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Topics - Lord Bravery

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Creations / A day in the life of TBI's OCs
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:34:03 AM »
As one of TBI's ocs, you constantly evolve.

Let's start with Lemony, who I first though up at around 15 years old I guess.

Spoiler for Hiden:
She was a talking sparklecat with a Jamaican accent.

Spoiler for Hiden:
She then evolved into a tomboyish sparkleanthro with massive tits and hips.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Then she got an underwater edit dubbed "Sublemony" because I came up with Lybbi and Lybbi needed a friend.

All of these designs are terrible hhuhhhghghhhhhgh I was a troubled child

Spoiler for Hiden:
Then I joined a TF2 rp group like a two years ago and she turned into a non-furry Jamaican Engie who constructed a BigDog and rode it everywhere because I've always been obsessed with BigDogs

Another good example of my characters dramatically evolving (appearance wise, at least) is Cypress.

Spoiler for Hiden:
She started out as a playful human female who was somewhere between 19 and 23. She had a robot sidekick who was mainly there as a father figure.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Her palette didn't suit me so I turned her blue and gave her tentacle hair. She, at this point, was obviously no longer 100% human so I decided that she was some manner of alien.
Targos got a bit of an upgrade as well because he reminded me of "some mutant offspring of Briareos".

Then I have the character who has evolved the least, but been tortured the most.
Presenting, drumroll please....

He started out and ended as a Pyro in the same group as Lemony. (I never really used Lemony...)
he stared out straight and turned into he most massive faggot you have ever seen. He also did a bit of "crossfactioning" with a black pyro hooHOO so that was a trip.

I don't have any good not gay pictures of him but he's had ferrets in his pants and he's been manhandled in prison and he's been drawn as a centaur and he had an altogether horrible life. The end

No wait scratch that here he is as a Tron

oh and catfighting a spy

Chris was my favorite. :(

IC Chat / <::|| OfC(A).882's Private Logs ||::>
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:04:07 AM »
UNIT: 882

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New File Opened: msg.882_0001
Send To: Self
Subject: PL001 note to self: file under "Private Logs"

<::|| I felt compelled to keep a log for various reasons. I realize that I'm meant to be open in these, however, I do not feel comfortable expressing myself completely in a format that may potentially be used against me if discovered. That being said, I was completely open to a unit, whose digits nor rank will I mention, when we had a little sit-down earlier.

     The story starts with a citizen spitting in my face. It wasn't the first time a citizen had done this to me, nor do I expect it to be the last. However, this particular incident enraged me. I apprehended the man and delivered a minor re-education. A high-ranking unit had stopped by to observe me. I don't remember his rank exactly, but I do recall that his digits were 570 (I can disclose his information because I have no worries that either of us will be punished by my doing so if this log is ever made public). I asked permission to deliver a major re-education. 570 simply instructed me to bring the man to treatment. I was pleased; this meant that the man would be severely punished for his actions against me. I was disgusted with myself for wanting to see him suffer for something so minor. Conflicted emotions aside, I dragged him into the Nexus.

     Once we were in treatment, I moved into the observation room. Even though I wanted to see him suffer, I still don't have the guts yet to deliver more than a major re-education (and that's on my worst days). I can't help but recall the time 713 made 967 and I "treat" a man until he died. Well, I ended up being the one to press the button after all was said and done, since 967 was... he wasn't able to do it. Honestly, I wasn't either. My hand seemed to guide itself to the console at 713's command, worried for the safety of the rest of my body. Either way, that's history.

   Where was I going? Ah, yes, 570 "treated" the man who spat on me. The man was begging for death. I asked, no, begged 570 not to give the man what he wanted. I can recall clearly 570 saying to the man, "I hope you're ready for this," and letting the machine completely vaporize him. I was enraged. I had to take a minute to compose myself in the Upper Lobby. I patrolled for a while, trying to walk off my anger. I eventually found myself in the Upper Lobby again. I couldn't... I wasn't in a fit state to patrol. However, there was a unit there who was open to listening to my woes. I spoke with him, he seemed to listen. I felt better after speaking with him.

     I thought that if speaking to someone helped clear my mind, what could keeping a log do for me? I'd be able to express myself without having to tell another person who may judge me for my sometimes foolish feelings. It would also be useful for me to reflect on my past decisions, so that I may handle future situations "better".||::>

Saving File As: msg.882_0001
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting 04.882
Console Shut Down.

