Author Topic: <::||C17.CCA.S2-OfC.017 Private Logs||::>  (Read 9153 times)

Offline Dallas

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<::||C17.CCA.S2-OfC.017 Private Logs||::>
« on: July 13, 2012, 07:39:24 AM »

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New Log Opened:Day1.

*The sound of a mic being handled*
*The voice of a woman with a Czech accent begins, unsure of what to say.*

<::|| Uh... *turns away and faintly says "Is this on?" before turning back* Well, this... Oh-Seventeen, Ar-Cee-Tee. Yesterday was my
first day in the Civil Authority, it was... interesting, a lot to take in. First of all there was that horrible interview; the unit was a nice guy though, Nova Officer, he found my *There is a pause* my... uh... Body language degree to be of great use, so after the interview, he said he would refer me to Nova's Forensics team. Not sure which of Nova's Sub-Divisions to go for yet. ||::>

<::||I have fulfilled most of my Recruit Training manifest, the TrO, 101, was very helpful. I'm still not sure about the upcoming weapon training, never fired a gun before, certainly... not wanting to use it on anyone. We were given a tour of most of the Nexus and the RDT, aswell as the the plaza and the UCH evaluations room. The reoccurring theme was a disturbing amount of torture tools.... *an audible series of distressed sighs can be heard* so much blood... ||::>

<::|| There... *sniff* was also a... there was something happening in P3 today, I and Malco-.... Unit 155 and I... clamped the HAP at the time, we got a couple of requests of heavy gunfire, from armed rebels! While we were manning the checkpoint, we were ordered to deny all access in and out, something WAS going on there. It wasn't long before my thoughts were confirmed when a squad of Overwatch- those guys scare me- came running from P3, spouting "Directives", they had a citizen with them and an OfC from a division called... "Zealot". Never heard of it, must be run secretly, they even have their own area of the Nexus, though I would probably be shot if I went inside. ||::>

<::|| In summary: Still got more training to do, will probably try to talk to some Nova members today.
NOTE TO SELF: DR ABC's remember! ||::>

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« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 08:22:05 PM by Dallas »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2012, 09:19:40 AM »
UNIT: 017

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New Log Opened:Day2

*The sound of fingers moving across a keyboard followed by the sound of a distant elevator ascending*
*A woman, 017, removes her faceplate with a couple clicks before speaking into the console mic with a Czech accent*

<::|| This is Recruit Oh-Seventeen here, eventful just ain't the way to put it today, all in all... kinda boring. I attended 270's promotion ceremony to Division Leader of GRID, not sure what happened to the other one but 270 is a nice unit, especially for DvL. I made my first real series of arrests today, two of them. I also struck up some courage to write about an event that occurred a mere few hours before enlisting, I do not wish to commit it to logs however to explain the story I was invited to Zealot Command room, the Zealot DvL seemed satisfied with my story and let me go. I will have to wait and see what happens I guess. ||::>

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Offline Dallas

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 09:41:01 AM »
UNIT: 017

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New Log Opened:Day3

*The sound of a mask unclipping*
*The sound of the Nexus airlock sealing in the distance*
*A woman with a Czech accent begins speaking*

<::|| R-C-T 017 here, day 3 Extremely eventful day today! I was on 10-50 with a couple units when we found a suspicious wire running from the Sewers to the ladder at the back of the UCH. One of the units went in to investigate when suddenly there was the big explosion, I was knocked over by the shockwave but I was completely unharmed, the unit caught in the blast was retrieved, the Commander assembled a team in minutes that went down into the sewers to deal with the threat, I heard gunfire reports over radio but then I also heard they got away! Bastards! I and a bunch of others herded the civvies into the souvenir shop to be tied and searched, we didn't find anything on them so we kept them there till the situation was stabilized. We had to hold a perimeter around the site for a while while Nova Forensics did some surveying; the UCH will be unlivable until the damage is repaired. I and a couple RCTs got some citizens working on clearing the rubble, it is now clear so now the rebuilding begins... ||::>

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Disconnecting serial number here
Console Shut Down.

