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Guides / Firefighter Ultimate RP Guide
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:25:15 AM »
Another guide I found in my archives. I didn't make this one but its pretty damn good. Brandon will touch it up as necessary.

So you want to be a firefighter...
Good choice! Hopefully this guide will help you to understand what a firefighter should have when in the field, at the station, what your truck will have on it, and what to do when you're responding to a fire or emergency.

Equipment - What you carry

On Your Person

A typical firefighter would use the following attending a normal fire most of the equipment is carried on you at all times apart from the SCBA, the helmets, and the fire axes, be sure to equip yourself with these by using /me's on the way to an emergency:

Personal Alert Safety System (PASS)
A Personal Alert Safety System (PASS) - This activates when you have been motionless for over 30 seconds, it sends out an alarm to all the other firefighters that you may be in danger.
Firefighters also use two-way radios and pagers to talk to each other.

Protective Clothing and Gear
  • (1) Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA.) including:
    -(1-2) 10 litre compressed air canisters filled
    -(1) Respirator/Mask
  • (1) Hot shield
  • (1) Fire helmet
  • (1) Nomex Hood
  • (1) Pair of goggles
  • (1) Pair of fire retardant gloves
  • (1) Pair of fire retardant boots
  • (1) Fire coat
  • (1) Jumpsuit
  • (1) Safety vest
  • (1) Fire axe

In Your Truck

A typical fire truck would have the following stored in it:

Pike Pole and Halligan Bar
  • A pike pole is 6 to 10 feet long and used to probe for weak boards or pull down structures that might fall. Also used to find hot spots during final sweeps that may have been missed.
  • A Halligan bar has wedge, claw and crow bar tools firefighters use for creating holes, manipulating material and prying open doors.

Fire Fighting Equipment
  • (3) Hoses Including:
    -(2) Main Hoses measuring 2 2.5"x500' crosslays and 2 3"x1000' discharge lines. These are your main firefighting hoses, and sit in hose bays on top of the truck.
    -(1) 1"x50' jumpline in the front of the truck for small things
    -(3) Valves to turn each individual hose reel on/off
    -(3) Spare nozzles
  • (3) SCBA Packs attached to seats to be equipped during transport
  • (4) Spare 10 liter compressed air canisters filled
  • (4) Spare SCBA Packs
  • (3) CO2 extinguishers
  • (3) Foam Extinguishers
  • (5) Ropes of different diameters and lengths
  • (2) Fiberglass handle toolkits
  • (2) Fire axes
  • (2) Shovels
  • (2) Hoes - No, not those ones, it's like a shovel/rake at right angles to the handle
  • (5) Flashlights
  • (4) Ladders
  • (5) 1 gallon bags of kitty litter - Use this when oil/gas has spilled on the ground at car crashes.
  • (1) Hydraulic Cutters (The Jaws of Life) - Use these in accidents such as car crashes where victims are stuck, these ONLY cut.
  • (1) Hydraulic Spreaders (The Jaws of Life) - These ONLY spread/pinch.
[li](5) Medical Bags containing gear to treat wounded people before paramedics arive.

Duties - What you respond to

Being a fireman has many different duties to it other than just putting out fires, you will be called to events and emergencies as shown below because of your skill, tools, and capabilities:


Standard Fires
This means basically normal fires that occur every day, such as house fires or kitchen fires, stuff that you would expect to deal with. All firefighters are trained to handle these emergencies.

Structural Fires
This is when buildings that have very flammable substances or are not as structually sound catch fire, all firefighters are trained to deal with fires like these and they are also quite common, just slightly more specialist.

Chemical Fires
These are usually very dangerous, these are when buildings such as large chemical depots or fuel refineries catch fire, usually a very large area needs to be evacuated when these are around as the explosion/fallout radius is large and quite deadly and can range from 1 to about 25 miles.

Forest Fires
You here about them a lot, these are very dangerous and will involve the evacuation of any close residents that live within a few miles of the fire, these will usually be fought on the ground but also would have airplanes dousing the flames, these are common in hot areas and will most likely not spread to large fires around your place of work.

Vehicle Fires
These are also very common, these usually require one or two trucks and will also force closure of a roadway, one thing to remember when putting out fires of these types, just because the fire appears to be out, it might not be! using a fire axe to break the hood and check to see if the fire under the engine is also out would be the best course of action here.

Hazardous emergencies (not fires)

Hazardous Material Disposal/Handling - HAZMAT
Here you would respond to critical chemical incidents, including chemicals that are viral such as biological weaponry incidents and chemical spills, all firefighters are trained in basic HAZMAT handling.

This is basically saving people's lives, it can be anything from taking people from fires, helping people stranded in lifts that break down, helping people who are locked in areas and trapped and people who can not get out of places in any other means. You would also have to free people from vehicle collisions and incidents using the jaws of life and such. All firefighters know advanced medical knowledge and can tend to people before real paramedics arrive at a scene, this could be vital and the line between life and death. Remember this!

Guides / Paramedic/EMS Ultimate RP Guide
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:20:08 AM »

Ultimate Guide to EMS RP

Although EMS on OCRP is a fairly simple job, sometimes even boring, this guide will show you how to get the best out of EMS RP.

Basic Systems:
If you haven't already done so, this section will help orientate you with the systems and sweps the EMS use in OCRP2. They're fairly simple, however can be confusing at first.

First-Aid Kit: Simply press your primary fire button while looking at an injured person to begin replenishing their health. The health delivered comes in moderate increments of about 25 hp per shot. The first aid kit needs to recharge between shots.

