. The man suddenly called out to the nearby CPs that Michael was selling black market, Michael went up to them, and tried to explain his case, but it was no use. He, along with the other citizen, was dragged into the interrogation room. Questions were asked, but Michael could not answer them.
   Michael was being tortured, he told the CP that he turned in a pistol, and the CP stopped. He radioed something, as he left the room, and returned moments later, with a higher ranking unit. He was dragged into the training room, and set up against the wall. This wouldn’t turn out well. The 01 counted down, when he reached one, he yelled fire. Michael felt a burning sensation on his lower back, twice, he had felt it hit. He had been shot twice in the lower back, and then fell limp.
   The day before Michael was to be amputated, he had turned in his CCA application.

January 27th, 2016
   Michael didn’t know what happened the day before, but he didn’t question it. He had survived, and for some reason, was kept alive. He put on his Civil Protection uniform, and was guided into the room was he previously shot in, the blood on the wall was gone. A unit went through radio commands, verdicts, etiquette, and a few basic training subjects. He was patrolling by the next day.

February 20th, 2016
   Michael could not have asked for a better birthday present. He was patrolling one day, when a heavily armed anti-citizen was called in within the 45th apartments. About 2 weeks before, all the CCA units and citizens were transferred over to City 45. Michael- now known as CCA.C45.NOVA-04.527, was patrolling on a daily basis.
   527 rushed to the 45th, all the citizens were in the lobby, being guarded by multiple units, one of which was 040, the future APEX DVL- he was then an UNASSIGNED 03. Units were shot down as the man was hunted through the building, the higher ranking units got shot down first, as the lower ranking units rushed up the stairs. Finally, It came to the fact that the 04’s and 03’s would have to go up and attempt to take this anti-citizen down.
   040 led the charge upstairs, the group consisted of about 4 units, 527 included. On the third floor, they met him, bullets sped past them in the hallway, shotgun shells peppered 527, the small pellets did little damage on his armor. The 4 units fired shot after shot from their near useless pistols, when the anti-citizens peeked his out from behind the wall, 527 fired, the bullet took him down. 527 felt as if he was on top of the world.

   February 24th, 2016   
   527 peered up and down the streets, searching for Jordan, or Rodie, who was also 527’s very good friend. Suddenly, 527 spotted Rodie, dragging himself along the sidewalk, he looked upset. 527 took Rodie to a private shadowy spot, where they could speak. “Where is Jordan? I need to talk to him about something important.” 527 asked, Rodie looked at his feet, sniffling, “Jordan… 069… 069 killed Jordan…” Rodie murmured.
   527 froze for a few minutes, he slowly took off his faceplate and wept. He cried for at least an hour. Jordan was 527’s only friend, besides Rodie. Rodie was all 527 had left, and a few days later, 527 would be alone, for Rodie would be brainwashed, and killed.
   527 was alone. All alone. Until Tommy Rodrigez, Jordan’s son had arrived, in search of his father. Tommy arrived in the city the day after Jordan died. 527 explained to him what Rodie has explained to him. Tommy and 527 cried together.
   It would be the last time 527 cried in the rest of his short life.

June 2nd, 2016
   527 was now Officer of NOVA. He was high command. He was in charge. Eventually 509 would become Commander, the SeC’s second in command, and 117 would return from very long term stasis to lead NOVA. But before this, 527 was transformed into a horrible monster.