Bug Reports / You do not know him name.
« on: October 31, 2011, 11:43:56 PM »
When you hover your cursor over characters you don't recognize, it says their physdesc and then "You don't know him name"

Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Is what this person did right?
« on: October 19, 2011, 07:43:38 PM »
Discuss. Not trying to get anyone banned, just want to know what to do in future reference other than whine on the forums.......................

Spoiler for Hiden:
** C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 points to the armband
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Joking.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Ok, RP.
** [5'10 - 5'11/101lbs. -...] walks up to the units.
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Citizen, why do you have that?"
[5'10 - 5'11/101lbs. -...] says "What?"
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Also, why were you crouching down infront of me?"
** [24|Asian|LoyalistArmb...] looks and hears at the conversation.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: That was OOC.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Void.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: you cant lolvoid
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: against the rules
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I'm not lolvoiding-
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Waitwha?
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: you were, you did something on purpose and voided it.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Hmm, well thats new.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: no?'
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: been around since city 11
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Citizen."
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Speak."
[LOOC] Edgar King: first time I've heard of it
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I do read the fourms.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Now void it and I won't do shit liek that again, ok?
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: *like
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: no
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: First time I've heard of it too.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: -_-
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: I wont.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: you have to read the forums.
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: This is your second warning!"
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Answer the question."
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: can i beat them occ?
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I do, I just didn't pick up that specific rule.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Sometimes it's by accident, the console goes off on me all of a sudden and I found myself running one time.
[LOOC] Edgar King: well for the crouching, just tell them you tripped or something. Since the player is goign to be hard-headed
** C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 flicks on his stunstick
[LOOC] Edgar King: :3 :3
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: -_-
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Final warning!"
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: just RP is away, GOSH
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: fuck sake, SPEAK.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: it*
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: FFS unit, you know I was OOCly joking.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: GOIL!
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I havn't been on for 2 months or so. And nobody has told me the rule.
** C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 swings the stunstick at the citizens head.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: react?
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: *sigh*
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: Oh my god.
** the stunstick hits the citizens head.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: took to long.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: GAH
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: It would be best we go back to where we where before the whole thing.
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Citizen."
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: That's just cold man. Seriously. She barely did anything to you.
[LOOC] Edgar King: agreed
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: *facepalm*
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Final warning!"
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: What? Was it against the rules?
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Where did you get that armbanmd"
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I would love to RP, not because I didn't know a rule.
Jstrom has connected to the server.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: she ignored all three warnings and didnt speak ICly, you cant rp OOC
Phalanx has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Ignoring warnings for what? Crouching?
** C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 flicks on his own baton
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: I'v ignored it, asking about the armband
Out of Character for OOC:
Neil Dubrovsky: If I have now 9 posts. And I create an app for CP. Will I get rejected for having 10 posts by the time the topic is out.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Trying to ask yo usomething?
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: -_-
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Crouching- ok.
Out of Character for OOC:
Neil Dubrovsky: If you understand what I mean
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: nope
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: that nope was meant to be OOC
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: you are seriously failRP'ing right now, just RP it all away
Out of Character for OOC:
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: No, you wont
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Citizen."
Out of Character for OOC:
Neil Dubrovsky: Okay, thanks c:
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Wall"
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 yells "<:: NOW"
Phalanx has connected to the server.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: I now have to detain you cause you're ignoring me IC
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Its aginest EVERYTHING this charater is for- we're OOCly talking.
[LOOC] Edgar King: Who's fail rping? The only fail rper I see here is 285........................
Out of Character for OOC:
Neil Dubrovsky: Imma go sit on this bench and write the app. Brb.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: -_- Man.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: you can OOC and IC at the same time you derp.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: ^^
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I would rather finish OOC thaen IC.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: too bad, you don't get a choice
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Seriuosly dude, you hit here because she crouched or didn't talk to you.
** C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 sighs
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Final warning!"
[LOOC] Edgar King: Yes, but she was trying to figure soemthing out and you weren't giving her time to do both
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: No, we cant lolvoid, its against rules
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Its not lolvoid.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: she's had at least 7 mins to SAY SOMETHING, but she HASN'T
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: This is the most faliest thing I have ever seen in the server.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: we're also not allowed to randomly shoot minges
[LOOC] Edgar King: Accurate, Wyatt
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: Say something, RP IT
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: anything...
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: Forget OOC and RP the situation away.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Go back to the question then-
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: ok.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: I said wall
[5'10 - 5'11/101lbs. -...] says "T-The armband?"
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: by the way
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: -_-
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: What? CP's play garrysmod now?
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: Get on it.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: THATS the problem.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: Yeah, we do, problem
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: ?
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Im busy trying to type oOCly and your skipping by in IC