Defibrilator: This swep is used to revive players who are dying. Press the secondary fire to charge the defib and primary fire to deliver a charge. A charge can be delivered at 75%, however there is a higher chance of revival at 100%. The defib unit can only be used on players who are dying, not unconscious.

Ambulance: This is your means of getting around. It has 2 seats and can drive relatively fast. Keep safety in mind and dont expect people to move when running with lights and sirens. To turn on the lights, press shift once. To turn on the siren, press q while the lights are on.

Radio: Simply, use this to communicate with dispatch and anyone youre workig with. Dont use it for commenting or chatting. More about the radio will be covered later in this guide.

Life Alert: The life alert system is used to alert EMS about unconscious or dying persons. If a player is knocked unconscious, the system is activated. A tone plays over your speakers and an indicator shows up on your screen, showing the location of the life alert. The persons time left is not shown but they wont have much so dont hesitate to respond to these.

Radio Communication:
One thing all players should know is how to use the radio. Radio communication is necessary for efficient response of all emergency personnell and to prevent any confusion. It is essential you use the radio only for important messages such as keeping dispatch up to date where you are or calling for help. Do not use the radio to talk to your friends. Refrain from making comments over the radio about anything. Keep radio messages as short as possible by knowing what you're going to say before saying it and using acronyms when necessary.

If dispatch is available, listen to them and acknowledge them whenever they send you a message. Heres an example:

Disp: EMS 1-02, Priority 2 MVA at Downtown BP intersection. 2 involved. One male, conscious and breathig, one female, unconscious and not breathing. Copy call.
You: Copy dispatch, 1-02 en route.

Make sure you keep dispatch up to date with your intentions and whereabouts. Even if there is no dispatch available, announcing your intentions and whereabouts is necessary so people know where you are and what you're doing. This will prevent too many EMTs responding to the same call. Examples are below:

With dispatch:
9-02: Dispatch, 9-02.
Disp: Go ahead 9-02.
9-02: We are en-rout priority 1 to a life alert call at outer city gas bar. Requesting police support.
Disp: Copy. Call when on scene. Police will be dispatched.

Without dispatch:
9-02: EMS 9-02 responding priority one to life alert at Gas Bar. Requesting one police backup.

Basic Radio Terminology
There are many terms used over the radio. Some are not necessarily needed but there are a few you need to know:

Priority 1-3 - Lights and Sirens (number based on urgency)
Priority 4-6 - No lights no sirens (drive normally)
MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident
(UNIT) en-rout to (CALL) (PRIORITY). - When calling en-rout
(UNIT) on scene. - When on scene of call
(UNIT) available for call. - When done with the scene.

9-01 en-rout to MVA, priority 2.
1-03 on scene.
4-04 available for call.

Types of Calls
There are several types of calls you may have respond to. Each call has a certain protocol to follow.

Injured Persons:
This is probably the most common call you will respond to. This is usually done by a person calling 911 be it the injured person or a bystander. Dispatch will usually be the one to receive the call if it is done by a cellphone. If the 911 call is done by text and dispatch is available, let them dispatch you. If no dispatch is available, be the judge on the priority and call over the radio. You may or may not receive information about the person calling, especially if it is done by text. When responding, be prepared for anything.

When you arrive on scene, let dispatch know you're on scene and locate the injured person. Keep in mind, the player may play it seriously, they may not. If its done seriously, treat them according to serious treatment guidelines stated later in this guide. If not, use your first aid kit to fix them up and return to base. Let dispatch know you're done before you return.

Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA):
A MVA is broken into 3 categories. Vehicle vs Pedestrian, Vehicle vs Vehicle, and Vehicle vs Static (wall, sign, tree, etc). All three however are treated similarly.

Dispatch will send out police for crowd control, fire for extraction and fire control, and EMS for medical support. Whether all three have arrived or not, start work immediately. Let dispatch know youre on scene. Access the situation and perform triage. Use defibs on anyone who is dying. If the person is inside their vehicle and fire is inbound, wait for fire to extract them. Otherwise, extract them yourself and treat them based on serious/unserious guidelines.

After you have treated everyone, notify dispatch and return to base. A tow truck should be used to clean up the scene so dont try to push cars off the road.

Fire and Other Standby Calls:
Sometimes, you will be called out to stand by for something be it a fire, a raid, or a hostage situation. All three calls should be priority 4-6, unless there is suspicion of an injured person. Drive to he scene, let dispatch know you have arrived, and wait close by to provide support if needed. When you're done, let dispatch know and return to base.

Life Alert:
Life alerts will be another common call for you. They could either be a dying person or a person knocked unconscious. Either way, respond as soon as possible and respond priority 1. Based on the location, you may or may not want police support. Generally, unless you're in the city, you will want police support. Let dispatch know when you're done and return to base.

Emergency Driving

In the event you get a priority 3 to 1 call, you will be required to drive emerg. Theres a few things you need to remember when driving emerg:

-only drive speeds that are safe for the conditions. Although you can bypass the speed limit, dont drive 45 around tight corners of the coty.

-although you have right of way at intersections, allow cars to go through who may not have noticed you

-use your horn or bump the siren to warn drivers before approaching an intersection or tight corner

-when arriving on scene, park your ambulance properly on the side of the road unless you need to use it to protect yourself on the road

Serious EMS RP

Some players in the server are willing to play seriously with the use of /me and RP aspects. This guide is not to teach you how to serious RP, just how to do EMS RP in a serious manner. This section will go over steps to take and procedures to do.

