Author Topic: [ACCEPTED] Sexy Frog's Return Application  (Read 1394 times)

Offline Sexy Frog

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[ACCEPTED] Sexy Frog's Return Application
« on: March 09, 2014, 04:17:15 PM »
<::| FORMAT: Returning Applicant |::>

This section is essential to the success of your application. You must be able to provide evidence (screenshots are the best way) which shows that you had an OTA unit in the past at Catalyst Gaming:

Click to see the original size.

1. Steam Name: Sexy Frog

2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31998299

3. Are you listed here? If yes, what unit are you?
Yes; Sexy Frog - UU.OTA.PHANTOM.21121 and Sexy Frog - UU.OTA.SYNTH.21121

4. What country and time zone are you located in (please use a GMT- or GMT+ modifier)?
United States - GMT-5

5. Have you been removed from the Overwatch or the MPF for being inactive?

6. Do you understand that by being accepted into the Overwatch faction, you are bound to the OOC standards?
Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way, Ozzie bby.

ASSESSMENT #1 - IC situation: You have just been tasked with escorting a VIP (in this case, a Civil Administrator) from the Nexus to the center of the plaza for a speech. It is expected that an attempt will be made on the VIP's life today at an unknown time. A citizen begins to follow your escort group. You suspect that they belong to a rebel group who intend to kill the VIP. How do you approach the situation? Be creative.
(Assuming the role of OTA.1111)

** As the time draws near, the selected team of Overwatch units donning their usual tactical attire begin to file into the Nexus lobby with indifferently posed looks, seemingly uniformed in their entirety. Soon enough, one of the metallic sliding doors open with a metallic hiss as the thudding of footsteps heralds the arrival of a neat, suited individual with a plastered and seemingly rehearsed smile.

"Shall we begin..?" he inquires to the bleak row of unresponsive units.

Without another word, the units almost simultaneously snap up their weapons before forming a protective box around the man, icily scoping every corner as they begin to skitter from the safety of their metallic bastion.**

**OTA.1111 radios: "Covering left flank of VIP with OTA.1112, be advised, 3 tallied citizens, 10-20: Train Station. Maintaining viscon.

** A monotonous choir of "Rodgers" and "Copies" ooze from the interior of the units mask as he cranes his neck to maintain his vantage point, scowling all the while almost subconsciously at this point. The units begin to advance towards their destination, the Civil Administrator at the very heart of their box formation with an almost sickeningly carefree air about him as he strode in time with the units zealous and calculated movements as if it were a mere stroll through the park. Even going so far as casually waving at the cowering citizens whom his behind trees and pillars, averting their gaze from his titan-esque bodyguards as if he were a mayor back in the old days walking through town greeting all whom he met along his route. Their mission had been progressing smoothly until one of the units on the rear right flank buzzed in about a citizen following their party, to which all the units snapped in the direction, aiming their weapon at the prudent citizen.**

**OTA.1111 says: "Citizen, vacate the premises or face the appropriate verdict. You have five seconds to comply. One. Two."

** The unit spoke with tenacious vigor, his finger hovering over the trigger by a mere hairs breadth, ready at any moment to fire should the citizen advance any further of fail to comply with his blatant warning; knowing full well that his peers were thinking the same. To this the citizen's eyes seemed to hollow out with fear as he raised his hands to show his lack of thread and his hoarse voice spilled out of his mouth in awkward spiels.

"I-I'm sorry, I ju-ju-just wanted to meet, I mean, I-I...uh, can I...?" he sputtered, attempting to reason with the units, or maybe it was some fruitless attempt at emotional appeal. Whatever the case may be, it was foolishly idealistic at best; blatantly stupid at worst.

**OTA.1111 yells: "Three! Four!" 

*The unit shouted towards the citizen, not caring for his pleas. The simple act of his shout distorted his already obscure voice into an almost hellish screech of static and airborne malice which seemed to fashion itself into that of a black lance the pierced the very heart of the timid citizen as he toppled backwards, landing on his butt after stumbling on his own feet. With a shout of terror, he scurried on all fours a sizable distance like that of a rat before launching himself up and taking off into the city.**

**OTA.1111 radios: "Possible 647E pacified, continuing operation. Ground units be advised, citizen guilty of mobility violation, headed in the direction of the UCH. Recommending immediate action."

ASSESSMENT #2 - OOC situation: The following scenario has taken place: a player who is in command of a criminal character in possession of hidden contraband was in the process of being handcuffed before they suddenly ran away without any valid RP. A member of the administration team locates and brings the offending player back to where they started. The player does not seem to understand the rules of the server. They are frozen in place while the administrator is sent to deal with an urgent matter. Before the administrator leaves, you are asked to explain to the player about what they did wrong. How do you proceed?

Do just that. First of course, I would inquire as the legitimacy of the items in question and if not obtained fairly, I would of course report it to an administrator to be dealt with accordingly. But in the event that they are legit, then I would simply explain the proper way they should have handled the situation before they had ran off and then suggest that we take it back from that point and RP properly. If they proceed to repeat the same thing and run away, the I would report it and most likely have the appropriate measures taken, likely a ban or kick.


Would it be possible to regain my Cerberus SYNTH unit as well? I'm not sure if they're still around, but I assume they are since its still on the roster.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 05:06:00 PM by o.g jackal »

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

Offline garry :D

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Re: Sexy Frog's Return Application
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2014, 05:05:33 PM »
Accepted, welcome back to the OTA!

Would it be possible to regain my Cerberus SYNTH unit as well? I'm not sure if they're still around, but I assume they are since its still on the roster.

I still have to iron out a few bugs with how synths will work and what their deployment rules are before I reactivate the group. If Outlands comes back up then I will definitely give you back a unit for the synthetic division.


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