May 23rd, 2016 (Back a little bit.)
   “Filthy civi!” Barked 527, at a homeless citizen
   “I-I” He coughed, “I have n-no other choice!” pleaded the citizen
   “Stand up! Now!” shouted 527
   The man slowly stood, using the wall to balance himself. The citizen was older than most, maybe about 50 or 60. He had ripped clothes, he was missing shoes, and he had a horrible cold. As the man stood, 527 threw a punch right into his jaw, his head snapped to the right, blood spurted from his mouth, along with a tooth, the old man whimpered. “Just stay still… it’ll go faster…” Tommy said softly.
    A crowd gathered, watching 527 beat the living hell out of the elderly man. Punch after punch, the old man tried to stumble away, Tommy blocked his patch, and 527 took his collar, and kicked his teeth in. Suddenly, a younger looking citizen stepped forward, and grabbed 527’s armor. The citizen was about 20, Tommy pushed the citizen off of 527.
   527 snapped around, and yelled at Tommy to watch the old man. 527 used his shotgun as a club to knock the citizen his knees, he then slung it, and whacked him multiple times in the face with his stunstick. A DvL came from the Nexus, and ordered 527 to do what is necessary and finish wailing on citizens. So 527 dragged the old man into the Nexus.
   “Any final words?” 527 muttered
   The old man sobbed, from pain and from sadness, “Y-You are a monster… Why do you kill?”
   527 lowered his pistol, and replied with, “I kill only when I need to. I protect you citizens and I only get it thrown in my face! Do you know how many necrotics I’ve killed. How many exogens I’ve killed? How many anti-citizens I’ve killed? I’ve killed them all for you heartless citizens!”
   The old man continued to cry, and 527 came out with, “Why are you crying? Fear is a useless emotion. Fear leads to paranoia, paranoia leads to insanity, insanity leads to the attacking of other innocent people.”
   527 raised his pistol to the man’s head, “Fear. Fear is a useless emotion.” Said 527, as he squeezed the trigger. The innocent old man fell limp at 527’s feet.

May 1st, 2016 (Back a bit further)
   A group Arabs filled the plaza. “Israeli swine!” Shouted one, it was directed at Tommy  Jeer after jeer was yelled at Tommy. He couldn’t take it, he yelled back, and two of the Arabs confronted Tommy. They pushed him, and insulted him more.
   527 jolted from behind a corner, and picked up one of the Arabs by the neck, “Why do you terrorize this man!?” demanded 527.
   The Arab’s eyes widened, he showed fear in his expression, though he could not talk. 527 dropped him, and he fell to his knees. 527 whipped out his stunstick, and whipped him in the face with it, “if you continue to terrorize Tommy, I’ll terrorize you!” And with that, 527 stormed off. Everyone stared at the Arab and Tommy, one citizen patted 527 on the back.

September 10th, 2016
   After 527’s long term leave, and the Move from City45 to City8 and back to City18, things took a turn for the worst. NOVA was shut down, and 527’s rank revoked. 501 was in charge of NOVA while 527 was away, instead 501 shot 676, the GRID DvL and ran off to the outlands. Not because of this, but because of the need for NOVA units, was NOVA shut down. 527 worked hard, and all his work, destroyed.
   One day while in stasis, he wrote an angry log, expressing his newfound hatred of 887, and HELIX, the division that took over NOVA. 527 also expressed his hate of 145, the Commander. He made a horrible decision, because his killswitch was activated. If he decided to leave City18, he would fall dead. Instead, he stayed in stasis for about a month.

October 11th, 2016
   527 stepped out of the Nexus, into the cool fall air. His NOVA patch was displayed on his arm, and he strode through the plaza, people staring. About 2 newer units stared at his NOVA patch, confused. 527 stormed into Tommy’s apartment, pacing. Messages on the radio were shouted out by the UNIFORM Officer 620, who stated that 527 was out of stasis. About a day after he wrote his log, 252 labeled him rogue. All units in City18 knew there was a BOL for 527.
   527 thought for a few minutes, and ripped his pistol from his holster, and tossed it to Tommy, as he took his shotgun from its sling, the duo went up the stairs, and out onto the bridge. One unit looked up, noticing a citizen holding a gun, 527 appeared next to him, 527 heard on his radio, “I have him! I see him!”
   Before the unit could draw his gun, 527 yelled, “Tommy, open fire!” bullets rained down on the citizens and CP’s, none of the shots hit, and the two ran into District 2. They hid in an apartment until they heard the footsteps and gear shaking go away. 527 took a folded MP7 from his backpack, and slid it on the ground to Tommy, along with about 5 loaded magazines, Tommy looked at 527, bewildered, but asked no questions, and slid a magazine into the gun.
   The unit and the citizen proceeded to the Nexus roof, 527 opening the D2 airlock. 527 set up a simple barricade with ease. The two waited for what seemed likes hours, 527 went out onto the overwatch tower, and fired down upon HELIX unit 350. He hit him, and cheered, returning to the barricade.
   The heavy steps of approaching Cp’s was heard, and Tommy looked at 527, calmly saying, “This is it. This is where we take a stand. For Jordan, for freedom, for family.” Tommy cocked his MP7 and aimed at the airlock.
   Just as 527 returned to the barricade, 155 appeared in the airlock doorway, and tossed a flash, it hit the table, and the two ducked, neither of them phased by the flash. The 2 rogues and the officer fired at eachother, none of their shots hitting. 527 ran out of ammo, dropping his shotgun, just then, a flash rolled to Tommy’s feet, and the two fell down in pain. 527 heard a shotgun fire, and looked to his right.
   Tommy way laying motionless on the ground, in a pool of his own blood. He was holding 527’s pistol, the pistol 527 used since he was a recruit. Tommy’s body was riddled with tiny holes, from the shotgun pellets, his mouth twitching slightly as he slipped away.
   527 stood slowly, glaring at 155, who tossed yet another flash, 527 stayed standing, stumbling backwards into the table. Just as he opened his eyes, he saw 155 squeeze the trigger of her shotgun. The burning sensation hit his whole chest. 527 fell face forward, his facemask cracking. Citizens looked up from what they were doing, sensing that something had happened. 527 was laying face down on the concrete roof, shards of his facemask were scattered around, his pale face submerged in a thin layer of blood and dirt. In his clenched fist was a balled up picture of a pre-war Jordan and Michael, which he kept in his vest since he was a recruit.

