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Civil Workers Union / [IC] Posted on the public board...
« on: July 14, 2011, 01:10:49 AM »

From the desk of Shelby Anthony.

The medical section of the civil workers union needs members. Leave me a note on my desk if you're interested in joining. It is urgent that we get members. Medical skills is suggested, however you will receive training.

-Shelby Anthony T1

Out of Character for OOC:
Just send me an IC pm.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Rant against all things in HL2RP
« on: July 07, 2011, 04:04:18 AM »
DISCLAIMER: All words used in this rant are not directly used at any single or small group of persons. Claiming that this thread contains flaiming content would be inaccurate. You should not take any offence to this thread, rather take the information given by it and maybe fix something for once.

HL2RP right now isn't running right. As much as I like to call it serious, it isn't. Things aren't run properly, stuff is in the unknown, confusion is among everyone about certain subjects, and minges are let off with easy, useless warnings. I would like to see change. Not within the next few months. Not within the next month, but within the next couple weeks.

 If change does not occur, I personally will make sure if it does, risking my own position for the sake of rp. Why? Because I love RP no doubt. I've always loved acting and drama involving myself with other people. I enjoy watching players have fun roleplaying.

If by making rp better that I am left to insubordinate my superiors, I will personally do that and deal with the consequences. I don't mind being an average player. Administrative duties are nice cause I like helping players and getting things to run smoothly as well as make the time for players enjoyable. If I get demoted to player, fine. There are other admins out there who I know will do as good of a job as me if not better.

But someone needs to make a change here. Without further adoo, here's my rant.


The name

Whoever said it was uncanon wasn't thinking. For fuck sakes breen refers to the combine as the combine. Let's go over this again.

Union = Benefactors
They are the leaders, the superiors of the whole operaion here on earth.

Civil Protection = Combine
They are the combine. Combine are combined humans with universal union technology.

Union =/= (!=) Civil Protection
The civil protection may serve the union but they aren't part of it. They know nothing of the benefactors. Union Civil Authority not only sounds odd but for years servers have used CCA. No where in the half life 2 story are they called union. They ONLY instance of their general name is when breen refers to them as combine.

I say fuck the Union prefix and put it back to combine. If you wish to hear this breencast, it's one of the prison casts you hear in nova prospekt. This cast was citywide FYI.

The Strictness and Brutality

If someone does something uncanon, people bitch and complain. Well one of the biggest uncanon things around is the way the civil protection treat citizens. In half life two, citizens would be beat for talking to eachother. They would be killed for even hinting at resistance. Why aren't we? Who says we aren't allowed to be like that? A citizen throws a can at a cp, the cp tells him to pick up the can and might detain him. Truth is, that citizen was violent to the cp. That citizen could have more violence in the future. Why let him go?

The cp teams are supposed to keep the city stable and normal. They do this by letting citizens know who's in charge and why not to mess with them. If you mess with them, you pay, and you pay hard. You're supposed to give them somethig they won't forget and a reminder of wha happens when you "fuck with da police" (disregard the cliché)

Insted, the cp teams are nice to citizens and let them off with minor warning. What the fuck? That citizen just yelled "Screw Combine" in public. You think giving them a few love taps with your electro baton is going to chane their views? Fuck no. They'll just use that as an excuse to resist more. If you beat them within an inch of their lives, maybe they'll think twice about saying shit.


This is what really posses me off. Five units are on. Two gear (or grid now), a recruit, an apex dvl, and me, an 01 nova. The recruit is new. Requires training. That's fine. Everyone needs to learn. I'm outside and the d2 hardpoint is empty. I clamp it. The two gear units are inside fucking around with some build. Alright there's one fucking unit outside and he is currently manning a highly valuable control point. There's citizens in groups outside. I ask for at least one unit to come out and help. They all say they're busy. Grid, get the fuck otside and do your secondary and tertary objectives. That's clamp nexus block and patrol. But no you gotta make that fucking scanner.