Arriving on scene:
Put on your PPE (gloves). Access the situation and locate the injured person. Upon arrival, tell them your first name and that you're there to help. Ask them their name and whats happened to them. While they answer, examine their body for any signs of injury or illness.  If there is more then one patient, get your partner to examine them or tell the current patient you'll be right back. Get a bystander or other emergency personnel to watch them if available and necessary. If there are two patients, figure out who needs help first based on their injuries and condition. This is called triage. If someone is dying and needs defibbed, treat them first. Try to make any RP quick as a death timer doesn't wait for RP.

Treatment and Transport:
Treat all injuries you can. If it needs stitching or surgery, you'll need to transport to hospital. If you need to transport to hospital, make sure all patients are taken care of. Contact dispatch you are transporting and let then know if you're going emerg or non-emerg. Emerg or non-emerg should be based on the patients condition and if they need emergency surgery or just a couple stitches. An example of a call would be "9-03 transporting one patient to hospital, emerg. Male, conscious and breathing. Severe abdominal trauma." Once youre done offloading the patient at the hospital, tell dispatch you're done just like you would any other call.

Medical Care:
People who are injured generally need immediate care be it cleaning a wound to stabilizing a partially detached limb. Regardless, it is important to know what you need to do to treat them. I wont go into too realistic detail, however ill go over the necessities.

Disclaimer: This section may not be 100% accurate however i am open for criticism.

Suspicion of spinal injury:
You need to place the injured person on a backboard carefully with the assistance of a firefighter or another EMT. One person must stabilize the c-spine (the neck and head) with their hands until a c-spine collar has been put on. Do not let them turn their head.

Place saline soaked bandage over any severe burns for protection and to keep the. Moist. Minor burns can be protected by loosely securing a gauze pressure pad over top.

Severe Skin Breaks:
Control bleeding with sterile gauze pressure pads. Sanitize the wound with a sanitizing agent. Protect the wound with a tightly wrapped bandage. Place a gauze pad under the bandage if bleeding still continues.

Keep the pt warm and calm. Stop anything that may be causing shock such as bleeding. Administer saline packs to alleviate blood pressure via IV if absolutely needed.

Keep the patient warm with a thermal blanket and monitor vitals constantly.

Gunshot Wounds:
This will probably be the most common so I made its own section. Basically the same as severe skin breaks. Control breathing. If the wound is to the chest, seal it with a plastic sheet, leaving one side unsealed so blood can drain.

Airway Complications:
Sometimes the patient may be bleeding into their airway or are unable to breathe through their mouth. A tachometry may be needed. This is when an emergent incision is cut inthe trachea and a trach tube is inserted down toward the lungs. A BVM is then attached to manually force the patient to breathe.

Cardiac Arrest:
Begin CPR immediately. One person work compressions, the other work the BVM and Crash Unit. Do not stop compressions without a doctors order (in this case, offload them at the hospital and let them decide their fate)


When nothing is going on, dont leave from boredom. Make some passive RP at the station with your co-workers. Order a pizza. Play a game of dice or cards. Anything to pass the time. Whatever you do, be prepared to respond on a moments notice.

I hope you enjoyed this guide and have learned a thing or two. If you have any comments, criticism, or suggestions, feel free to reply to this thread. I hope to see you out there responding to calls and making EMS RP as realistic as possible!

Guides / Serious Roleplaying Guide
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:18:53 AM »
Serious OCRP Roleplaying Guide

    This is a guide I made for the Orange Cosmos community way back when. It might be a bit dusty but its effective. I cleaned it up a bit and changed a few things to fit the present times.

I know the server is only semi-serious but that doesn't stop you from being allowed to roleplay serious. Now, rewind to Summer 2010.

    Alright so I said in my return thread that I would make an advanced roleplay guide (for those who wanna be top serious roleplayers but don't know how, or those who wanna learn more) to get people to roleplay better. I take that everyone has read Smtea's guide to serious roleplay so you know all abot ooc and using /me. I may go a bit more into depth on these but ou won't understand UNLESS you read his guide.

OOC, LOOC, /pm and IC

-If you've got an important message or question you want to broadcast to the entire server, use ooc. Other than that, use the next two forms of chat:
>If the person you're talking ooc to is within range of you, use LOOC. You can discuss anything yo like
>If the person you want to talk to is somewhere else, use /pm name to talk to them. Again, any discussion aloud.
>Do not use IC or Mic for LOOC conversations UNLESS confronted by an administrator.

So that gets the chat types out of the way, let's go into the IC chat. Now the basic way to talk ic would be:

Statua: hey what are you selling?
Ok that's the lazy way. If you have an accent for your player such as a southwestern, make it look like it.

Statua: Hay! Wut are ya sellin?
Use proper puncuation as it helps express your words more. If you're paniking or nervous, look like you are

Statua: don't shoot please
NO! No expression there

Statua: D-don't shoot me pu-pu-please!
Good expression there.

Another thing is train of thought. People think hard when they talk which can cause delays so:

Statua: Its over there.
Ok but that's boring

Statua: Its uhh.. over there.You won't beleive how many times you say uhh in a day.

Ok so we got IC covered. Let's move into Actions (/me).
Hardly anyone uses /me in ocrp serious which bothers me cause it opens multiple doors for roleplaying

Let's say a bartender put a can if beer on the table cause you bought it.

Statua drinks the beer.
Ok so you missed a ton of stuff here. Didn't even open the can.

Statua opens the beer and drinks it.
Now did you pick it up?