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: *OOCly
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: dont type OOC then, IC chat now, dont speak OOC again
C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 says "<:: Citizens, unless you need something here, Vacate."
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: rp the situation
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Well we're too far away in RP.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Back when I had my 04 I watched them cout a guys balls off.
** C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 flicks off his stunstick, sighing
Out of Character for OOC:
Neil Dubrovsky: *headdesk*
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: o_o
Smow Kabboo has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: *blink*
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: o_o
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I can only type so fast, so please, calm it.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: she's still OOC'ing
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: Fuck, sorry
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Is it aginest the rules to discuss OOCly?
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Lol?
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: -_-
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: my steam messed up
[CG]shadow_wolf360 has connected to the server.
Shadyjay has connected to the server.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: couldnt click off of it, so sorry.
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Citizen."
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: You would've done the same!
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: If you continue to ignore me, your punishment will go to level two."
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: :O
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Please, void this.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: W. T. F MAN
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I was busy OOC.
=ExG= Sexy Frog has connected to the server.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: Clover, we are talking about the armband, not the crouching
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Stop caps raging please.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Sorry.
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Citizens"
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: No, both, and hes going far ahead.
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Isolate!"
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Wall, last chance."
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: I can't believe this is possible. Really.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: -_-
Smow Kabboo has disconnected from the server.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: stop refusing to
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: *Walks away dramatically.*
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Well, the RP isn't legit for the character.
** C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 swings his stunbaton at the citizens head again.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: :/
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: bullshit
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: react?
** C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 flicks his stunstick on again
** The stunbaton hits the woman in the side of her head.
C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 says "<:: Vacate citizen!"
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: No, not bullshit. I could consider metagame becuase I am talking in OOC right now and he went to hitting me.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Rct's not even reacting to this.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: see?
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: ive seen worse
Darkshifter98 has connected to the server.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: ive DELT worse
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Rct's suppose to go like, "Are you sure, and hesitant."
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I'm typing, and he keeps hitting me and continueing with worse.
** C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 swings his stunbaton at the citizens head again.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: :/
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: bullshit
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: react?
** C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 flicks his stunstick on again
** The stunbaton hits the woman in the side of her head.
C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 says "<:: Vacate citizen!"
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: No, not bullshit. I could consider metagame becuase I am talking in OOC right now and he went to hitting me.
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Rct's not even reacting to this.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: see?
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: ive seen worse
Darkshifter98 has connected to the server.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: ive DELT worse
[LOOC] Wyatt Chang: Rct's suppose to go like, "Are you sure, and hesitant."
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I'm typing, and he keeps hitting me and continueing with worse.
[LOOC] Neil Dubrovsky: Why is there no "Attempting to?" Isn't that considered Powergame otherwise?
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: you're making me angry here, start RPING now
C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 says "<:: Citizens."
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: For what?
C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 says "<:: Move away."
Edgar King says "Don't worry, I'm recodring the log to make a post on the forums about it."
XMasterMoronX has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Edgar King: Just keep goin
[LOOC] Edgar King: also that was meant for looc
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Thats not her, and, I would like to void.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: Thats ok edgar
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: fuck this.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Beccause, while I was OOC on a topic of the rules, you continued RPing.
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Not allowing me to act, so this could be metagaming.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-04.203: Da fuck
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: you, are a complete minge, you are completely avoiding RP. I'm done with this
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: like we said before, you can OOC and IC at the Same time
can't get to notepad in game
** C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 nods to 203
[5'8|110 lbs| Pink eye...] says "Officer?"
[LOOC] Edgar King: she's def not a minge
** C45.CCA.GRID-04.203 nods back
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: Well, did I want to? I was asking a question.
[5'8|110 lbs| Pink eye...] says "Officer 203?"
C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 says "<:: ."
Dr. Robotnik has connected to the server.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: one thing, both times I said I swung the baton at her, I said react?
[LOOC] C45.CCA.GRID-02.285: not powergaming
C45.CCA.GRID-04.203 says "<:: Hmm..."
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: I was OOCly typing.
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: 203"
[5'8|110 lbs| Pink eye...] says "Officer 203."
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 says "<:: Patrol with 563"
[5'8|110 lbs| Pink eye...] says "I was looking to submit an idea to the Civil Protection"
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: And I did not RP because I was asking a question as you continued to RP.
C45.CCA.GRID-04.203 says "<:: Oh, yes sir."
C45.CCA.GRID-02.285 radios in "<:: 10-7"
C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563 says "<:: Copy."
WestSideFlasher has connected to the server.
C45.CCA.GRID-04.203 says "<:: Uh..."
[LOOC] Elizabeth Clover: 563, are you voiding it as well?
[5'8|110 lbs| Pink eye...] says "Its ok you can have credit I just wanted to suggest an idea"
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: just void it all, if you have a question right now, ask it, or leave
[LOOC] C45.CCA.UNION-RCT.563: go read the forums and find out yourself? ALSO, this is Serious RP, Use some common sense
Basically what happened is 285 and 563 were patrolling. Elizabeth was wearing a strange arm band. They pulled her aside. She had crouched in front of 285 for about 3 seconds. 285 icly asked about her armband and why she crouched in front of him. She oocly asked to void the crouching. 285 oocly went "no lolvoiding" and Elizabeth was like "I'm not trying to lolvoid anything, what does that even mean". Apparently she hadn't played on the server for 2 months, but even then both I and Wyatt didn't know what 285 was talking about.

