Author Topic: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application  (Read 5517 times)

Offline [WB] SDS Bandy [CO] [15th]

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Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:26:45 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Jack Bandy
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 8 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 4 years

Character Section

.Mechanical Skills
.Backpack with basic tools and a custom diary (Screwdrivers, wrench, spanner, pliers)
.Welders mask

Name: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

~~~School Years  1985~~~

During school Bandy's father would pester him to come to the garage with him on weekends for some experience. After many months he caved in and went down to the garage. After many months of going to the garage which his father owned Bandy became quite the enthusiast in mechanics, he also started to help around the shop.

Whilst in the shop Bandy's father showed him how to fix the basics in a car like window wipers and that sort of thing. This kinda stuff interested Bandy enough to take up coming to the garage regularly. Soon after he started coming Bandy's dad started teaching him more advanced mechanics which Bandy kept on learning till he was in  his late 20's.

~~~Many years later~~~

"Bandy, get the car parts back in from the Post Office."
"Well, another day in the shop" Bandy though to himself. Walking out of the garage where his father used to work, Bandy walked down the street to collect the new oil filters and fan belts. Walking into the overly familiar post office Bandy browsed the many cards advertising places in the world, one shows a place in the mountains "I wonder what life in such a place is like."

~~~12 hours later~~~

After collecting the parts, Bandy finished up in the shop fixing up the Toyota Celica that was shipped in from Japan. New filters and fan belts was a simple enough job but Bandy treat it like any other job, with care and precaution. Ensuring all was well Bandy was happy and left.
After walking back to the garage Bandy placed the parts on the bench over head and start working on the car. Popping the hood of the car he takes the old engine out and starts working on it. Cleaning off all the rust and adding in the new fan belt he carefully put it back in place and screwed all the pipes in. After doing all this he lifted the car up with the car lift and start to replace the oil tubes. He starts off with unscrewing the pipe, allowing oil to spill out, the oil of course is fairly dirt and useless. The new pipe is placed in and tightened in. After lowering the car Bandy moves back to the hood and checks on the oil levels. The levels come out empty and the left oil is dirty as shit. Taking a new bottle of oil he replaces it and makes sure all is swell.
"Another job done." Bandy happily thought.

~~~7 hour war | 2015~~~

Bandy was busy in the shop working on the old Celica which was never picked up. The oil pipes had busted open so he was replacing them, along with a new engine at the same time. Many years had passed since he had passed all his mechanic school work and he was now a fully fledged mechanic with his own shop "Followin' in the old mans footsteps like he wanted." Bandy always thought that when he thought of his late father who died in 1998. After finishing with the cars engine he got up and stretched and whilst doing so a thunderous BOOM shattered the windows around him, glass flew allover the place but none striking Bandy. After the initial shock had passed Bandy went outside to see what was happening, after stepping outside he only saw hell. Just hell on earth. People all over the place screaming and crying, many pointing to the sky in awe as millions of lights flooded the night sky. Just mere minutes after the lights were saw a massive metallic object struck a ship in the docks near Bandy's garage, the metal object seemed to open as what would later be referred as SYNTH came out, destroying the ship and all near it.

~~~ 10 hours later ~~~

"Ok, Fox one has Dog two covered. Commander Burg has you lot ready to head into the town center for extract!" Just after the soldier finished, Bandy and many other citizens were sent off to be picked up by a heli squad. All Bandy knew was that some sort of alien race had captured earth in 7 hours and that small pockets of people were still being evacuated to the mountain ranges of earth. After several hours of frantic driving the truck was stopped by a gunshot from a roadblock ahead, the driver was shot right in the head, the wound getting cauterize instantly.  The shooter popped out from behind the cover and instant fear ran through all in the truck. After several minutes of waiting all military personal were executed on the spot by the things in white. Bandy was only concentrated on one thing, getting the fuck away.