Statua picks up the beer, opens it, and drinks it.
Add more details to give it more depth.

Statua reaches for the can of beer and picks it up. He pulls the tab and opens the beer. He then drinks it happily.
Good. Now if you need to, add some ic chat.

Statua reaches for the can of beer and picks it up. He pulls the tab to open it. He then drinks the beer happily. 'Ahh thanks for the beer bro. It's good."
Now you got a story there not interrupted by any ooc or ic chat and its in depth.

Ok so now we'll get into something called injury rp. Injury rp is something you should use when hurt obviously. It could be a laceration to a blown off arm.

Injury RP in a nutshell:

Spoiler for Good injury rp guidelines:

-Don't keep running (Crouching is preferable).
-Utter an exclamation of pain and surprise.
-Kevlar can't save you from every shot, so don't use it as an excuse!
-Remember that in most cases crawling would cause you to bleed to death.
-RP the injury Realistically, as if it happened to you in real life.
-Say something, even if you're just screaming.
-Remember how fast you bleed- If you don't get Medrp'd, you could die.
-Only pain hardened people can keep a logical train of thought going when they're hurt. You're not hardened, sorry.
-Don't just wince at peroxide going into a wound. That stuff hurts like Crazy.
-Injuries don't go away when the bandage goes on.
-Sometimes you can't survive serious Injuries.
-You won't always have an Admin tell you when you should be Pi'd. Use your head!

Let's do the laceration. Someone
sliced your arm with a knife.

Statua: hey don't hit me with your knife.
Lolwut? Your not the hulk, shit hurts.

Statua: Ow fuck you. Don't slash me.
Add depth to it with /me

Statua grabs the spot on his arm where the knife hit. It bleeds quickly. He squints his eyes and moans loudly.
Statua: GAHHH! Fuck you asshole! ARRGH that fucking hurts!
Statua continues to hold his arm, the blood dripping on the floor.
Excellent. Lots of depth and emotions there.

Now you pull out your gun and point it at him.
Not gonna work, unless you're left handed, that arm is unusable for the most part. The knife probably damaged muscle and even moving it is unbearable pain. Sorry, can't do that. Get your friend to point a gun at him. If you ain't got one, your starting to lose the rp situation.

Ok so let's say you were working with explosives and one of them blew up.

Statua: Oh shit. That hurt.
Hah funny...

Statua: Wh.. What the fuc..? AGHH! Fuck my hand!
Ok but it probably hurts more.

Statua flies back from the explosion. His hand gets vaporized in the explosion. His head hits the wall and he is out cold.
That's probably more probable than you freeking out. Continue

Statua wakes up moments later and looks around dazed. "whu...?"
Statua moans loudly. "AUGH Fuck my hand!"
Statua looks down where his hand used to be.
Statua: Oh m.. M-m-my hand. It-it's... GONE!
Statua begins to cry out loudly and painfully. He falls to his side holding his arm, screaming.

That's excellent. Now you'll probably be in this state for a good hour (rp time wise). You may pass in and ot of concioisness during the excrutiating pain and agony.

Remember, your hand is fucking gone. As soon as a medic heals you, you're not magicaly better. It still is sore and you don't have a hand so you can't use anything that requires two hands till it heals enough to get a prosthetic hand.

Also remember the fact that even though you're not unconscious script wise, you can still rp it and die from it. Good medics should rp this bringing in the next topic.


You don't have go be a medic to do this. You can be an average civilian helping someone in need.
 One thing you need to remember is people can only healrp as good as the person doing the medicrp so be serious. Make sure you know what injury the person has. You can't fix a gash with a band-aid. Life doesn't work that way.

 Medical supplies can be found in first aid kits. All cars are mandatory to have a basic kit. You could also have one in your bag or purse. You can find different things such as band aids, gauze, polysporn, ethanol alcohol (rubbing alcohol), Cotton balls, surgical scissors, various disinfectant powders and goo, steri strips, (used for closing up gashes and lacerations), and some other things.

You need to know what does what. Use a disinfectant such as polysporn or ethanol alcohol to clean a wound before doing anything. Next, you need to stop the bleeding. Applying pressure with gauze can help this (note that serious bleeding cannot be stopped this way but definitely slowed) once it has slowed enough, you need to patch it up. Use steri strips to tighten up a laceration and keep it closed (steri strips are basically sterilizes mini duct tape strips that do an amazing job of holding skin together) and put some gauze over top to keep it clean and from bleeding all over the place. If the laceration is too big to use this option, just grab a big chunk of gauze, old it over the wound tightly, and transport the person to hospital. 3 people may be needed if using a car.

Remember to use /me here like:

Statua takes out a piece of gauze and applies pressure on the wound with it. He takes out the medical tape and tapes it down onto Kings leg.
What if the person injuryrp is unconscious? If you know first aid IC, then you can keep them alive until paramedics arrive. First, get someone to call 911, telling the dispatcher the condition he is in. Eg:

Statua: King! Call 911 and let them know this man is unconscious and bleeding.
King (911): We need medical help outside of the bank! There's an unconscious man on the ground and he's bleeding.

Now the medics should come. Keep helping the man. Get your someone to hold pressure on the wound (if there is one) with gauze or even a shirt. You should check ABC. This stands for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. Check to make sure they're breathing by watching the chest or feeling for air from the nose.
Statua leans in and listens to see if the man is breathing. He uses the back of his hand to feel for any air movement.
If that's good, stand beside the man and watch over him till paramedics arrive. If he's not breathing, check his airways.
Statua opens up the mans mouth and looks for anything blocking his airway such as blood or an object.
If you see something, remove it. If it's blood, roll the man over and let it drain. If nothing is there and he is unconscious, go to Circulation.

