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Messages - Chirps Pieman

Pages: [1]
Half-Life 2 Roleplay / New OOC time?
« on: April 28, 2012, 04:13:30 AM »
Hey, i'm confused on why the OOC time is now almost a minute now. I can see how it would cut down spam, but it makes responding gaps kind of long.
Anyone got some answers?
Also, sorry if this double posted. I checked the forum rules before I posted and may or may not have posted twice.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Whats up with the new OOC time limit?
« on: April 28, 2012, 04:11:02 AM »
I did some OOC and noticed that the new time limit. I'm confused on why it's a minute now, it makes my OOC kind of hard to respond in.
Anyone got some answers?

Guides / Re: The ultimate Half-Life citizen Survivalist guide
« on: April 14, 2012, 07:44:10 AM »
One problem on the bandages - On CG, it's illegal to carry bandages around as a citizen. Med workers are fine. But for Cit's it's Level 2 contraband.

Guides / Re: A Guide to Combat Roleplay.
« on: April 14, 2012, 07:35:06 AM »
Extremely well written guide. I had always wanted to get into a fist-fight, but now it seems extremely complicated. I think i'll be staying away from agressive RP and stick to passive for a while now.

Guides / Re: The Complete Half-Life Two Roleplayers Guide.
« on: April 14, 2012, 07:16:52 AM »
Thanks for writing this. Particularly about the Judgement Waivers. Had no idea they exsist. Again, thanks for writing this fantastic guide.

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