Citizens with uca characters look at the scoreboard and go "oh five is enough, I'll just stay civi". Well it's not obviously. Another problem I have is with APEX. They are supposed to be doing advanced sociostabilizing techniques. They do the same duties that I do on my fucking nova unit. She knows medical shit, not sociostability shit. Hell I had to oocly teach a high ranked apex unt how to do a simple interrogation. I have never been in apex and razor isn't the same. Apex should be doing more searches, more inspecions. The apartments can be inspected by two units going to each room and looking for anything suspicious.

Nomad. Fuck why are there so many? Again they do the exact same jobs as apex cause apex doesn't do shit. I've seen people in nomad who lasted over two weeks in it. It shouldn't last kore then three days unless you have an ooc reason. Then there's high ranked nomad. What do they do? Command other nomad units around? I thought nomad was a transition division, not an organized division. Make up your mind asap. That's what I say.

Nova. I planned shit to make nova run smoother as well as keep thugs organized and make character development challenging and fun for players. I made this system two weeks ago and still no change. Why? Cause we keep getting a new dvl every five days. The system is ready to go but no profess has been made. What else pisses me off about this is units are being promoted. The way the system work, you require training to be promoted. Well the more units that et promoted, the more emergency training needs to be done. These promotions just make the system harder and harderto establish but guess what, more happen every few days.

Uniform. Your recruits aren't receiving adequet training. I've seen recruits who don't know their restrictions and authorizations. Recruits should not be allowed to patrol alone without basic training yet I've seen recruits with nothing but nexus orientation alone on the streets. It's not their fault. It's their training offocers who are improperly training them. Basic training should take around an hour to do. I have a feeling the new exercises leave out important information and skills. I beleove there should also be officers who supervise recruits on patrol and correct them on their mistakes.

Players with citizen and cp characters

This one makes me mad. Here's the cp to citizen ratio. 4cps/15citozens. I say oocly: People with uca chars, flag up. K one person flagged. I look at the scoreboard and there are five other people with cp chars. That I know. Why don't they flag up? I don't fucking know. If I'm on my CWU character and I notice there are too few units on, I quickly finish what I'm doing and flag up. I make sure it's within five minutes.

You applied for UCA to help out. Not have a unit character and hardly play on him/her. If you don't want to play on your recruit, fine. Oocly delete him/her cause there are other players who would gladly take that spot. Too many units used to be the issue. We used to have 7+ players with units during quiet time. Now 7 is a lot. 2-4 is quiet time. This needs to be fixed.


More respect?

The cwu isn't some VIP club. It's not some key out of a beating. Civil workers shouldn't have more rights then average citizens. Sure they are a bit more trusted as in they shouldn't do anythig stupid but they're still citizens. When a cwu person gets told what to do by a cp in a not so nice way, they take it offensively. As I said before, CWU has it's benefits but you're not a fucking VIP and you're not authorized to do anything different without permission. Civil Protection shouldn't treat cwu any better yet they do. Example. Me and my fellow worker go to the nexus block checkpoint to get to the hospital. A citizen is there. The cp is asking him many questions. The cp notices us and without asking anything, tells us to go by. What if we were anti-citizens with some grenades wearing cwu cloths we stole from someone? The nexus would have been breached. He should have at least asked us who we where and where we were heading. At the LEAST!

Another thing bad about CWU is the ego some of them have. Some workers think that because they're in the workers union that they are superior to citizens. They are infac not. They're just citizens who have decoded to devote their time into helping the city and the citizens within it. Some workers with high ego actually tell a cp to screw off when the cp asks them to isolate. Well you're in a group of four in the middle of the plaza. If you have planning to do, go somewhere else. If anything, explain to the cp why you're in a group, not tellhim to fuck of and that he's a lolcroot.



