Author Topic: For the rookies: A little bit of encouragement...  (Read 4375 times)

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For the rookies: A little bit of encouragement...
« on: July 10, 2014, 02:01:41 AM »
This thread is for the novice mapper who has just entered the world of mapping and figured out how some of the tools he/she has at hand work, but hasn't really produced anything of quality. If you don't already know, I've been mapping for over 5 years now. I started out on HL1 making stupid basic linear worlds where you grab a big gun and run through some blocky, leaking hallway with zombies and scientists placed in no particular order. The rooms make no sense and the textures are just randomly placed. The lighting (never fullbright) was toned either way too high or way too low and the end of the level was just a wall in your way. I wish I had that map still.

Everyone starts at the bottom, producing crap nobody wants to play on. Trust me. I was there. I thought my map was awesome where in fact it was just a lump of unoptimized garbage. The only way you will improve and get better at mapping is by failing. I know that sounds terrible but it's the truth. Just like any other art like drawing, modeling, painting, dancing, you're work is going to be shit for the first little while, no matter how hard you try. You need to work on your skills and improve them with time and effort.

Lots of people ask me "man how did you become such a good mapper?" and my answer to that? Time and effort. I could go on and on explaining but I have a better idea. I'll just list off as much work I've done as I can find in the order I've produced it, and share that work with you guys. You can even play on the maps if you want as I'll try to provide a download link. Just look at the really basic geometry from the start and how it improves as time goes on:

I've made a number of maps before this but this is the start of my record of maps.
Spoiler for sb_extinction:
This is one of the earliest maps I can find that I've made.

Learning from that last map, I looked a little bit at other maps and how things could look better.

Spoiler for wire_map2:
I dont know if I've ever made a version one. Was so long ago. Earliest version i could find was 2. Look at dat FPS. Shit computer was shit. It was designed for my first ever community (and first ever admin position) W.I.R.E which stood for Wire Institute of Recreational Education. There were no teachers. Or education. Just sandbox.

Here's the latest version: wire_map2-3

Spoiler for wire_desert:
We all had a really weird thing for desert apocalypse building so I made us a displacement desert.

I taught myself how to work with complex displacements and made a huge update:

After a bit of time making several plans and getting a few brushes in, I stopped working on wire maps. I switched communities and moved on to mapping for a new community. I got better at displacements, a very important tool in nature mapping and designed some really nice ocean floors.

Spoiler for nodex_arcticocean:
This map was also designed for a community. It was a more serious build community then WIRE. Nodex was the home of Wenli who made wenli's tools (precision alignment, ballsocket center, and physgun buildmode) and Wenli really liked arctic maps. This map was intended for boats, submarines, land vehicles, and aircraft. As well as everything else.

There's a version 2 to this map.

Keep in mind, these map took me a few weeks to make. If I tried to remake them today, they'd be done in a few hours.

Spoiler for Nodex Island:
This was another map for Nodex. After everyone was tired of the arctic, we moved to a more tropical island. Notice the v1q? It took me 17 compiles to get it at the stage it's at here. I could still have this done in a day if I did it today.

I got into RP, particularly PERP after trying out PERP1 at my cousins place in the summer of 2009. I really liked evocity2 and made it my goal to one day make a RLRP map like evocity. That goal is almost complete with Rockford.

Spoiler for RP_Acreditara:
This was my first attempt at a RP map for Garry's Mod. (I tried making one in my HL1 days. Made an apartment complex in like a month and gave up after I went to 12fps. HL1 has terrible optimization) I think I based it kind of off Evocity in regard to the big hill. I was working on this map when Pulsar Effect released PERP2 in 2010. No downlaod unfortunately. The map is lost forever. But there are a couple videos.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I gave up on Acreditara after seeing it going almost nowhere and being too open/poorly planned. I had helped out with cosmoscity on OCRP in the OC community and after Frosty left, started work on a map called cosmoscity2. It eventually turned into a new map and after some random guy who had 2 posts that nobody knew made the suggestion for the name, Rockford was born.

