Author Topic: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application  (Read 4435 times)

Offline Keskjer

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Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« on: February 13, 2013, 12:33:19 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name:KJUN
Age: 19
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 4-6 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Recently here and there however before my time on CG, Serious RP is the only RP that I conducted/played, which was… 1 year with my current Steam account. and 1 1/2 years with my old steam account(abandoned)

Character Section

-EMT/PCP Medical knowledge (General)
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spinal injury management
Fracture management, including assessment, splinting, and use of traction splints where appropriate
Management of burns
Advanced airway management
Triage of patients in a mass numbers
medical equipment maintenance procedures
Ability on how to drive a ambulance
Ability to administer narcotics

Name: Elijah Slànaighear
Age: 28
Affiliation: None, or Himself

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
     (2006 Elijah was just 16 and wanted to save lives, he saw his chance at his local pool and sent in a placation for Lifeguard training. After 2 weeks Elijah passed and started his career in saving lives. 2008 Elijah Joined NSP (National Ski Patrol). 2009 He enrolled in a EMT/PCP training corse in Las Vegas Nevada. After 26 weeks of hard and stress full training, After taking his Road exam and in character performance, passing with a 98.2% (90% needed to pass) it came down to the finale 4 hour written test. Elijah, stressed, and his heart pounding through out the test, he only needed to pass the main curriculum with a 3/4; Spinal/Bone Aid/Skin Aid, Obstetrics, Airway Management, and Triage. 4, 3, 2, 1, Hours gone and just minutes left till the timer is done, most of his class mates have already completed and left; elijah using all of his time reviewing to make sure he has picked the best answers possible he inhales deeply then exhales the same. 'Bzzz, buzz' The administrators' phone vibrates, he grabs it and turns it off, stands "Well thats it, pencils/pens; down and pass your test to me." The administrator of the testing said. When you exit the door you will be receiving a certificate of completion and in 2 weeks you will be receiving a letter of your scores with or WITH OUT your certification. It's been a true experience with working with you all, ad best of luck. Elijah hands his paper in and walks out the door, seeing a man right as he exits, the hands Elijah his certificate of completion and says "Now you here me, you got the guts to put your life in front of others, but remember you die who all save them?" "All right." the man chuckles "Good luck to ya Eli.". Eli nods his head and says "Thanks, you to." Eli walks away, holding his head high, looking back at all he's done, and all the knowledge he has gained. 2 1/2 Weeks later Elijah is sitting down on the floor in his apartment going through his mail. He smiles as he come across what he has been waiting for for weeks. He opens the letter and it reads as follows:
Spoiler for Graduation letter:

Dear Elijah H. Slànaighear,

The city of Las Vegas Nevada is pleased to announce your completion and graduation of the 2009 EMT/PCP Training Corse.
During the training period you have shown to not only your teacher but fellow classmates that you have the Courage, Professionalism, Forbearance, and Vigilance to undertake the responsibilities of serving your Community, State, and Nation in the Aid to help others over yourself. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the program.

Government Counsel of Las Vegas
Administrating Director of Emergency Medical Services

Scores for the 2009 EMT/PCP Training Course

Body Aid :: 100%
Obstetrics :: 67%
Airway Management :: 100%
Triage :: 100%

Pass rate :: 91.7%

Written reporting skills :: 100%
Medical equipment maintenance :: 98%
Emergency Vehicle Operation E.V.O. :: 100%
Standard Operating Procedures :: 95%

Pass rate 98.2%

Course overall performance :: 95%

Elijah having successfully passed his training became a EMT/Paramedic(PCP) for Las Vegas Medical.
Spoiler for On the job before portal storms:

Code: [Select]
(IMR) Immediate Medical Report These are seen on the onboard computer and PDAs that the medical crew carry.
(GSW) Gun Shot Wound
(We cover) We understand/ loud and clear/ Roger
(MB) Medical Bag
(Cart) stretcher, which has an onboard defibulator
(MedDef) Medical defense kit incase of aggressive victims and or patients, needed when GSWs are called in. All inside it is a Taser, Pepper Spray, and Emergency Transmitter (ET)
(Breach) at no point can a EMT/EMS/ any medical persons are allowed to enter a house from another means than the front door. They must be given permission by district of medical before breaking in the house to help. These restrictions only apply for when Gun Shots have been reported.
(MisCon) Miss-communication between 911 caller and dispatcher. In this case the address was wrong and was actually out side of medic 13s jurisdiction.