Michael Neill- 527, A wannabe rebel gone CP- Me (Tray)
CCA.C18.NOVA-OfC.527- Michael Neill, previous officer of NOVA- Me (Tray)
Jordan Rodrigez- Michael Neill’s best friend since before the war- eGF_Adam
Tommy Rodrigez- Jordan Rodrigez’s son, 527’s friend
Rodie Burns- Jordan’s good friend- MonkeyWithAGun
James Tavener- Tommy’s good friend, CWU- MonkeyWithAGun
CCA.C18.APEX-OfC.155- 527’s killer- Juggernaut
CCA.C18.NOVA-OfC(A).501- Acting Officer while 527 was gone- fear

(If you wanna re-read the ending while listening to this, it is epic.)

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / My Inactivity
« on: September 12, 2011, 03:26:32 PM »
For those who care (I'd rather not deal with, "NOONE CARES WHERE YOU ARE!11!!" at the moment) I will be less active then I hope to be. Due to school, people, and other games that I've gotten into. The following characters are ones I play as-

Kristen Herold
CCA.C18.NOVA/UNASSIGNED/HELIX/Whatever the fuck I am-527
Stevie Young

I WILL TRY TO BE AS ACTIVE AS POSSIBLE! I am usually only on 1-2 hours on a weekday, I will try to spend it on hl2rp, though sometimes, as we all know, we need breaks. On the weekends I am around most of the time, if not, you can reach me by PMing me, if you need to for whatever reason. I check the forums daily, though I am not always on the server.

IC Chat / Akio Yamamoto's final days
« on: July 22, 2011, 10:15:50 AM »
Akio had been in Tokyo his whole life, and when the cities were set up, he stayed in tOkyo. City 8. Time passed, the same thing day in and day out. But one day, a city worth of Americans and British people showed up. Just great, just what this city needed. White devils. But with it came two new friends. Aiko Domovoi and Ichiro. The two shouted at the Americans in their native language of Japanese. They never understood. Good.

The trio hated the white people. You were white? So what. They hate you. But Ichiro gave Aiko and Akio a radio each, to keep in contact with each other. One day while using it, a white woman heard Akio on the radio. Claire Finn. Akio saw her take out her request device, and Akio bolted into an alleyway, running through to the junkyard. He hid there like a rat. He hated it.  He soon went to get his ration, his paranoia gone, but the woman was there. She pointed him out, and Akio quickly threw his radio to the ground. Akio pointed at it, and the a unit picked it up. Akio was taken from the line and searched. The woman had been sure that he had it, but Akio denied it all. When the units finally agreed to detain Akio, he was nowhere to be found. He was sprinting down the street, towards the junkyard.

He had found a way to a bridge near the Apartments. He could shimmey along into the nearest one without falling. Noone noticed Akio climbing across the windows, and Akio fell into an apartment, he heard the door to it open, his heart stopped. He hid behind a wall, and a woman walked into the kitchen, "Akio!" The woman yelled, it was Aiko. Akio breathed a sigh of relief. "They are looking for you, Akio, hide here." Akio did so for about a few hours, before going back outside. He saw Claire in the apartments lobby one day, and Akio pulled out a knife he had found in the junkyard. "No honor." Akio said. The CWU owning the building, Dmitri, just stared in awe. He had trusted Akio, the two had talked before. Like friends. Akio poked Claire in the finger with the knife, drawing her blood, but without pain. He put the knife away, running out the back door of the lobby as multiple people called for help.