Elizabeth continues to oocly ask 285 about the rules / to void the crouch this one time since she wasn't up-to-date while 285 continues to rp while she's typing and waiting for a response oocly.  285 p. much ignores her oocly while he advances ic and p. much powergames. Then makes the excuse that "she had plenty of time to respond, you can talk both icly and oocly at the same time". She wasn't rping back because she wanted her questions answered ooc before she continued since they had to do with restarting the rp. She wanted to go back to the beginning of the rp, right when they pulled her over for her armband.

285 didn't help her ooc and continued rping/powergaming ic. Then I dropped the "I'm taking this to the forums" bomb and 285 decided to ragequit (P much go "FINE VOID EVERYTHING" and then ignore Elizabeth both IC and OOC.) And then 563 made me lol with his "Use some common sense" thing. And I'm like "so you can void EVERYTHING but you can't void just the specifibits?" in my mindplace

Discuss. Not trying to get anyone banned, just want to know what to do in future reference other than whine on the forums.......................

IC Chat / The Auto-Biography of Geofferey Byron
« on: October 09, 2011, 03:44:34 AM »
-He chuckles to himself.-

It was a pleasant morning. It was warm and the sun was shining through the open sunroof of my 1999 Mercury Cougar. A cool breeze gently mussed the leaves of the trees along the edges of the motorway into the airport. I pulled up to the terminal and popped the trunk so that my brother could hop out and remove his things from it. The plan was for him to head inside and secure three comfortable seats while I parked the car. The plan was successful. Kind of. We sat and waited on a hard bench for a couple hours. We chatted a little. We caught concerned looks from passers-by. Some even stopped to quickly give their two cents worth to my brother. He feigned modesty, when in all actuality he could have cared less. And then we followed him to a roped off section leading into the first checkpoint. The queue was empty. He snaked his way along the-what seemed to be at the time- ridiculous path. Several people followed behind him. Nobody wants to be first.

-He waves it off casually, as if the details are not important enough to mention. He slowly sighs, taking a minute to collect his thoughts before continuing. Slowly, he begins writing again.-