~~~ 1 day after attack ~~~

"Bandy, the convoy of APC's will be struck soon enough, just hold tight man." the radio instantly clicking off as one of Bandy's friends tapped him on the shoulder.
Bandy had many friends, some crazy and some normal. But the one he had just talked too was military personal and was planning on stopping the Overwatch transport from taking the citizens to a new city. After the OTA soldiers loaded the people up an RPG shot was sent flying into the general direction of the front APC. Several minutes of shock was all Bandy needed, he hopped out of the seat and ran straight to the bank of the road and hid.

~~~ 30 mins later ~~~

Bandy got up from the hole to see a mass of dead soldiers and OTA. The first thing that came to mind was check for living, but he went against that and set off cautiously to his garage to collect his backpack of tools and his custom made manual on how to build and repair vehicles more efficiently. Running was a thing Bandy was avoiding but in the end he succumbed to an urge of excitement as he drew close to his garage, but whilst running he failed to notice the person trailing him from behind. Badumph was the first sound he heard when he opened the garage door, and instantly the overhead lights flickered to life. Bandy was so happy that he ignored all other things and went straight for his tool backpack and his personal diary. The person trailing him came into the garage after him but hit a wrench whilst coming in, Bandy turned around instantly to see the man in the dark clothes holding a knife up "Yo buddy, gimme all your money and that backpack and you live." The thug said in a shitty G accent
"Well, this is interesting. Give me a second. I'll get you a drink." "No y'won't. You'll sit down and listen to what I want or you'll get got."
So Bandy stood there, waiting "Right then, I want your backpack and that money you have."
So Bandy plopped the backpack onto the floor and the money then stepped back. Whilst stepping back the thug surged forward and opened up the backpack and lost all interest in his surroundings. This was all that Bandy needed, grabbing a large wrench he clubbed the thug over the head, thus ending his tail.

~~~ 5 mins later ~~~

The thug was no more and Bandy had killed a person.
"This aint fuckin' good at all." Bandy thought to himself. So he left after several minutes of frantic thinking.

~~~ 7 hours later ~~~

Bandy woke up from the small hut on the docks and headed straight for a boat,  map in hand. After getting in the working boat he searched for and picked a specific place, inue. Many days at sea and many nights alone Bandy updated his diary with more ways to fix and upgrade vehicles and also with the current events. He spent days thinking of what happened and of all his friends he may or may have not lost. Those poor souls in the military who are now dead and so on so forth. He pulled out his welders mask from the backpack and studied it, he felt the edges and stared into the black eye guard. He carefully placed the mask back into the front pouch of his backpack and went back to sleep at sea for the last time time.

~~~ Years later ~~~

Bandy had made it to Inue, the place was quite different than what he was most used to. He had been there for a good few years, the last time he checked it was 2015 so it was around 2018 now. He had kept himself to himself and kept on reading his notes over. And keeping himself fed on berries and nuts and also fish from the waters. Bandy has readied himself to try and help people.
"This is for the thug I killed." He thought one night as he stared at the moon and set off to try and help people.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Mechanical Skills - There are people out there who would like a mechanic and it will also be a good new RP type of thing for me.

Backpack with basic tools and a custom diary - These will supply him with the ways and knowledge to do his job. The diary will have all of his life noted and custom ways to mend and customize vehicles.

Backpack - This will make him stand out from most people and may make him a target for robbery. With the tools in, it will also weigh him down more and stop him from being to run fast.

Diary - The diary will be his most prized possession so if people found out about that they may want to take it. It'll also have to be kept dry.

Paranoia - Even though it was now explained in the backstory, Bandy has paranoia from being in the Outlands. This makes talking to people harder than usual.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
The auth will be used to help out in the Outlands with stuff either broken in events or stuff that occurs RP'ly that requires these skills. With what I have planned for Bandy he will need these skills to gain a future.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 12:29:24 PM by Jack Bandy »

Offline Yak

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2013, 11:34:44 PM »
I feel as though the backstory is extremely generic and has no personality in it, you just want the skills.

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 12:21:25 AM »
He does say that his character was a normal, everyday average joe in the very beginning so generic fits I guess.

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>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

Offline [WB] SDS Bandy [CO] [15th]

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2013, 12:42:04 AM »
I can edit that bit out if it helps.

Offline hogs

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2013, 04:25:01 AM »
Mechanical Skills - There are people out there who would like a mechanic and it will also be a good new RP type of thing for me.

Backpack with basic tools and a custom diary - These will supply him with the ways and knowledge to do his job. The diary will have all of his life noted and custom ways to mend and customize vehicles.

Mechanical Skill - Some people might not like the idea of having another person with the same skills out there and might try to kill him.