I don't know how many times I've talked to a player who tucked around, blaming it on him/her being bored. Not only on this server but as well as others, I found ways to keep myself from getting bored other then rebelling, joining cca, joining cwu, or causing havoc. Citizen isn't hard, it just takes a decent imagination and some logical thinking. I always tell people to passive rp but they complain that it's boring. If I have a friend. We can passive for hours. It's really awesome when you find shit to do and learn about eachother or discuss importation things. Of course, don't do it where the civil protection hear you or you'll get in shit. An apartment works just fine. If you have no friend, a good thing to do is sit on a couch with a newspaper and rp reading it. While your character is "reading" it, surf the forums or watch YouTube or something but monitor the game. This creates the illusion of you being an average citizen and keeps administration happy (unless you don't watch the game and miss important stuff) Passive rp isn't boring. Players just aren't creative enough to do it properly.

Players complain about the lack of tokens they receive. You start off with 100 tokens. A door costs 5 tokens. You can buy a door 20 times. If you reconnect to the server on average 3 times daily for crashes or just disconnects, your tokens should last you almost a week for doors.

 Rations are distributed more often now. A ration contains 60 tokens. This should last you 12 doors. Ration distribution happens at LEAST three times daily so you shouldn't miss them. However, ration distribution may be decreased due to chaos within the server. Example, players are out of control and are constantly causing problems. This makes it impossible to distribute rations. Don't complain if you screw around.


I'm tired of seeing people in d2, throwing stuff or people yelling "resist" or "fuck da police" in the plaza cause "they're rebels". The resistance is not about killing combine or being big gangs. It's about freeing citizens and one day, just one day, maybe overthrow the control of the union and get back human life as it once was six years ago.

I've had people ask me about being gun dealers and what the use of HBM flags were. Well guns are extremely difficult to find in city limits. In the canal levels, the most you find is a usp and closer to the outlands, a smg. Guns and ammo don't randomly appear or are left behind in slums. They would usually get picked up during a sweep or by whoever dropped it. Guns aren't for basassary and superiority but are for protection from none other then the combine forces.



I looked atthe roster and there are only two regular admins and 7 (I think?) super admins. Don't get me wrong but where I come from, there is usually more admins the superadmins and in a server with 40+ players on average, there are more then 10 admins registered. I've met players who would be great candidates for hl2rp regular admin but not so much for forums or ocrp. Maybe we should come up with a system to grant RA status to good players without the need for an app. It would be simple to revoke for any abuse. It'd be nice to have an admin by my side when I do an event or an teaching a few players. Sure there may be three admins online but even admins need to rp at times. More admins means more help and more eyes watching over the server.


I understand how we have to be nice for ban reasons but if someone commits a serious offence such as rdm, I'm not going to give them a 24 hour ban because it's their first ban. They won't learn from it. If anything, they'll learn our administration team is weak and soft. Ok so maybe they don't know the rules. I'll go over that later. Also, if someone is screwing around, I tell them to stop, and they continue the next day, why should I warn them again. This isn't semi-serious. This isn't a wannabe serious server. This is supposed to be serious rp. If someone is screwing around, I shouldn't even have to give them a warning. The word "Serious" in the server name is a disclaimer to all players letting them know that this isn't the place to fuck around. They should at least have a two hour ban for first offence without warning.

I'm tired of seeing players fuck around. I'm done with trying to teach them. Sure, a few learn but some just don't care to be honest. No more leniancy from me like you saw in OC. I want this server to be as serious as possible. Players complain to me about the lack of seriousness here.

Knowledge of Canon

I understand you don't have to know EVERYTHING about hl2 canon to be an admin but when admins are saying AR2s are uncanon for high ranks or Its uncanon to have CCA as a name and then settling upon it, something isn't right. Before I applied, I spent a week reading guides and the hl2 wiki to be sure I wouldn't have too many problems. I played through poit insertion twice and spent time poking around to see how things were done.