He hid more. And one day, was found by 155. She brought him in, she asked about this whole goose chase, what he had done. Akio played like he was trying to better himself, it worked, he was not killed, he was spared twice while behind 155's gun. He was set free. But with a quest. He was to find this "Salesman" a rebel, and tell the Cp's when he had found him. Akio didn't do anything to find him, but instead went right back to stalking Claire, and selling drugs to citizens. The civis ate all his product up. It was just weak paracetamols, just for helping for headaches and pains, but it was enough for the junkies. He bathed in money, he was possibly one of the richest civis in the city, with 4,000 tokens in his pocket.

Akio stupidly told Dmitri he was a spy for the CP, he was a rebel, and Dmitri called the CPs. Akio was tied up and dragged into the nexus, Akio knew Dmitri snitched. Akio WOULD draw Dmitris blood, as he did Claires. Dmitri watched as Akio was dragged away, Akio kept a black expression, while Dmitri's eyes filled with fear and paranoia. Akio was thrown into the same room, "You failed me!" Yelled 155, but Akio denied it all. He once again talked his way out of death. But 155 shot Akio in the foot, gave Akio a black eye, and cut off Akio's ring finger. But he was alive. Akio just watched Dmitri do his work in the crowded streets, he noticed Akio, but kept up the work. He quickly finished it and ran inside, Akio waited. When a CWU finally came out, Akio asked to see Dmitri. Dmitri came out 5 minutes later, fear in his eyes.

"You know why I had to rreport you... you are a rebel..." Dmitri explained. "I no rebel, I work for Cp, I spy on rebel!" Akio replied. Dmitri was dumbfounded, when Akio said he was a rebel, he misunderstood what Akio meant... he fell to the ground crying. Akio sneered at him and called him names. "baby. You have no honor. you cry like child." Dmitri wailed on the ground, numb with fear. Akio called for the CP, and they came to take Dmitri back inside. The next day, 040 and 155 dragged Akio inside the nexus. "What I do now?" Akio demanded. "You failed me, and our cause!" shouted 155. "I know fail." Akio mutterred. 155 drew her gun, andut it to Akios head, But Akio shook his head, spitting in 155's face. "You are horrible person, no honor. You are monster." Akio said numbly. 155 drew her knife. She stabbed through Akio's hand, "You no break me..." gasped Akio, 155 pulled it out, slitting Akio's wrist. Akio bit his lip, trying not to scream out. Akio would not break. 155 then jabbed her knife into Akio's groin, Akio gasped out for air, but he found none. She then withdrew the knife, jabbing it into his lung. Akio gasped for air, but once again, to no avail. He slid out of the chair, his vision blurry, "You... no h-honor..." said Akio with his last breath, 155 drew her pistol, and put it to Akio's head, Akio weakly shook his head, the last thing he saw was the barrel of 155's pistol.

IC Chat / Michael Neill's transformation into NOVA-OfC.527
« on: July 15, 2011, 08:54:27 PM »
NOTE- I made this because I am extremely bored, and thought eh, why the hell not make a life story for 527. (It's super interesting I think)