Statua feels for a pulse on the mans wrist and his neck. He feels nothing and begins CPR.
Keep with the CPR until the medics arrive.

So that covers the medical side of rp. Let's go into FearRp. Everyone hates this because they lose. That's mostly cause they don't understand the concept of it. If you're staring down the barrel of a loaded gun be it a glock or a shotgun, you'll be shitting your pants no doubt. Even if it's a glock and you have an ak47, you don't have it ready, he does. You make one false move, you're dead.

King places the barrel of the glock on statua's forehead.
You can't move here or your dead. You're also not a ninja, if you duck he will probably point down and shoot you.

Statua freezes. A look of nervousness flushes over his body.
King: Let me see your wallet. *He holds out his hand.*
You're nervous and scared shitless now even though you have a shotgun.

Statua puts his left hand up and reaches into his pocket with his right.
Don't pull out a kinife cause if you stab him, He'll probably pull the trigger.
Statua takes out his wallet and puts it in kings hand. He puts his right hand up too.
Statua: He-here. Take it j-just don't sh-shoot me.
King takes the wallet and opens it.
He obviously needs two hands to do this.

Statua looks at the glock now lowered and shoots both hands at it, he tries to grab the gun.
Now this is risky. If the other person isn't paying attention, he could easily loose the gun but if he's watching:

King notices statua going for the gun and pulls it away, dropping the wallet. He points it back at statua, this time, pissed off.
King: Tell me why I shouldn't shoot you for that.
Statua backs off and puts his hands back up. He is now very nervous.
Statua: I-I-I Dont know. Please please don't shoot me. I don't want to d-die.
King: You tried to kill me. Didn't you?
Statua: No. I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to. Honestly!
King: Liar! You'll pay for this!

King points down at Statua's Stomach and fires two shots.
So now you have to injury rp which we won't go into at this time.

That's how fear rp works. If you're lucky, you win. If not, you lose and may lose more than you think.

Let's say you have a friend with you. The two of you have desert eagles but the crook doesn't know.

King points a 5-7 at Statua's head. "Gimme yo wallet bitch! Do it now!"
Statua puts his hands up.
vizioN notices king getting ready to shoot statua. He take out his deagle and points it at king.
vizioN: You shoot him you die.

Now king is the one who has to fear rp.

King nervously looks at vizioN and the deagle.
vizioN: Give me the gun. *He holds out his hand*
King: Aww fuck man. Not like theis! *he puts one hand up and hands over the 5-7"
vizioN: Now beat it.

King holding both hands up now steps back a few times, turns around, and runs away.

That's how you get countered. If you manage to get the gun alone, you can do the same thing.

If confronted by a gun in a car, you can't drive off.

King sticks the deagle through the window. "Get out of the car."
Statua puts one hand up and undoes his seatbelt. He opens the door and steps out.

Statua: Fuck you.
King pushes statua aside and gets in the car.

You can't whip out your gun and shoot at your car now cause you'll cause more damage you have to pay for to it. If he doesn't push you away, you can however take out a weapon and confront him before he gets in or you can take his gun and pull him out with it. I won't go into detail on this for now.

Some things you should remember when roleplaying.

-always watch for the "player is typing" thing and don't continue if the person is in fact typing. Wait for them to finish.
-never shoot someone without them having a chance to avoid being shot (unless shooting them when they are not paying attention)
-never shoot someone if you don't need to (if you're just mugging them there's no need to kill them. That's a waste of ammo and puts you at higher risk)
-don't try to hold a gun on someone where others can see you as someone else may do the same on you.
-if someone says they have a gun, believe it and take it seriously. If they do, your life may be over...
-try to follow laws most of the time. Not everyone in this world is a criminal
-drive properly and park properly
-don't run everywhere without a valad reason.
-don't jump over things unless you absolutely must. If someone is in the way, ask them to move.
-if you even bump your car into someone elses, treat it as an accident cause your nice paint job is now fucked as well as a dent in your fender
-even though a car accident won't hurt you or won't hurt you lots, it's gmod, injuryrp the accident!
-if you see an accident or someone hurt, don't be a dick, call 911 and help them!!!

Some useful console commands for rp

Player Animations
act dance = Partay
act muscle = You're sexy and you know it
act wave = Greetings!
(will finish the act list later)

The following cannot be bound to a key. If they are, they wont work as toggles.
+duck = toggles duck so you can sit or type
-duck = same as above but turns it off
+forward = walk and talk
-forward = stop walking
+jump = park brake
-jump = drive gear

That's all I know for now.

I hope you have enjoyed this guide. Its a bit old but in my opinion, is the best way to Serious RP on OCRP. Dispite what people thin, it is possible and its a hella fun too!

Guides / Immersion
« on: April 08, 2013, 12:36:10 AM »
Taken from TnB. All credit to Omar.

In this brief guide I hope to cover immersion and how to become better immersed as well as things that come as reprucussions from being well-immersed in your roleplay.

Immersion - The ability to feel and to be your character as if it were actually happening.

In my opinion, immersion is the most important aspect of serious roleplay. Its the make or break of you enjoying the game and wanting to come back for more. If you can immerse yourself, you will find yourself enjoying the game a LOT more then if you're just playing. It may sound stupid but if you can feel your character and have no intentions to, in-depth serious roleplay is not for you. If you do however wish to 'become your character' then continue reading to find out some ways which may help you, a lot.