Players get bored. Sure passive rp is fun but after three hours, it begins to get stale. Events keep rp fun and keep players coming back. On tnb when it still rocked, I always joined the TrP server because there were big events every week and mini events at least twice daily. I try hard to do events here but it seems like I'm the only one trying (aside from Yankee who I have heard has done a few events) and it gets a bit aggrivating while I run events and some admins aren't even helping me after I ask for help. Can some of you guys do more events? It doesn't take much. A simple cleanup is a good event.


This isn't a rant toward admins but a rant toward the system. One of the hardest things right now is to communicate with admins. We don't have an active ventillo server, we don't have a private admin chat, we have nothing. I suggest a private chat that can also use microphones. (when you talk, only admins hear you. You also have to be an admin, and it's global so you don't need to be near one)

That's all really.

[size=14]New Players[/size]

Currently, being a new playe sucks. It's actually pretty sad how shorty information for new players is. There are no rules visible in game, there is no description as to what they have to do. There's no help for players who wish to learn. I suggest a few things to possibly fix this epic failure that is probably a major cause in minges.
-Outlined rules players must read as well as a quiz on these rules.
-The stikied hl2rp guide in the guides section can be seen in game
-A HTML when connecting that displays website information as well as QuickStart help (ie. How to find the guide and the rules)

I have come across hundreds of players who don't know what to do or what the tules are for this very reason.

[size=14]Tools and Content[/size]

First of all, we need more tools other then vanilla tools. One being advanced duplicator. People are tired of rebuilding after a crash. Sure it can be e plootex to crash the server but really, if you can only control exploiters by removing possible exploitable systems, you need to improve your decisions in giving flags. I say add another flag for adv dupe.

There are other tools which should be added but why bother? They won't cause "they're exploitable". Wiremod for admins at least to help during events at least.

Content is also another subject which I want changed. Custom models, I could do without but scripts of less then 800kb would be nice. This includes flyable vehicles like a gunship (for events) or things like NPC emulator where you can be the NPC. Good for testing things like controlling antlions or whatever.

But here's what I don't like. We have css, tf2, and dod:s content but we don't have episodic content. Like fuck this is hl2rp. At LEAST have all the hl2rp content in the server. If space is an issue, get rid of tf2 and dod:s.

That's all for now. I'm tired and don't feel like ranting any longer.

General Discussion / Inactivity [5/7/11 - 9/7/11]
« on: July 05, 2011, 03:19:59 PM »
I had a bet with my dad to prove I am not addicted to the computer. Just bored and have nothing else to do. Each day, I can only spend two hours on the computer doing anything. I will win this bet so you can expect a lot less in-game playing from till Saturday. Forum activity however will remain the same.

Just FYI.

P.S. If I win, he stops bugging me =D

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / City 32 Livestream
« on: July 03, 2011, 10:59:03 PM »

Will post here when live/not live.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / City 32 District One blueprints
« on: July 03, 2011, 10:09:09 PM »

Nuff said.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Custom map goodie: Overwatch Dispatch
« on: July 02, 2011, 02:28:00 AM »
Going to have our own pre-set dispatch voices, kinda like city 8 I guess. Heres what I threw together:

CA Thread Archive / In regards to a units medical history
« on: June 18, 2011, 02:18:09 AM »
There is a certain format you must follow on his/her data.

<PROCEDURE-LOCATION OF PROCEDURE> (use acronyms like UP' for Upper and LF' for Left)

For the prescription dates, the reason why there is no start period is because usually the start period is the day of the procedure.



This is to be filled out on  a units /viewdata after any medical procedure!


If you need authorizations to say make a special character or have special abilities, you need to fill out an application here. It will be reviewed by HL2RP super admins and if accepted, contact any admin in the server (does not have to be SA). Make your auths realistic and stick to canon.

NEW AS OF 07/08/11
All application require proper spelling and grammar. All applications will need to be 100% in-canon. Applications failing to follow these requirements will result in an immediate decline. All applicants must wait two to four days as an observation period so administrators can decide if your roleplay skills are adequet in order to have the authorization and be able to roleplay it properly and successfully.