Post Auto-Merged: July 16, 2012, 09:58:48 AM
UNIT: 017

Enter Password: ************

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New Log Opened:Day4

*The sound of a mask unclipping followed by a series of light sobs*
*The sound of the Nexus Coffee machine in the background (a floor above)*
*The sound of the stasis room doors swinging open followed by a harsh "Patrol!" from Commander 42811*

<::|| *sniff* Recruit Zero- *sniff*-Seventeen here... day four. Those bastards... they *sobs* 060; he decided to celebrate his new-found rank by carving his digits into Zekiel Baker's back! Zek was one of my friends before I applied, he was a loyalist, like me! I had to drag a *Sobs followed by an "Oh god" as she re-calls the face of the man, twisted, caved in, mangled by buckshot* I had to drag the body of the guy Zek reported... it was horrible. Poor Zekiel, how could they do that to him?!*Her voice becomes punctured by sobs* He helped them!!! ||::>

*An interval of jumpy breaths, she tries to change the subject, block it out of her mind*

<::|| Wh-what else...? Um... there was... there was training.... I got tossed against the wall by a GRID OfC when four of us recruits were told to fight him... that was not fun. I... sat around in the Nexus, unable to patrol because the elitist Oh-Ones didn't let me. ||::>
*She calms her breathing and changes the log topic to the positive things*

<::|| 452 was around a lot, real nice guy, he got promoted to Apex EU today also, bet 060 and 087 are pissed! I wrote a message of congratulations to him as he has been an extremely good guy, he seems to like us "croots". At least somebody does. I had a bit of a revelation today, turns out RCT 911 is Cassie, shock! I never had her down as a loyalist, ever. So 155, 699, 911 and I all went on a croot train patrol, it was great, I managed to get my vocoder calibrated so it can now dispense reminders, it's pretty neat.
Anyway... I will do another log tomorrow, 017, signing off. ||::>
Saving File As:Day4
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Disconnecting RCT.017
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 10:06:23 AM by Dallas »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2012, 10:18:55 AM »
UNIT: 017

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New Log Opened: Day5

*The sound of a mask unclipping followed by a long exhale*
*Distant footsteps echo through the halls of the Nexus inbound to different locations*
*After the long exhale, a woman with a Czech accent begins, not knowing where to start*

<::|| I don't even know where to begin... I will start with the biggest thing; I was confronted by 270 about Zekiel's scars, turns out that carving Loyalist's like turkeys isn't a well practiced thing with Level two offenders, it also turns out that HC have access to these logs, as Divisional Leader 270 put it "You have some interesting logs there 017..." After the confrontation the SeC thawed out we were called to HCMR, I was absolutely terrified. Then as I enter I see GRID OfC 864 and GRID 03 047 get shot in the face for entering the sewers without SeC authorization... 060 was then brought forwards, the SeC then told him that if he ever did anything like what he did to Zek, without proper reason, he would kill 060, the SeC then shot him in the foot so he wouldn't forget. ||::>

<::|| After that came a looooooong 10-50 with some fellow croots; we just walked around, in silence, still trying to process the events. It was rare for our patrol to be silent, it seemed to last forever. I then caught word that Nova 261 (The head of RnD) was on duty so I went up to the labs to talk to him about the possibility of joining. I get there and he has a pet headcra- sorry, Parasite, he was controlling it by means of a transmitter... He seemed the mad scientist type definitely but he also seemed visionary, a unit with his mind set on advancing the Union. After a spell of chat and trying to avoid eye contact with the loose parasite in the corner of the lab, he said he would toss some work for me to study from the RCT-05 stage and when I reached 04 he would "Give me a holler". Suddenly, the SeC calls us all to the MoC; once we got there, there was a bunch of apparatus and machines all set up around a chamber, they had cloned 864, they managed to give the clone body life through this machine... I even ended up talking to 060, he put it well when I asked him about what he thought of all this; "Some are saved when others are just... left in darkness." I 10-50'd again with a some RCTs, one said that they just didn't get why they would kill him then bring him back right after. I said it was so he learned his lesson and what will happen if he does it again, this time without a cloning.||::>

<::|| Also, 452 got the fast lane to Apex OfC today, I decided to congratulate him in person instead of a message. Right, I hope tomorrow goes along a lot smoother. Note to self: DO NOT GO ANYWHERE BUT P1 WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION!||::>

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Disconnecting RCT.017
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 01:47:22 PM by Dallas »

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Offline Globey

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2012, 11:37:39 PM »
//Very nice logs. One of the few that I enjoy reading on a regular basis.
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

Offline Dallas

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2012, 09:13:43 AM »
//Very nice logs. One of the few that I enjoy reading on a regular basis.
//Thanks, good to know somebody actually reads these other than 270 :p