Michael Neill walked out of the trainstation into the cool fall air. This was day one for him in City 18, and this was only the beginning for him. He walked birskly down the street, glancing at an 04 beating the living shit out of a citizen. Everyday stuff. Michael wasn't one for making friends. He was a college dropout, couldn't give two shits, and looked like a living nightmare. Malnourished. Depressed. A normal citizen.
Days passed, and Michael still knew nobody within the city. The person he knew best was probably a man who came up to him one day. He looked diferrent. He said his name was, "Ghost." He sounded like he was in a hurry, and quickly asked Michael if he needed a gun... a gun... Michael, without hesitation, nodded, and the man tossed a gun into his hands, a 9mm USP Match pistol. Michael started digging around for tokens, but the man said it was free, and ran back into D2. Michael was amazed, but he knew the man was only giving it to him to get it out of his own hands. To keep himself from being amputated.
A week or so passed. And one day he was sitting around the trainstation. "Hey." A voice rang out in the empty station, "The names Jordan, you?" Michael just stared, why should he care that this asshole was named Jordan?  "I'm Michael. Neill."  Jordan sat next to him on the bench, tossing his empty suitcase aside. They spent a long time talking. Jordan was from Israel, and had no family except for his son, who was presumed to be dead.
The duo left the station, they started jogging, as no CP's were around. But out of the blue, a recruit chased them down, "Wall. Now." Instead of the regular beating, they were searched for some reason.
"Sir, we got a pistol on this one..." Jordan looked over at Michael, nearly fainting. "I swear.. I-I didn't..." Michael started sputtering gibberish, but it was no use. Michael was sent into the Nexus, on the verge of going insane. He was thrown away in a cell, and thank god for the stupid units at the time, because henot killed. He exited the nexus later, bloodied, and morale at an all time low. "Hey..." said Jordan, who was sitting on a bench in the plaza. "Hi..." Muttered Michael.  From then on, the two were ALWAYS together. The two were like brothers. Family.
They found their way into D2, and stupidly pooled their money to buy another gun. A pistol once again. They met up with a girl named 'Sky Peirson' She and her friends, including Michael and Jordan, would make a small rebel cell within D2. They had no attacks, but they hated the CP, and were armed. Enough to get them killed. Michael one day turned in his pistol, to a female unit... he could never remember the Unit number...
But she didn't tell her superiors, she just took it and walked away. Michael then sent in a CCA application, hoping to get in just for the status. But then one day, a man in the shadows came out to Michael, "Hey, I'm a blackmarket dealer... want some shit?" Michael gripped his reuest device, "Like what?" The man smirked, pulling out a request device, "I got a man here across the plaza trying to buy blackmarket items from me." The two were tied and thrown into interrogation.
Michael glared at the man for hours, while explaining to the CP that he was in fact trying to request the CP on him. They didn't believe him. They were going to detain him when suddenly, "But I turned in a pistol a few days ago!" The CP stopped, backing away from him. "He radioed in. "Sir, we have a civi here who had Level 1 contraband, orders?" Michael's heart stopped. He had butterflies in his stomach. He didn't know what to say. He was dragged into a big empty room, which he would find out later to be the training room. The 01 cocked his Mp7, and the other unit cocked their shotgun, The 01 said, "Okay unit... this is your practie. We are going to aim, and on go, fire on this poor civi."  Michael sighed, "I can tell you about the rebels!" But it was no use. He just heard gunshots, and it all went white.
He didn't know what happened, but he soon found himself as CCA.C18.UNIFORM-Rct.527
He loved his position. He felt invincible. He beat citizens, ate well, and grew stronger and stronger every day. Jordan still talked to Michael, but now called him 527. The two still loved eacother deeply, like brothers.
Then there was a change one day. While in stasis, 527 found himself being transferred to C45, in russia. He was then an 04 for the ADRENALINE squadron. He loved his power over the citizens. Days passed, and one day, when he came out of astsis, he approached Rodie Burn, Jordans best friend. "Wheres Jordan?" 527 demanded. "He... he got amputated by 069 yesterday..."  527 stopped, and walked away. He found a safe spot with Rodie to take off his mask, and openly cry. What Rodie saw a pake white face, with whiskers, 527 had the deepest blue eyes, and light brown hair. Rodie cried with him. It would be the last time he cried, and the last time 527 cried.