Code: [Select]
[u][b]Player Section[/b][/u]

[b]Steam Name[/b]:
[b]How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game)[/b]:
[b]How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?[/b]:

[u][b]Character Section[/b][/u]



[b]Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.[/b]

[b]What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?[/b]

[b]What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?[/b]

[b]Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))[/b]

[b]Extra Notes (optional):[/b]


Do not post auths for the following;
  • Stalker
  • Any other NPC - headcrabs, zombies, seagulls, barnacles, etc
  • Any canon character - Alyx, Eli, Gordon, etc
  • Black Mesa employee/Black Mesa knowledge
  • SYNTH Units - hunters, striders, etc
  • V, G, Q, C, n, z and m flags.
  • Weapons/Ammunition - you cannot apply for weapons such as a pistol or SMG. You are allowed to apply for knives or  or gain them through IC purposes on the servers, but you MUST be able to provide a time and date of when you acquired this weapon when asked by an admin.
  • Resistance Vests
  • Special/Psychic Powers
  • Anything related to the CCA/Combine
  • Vehicles (Jeeps, etc)
  • 'Child' Characters

The following require either RoflWaffle or Kronic to approve due to the nature of them:
  • Resistance Group Leadership (must be an established group)

-You may NOT add new authorizations to an already published authorization application.

-A minimum post count of 10 is required before posting.

-Any authorization can be revoked by an admin or higher for abuse or failure to use properly.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / City 32 [POLL for new map location]
« on: June 15, 2011, 02:00:39 PM »
I decided that CG should have its own custom HL2RP map. First poll is where should it be located?

What do you guys think of it? Here's what my thoughts on it are.

Some pieces of erotica literature are well made. They include extensive detail as well as a good prologue. I prefer to read first person stories rather then third due to the fact they are usually one sided. I have only come across two stories that are like this and I hate myself for not remembering where they came from.

   There are a few things I don not like about this kind of literature. When people write in first person, if the main character is a virgin for example, they should not be using words such as cunt and cum. They should be using words such as vagina and semen as a virgin is an armature and slang words shouldn't be thought up in their heads yet.

  I also found that a lot of people get too excited when writing erotica and skip ut on important details as well as realism. There was one I was reading where a virgin girl found porn under her fathers bed. She watched it and somehow got hooked on sexual activity. She then told her parents who then decided to watch one of these videos with her. Her parents literally had sex with each other right in front of her. They then proceeded to let her join in. Her parents were using the same slang such as fucking and pussy. I found the most unrealistic part was how she passed out, woke up in her own bed, and found her parents having an orgy. She joined in and guess who was the first to have sexual intercourse with her? Her father.

   Bottom line is, erotica can be interesting to read when written by the right person. If say a kid was writing it, it tends to be poor literature with a broken storyline and unrealistic scenarios.


Level 1
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water

Level 2{BM}
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-Hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water
EMT Shears
Sterile Gauze Patches
Non-Sterile Gauze Roll
Cloth Adhesive Tape Roll
Bio Gel Capsules
Tranquillizer Agent
Isopropyl Alcohol (antiseptic)
Instant Ice Packs
Universal Splint
Cotton Balls

Level 3{BER}
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-Hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water
EMT Shears
Sterile Gauze Patches
Non-Sterile Gauze Roll
Cloth Adhesive Tape Roll
Bio Gel Capsules
Tranquillizer Agent
Isopropyl Alcohol (antiseptic)
Instant Ice Packs
Universal Splint
Cotton Balls

Artificial Airways
CPR Mask
Hydrogen Peroxide
IV Rehydration Kit
Nylon Sutures
Emergency Blanket
Burn Kit