I waved as my brother turned and walked toward the airport checkpoint. We couldn’t follow him any further. My heart sunk into my stomach, and my face quickly grew hot- I’m sure I was red as a tomato. My sister stood next to me, her hand slowly creeping around the hand I had left so carelessly hanging by my side. I was focused on other things; I had completely forgotten that my hand even existed until she took hold of it. Our fingers meshed together into a fleshy knot hanging between us, then she tightened her grip reassuringly. She had always known how to comfort me so well. I took it for granted. The terminal was fairly empty that day. I could track his progress by picking his short, red hair and unusual attire out of the small crowd. I watched though the bulletproof glass as he unlaced his boots and placed them in a large, yellow tub next to his new, desert-camouflaged backpack on the conveyor belt to be sent through the scanning machine. He spoke to the guard, briefly. I could tell he was displeased with the smaller man by the way his eyebrow twitched when he spoke. The guard either didn’t seem to notice or didn’t care. Then, my brother stepped through the metal detector. The next security guard waved him on. After this, I couldn’t see much anymore, as his head had disappeared behind the small crowd for a minute. It felt like an hour. When he resurfaced, I let out the breath I had been holding. I was worried he had left without giving us a final, final goodbye. Thankfully, he had only bent down to pull his boots back on and re-lace them. He slipped his backpack on and continued forward.

He didn’t look back for a while. He continued through the process without giving us a second thought, it appeared. It was typical of him. He was a military man, after all. He was practically programmed to never look back. To never let his past get in his way. He headed to the left. He looked so small. So far away. And that’s when he turned to face us. I could hardly see his toothy grin as he raised his hand to wave at us one last time. My vision blurred, everything and all of the colors around me seemed to run together. I blinked, trying to clear my eyes. The tears tumbled down my cheek. I felt another reassuring squeeze from my sister. And then my brother disappeared behind a barricade.

I was 20 at the time. What an embarrassment I must’ve been to my younger sister. She always seemed to hold together through hard times much better than I did. I don’t remember her crying at all that day. I wish she had’ve. I wish I could have held her head against my chest and wept into her soft, golden hair right there in that terminal. I wish we could have cried together, not caring who saw us. I wish I could remember the good times we spent together as clearly as I remember the bad ones.

We stood hand in hand for a while, unmoving. Just watching as people slowly filed into the queue and went through the same process our brother had just gone through. My sister finally tugged gently at my cold, numb hand and tenderly whispered, “Let’s go.” I nodded as if I were in a trance. My feet and legs worked together to pull the rest of me through the front door of the terminal, my sister following along beside me. It wasn’t until we had finally made it back to my car on the far end of the sun-soaked parking lot that we cut the physical tie between us and unlinked hands.

We were completely silent the entire drive home. It rained that evening, which surprised me.

All of the months and years between that day and his funeral have run together in my mind.

-He drops his pen on the table and leans back in his seat.-

General Discussion / What's the deal with purchased doors?
« on: October 08, 2011, 03:43:12 PM »
Is there a timer that resets purchased doors to purchase-able after a used has been logged out for so many hours? I don't understand this system lol

'Splain me for I am confused.

Creations / I am a drawfag.
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:51:44 PM »
Here, let me spam share some of my creations at with you :) :)

Lemme start with my icon biggersized

( It's Geofferey :) :) )

Here's a more detailed version but his face is all kinds of messed up :(

Hold the color

For you Test Subjects out there

And the Test Subjects who also like Studio Killers (they only have two songs out but they are SOOOO worth a listen)

Wonky sexy human!hunter sketch
I like to do sexy and then practical human versions of everything :) :)

This was from when I was in a rp group in iScribble uhhhh like a year ago.
The two on the right are mine :) :)

And here's a more recent drawing I did of them if they were in the portal universe

Oh and here's a galdose

Like there are some questions I feel really dumb asking because the answers are prolly obvious to anyone who has been around a while and I think it would be a good idea to have some way to submit them for public review except anonymously.

Then again that would be horrible because so many people would abuse the system.

Maybe if it had some kind of time limit and if you didn't figure it out on your own before your wait / screening period was up, then....

Or maybe if all of the questions were reviewed by moderators before posted for public answer. Or maybe if a moderator or group of moderators could answer the questions themselves. Kind of like a formspring or something.

Idk this is mostly just me being embarrassed and not wanting to ruin my good name. What good name lol

Suggestions / Guide for n00bs about CCA??
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:46:57 AM »
I've kind of figured it out, but I think a guide would be helpful for new peeps who don't understand the different ranks and stuff. Like what's the difference between a Union OfC and an Apex OfC? What do the numbers mean? These would be good things to point out in the guide.

Introductions / I want to be the Butt Inspector
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:23:48 AM »

It is me! The one and only Geofferey here to... to. Ah. Waste your time. Does anyone even read these? Ah, well. I just wanted everyone to be aware of my goal in life.

Also, I might not be the only Geofferey so maybe I take that part back........

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