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Messages - Kom????k

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I've seen your RP, and its good, but not great, so here is what I'd be comfortable with accepting:

Armor Outfiting(Kevlar for Leather Jackets) - yes
Removing Kevlar from OTA Vests - no
MP7 Knife Attachment(Bayonet) - no
Understanding of Basic Human Anatomy - yes
Basic Combat Knife - yes

If any other admin could please post, and give suggestions or comments, please do.

Interesting, I don't really have a problem with app, it sounds good, but when it comes to the actual doing, not so sure.

I will suggest giving this a trial run,
if it works out (The items and story on how they were gained are legit and all that stuff) then you can keep going

If things turn out bad (lolspawning shipments, random OOC crap that ruins immersion in OL, stuff like that) then it'll be scrapped.

For other admins: Suggestions? Comments?

Denied Authorizations / Re: John Mcreary's Authorization Application
« on: August 06, 2012, 09:51:30 PM »
I can't see this working out, ever.

Pretty sure there've been apps like this in the past, and this is why they've been denied:

There is no way that you would be able to get the parts to make a functioning firearm, much less ammo, period.

Honestly, the best someone could come close is making a firearm that would backfire and explode in their face, or some such.
Also, if you ever, somehow, did manage to make a functioning mp7, you wouldn't be given one ingame.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Harold Slokum's Authorization Application
« on: August 06, 2012, 09:44:19 PM »
Alright well, if any other admin could comment on this players RP, or this application, please do so.

Well there we go.

Again, its not nearly enough for anything other than basic Medical.

Denied Authorizations / Re: Howard Biggs's Authorization Application
« on: July 30, 2012, 03:32:41 PM »
I'm going to have to deny this. The backstory itself, honestly really isn't all that long, plus there are things in it, which just are not legit.

This entire backstory honestly bothers me, I see many flaws, and its hardly realistic, especially for someone wanting a PHd, and who is a supposed 'genius'.

I suggest, if you want to apply for this again in the future, you read up on what you want to be applying for, so you have legit knowledge of what you want.

Denied, barely any effort was put into making this, even after the 'edit'.

Denied PK Appeals / Re: Arren Kain's and Aurther Seymore's PK
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:37:09 PM »
CG does have its own version of HL2RP canon, and there is a fine line, obviously, as we base most everything from the original HL2 Canon, but we don't Strictly abide by just HL2 Canon, else hl2rp would be incredibly boring.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Taishi Wu's Authorization Application
« on: July 28, 2012, 07:08:16 PM »
Alright, this has been here a good time.


Alright then, its been a good amount of time.

Accepted. Please remember to Roleplay the defects as well as the perks.

Accepted Outlands Appeals / Re: Bob Newmans Outland Appeal
« on: July 28, 2012, 03:51:35 PM »

Accepted, that character has been moved to the City, if your unable to load him, ask an SA to unoutland your char.

Accepted Outlands Appeals / Re: John Damon's Outlands Appeal
« on: July 28, 2012, 03:50:06 PM »

Denied PK Appeals / Re: Arren Kain's and Aurther Seymore's PK
« on: July 28, 2012, 01:03:34 AM »
No, we were not after you at all. Infact, we weren't after anyone. The scanner was doing an authorized patrol of P3, and you just so happened to be there, along with Everyone else. The scanner took photos of everyone it came across, not just you.

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