Spoiler for rp_rockford (not what you think):
I know what you're thinking. "But you're working on it right now?" I know. The original Rockford started out around the end of summer of 2010. This map really shows that sometimes, you need to put a lot of time and effort into something to make it nice. Here's a video of it during development.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a> (probably wont be able to see anything due to content)

Not much happened between OC and CG in regards to mapmaking. I spent most of my time on rockford up to this point. I have a livestream which might still have footage of me working on Rockford. I had spent several months, maybe even a year on it before realizing it was out of my league.

Spoiler for rp_ineu_pass:
Yes. We are approaching that time. It's been over 2 years since this maps release though. I have to say Ineu Pass is my turning point in hammer. It's where I learned the most things. You see, sometimes you need to look at how things are done and replicate them to learn how to do it by yourself. This is how ineu_pass was done. 600+ hours went into that map before first release.

Ineu Pass sparked a huge interest in other people in regards to my mapping. I had started getting requests for edits, new maps, Ineu edits. I only had a few people where I accepted their offers and started work.

Spoiler for rp_mountaincastle:
A map someone was going to commission me into doing but got cold feet. Obviously incomplete but nonetheless, here's a little peak at what could have been a decent castle rp map.

No download. Sorry.

I felt slight remorse for taking valves map and adding my own content, then getting all this credit for it so I had to do something that was completely all my own work.

Spoiler for rp_ineu_valley:
My first attempt with release at a detailed RP map without taking parts from other maps.

People had complained about my lack of trees and natural appearance of Ineu Valley. I told them the map was simply too big to put that much detail into (I learned this was a false statement in the future) and wanted to sharpen my skills in detailing.

Spoiler for gm_mountainroad:
Something I whipped up for shits n gigs and to mess around with nature mapping.

All this map making and people noticing me started getting me profit. RoflWaffle and TOMASAS asked me to give the HRP map a touch up to make it more appealing. I decided to make an entirely new map to give the gamemode a fresh atmosphere.

Spoiler for rp_catalyst_harbor:
People didn't like it though. Red Harbor was way too big and the cliffs made the map feel less open. A good example of taking criticism and not giving up after spending a long time on something.

I had a few good ideas while bored at work and straight up screwing around in gmod.

Spoiler for gm_longestbridge:
I was at work one day, bored as fuck playing with tdm cars and thought "man i wish there was a map that used as much space as possible on the map so I can drive really fast"

Spoiler for gm_coasterpark:
Again, I was at work, bored as fuck and playing with lua rolelrcoasters and wanted a map with a grid for building rollercoasters. Ended up making this.

Constructive criticism is quality control for independent mappers/any other developer. If you can learn to take the criticism and use it positively, you are on the right track.

Spoiler for rp_harbor2ocean_catalyst2:
Still being used on the server today and on version 3, this is the product of constructive criticism put to good use.

(Just join the server and see it for yourself)

Spoiler for rp_ineu_valley2:
This is the product of trial and error. Seeing what works and what doesn't. And lots of experience. One of my best maps released yet.

Spoiler for rp_ineu_apocalypse:
When you make maps, you are the author so there's no regrets when you edit your own maps on a large scale. Here's Ineu Valley intended for fallout or terminator style rp gamemodes.

And now we are on today. The amount of work done really does show. I actually like to see the progress I've made and enjoyed making this thread.

Spoiler for rp_rockford (today):
After 5 years of hard work, time, effort, and lots of experience, this is where I am at in regards to mapping. I have come a long way but there is still lots to improve on.

Sorry. Alpha is currently private.

Here's a list of other maps just to give you an idea of how many maps I've made/worked on to come this far:


All in all, never give up and never turn down criticism. Mapping is an art. It's not something you just do. It's something you learn.


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