Immersion and how to maintain it:
I.OOC influence
II. Useful materials to promote immersion
III. Realism
IV. Chat
V. Ventrilo
VI. Fullscreen vs Windowed

I. Try to eliminate all OOC distractions and/or interuptions.
- You may not think it will create any kind of atmospheric difference but keeping all other programs closed while you roleplay and focusing completely on the task at hand can greatly affect how attuned you are with your character.
-Unless you absolutely need it, turn off all other monitors. Exceptions may incluse the use of them for IC things like typing a message into a computer or viewing a units data.
- If you have an OOC aid, for example will say a wallhack, not saying that any of you do; try deleting or turning it of becuase it removes the element of suprise that had reered itself up by random Combine attacks or zombies in ravenholm throughout the campaign and you'll notice a susbstantial amount of oppurtunities that you may have otherwise avoided.
- Turn off any background music unless it is beneficial to the situation, i.e. action music during a shootout, enhanced ambience, etc.

II. Although some add-ons put a hamper on immersion, add-ons like the following can actually improve the experiance.
-Realistic Blood Effects
-Realistic and Better Optimized Water Effects( I haven't tried this mod yet)
-The list can go on but I there are many addons like these that you can find through a few searches on or the workshop.

III. Realism
-If you aren't doing something realistic or playing a character believable within the Half-life universe than you won't feel as if that's actually what you're doing. To remedy this try thinking how your character would think as if he were in the world of a post-alien invasion that swiftly repressed the human race; not how you would react to such a situation.
-Despite this guide not being about realistic characters it can have a deep impact on how you view the Half-life universe.

IV. Keep out-of-character chat to a minimum.
-Say everything you need in LOOC or OOC in a short and conscisive manner to avoid multiple interuptions of roleplay that should only happen on a few, scarce occasions.
-Try to avoid joking if you can control yourself, it isn't really necessary and generally doesn't help the task at hand AT ALL.

V. Teamspeak
-Overall, teamspeak is nothing but a detriment to roleplay and just ends up being a source of metagame and distraction; generally as a rule of thumb you should try to only use teamspeak before and after you go on the servers. Through personal experiance I also felt better immersed in the roleplay and more inclined to roleplay well when not in ts.
-Teamspeak usally turns out to become a fuel for OOC driven acts and you begin to act more as how you would IC rather than how your character would.

VI. Fullscreen opposed to windowed
-Often, when a player is playing in windowed mode they're more persuaded to browse through other things rather than keeping completely focused on the task at hand as well as giving the player a better view on what is going on in their surrondings as well as being more aware of who is talking to them and who said what and when.
-Running in fullscresn usually eliminates the tmeptation to tab out to do something OOC.
-Generally the game runs smoother in fullscreen which is a positive thing.

Overall, this guide was meant to be an informative set of suggestions on how you, the player, can keep your roleplay experiance authentic and immersive.

Outside City 45 / Where would you like to go next?
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:51:28 PM »
I think we can all agree that the mountains are getting old. Why I didnt do this in the first place I dont know but whatever. Anyway lets figure out what setting we will move to. I'll just list a whole bunch and you can choose. There will be 2 votes. One over the next week to get some numbers, you can choose any many places as you like, and another featuring the top three most voted where you can only vote once.

If you have any places you'd like to see that aren't on this list, feel free to post here with a reference image about it.

The Places

Click to see the original size.
This would be similar to the coast you see in HL2RP with the high cliffs and coastal towns.

Ruined City
Click to see the original size.
Basically, sort of like Outercanals but more city-like. The streets would also be flooded in knee high waters.

Click to see the original size.
Thick dense jungle with hidden cliffs, running riverss, and lots of vegetation.

Better Mountains
Click to see the original size.
More rocky mountains with less open space and more rock walls to cut visibility.

Outside City 45 / Suggest improvements for Ineu Valley
« on: March 30, 2013, 03:00:58 PM »
I'm gonna do a lot of work on the bitch again. I'm going to be doing a lot of optimizing and moving and adding and It's going to look a lot more mountainy. I was playing Planetside 2 the other day on Amerish and got a bunch of ideas. Here's some things I will be working on.

-Improving optimization by a LOT

-Reducing visibility by use of more cliffs and hills

-Reducing the amount of trees which will be replaced by rock formations

-Making roads windier

-Going to try and make the river valley look 10x more realistic then it does now.

-Some more mountain features (pits, passes, coves, etc)

-More dynamic soundscapes

If you can think of anything that could be improved, let me know by posting here. If you want to see something added, I'll have to consider it as there's not a lot of space left and anything I change will have to replace something else.

Something I came across which is moving, easy to understand, and something you can work with. Take the time to read it some time.

Every person is a colour in this world. Shade that defines us, our personality.This colour analogy I came up with is from the things I love. I love to use and mix colours. Although you can get away with making beautiful pictures, you still have to clean the brush or it stains. Like pain the colours soak into our hearts and we are losing hope. That's why I wanna let people hear this, to give them hope. We all have traits, we all have different situations and negative impacts are like water, fading you out. Look around you, you all have colours. We know those people who are happy and very charismatic, they are shades of green. We also know people who can tend to be quiet and separated from the world, they are shades of blue. The possibilities span out from that you traits define your colour. Now your colour you hold with you, is going to change. It can change colour and it can be watered down to nothing. Think for a moment think of a colour that you would like to be, I bet you chose the one that you sought best for you. If I could choose any colour I would love to be a shade of green, to be happy.