Post Auto-Merged: July 18, 2012, 09:41:26 AM

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New Log Opened:Day6

<::|| Thank god... a slow paced day at last, compared to yesterday at least. This city never lets you rest, it tears and pulls at you everyday. I see Zeliel sit on the blue bench in front of the Nexus for hours each day, never moving, his request device tucked away but always readied. I see my friends all around me, why am I not happy? It's because they all look the same now... maybe. Well, noting happened today except the rumors that some unit went rouge and shot up a UED and another guy, not sure that happened though. ||::>

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Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 09:41:26 AM by Dallas »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2012, 09:57:48 AM »

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New Log Opened:Day7

*The sound of a mask uncliping*
*The sound of a woman with a Czech accent yawning disinterested before speaking into the console*

<::|| Another uneventful day it would seem; patrolled, hung out in the break room, stared through the windows of the Nova lab, wanting to inside... Something interesting though happened today, I was on break with 452; we were talking about my ideas I have for RnD and if they would be useful for Apex interrogations, 060 even came over and sat at the table to listen, 452 liked my ideas (Although I only told him about 2; Sunburst and the other project I am yet to name.) 452 even told me a story of "when he was a wee Oh-Four", the story was about 452's efforts to uncover a resistance group, initial attempts at info extraction were slow, but then 270 (when she was an OfC) came on duty and decided to hang him over the top of the Nexus roof and do the "My arm is getting tired" trick. *Slight giggle at the thought of it* Well, hopefully not long to go till 05, then I can spend more time out of the Nexus then inside for a change. ||::>

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Console Shut Down.

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2012, 02:46:59 PM »
270 (when she was an OfC) came on duty and decided to hang him over the top of the Nexus roof and do the "My arm is getting tired" trick.

//Back in the old days... I must do those more often. Thanks for reminding me actually. (Counts for 452 also.)

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM.RCT.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2012, 05:29:44 AM »
UNIT: 017

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New Log Opened:Promotion!

*A mask hurriedly unclips then for the first time an image flickers on; a woman with short brown hair and deep brown eyes, her skin tone is borderline pale, she is smiling, with a row of well kept pearl-colored teeth*
*Her tone is excited mixed with a Czech accent*

<::|| Yes! Yes! Yes!!! This NOVA Oh-Five here, giving another log, this time with video, I am just.... ecstatic, I was promoted today by 101 first, an un-official congratulations, then with a fancy meeting in HMCR with The Uniform DvL, he seemed pleased that Nova was getting a new member. I was just getting used to all my new medical stuff when Apex DvL 211 called me out and asked me to treat a citizen with a committed fracture in his right hand. I asked 211 later about field testing for Projects Titan and Sunburst, she granted me to issue a notice to Apex, asking that they should give me a call if they have any reluctant citizens in interrogation. Another... thing happened today, 087... *there is a pause* she committed suicide, I don't know why, I and another unit were tasked with removing her equipment and dumping her in the acid pit. Not pretty... I am still eager to get to work, there is much to be done. ||::>

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Disconnecting 05.017
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 09:54:43 PM by Dallas »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.NOVA.05.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2012, 01:03:10 PM »

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New Log Opened:Day9

*The image flickers into existence; the image of an unmasked 017, staring down slightly at the camera*
*She speaks clearly with a Czech accent*
<::|| Well, first day of 05, I feel so much better now. I feel part of a team; Nova may one day become my family, as it were. Even though I am new, I am still listened to by my superiors, they seem glad in general that Nova has some fresh blood. 938 was given his position as DvL back, I am pleased, so 350 is now our senior officer. As for 605, he is now head 01 and 280 has been awarded the rank of EU and the title of head of NFT. I must congratulate him at some point, it is a great achievement. Titan was discussed with 605 today, I must now figure out the affects it will have on the gums and esophagus, will test with animal tissues tomorrow and record results. Still need to secure an effective antidote. ||::>

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Disconnecting Nova.017
Console Shut Down.