He was promoted to 03 the next day, and He noticed Rodie walking down the street, "Hey Rodie." 527 mutterred. "Huh... me?" Rodie said, "Yes you, Rodie, what's wrong?" Rodie looked at him funny. "Do I KNOW you?" Rodie demanded, "Yes you do, what happened?" 527 asked, agressively, "I donno. I just... I don't know..." He said. "Okay. you are Rodie Burn, this is city 18, you are RODIE BURN." 527 told Rodie. "Oh... Okay..." 527 Knew Rodie had been brainwashed. He was then amputated a short time later. 527 was out of friends. Temporarily. "Hey have you seen this guy?" 527 noticed a citizen walking along the street, picture in hand. "Give me that, you moron." 527 stared at the picture. It was Jordan. He felt the butterflies again. "Who are you, citizen?" He demanded. "Tommy Rodrigez, sir!" the kid yelped. He was about in his twenties, around 6'1, and definitely Israeli. "Come with me." 527 explained that Jordan was dead. He felt the butterflies, and felt like crying. But he didn't. He was becoming more and more transhuman.
More time passed. 527 had ranked up to 01. He had a few amputations under his belt, and had won a gunfight with a rebel, and had taken out a few exogens. He was a true CP now. He was proud. He grew closer and closer to Tommy, and became farther and farther from him at the same time. The SeC of the city was almost always in stasis. People knew he had to be replaced. And who else but 602. The NOVA Dvl. 527's DvL. 509, then OfC, was promoted to DvL. 527 was thrown into the OfC position, and he loved it. As much as he could at least, for he had no emotion, and no care. He kiled citizens like it was a bug. That's what citizens were. Bugs. If they started stinging people, they were smushed. Simple as that.
Through all this time, 527 had a picture of Jordan in his vest. He forgot about it. It was only a few months he was a CP, but Jordan was always there with him. And no matter what happened, he always would be. 527 was basically a full transhuman now. He did what was necessary, even if it meant hurting people. While in C18, due to exogen breahces in C45, he got into multiple fist fights with citizens. One even ending in him removing the foot of a citizen. One citizen who stood out to him particularly was a homeless old man, who 527 thought was filthy. He insulted the man, and 527 was called a monster, a killer. 527 agreed with the man. " You are a disgysting killer, and you have no soul!" The old man sputtered. 527 nodded, throwing a punch into his face. A crowd gatherred around. They watched as the man insulted 527, and as he beat the living shit out of this old man. 527 dragged him into the Nexus. The two talked. 527 told his story. He was a monster for a reason. And he explained to the man amputation was in order for him. The old man cried inside treatment. "Fear is a useless emotion." 527 said. "Fear leads to paranoia. Paranoia leads to instability. Instability leads to amputation." 527 said. The old man stopped crying. He stared at 527. "Fear is a good thing. Fear keeps citizens in line, and keeps you guys on top." The old man said. "You are going to hell." The old man said with his final breath. "See you there." 527 said, glaring at him under his mask. 527 drew his 9mm pistol, it felt familiar in his hands, he put it to the mans head. He slowly pulled the trigger. 527 was a sadistic monster.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / My (Tray's) In-Activity
« on: July 10, 2011, 05:03:02 PM »
Recently I have been inactive on Hl2rp, and for good reason. I have been on vacation, and have taken a break from hl2rp, because face it- Hl2rp gets boring after 3 straight months of playing it. I plan on being more active in the near future- But a warning- I WILL BE GOING TO IRELAND FOR 5 WEEKS STARTING JULY 23RD. I would suggest electing an acting NOVA OfC (Since I have full control over NOVA while Skeptik is away) to take my place. Either Statua or TehPenguin should take the reigns of NOVA for my long vacation. I will be gone for more than a month, but when I get back, I don't want to deal with a new NOVA 01/02 saying- "OHH HE WAS GONE AND I NEVER SEEN HIM B4. MAEK HIM 01 AGEN BECUZ I NVR SEEN HIM" I just wanted to say I'd be away for a long time, and I will be EXTREMELY active when I get back. Summer is my busiest time, and I only spend about an hour or two on hl2rp each summer day. When I get back into school, I will have more time. Thanks to those of you who will pay attention to this.