Now I know this is about to take a turn for the worst. I believe when peoples colours fade so do their hopes for living, they contemplate suicide and wait day after day for the courage to go through it. For the longest time they dull their colour down to nothing but water and finally this stay for the worse. The people that loved them, their colour starts to fade too. Now I'm sure you've heard story after story and your sick about hearing about suicide. But why cover your ears and let other people yet egged on about being upset with life. You struggle to get up everyday, you struggle to look in the mirror, and maybe you struggle to fit in, to not take another pill. In the end you struggle, everyday and yes its hard and it sucks. Now you maybe saying. "What the derp! You've never been depressed, you have no idea what is it like."

Well I do, Now when I was born they called me a ball of sunshine, I loved to sing and run around the house playing with Hot Wheels, sticking sandwiches in he VCR. I was a florescent ball of Yellow. Bright and loving. Now My parents separated and my colour dulled a bit, I was now a slightly less brighter child. Now when I got to this town I was already a lukewarm yellow, like yellow with no effort. Things were great, I had made new friends and even enemies! I had a new place to try to change my colour to be a new person. So I lied. I damaged my colour with lies, it has turned into this gross brown yellow colour. I was teased in school a lot after I starting dying my hair, I was told once: "You used to be pretty, now your just gross." Gross.. I dyed my hair to a red and now I was gross.

I know this sound kind of dramatic and believe me I am a drama queen sometimes. But that day I went home and cut off a lot of my hair, I was upset. People thought I was ugly and it effected me. They didn't know it, they didn't know how much it effected me. Now once I entered high school, I had let my colour fade even more. I started to use drugs, because I wanted my best friend to like me. I wanted her to choose me over her boyfriend, but it never happened. It seems I had grown to love materialistic things, I want money for more substances. I would sell my sisters jewelry for exchange for drugs. I met this girl, now I'm pretty sure you might know whom I'm gonna talk about. I wont use her name though. I met her the March of 9th grade in English class. I believe she was a magenta shade, it was pretty faded at the time. We became best friends, and her colour got more vibrant. I wanted to get vibrant, but the struggle against the cravings never left, but I put up my first wall. I never let her see me in that way in fear she would dull. I cared more about her happiness then anything. I wanted her to succeed.

By 10th grade I had been able to pull off this act of hiding my addictions from everyone. Now as people saw me, I was different on the exterior the outside was unphased and I smiled, while sadness bubbled like water in my stomach. No one once asked me for help with it, which the the case was a good thing. I started to think that dating multiple guys would help make my life better, not at all. I started dating my drug dealer, not a good Idea. His colour was blue, a light blue that was tainted with a dark ring of grime. Not the best idea for me I guess.I pushed myself, I wanted to be like everyone else. I wanted to be accepted and all I had was stilt legs and fat genes from a ungrateful father. You see, I had wrapped myself up in it all, I caked on make up and I starved myself until I found myself trying to get off with everything possible to get more substance. But it was just another phase in my life I needed to get over and done with. That Christmas the Christmas of 2010 Things in me changed. I had this best friend That I wasn't being honest to, and I wanted to change. I enrolled myself into foster care. I call it "Rehab" now.

The people were amazing, the friendliness was almost sickening but it felt right. I soon enough was able to talk about myself and be myself. I had also met my girlfriend there. She was probably the second reason why I tried so hard to kick the feelings of diving head first into a pit of needles. And If I ever see her again I'll thank her for loving me despite my hair colour at the time. After 8 months of "rehab" and I think 13 different hair colours I was home and happy. My mother was pleased and even my little brother was happy to have his "Dura" back. Things were great, the colour had turned back to yellow, just your plain average Jaune.(french pun) But it seems during the time I was spending to myself I had put up walls around me, I pushed my best friend off the chart and most of my friends too.

I can't tell you I didn't think about it, I would be lying if I said that. I tried, and I tried I begged "god" to kill me a lot during my journey. I eventually ended up to the state of melted butter, I had lukewarm feelings of living. I kept eyeing up the tree in the back yard, I walked around it everyday for months planning how I would hang myself. I collected rope and re-wrote my suicide letter everyday adding more regrets and more dark secrets. I would scar my thighs and take more pills then I should but I never was granted that wish. I am glad I didn't. Your colours are you, you can make em as bright as you want. Let everyone see! Or you can dull it to the bone, let what others say to you bother you. When Honestly when does anything they say bother you. What makes us different. Our personality, but if you are all covered with thoughts of drugs or hurting yourself it's like your covered in band aids. People can set a feeling off like the rip of a band aid being pulled off quickly. Don't let it sting longer then you need it too.

Sure maybe your style is different from theirs maybe your dreams are harder to achieve, Maybe your fears are not placed in front of you but you like to chase them. It's your colour, its your shade of life that you can effect. And If you let someone else dip their brush in your colour, your gonna end up with a mess. So when you get teased or if something goes wrong at home and you want to just die think for a minute. "When Did I Let what others say matter?" When did you think everyone is allowed to have a opinion on you and what you wanna strive for. So what if your not model skinny, so what if you're gay. So what if you are loud and wanna scream words from the roof tops. Its who you are, don't change it, don't mix your colour trying to become someone your not. If you ever feel suicidal, If you ever feel Ugly if you ever feel alone in the world Stand up.
Look around you, these people are hurting. These people are feeling the same way as you. Their colours are dull they want them to explode. Ya'll can sit down now.