2months after receiving the letter of graduation

A female voice comes over the radio.
From the female dispatcher- "Medic 13-2, line 19 IMR"
*Elijah grabs the handheld CB radio imputer and speaks through it.*
From Eli-  "Medic 13-2 responding to IMR"
The Crew of Medic 13 Unit 2 consist of 3, Hayden Wilson (driver/ medical assistance) Elijah (Primary on medical) and Derek Larkins(Secondary on medical)
Hayden-"What do we got?" Eli-"Ugh checking… checking… checking… Okay got it, ears open, full report is as follows: 1962 Evening glow drive. Multi trauma chest punction, severe bleeding, possible GSW's. Second, head trauma bleeding with Confirmed GSW to lower torso. Break."
Hayden-"Copy, got the address in nav and we are lights and sirens, hold on making Uy."
Eli-"Medic 13-2 to dispatch we are--' Hayden-"5 minutes!" '-- 5 minutes from scene."
Dispatch- Medic 13-2 we cover, Police have been dispatched to scene"
Eli-" We cover” Eli-"Larkins you good?" Larkins- "Yeah, MB is good and cart is good" Eli-"Copy"
Hayden-" We're here, on right!" Hayden snaps to turn off the sirens and puts the ambulance in park.
*Eli and Larkins quickly jumps out of the ambulance and rushes to pull the cart out.*
Eli-"Okay front door, Hayden get MedDef" Hayden-"On it"
Eli-"Okay Larkins lets get inside"
*Eli approaches the front door and attempts to open it.*
Eli-" damn door is locked, how are we suppose to---' Eli pulls out his handheld radio which is connected to the ambulance which directs the signals to dispatch '---Dispatch Medic 13-2 we are at scene however front door is locked and… looks like light are off, no-ones here"
Dispatch-"Medic 13-2 address is 1962 Evening glow drive, I'm showing you on scene, stand-by for breach"
Eli-"Ah for fucks sake… Medic 13-2 we cover, Standing-by"
Dispatch- "Medic 13-2 Belay IMR; MisCon"
Larkins-"Did I hear MisCon?"
Eli-"Well fuck me; yeah you heard right"
Eli- "Medic 13-2 MisCon we cover."
Eli-"Hayden, you hear the mis-con?!"
*The ambulance lights turn off, Eli and Larkins looks at on another and nods their heads.*
Eli-"Okay lets pack up and get the hell outa here"
Larkins- "Oh man we are going to be the laughing stalk of the week"
Eli- "more like month if you ask me"
*Larkins steps in the back of the Ambulance guiding in the Cart as Eli pushes it back in.*
Eli-"all tight?"
Larkins-"tight lock us up"
*Eli nods his head and closes the back doors then walks to the front and climbs in.*
Eli-"Okay, well that was the biggest disappointment ever"
Hayden- "Yup, sooo were to fellas?"
Larkins- "just get us out of here for starters"
Eli-"Agreed, we still have another 2 hours until our shift ends"
*Hayden shifts the ambulance to drive and smoothly drives out of the neighborhood back on the main ways heading north.*
Eli-"Medic 13-2 to dispatch we have left IMR and are northbound on Rampart, crossing W. Lake Mead."
Dispatch- "Medic 13-2 we cover."

The minutes moved slowly for Medic 13-2 through out the night. Not a single call was made to them after the MisConed IMR. The two hours of patrolling around their grid had finally expired and they drove back to LV-EMS nexus and retired for the night. The much needed rest these men needed for the upcoming horrors that were about to occur

And in 2010-2014 he traveled with Red Cross and other Organizations as a first responder to provide care to those that got hurt during the Portal Storms.
Spoiler for 5 Years after start of Portal Storms:

May 7, 2015
Lisbon, Portugal 24 Hours after Portal storm

“We have bodies over here!” “I got em.” “Eli get your head out of the coffin he’s dead! Get your ass over here and help me with guy!” Eli stands above the deceased victim he was operating on, then rushes over to his partner. “Male, multi trauma to chest and server bleeding coming from his back, I- I can’t see what’s in him I need you to help flip this guy over, okay?” “Ugh yeah, on your 3” “Okay 1, 2, 3 and flip” Blood quickly pours from the victims back and reviles a iron I beam that has been stabbed and broken off into the man. “Oh shit, cover it, I need pressure! Yeah, yeah that’s good right there, now- now hold it.” “BPs dropping, were gunna loose him” Said Eli. “No, no, not-not yet, Okay I need adrenaline 5cc. Keep the pressure! Fuck, really Eli? Common keep your head in the game here.” Eli struggles to reach his med back and keep pressure on the victims back. “I-I can’t reach my bag.” “Fine, fine, forget Umm we need to- need to… “ “What? What do we need—“ “—Just shut up I’m thinking, Umm okay get your bag and drop the pressure on his back we need to roll him back over” “Okay? On your go” “Now!” They both slowly roll over then man then Eli rushes to his med bag grabbing it and rushing back to the man. “Okay, here, 5cc of adrenaline” “ No- no it’s not going to work, he’s lost to much blood, any adrenaline would simply pump what he has left out, we need a blood trans—“ “What? Hey, What do we need?!” “I-I don’t know! I just don’t know Eli” A slow exhale of air comes from the man. Eli looks at him then back to his partner. “We just lost him… “ “Yeah, yeah we did, let’s move to the next one we can’t save.” Eli's partner pulls off his latex gloves and leaves them on the ground. “So what? That’s it? Just move on to the next one? As if nothing ever happened!” “Yeah! Yeah Eli! We just move on like we have been doing for 5 years! Why- what do you want me to say? Hmm? Hmm?!” “I don’t know!” “ I just don’t know. Where do we go from this? Dead after dead, Storm after storm where do we go?!” Elis partner Looks at him, nods his head and takes a large breath of air. “Look, Eli I- I really don’t know where to go from this. So much dead and, not enough living, all the panic and fear, … I just don’t know, I’m in the same spot as you mate.” Static comes over the radio then a clear voice “Medical, Medical. Regroup at docks, secondary medical and military assistance has arrived, Medvac and Evac are stationed and are waiting. Repeat Medical, Medical--”  “So that’s our call. Time to get out of here and off to a new body filled waste-land”  “Maybe this one will be the last” “Who knows Eli, maybe this one will be the last.” Elijah's partner helps up Eli. They both look into each other’s eyes seeing the pain and exhaustion that they have went through the past 5 years. “Lets get out here” Eli grabs his med bag and lays down a small towel over the dead mans face. The two carefully walk over the all around ruble and make way for the road to the boat docks where they came in on.

Aug 11, 2015 The Combine had invaded earth, the 7 hour war was there and gone. Elijah's current location was in a small town in the romanian mountains, and was helping the injured due to a portal storm. When the Combine invaded the town Eli was forced to run for the mountains and is currently held up in a small town at a inn know as the 'Ineu Inn'.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Knowledge of the following
Spinal injury management, including immobilization and safe transport
Fracture management, including assessment, splinting, and use of traction splints where appropriate
Obstetrics, including assessment, assisting with uncomplicated childbirth, and recognition of and procedures for obstetrical emergencies such as breech presentation, cord presentation, and placental abruption
Management of burns, including classification, estimate of surface area, recognition of more serious burns, and treatment
Advanced airway management techniques including surgical airways. ( Like… Sticking a tube down someones air ways to help them breath, or cutting open there 'Throat' to help them breath.)
Triage of patients in a mass casualty incident (How to effectually cover multiply people/Provide medical care for them.)
Assessment and evaluation of general incident scene safety (How to work on a 'scene' safely and professionally.)
Effective verbal and written reporting skills (charting) (Optional)
Routine medical equipment maintenance procedures (Pretty much how to clean up equipment and/or dispatch it correctly. Some things need to be 'Burned' over throwing them in the trash.)
Routine radio operating procedures (How to talk on the radio effectively, not really needed seeing that my character doesn't have a radio yet. [Must have lost his while on the run from the combine.])
Emergency vehicle operation (How to drive a car/Ambulance.)
Give aspirin and nitroglycerin (chest pain), oral glucose and glucagon (diabetes), epinephrine (allergic reaction), salbutamol (asthma), sometimes naloxone (narcotic overdose)
Drug administration of Oral, nebulized, and intramuscular injection