IC Chat / Kristens Diary/Info Book
« on: June 27, 2011, 06:59:21 PM »
Januaury 23rd, 2016

Well me and John were walking around local area surrounding our new apartment and we stumbled upon this notebook! John proposed a few days ago, and we are seeing the priest later today! I am so excited! We live in District 2 now. Just to be ready for the runaway to the outlands. I found an old knife in a trashcan and I keep it inside the apartment, and John found and old pipe segment, and he hides that. Well, I guess this wraps up todays entry!

IC Chat / <::||OfC 527'S Private Logs||::> R.I.P. 527 & Tommy
« on: May 29, 2011, 01:54:35 PM »
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Well I have been in the CCA for a while now, and just figured I'd log all my experiences. Well yeserday, while standing outside the Nexus with 602, My DvL, and an 04, the 602 got shot in the shoulder, and I immediately after got shot in the back. We were both okay though, due to the kevlar. And then, a exogen breach occured... Amazingly, with only 3 COTA units, an Officer, and myself, we were able to fight them off. The citizens had to be held inside the Nexus lobby. A young man I know, mid-twenties, Israeli, kept on getting siezures recently. I have taken care of him, and assigned his best friend to stay with him at all times. It has been working so far, because he has a siezure often and he is somehow still alive. I can't count how many times I have responded to calls about that man. His name is Tommy Rodriguez, his father and I were VERY VERY good friends before I became CP, when I was caught with my pistol back in City18, he was just off the train, and almost got detained with me... how am I still alive? I was caught with a pistol TWICE as a citizen... maybe I am... extremely special? Wannabe rebel gone CCA? How many times do you see that happen in a lifetime? Well. Nevertheless his father died a while ago... and his best friend, Rodie Burn. I miss them both very dearly but... in the CCA, it is a weakness to show as much feeling as I am now, ESPECIALLY for an 02. Even some of the 04's act with no feeling. Maybe they are just stupid, thinking they rule the world because they are a citizen with a stunstick. I know I was stupid, high on power. That has gone. I respect those lower than me, I don't criticize them, like many other units do on a day-to-day basis. I suppose everyone if different, obviously, actually. I think before I do. A lot of units don't.

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CA Thread Archive / Tray's (Michael Neill's) CCA App.
« on: April 18, 2011, 12:37:46 AM »

OOC Section

OOC Name:[RGC]Maj. Tray

IC Character Name:Michael Neill

1) Please write a minimum of one paragraph OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

          I guess he mainly wishes to join the CCA to better himself and the city. He has gotten involved in bad things, and wishes to reverse what he started. In my own eyes though, I see it as another role playing opportunity, a chance to experience what it is like on the other side of the story. My character also wants to help save those from the path he went down when he first enterred the cities. Finally, I think of this as a chance to prove myself, I have been roleplaying for quite a while now, and I think now is the perfect chance to take advantage of the opportunity set in front of me.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

          My character is very loyal. He can take orders very well, and follow procedures with ease. Although he wouldn't be considerred lawful, he will definitely fit right into the CCA if he had the chance.

3) Please provide one paragraph about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?

    For me I am expecting the CCA to open up a whole new area of roleplaying opportunities. I see it as a chance to try out new things, because I have never been in the CCA. As for my character, I think he can be expecting a more serious path. I expect my character to be brought into a group that will teach him to better himself, and to help his city.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 250 words.
   Michael Neill was very smart. He went to college before he had to drop out, due to the fact that he couldn’t pay his college tuition. He spent the next several years of his life unemployed, and living with his brother. When the portal storms hit and the Combine started creating these special cities, Michael was one of the first to be introduced to this city life. He spent a few months in City 45 and was then moved to City 8, where he met his best friend, Jordan. Since them he and Jordan have been moved City 18. He has tried- and failed to set up a small rebel faction. He since then tried endlessly to cause havoc for the CCA, and has failed in that attempt as well.
   Now Michael roams around City 18 waiting for his rations and hanging out around the city with Jordan. He just drifts from place to place within the city, and has been exposed to countless Loyalists, who have shown him that the CCA are not as bad as they seem. Although brutal and pushy at times, the CCA are just doing the duty set before them, and are just trying to help the city and the citizens within it. Michael may not be a Loyalist, but he has seen that being a rebel would not help to better the city, and therefore has turned to becoming one of the CCA, to protect and better the city, and to show citizens that were just like him, that the CCA are not savage killers, they are men and women preserving our lives.

OOC Details

1.How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
At least 2 to 3 by now.
2. How long have you played on serious servers?
At least 2 years.
3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
About a week, but I have a lot of experience on other Hl2RP servers.
4. What Time zone are you in?
Eastern Standard Time (USA)
5. In what country do you live?
United States.
6. How old are you?

7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience?
A few nights ago, we were all herded into the CCH lobby, and just stood there for a while, while the CCA shot those who talked and turned around, I was shot in the leg, and was struggling to support myself. So one of my friends who was next to me at the time helped me to stay up. Just the whole CCH thing in general.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
Yes, very.


IC Section

Full Name: Michael Neill
CID: 04746 (I hope)
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 163
Mental Distinctions: N/A
Mental Defects:N/A
Mental Advantages:  Seems to be more intelligent than most.
Notable Qualities:Loyal

1.Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
I was apprehended for possession of level 1 contraband. ( OOC-Don’t know what sociostability means)
2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
Because I wish to better myself and my city.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Michael Neill hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

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