Think about the memories that made your colour brighter, think about the people who you will effect by committing suicide. If you right now are thinking, No one will then I'll smack yea. I know of this girl, a friend of mines ex girlfriend. She used to say "When I die no one is gonna come to my funeral." You know what, when that girl took her life, the funeral hall couldn't hold enough people. The balconies were Pactd and they had One minute to say goodbye, now that took all day. So next time your down, next time you think your too fat or ugly to get anywhere, think of the colour in your heart the colour you are going to become in the end, the vibrancy. Because that is your soul, your reason to live, to inspire others with your struggles to push forth your dreams.

Let me challenge you . Go one day without using, or self harm. Then the day after let me challenge you again, go two days. Now after those three days decide if you wanna challenge me, I'll put my happiness on the line, you put those feelings. And If I win, smile. Let the world know you won against the troubles. To walk this road with me, to stand here beside me and let the world know you're happy, or maybe that your struggling with the challenge I'm sure if you ask someone will lend you a hand, an ear and If they're not afraid of people; a hug. Now if I dont inspire you to change, fine then. But if you ever think about being alone, ever feel like maybe your alone against the works and you want to just fall off the face of the earth. Think about cats, no just kidding. Think about the people around you, how they are gonna react when you push your feelings their way. Trust me, if your parents or siblings or boyfriend/girlfriend, or cat will wrap their arms and paws around you and accept you. And if they don't, I'll send chuck Norris on their tail.


Outside City 45 / Before anybody assumes...
« on: March 11, 2013, 06:19:47 PM »
The thread about the polls was moved to an undisclosed location after me and Kronic talked about it. He gave me a few ideas and we're just going to go with the flow. If you want any more information, you'll have to talk to Kronic now.

Sorry for any confusion caused here.

General Discussion / Happy Birthday RoflWaffle
« on: March 02, 2013, 11:28:23 AM »
The master of CG is 17 now. He can officially buy M rated games in Canada.

Here;s your cake.
Click to see the original size.

Creations / Stat's Maps (ARCHIVING REQUESTS)
« on: February 26, 2013, 07:55:05 PM »

The addiction...

Please note that I am only taking requests to work on when I get back into mapping Fall 2014.

I like to make maps. People like maps I make. Poeple like to make scenes and movies. I like scenes and movies. Here's some maps. make some awesome scenes and movies ^.^

Mapping has become my hobby, my addiction. I love doing it and I dont know why. Making big maps can be annoying but little maps showcasing shit I can do, thats fun... So this thread will be my showcase. Ill post a video and workshop link for each map I publish.

Spoiler for Mountain Road:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

If you wanna see something or request something be made, feel free to do so. Only rule is its gotta be small in regards to work needing to be done. Please use the format provided below if you wanna request something:
Code: [Select]
[i][b][size=14]Map Request[/size][/b][/i]
[b]Reference Images[/b]:
[b]Extra Notes[/b]:

Mapping / Hammer Tutorials for Mappers Aged Newbie to God-Like
« on: February 25, 2013, 05:40:47 PM »

I personally feel this guy kicks 3dkilkshake's butt when it comes to tutorials. He's got EVERYTHING! People have been bugging me to make tutorials. Well this guy does it way better then me and covers more stuff then I could imagine so. Yeah.

"Ask Me Anything" / Ask Spatula Anything
« on: February 25, 2013, 11:17:29 AM »
Anything. Serious or non serious. Im down for a derp if you want ^.^

News and Announcements / RP Ineu Valley Full Release
« on: February 24, 2013, 05:40:50 AM »
Finally, something I did by myself that looks nice ^.^

Well its finally done. Thanks a ton to you guys for helping with the beta. I changed a few things noted below so enjoy ^.^ The outlands server should have it live shortly.


-Tweaked light_environment for a more realistic lighting experience
-Fixed lighting bug with rocks
-Fixed landslide escape path
-Fixed all known holes in displacements
-Added missing CG logo to pak files
-Flipped doors around in houses for easier access
-Added clip brushes to rope bridge guard rails
-Added areaportal to dig site for improved FPS while in the tunnels
-Lowered water by 64 units to help show the slow loss of water (similar to the riverbed found in the pass)
-Fixed the solid water by the combine outpost
-Added a clip brush to the wine cabinet in the villa
-Improved tree render optimization
-Improved water planes
-Removed non-functoning NPC nodes


-Half-Life 2: Episode 2
-Counter-Strike: Source

Workshop Link
Mediafire Link

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

TopHattWaffle - Textures
KOMAOCK - Skybox Texture
Unknown Artist - Foliage Pack Community - Awesome Suggestions

General Discussion / Apologies....
« on: February 19, 2013, 01:47:46 PM »
As most of you know, I made a rage video about hogs after he tried to loophole his way around some rules on the server. A simple little rule that I tried to enforce, which hogs didn't like. Anyway this video was intended to be private, but some untrustworthy administrator decided to leak the video that was in the admin only section.

We have our own section to rant about things and vent because quite honestly, administrating isn't as easy as you may think. Some players refuse to listen. That was the original intent of this video. To remain in that section so we could have a little laugh, I'd remove it a couple days later and we would move on. This was not the case. It leaked out and caused a huge controversy.

I admit, it was immature of me to call out hogs on that, and I'm sorry it came across that way. It wasn't intended to be an attack on hogs, merely just a rant. So I apologize for all that's come from this to the community, RoflWaffle and Kronic who have to deal with me, and of course, hogs who despite his attitude, is one of the better roleplayers here at CG.

Sorry everyone. I dun goofd.


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