Level 3{BPC}
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-Hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water
EMT Shears
Sterile Gauze Patches
Non-Sterile Gauze Roll
Cloth Adhesive Tape Roll
Bio Gel Capsules
Tranquillizer Agent
Isopropyl Alcohol (antiseptic)
Instant Ice Packs
Universal Splint
Cotton Balls

Level 4{AER}
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-Hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water
EMT Shears
Sterile Gauze Patches
Non-Sterile Gauze Roll
Cloth Adhesive Tape Roll
Bio Gel Capsules
Tranquillizer Agent
Isopropyl Alcohol (antiseptic)
Instant Ice Packs
Universal Splint
Cotton Balls

Artificial Airways
CPR Mask
Hydrogen Peroxide
IV Rehydration Kit
Nylon Sutures
Emergency Blanket
Burn Kit

Precut and Shaped Moleskin
Disposable, Sterile Scalpel
Chest Seal

Level 4{IC}
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-Hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water
EMT Shears
Sterile Gauze Patches
Non-Sterile Gauze Roll
Cloth Adhesive Tape Roll
Bio Gel Capsules
Tranquillizer Agent
Isopropyl Alcohol (antiseptic)
Instant Ice Packs
Universal Splint
Cotton Balls

Level 4{PC}
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-Hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water
EMT Shears
Sterile Gauze Patches
Non-Sterile Gauze Roll
Cloth Adhesive Tape Roll
Bio Gel Capsules
Tranquillizer Agent
Isopropyl Alcohol (antiseptic)
Instant Ice Packs
Universal Splint
Cotton Balls

Level 5{CR}
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-Hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water
EMT Shears
Sterile Gauze Patches
Non-Sterile Gauze Roll
Cloth Adhesive Tape Roll
Bio Gel Capsules
Tranquillizer Agent
Isopropyl Alcohol (antiseptic)
Instant Ice Packs
Universal Splint
Cotton Balls

Level 5{S}
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-Hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water
EMT Shears
Sterile Gauze Patches
Non-Sterile Gauze Roll
Cloth Adhesive Tape Roll
Bio Gel Capsules
Tranquillizer Agent
Isopropyl Alcohol (antiseptic)
Instant Ice Packs
Universal Splint
Cotton Balls

Level 5{RD}
Standard MPF Medical Equipment
Lined Bio-Hazard Bag
Monitoring Apparatus
Medical Light
Latex Gloves
Distilled Water
EMT Shears
Sterile Gauze Patches
Non-Sterile Gauze Roll
Cloth Adhesive Tape Roll
Bio Gel Capsules
Tranquillizer Agent
Isopropyl Alcohol (antiseptic)
Instant Ice Packs
Universal Splint
Cotton Balls

General Discussion / GIF sigs and avatar restrictions
« on: June 05, 2011, 11:09:47 PM »
I've come across some GIF's which really bog down low quality browsers like the iPod's Safari browser. The reason for this bogging is length of the gif. Don't get me wrong, they're interesting but a 60 second GIF is a bit much.

I think we should restrict the maximum time of a gif to five seconds. Heres an example of a gif that fits the requirements:

Image wasn't showing, fixed it for you :)
~ Max

CA Thread Archive / <::|| Med-Bay Standard Setup ||::>
« on: June 01, 2011, 03:23:55 PM »
I'm tired of walking in to the med bay disorganized and messy as well as missing important things so I took a few screenies the way me and Burning Bullet made it. Please follow the diagram. You require "pet" flags.

The beds SHOULD be static set so you don't need to spawn them.

The boxes on the left are shipments. Do not spawn boxes. That spot is where shipments should go.

Cryogenics fridge

The walls are 3 x # plates (the 3 being the vertical) and the table is the long table at the bottom of the useful construction. You can find the mini console by searching "combine" in your spawn menu.[/img]

To set the walls up, there are a few simple steps.

-First, use the weld easy to quickly position the walls where you want them.