Post Auto-Merged: July 22, 2012, 11:27:19 AM

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New Log Opened:Titan Test day1

*A image flickers to life, signalling the beginning of a new log*
*A woman steps into the picture; unmasked, short brown hair, disciplined posture, wearing slightly bloody latex gloves*
*017 removes the gloves and sits in front of the camera, speaking with a Czech accent*

<::|| Progress, I can feel myself making progress. Titan will be done, how soon is only a matter of how quickly I can test it and how many ready subjects are available to me. Spent today fulfilling standard directives or in the med-bay, preparing and testing on teeth, things are going well. I can't say I am completely at ease with the testing on subjects however all those tested thus far were level one offenders, they were going to die anyway. It is still a shame about that last one, the compound was far too potent... *Slight pause* It must have been agony... Upon death I and Apex 777 (Who proved a most able assistant) examined the corpse and found the true extent of the damage Titan caused, I must commit myself to finding a fast acting antidote, rinsing the paste with water is a crude method, perhaps I could create a lifespan for the compound? I don't know... in other news I have a new project in mind, I shall endeavor to finish my current projects but this one I have in mind could very well eclipse them completely...  ||::>

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Disconnecting NOVA.017
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 11:31:04 AM by Dallas »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.NOVA.05.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2012, 06:06:15 AM »

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New Log Opened:Day11

*017 is sat in front of a camera, no mask, she remains quiet for a couple seconds then speaks*

<::|| 261 has suspended my projects until I am 04, so I now find myself at a loss as to exactly how I should fill my time... I suppose I could just help NFT out or just freelance as a basic medic for a bit. A week of standard directives is a little dull. *an irritated sigh* Well not much to say other than we had check-ups, slightly demeaning and generally awkward. Even when I reach 04, it's not like anyone is going to train me, 261 is never around but they have a bloody hand-guide for training in the labs... Anyone of the 01+ units could teach it in theory, I bet NFT doesn't have this kind of problem. Not much else to say. Going to cut this off for today. ||::>

*She reaches past the foreground for a moment then the image goes dead*

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Console Shut Down.

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.NOVA.05.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2012, 09:26:05 AM »

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New Log Opened:[v]-log12

*An image flickers to life, a unit, masked, sitting in front of the camera, behind her is the medical bay; an operating table bathed in a dull somber light due to the lateness of the recording*
*The mask un-clips to reveal the face of 017; quite young, short wavy hair flowing from her head as she removes the back part of the mask*
*She speaks in a Czech accent that lingers in every word of her sentences, she doesn't seem to know where to start*

<::|| Well... This is Oh-Four 017 here... quite a week. First of all, standard directives were boring as usual, walking around in circles everyday. Today we had check-ups, though I was helping out this time, 717 got a little excited with the whole undressing thing and, for some reason or another, decided to uh... go it without pants. *Awkward silence* That's the second officer I've seen naked, I gotta say, they do work out. On a less adult note: Zekiel is now a Recruit! Oh it's great. He was at check-ups, I never really managed to speak to him, he looked really kinda scrawny, citizen diet I suppose, he will become healthier soon. On an even brighter note: I am now able to begin training in RD, great news. Anyway, I think I will cut it for now ||::>

Saving File As:[v]-log12
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Disconnecting NOVA.017
Console Shut Down.

Spoiler for Hiden:
For those who don't have a clear image of Dawn/017, here is what she looks like.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 09:46:38 AM by David 8 »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.ZEALOT-04.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2012, 09:28:21 AM »

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New Log Opened:TheEnd

*A unit sits heavily on the chair opposite the camera, the room it is set in is dark, unfamiliar and made of cubicles*
*The unit unclips the entire portion of her mask, front an back, her hair is brunette, slightly reddish.*
*On the table she lays a her Nova armband, sighing.*

<::|| Today I was accepted for trial in Zealot, words cannot describe my excitement but I must mix it with my sadness. Leaving Nova when I've only just begun is kinda a shame, I will brief 423 on my projects, perhaps they will be completed by him? Ah... *She gets up, surveying the dark room* This area still frightens me a little, there is no doubt everything here is bugged or something like that, not like that's a problem. I had to do some really bad stuff today... my hands are still shaking, that officer... 717, he ordered me to *An un-sure pause* to cut off a citizen's finger with a chainsaw, I lost control of it and he ended up without a right hand. Oh god... there was so much blood. Because of Zealot, I must halt these logs, if I make anymore, they will be written or if I were to transfer back to Nova, I'm not sure. I will see. This is Oh-Seventeen, signing off. ||::>

*Dawn reaches behind the camera, fumbling for a moment, then the image goes to black*

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Disconnecting Z-017
Console Shut Down.

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.ZEALOT-04.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2012, 03:12:49 PM »
//You should like... uh... totally quit ZEALOT 'n write more logs...

Since these used to be the only logs I read daily.

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.ZEALOT-04.017 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2012, 11:49:16 AM »
// Yush. Join the mighty APEX legion and write more logs. Now.


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