Since Eli had nearly failed Obstetrics and he hasn't operated on anyone for some time he has lost how to treat those that are pregnant.
Its damn hard to treat someone alone let alone himself. He can't give himself any form of medical care beside makeshift bandaging and mediocre medical care.
His ability to give medical care is limited due to the fact that he only has two hands, and proper medical equipment is scarce.
Alone mostly and without a job his ability to retain his medical knowlage is hard, and he may forget to do things or have gaps/ 'space out' while providing treatment to patients.
If seen by the combine he will most likely be killed for proving medical attention to civis/Anti Civis/Rebels.
Always has the possibility of making a human error which can cause loss of life to himself or someone else under his care. e.g. administrate the wrong type of drugs or attempt to help in a makeshift surgery and.... nict a artery.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Main Goal: Plan is to join Faction V-EMS and work with them/Statua. From what I heard he's connecting his faction to the local medical facilities.
Side goals: Increase medical RP/injury RP
Have a funner time RPing on Outlands… Normally I'm alone and no-one talks much to me and I them lolz.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Currently no.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Please don't be to harsh on me; first time. And I did this in another language and used Google translate to change it to english. I can speak english just fine but my spelling/grammar ethics for writing is crap.
Also any question on anything in here you can ask myself or Statua as he will most likely know the answers as well as I do.

Added 2 spoilers with in-action events. One is from personal experience that I constantly look back on from time to time.
Changed WhiteForrest Inn to Ineu Inn due to map change.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 01:17:13 AM by KJUN »

Offline Statua

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 01:08:04 PM »
I still envy you daily for being certified...

Since you actually are certified IRL, i like uber support this.

Offline Keskjer

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 01:27:09 PM »
Thanks Statua : )
Umm as for grammar goes I take it I didn't do that bad eh? lolz

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 02:30:17 PM »
It was ok. Could use some paragraph formatting and puncuation support as well as flow but, I personally know you RP well in-game. Ive noticed some people might be excellent roleplayers but cant write forum based stories for shit.

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2013, 10:20:30 AM »
Backstory regardless is too short, one paragraph, in my opinion, never cuts it for any auths of educational knowledge.

Write atleast twice the amount, some stuff during his learning process and stuff. Having a backstory just say that your character took exams, passed, arnt really that good in my opinion.

You are a good RPer though, but I wont support it with the length it has right now.

Grammar and stuff, since you have a legit reason for not being that good with it, i'll look past it.

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2013, 12:13:33 PM »
I'll spend some time this afternoon and work on more for the backstory. Most of the stuff that I put in is just taken from my personal experience, and the 26 week class that I did had a lot of material so I'll make it longer. Perhaps work on more of Obstetrics and why he failed it; add a reason to his story, maybe he didn't like it...? But Yeah, I'll work on it and edit it some time later today/tonight.

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2013, 01:00:55 PM »
The backstory is more like 2 or 3 paragraphs unformatted.

Go into more detail on work experience and what you did.

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2013, 01:39:31 PM »
The backstory is more like 2 or 3 paragraphs unformatted.

Go into more detail on work experience and what you did.

Like what he did durring the portal storms? I can also re-format the paragraphs, I'll just need some help... Might ask a co-worker or something.

Offline Anzu

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2013, 02:55:48 PM »
Usually backstories include some of the characters trainings and stuff, sometimes about their childhood if it had anything to do with it, what they did during the portal storms and maybe what he used it for before the storms, stuff like that.

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2013, 03:59:36 PM »
Yeah okay, cool, I'll start working on it. Umm at any time you feel like I'm taking to long on the editing and adding more backstory, denying this is fine and I'll just wait the 1-2 weeks before posting a new one/better one. Your call on that, Most of the stuff I getting is from the past and my memory isn't the best, I'll try to keep the imagination to a minmal to keep it as realistic as posible. But there is a chance it wont be done tonight and/or tomorrow night.

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2013, 04:09:02 PM »
It's fine. Just make sure you have it updated within the next 5 days.

Offline Yak

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2013, 04:04:01 AM »
You sure you want to make an application already, you only recently started trying to RP on HL2RP.
Though, medical RP would be a great passive for you.

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2013, 02:42:30 PM »
You have 24 hours to meet the requirement specified before this is denied.

Offline Keskjer

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2013, 08:26:52 PM »
Updated: Added 2 spoilers with in-action events. One is from personal experience that I constantly look back on from time to time. The Code in one of them in information to help understand what is being said.

Offline Anzu

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Re: Elijah Slànaighear Authorization Application
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2013, 09:16:37 AM »
Eh, I'd still have liked that you wrote a longer backstory during your learning time.

But, I'll support it. You've shown effort, you know how to RP and such.


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