-Take out adv ballsocket and set it up like this:
Force limit: 0
Torque limit: 0
X Minimum: -180
X Maximum: 180
Y Minimum: -180
Y Maximum: 180
Z Minimum: -180
Z Maximum: 180
X Friction: 0
Y Friction: 0
Z Friction: 0
[X] Free Movement:
[X] No Collide:

-Fire at the wall first with the toolgun, then the world.

-Freeze the wall with your physgun.

-Take out the weld tool and unweld the walls by looking at them and hitting RELOAD.

-Use the physgun to position the walls perfectly. REMEMBER TO FREEZE!!! (or it will fall through the map)

-Material with the phx dark grey wall material

Thankyou for following the Med-Bay setup guide.


Year: 2016
Date of the seven hour war: August 12th 2009
Location of C45: Samara, Russia
Climate: Continental (Hot summers, cold winters)

IC Chat / Shelby Anthony's Diary
« on: May 18, 2011, 12:49:13 AM »
May 17th 2016

    Today is a great day. I found my old diary when moving all of my stuff into the Civil Workers Union living quarters. The pages were ruined unfortunately and nothing was really readable except for a few words. I was saddened by this as I wanted to look back on my days as a casual, everyday citizen. Those days are behind me now but the future looks good for me. I missed my diary. I remember the day I lost it.

    We had just arrived at the city. I was so freightened from whatever happened before that I had some water from the trainstation. I had already unpacked everything in my room but was too shaken by the whole thing to even think. I don't even remember what it was that happened but it really bothered me. When I got back to my room, I couldn't remember where I put my diary. I starter to tear the place apart, looking for the darn thing when a Civil Protection unit walked in. He didn't like me making a mess and made me clean it up. I apologized and reorganized everything for him. I don't want to bother those guys (and girls). They have a hard enough job dealing with those annoying anti-citizens who always seem to be causing trouble. They are the union and I respect them with all my heart.

    When I was bringing my stuff over, I found my diary. It was sitting under my dresser. I don't know how it got there or why I pit it there but I was filled with joy when I saw the broken green spine. It had been chewed by rodents of some sort and almost half the pages were ruined. All of my older pages were ruined completely which I am not amused by. I wish I could look back on the days from the old cities. Old friends. But whatever. Things happen and you have to just go with the flow.

    So it was my second day working for the Civil Workers Union. It wasn't too busy of a day. I notoced a mop and bucket in the corner of the room amd decoded to give the CCH a good cleaning. When I got there, there was nobody on the first floor. I cleaned that in about ten minutes. I got to the second floor where there were a couple citizens standing around. I began my cleaning and overheard a verbal fight going on. Some sensitive language was being thrown around. I had enough and called it in on my request device. Two units showed up immediately and prosecuted the people. Serves them right for loosing their emotions over something probably useless.

    I finished cleaning the CCH and moved to the nexus main enterance. I washed every stair and the sidewalk in front. It was strange. A man walked up to my bucket and stared at it. I watched in horror, waiting for him to kick it over like a prick. He just kept staring at the bucket. Was he retarded or something? Did he expect the water tk magically dissappear? Whatever he was looking at it for, the Civil Protection didn't like it. They moved him away. At least my bucket was safe.

    I finished off the steps and returned to the headquarters. That's when I moved all my stuff and found my diary. I am glad to have found it and cannot wait to add more days to it. I sit in my bed, right now, thinking about what life was like before. This bed is so mich softer. More comfortable. It doesn't smell like sweaty socks. The civil protection team doesn't treat me like dirt anymore. I wish they never did in the first place but it's all sacrificial for the union. They're doing what is best for the city and it's populace. I also thought about the food. A single ration was all we got. A can of food and two cans of water. Some tokens were in there too. Now, we get daily meals with whatever we need for water. The benefits are good. However I could care less about those benefits. The real treat for me is knowing that no longer is my life being wasted doing nothing. I now serve the union and it's benefactors. I am proud to be part of the union and proud to serve the city.

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