Backpack with basic tools and a custom diary - People may want to take Jack's stuff so that they can force him to pay for them. He will also have to keep the diary safe and clean so that he does not loos his personal notes from his life's work.

Give me a definitive list with EXACTLY what tools are in this 'backpack'. I find it really sad that people actually attempt to write applications out like this so it gives them an excuse to asspull. Also, your defects for mechanical skill is the most bullshit defect you could possibly write up about it, why the fuck would somebody want to KILL another human being for being 'good at fixing things'?
Did you actually think this through or did you just write that up so it made it look like being good with mechanics is bad or 'dangerous'?

Running was a thing Bandy was avoiding but in the end he succumbed to an urge of excitement as he drew close to his garage, but whilst running he failed to notice the person trailing him from behind. Badumph was the first sound he heard when he opened the garage door, and instantly the overhead lights flickered to life. Bandy was so happy that he ignored all other things and went straight for his tool backpack and his personal diary. The person trailing him came into the garage after him but hit a wrench whilst coming in, Bandy turned around instantly to see the man in the dark clothes holding a knife up "Yo buddy, gimme all your money and that backpack and you live." The thug said in a shitty G accent
"Well, this is interesting. Give me a second. I'll get you a drink." Bandy finished his sentence and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of brandy for the thug to drink. After getting a glass he slipped some cyanide into the glass and poured the drink in, then walked over to the thug and said "Drink up my good sir."

~~~ 5 mins later ~~~

The thug was no more and Bandy had killed a person.
"This aint fuckin' good at all." Bandy thought to himself. So he left after several minutes of frantic thinking.

I don't even know what to say to this.
You asspulled cyanide from where exactly, your backpack? I sincerely hope you didn't because if you did there is no way you are possibly going to conjure support. What kind of garage has fucking cyanide in it. Excuse my language, but this just enrages me that somebody would write an application that wasn't thought through in the slightest. Please give me a reason as to WHY this should be accepted at all, it doesn't deserve it because:
A) Why would a thug wanting your cash allow you to get up and 'make him a drink'?
B) Your spelling and grammatical errors make it clear to me that you aren't the best of roleplayers, which doesn't surprise me due to that God awful back story.
C) You haven't given me a definitive list of what is in this 'tool backpack' of yours and there's a chance that you've attempted to sneak authorizations and have attempted to sneak CYANIDE into it. I can't tell if you had cyanide lying where this 'brandy' was or if you had it on you because of how poorly written and how much the back story was lacking in detail.
D) You cannot be trusted with a welders mask nor can you be trusted with a 'bag of tools'.
E) Your 'defects' aren't real defects and are only speculation on the fact that people might want to KILL you over being skilled at something.
F) As stated, it's one of the most poorly written and terribly detailed back stories I've read at Catalyst Gaming.

Your application has next to no thought and I firmly believe that you should not be accepted for this at all. It makes me sad.

Also, you haven't been 'roleplaying' for eight years if you're 14. Stop making shit up.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 10:13:25 PM by hogs »

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2013, 09:07:37 AM »

Hogs has summed up my grievances with this app already. I will not support this at all.

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

Offline [WB] SDS Bandy [CO] [15th]

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2013, 12:46:14 PM »

Give me a definative list with EXACTLY what tools are in this 'backpack'.

A) Why would a thug wanting your cash allow you to get up and 'make him a drink'?

B) Your spelling and grammatical errors make it clear to me that you aren't the best of roleplayers, which doesn't surprise me due to that God awful back story.

C) You haven't given me a definitive list of what is in this 'tool backpack' of yours and there's a chance that you've attempted to sneak authorizations and have attempted to sneak CYANIDE into it. I can't tell if you had cyanide lying where this 'brandy' was or if you had it
on you because of how poorly written and how much the back story was lacking in detail.

D) You cannot be trusted with a welders mask nor can you be trusted with a 'bag of tools'.

E) Your 'defects' aren't real defects and are only speculation on the fact that people might want to KILL you over being skilled at something.

F) As stated, it's one of the most poorly written and terribly detailed back stories I've read at Catalyst Gaming.
Now then, you just think that.

Also, you haven't been 'roleplaying' for eight years if you're 14. Stop making shit up.

1. Oh believe me I have. PS1 - PS2 I played the Final Fantasy games and other old RPG type of games. And yes, I have been gaming since I was six, even younger.

2. I edited that out on the backstory so now it makes more sense.

3. I'm good at RP. I was making this at around 5am. I'll be fixing it up though.

