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Messages - CoolChris2000

Pages: [1] 2
Denied Authorizations / Re: Rose Green's Authorization Application
« on: June 21, 2012, 02:04:03 PM »
Yeah.. She's mean't to be born in 2007.. Fixing that.. *Counts* 2008, 2009, 2010..2011...2012...2013...2014...2015...2016...2017...2018..
                                                                                              1.......2.......3......4..........5..........6........7......8........9........10........11.. Yep that works!! *is a slow counter*

Denied Authorizations / Rose Green's Authorization Application
« on: June 20, 2012, 04:10:07 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: coolchris2000
Age: 13
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

An 11 year old child

Name: Rose Green
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Rose was born in England, 2008 and her Mother, Father and Sister were all fully Swedish and she was half Swedish half English. Rose’s family wasn't the best, her Father never working and somewhat abusive, and her mother was the complete opposite. Leaving Rebecca and Rose in the house by their own. Rose went to school and went to class… She had 100% attendance and had very good behaviour but was sometimes tired because of long nights without sleep because of her father hitting her and swearing at her. She had 3 friends: Lucy, Susan and Daniel (They were her best friends anyway) and they would help each other through tough times… Like if Rose’s father took the abusing way too far and beat her up not just hit her once. Rebecca would try to stop their dad from doing that but that would end up in them both being beaten then locked in a room for the rest of the day. Rose would try her best to never cry because she felt embarrassed when she did but sometimes she just couldn’t help herself. She would cry in front of her friends sometimes but she would mostly cry in front of Rebecca because Rebecca comforted her when she was upset.
The combine soldiers’ teleported in front of the houses and people ran like crazy, scared of them and confused to where they came from. Rebecca told Rose to leave school and meet at Dustin’s house because of the things going on but Rose refused until she heard explosions then she left school, and ran to Dustin’s house. When she got there Rebecca and Rose made a little plan but it was quickly foiled when Rose saw a man being shot in the head and she ran away, Frightened of the gunshots and blood. She ran into the forest and realised she left Rebecca behind but by the time she realised that she was long gone… Out in the forest.
For 2 years she had been surviving on the dependence of adults giving her a lot of protection, food and water. They travelled for a long time, Not knowing where to go exactly until they heard on a radio about Inue pass which apparently was safe and had a community there. The group headed towards Inue and stayed there until the group left Rose in Inue. For a year she stayed in Inue but she only stayed in a small house and lived with an adult who took care of her.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Being a child
Because she is smaller than everyone else she can fit through small gaps and underneath peoples legs.

Has to depend on an adult to keep her fed, hydrated and protected.
Some adults may be rapists/murderers.
Cannot run as fast as adults so if there is a rapist/murderer she cannot run away really.
She would be weaker than adults as she is only a child and was abused when she was 6.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to make some good Rp and Rp with Rebecca Green (Her sister).

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Backstory is not finnished yet...Adding more tonight.

Looks like a good app :3

Denied PK Appeals / Re: CoolChris2000's PK appeal
« on: June 06, 2012, 03:11:45 AM »
I never said cusioned by rocks -_- I said A rock/Branch could catch her and hang her by the sleeve, Jacket or she could land on it, it breaks and slows down her fall and the fall is less of an impact. READ. And plus a Pk would ruin Rp for me and a lot of other people and NLR would be better than a Pk but its not as good as my idea in my oppinion.

Denied PK Appeals / Re: CoolChris2000's PK appeal
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:30:27 AM »
Well I have an idea that could suit me AND Kai because we both don't really like the use of NLR I was thinking that ICly there was a branch or a rock on the way down in the cliff, That I survived the stock to the Face and I hit the rock/branch and it caught me on it/ slowed down my fall and I survived but there would be a lot of painRp. And it would keep Kai wanting to have those effects for killing a child but Sarah could still be alive.. Like I want (And many other people) Then it could create the most Rp in my opinion. But it would come with some emotional consequenses for Sarah because Kelly tryed to kill her. She would now not trust ANYONE she didn't know Men and women alike. But people she knows she can trust like Josephine, Alex, Ali, Norman, Rebecca.. Ect. she can and WILL be near the 24/7 so no-one trys to murder her again.
Keep in mind this is just an idea! In my oppinion (and others) probably a good one!

Denied PK Appeals / CoolChris2000's PK appeal
« on: June 05, 2012, 04:33:53 PM »
Steam Name: Coolchris2000
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45980592
Character Name: Sarah Parry
Admin who issued PK: Kronic
Reason for Un-PK: The app was just accepted and I do not see how a person could even think about killing a child (Especialy when they were very close friends and she tried to protect her)

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Sarah Parry's Authorization Application
« on: June 04, 2012, 02:33:14 PM »
Thanks for those comments and I will try my best not to FailRp/Abuse the app.  ;D

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Sarah Parry's Authorization Application
« on: June 02, 2012, 01:22:53 AM »
Yeah but its geting kinda crowded and also why don't you look at frollies app? To be honest it is much better than mine and no-one is taking notice.

Can we stop arguing over forums and do it over steam chat?

Just gonna say that the 'failRp' was when I was scared to death by a bloody AR2 to the face and I was right at the edge of a cliff... So I jumped on accident and I never used it after the second time I was told about auths (I didn't do it the first time because people were confusing me saying that I didn't need auths E.G Globey)

Events / Suggestion: Harsh weather.
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:11:43 PM »
In this there would be storms with  harsh winds and a lot of rain, Soaking you instantly when you get outside also MAYBE A portal storm?
I'm not realy sure about that but there could be one. Maybe a hurricane once and a while, Injuring/killing a lot of people or maybe some kind of weather that would add some injury.. Maybe lightning strikes and shit.This is for outlands

Thanks for the comments :D


10% Warning added for single word posting on the same day. ~Cow


+5% Warning added for single word posting. ~Cow

Introductions / Hai Gais :3
« on: May 29, 2012, 07:09:44 AM »
I am CoolChris2000 and I leik puppehs :3 do ju like puppehs? I like potatos do you like potatos? Say if you do in the replys :3

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