4. No more cyanide. The base idea of it was meant to be that Bandy was going into the kitchen to get the brandy out of the cupboard and whilst doing so he would pull the cyanide out.

5. The welders mask will be used as a spare with what I have planned for my char not anything else.

6. Defects have been changed. I also added something I forgot to add in.

7. Oh believe me I have. PS1 - PS2 I played the Final Fantasy games and other old RPG type of games. And yes, I have been gaming since I was six, even younger. Dark Age of Camelot
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 01:03:33 PM by Jack Bandy »

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2013, 12:48:57 PM »
Please. Tell me how you were roleplaying in a videogame when you were 6 years old. Pretending to eat lunch on Donkey Kong 64 doesn count. Roleplaying in another game means interaction with other players and playing a role. An example includes Starcraft 1 playing a roleplay map or even playing on a Sim School map or something of the like.

Im not bothering to read this. I read hogs report (who can be a dick but is a better roleplayer then most people I know) and read your basic information. You are not fit for serious RP. Please read up on some of our extensive guides on roleplaying before proceeding.

Massive -support not for the auths themselves but for the player who would be receiving them.

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2013, 01:34:12 PM »
Please. Tell me how you were roleplaying in a videogame when you were 6 years old. Pretending to eat lunch on Donkey Kong 64 doesn count. Roleplaying in another game means interaction with other players and playing a role. An example includes Starcraft 1 playing a roleplay map or even playing on a Sim School map or something of the like.

Im not bothering to read this. I read hogs report (who can be a dick but is a better roleplayer then most people I know) and read your basic information. You are not fit for serious RP. Please read up on some of our extensive guides on roleplaying before proceeding.

Massive -support not for the auths themselves but for the player who would be receiving them.

Pretty much said what I was about to say. (Being a bit more nicer though)


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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2013, 06:34:52 PM »
For the time I've seen Bandy, I believed he could someday become a decent citizen at most, and even that's saying something about somebody whose characters last words were "#YOLO".  Not to mention he just lied on his application. (That is a Dakota-level fail, right there), and as much drama can only become of this if it were to be accepted, I feel.

I'll have to -support for what it's worth. You still need some time to grow in my opinion.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 06:37:06 PM by Riemer?Phoenix »
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Offline hogs

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2013, 07:35:04 PM »
Backpack - This will make him stand out from most people and may make him a target for robbery. With the tools in, it will also weigh him down more and stop him from being to run fast.

Really? A set of screwdrivers, a wrench, a spanner, and pliers weigh you down?
Oh, unless you're STILL trying to sneak authorizations in there - which would not be very intelligent on your part.
 With the tools in, it will also weigh him down more and stop him from being to run fast.

Diary - The diary will be his most prized possession so if people found out about that they may want to take it. It'll also have to be kept dry.

You're basing these defects off speculation. I'm not going to make any suggestions for what to change because that's not my job and I don't think it will be worth my time due to the complete lack of support this application has conjured for yourself.

Please, think through your applications and don't use the fact that you're 'tired' as an excuse to write terrible authorization applications.

Offline [WB] SDS Bandy [CO] [15th]

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2013, 11:20:49 PM »
Thanks for the feedback. That's what commenting is for after all.

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2013, 02:43:19 AM »
Jack, please edit your application into an acceptable version. Due to the reasons pointed out primarily by hogs, there's no way it could be done now.

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2013, 05:34:06 AM »
Still have -support from me. I dont like how there is nothing about you gaining your skills, its just a few lines of "... he learnt the basics and then later he was taught more advanced..." and thats it. One of the more important parts is the one where you describe how your character learnt/obtained this knowledge.

Offline hogs

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Re: Jack 'Greasy' Bandy's Authorization Application
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2013, 10:49:03 AM »
Jack, please edit your application into an acceptable version. Due to the reasons pointed out primarily by hogs, there's no way it could be done now.

The only way for him to even gain the slightest support from me would be to completely re-write his backstory, perks, and defects. He's better off re-applying because you aren't even supposed to edit your authoriztion application, let alone revamp it.


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