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Messages - [S-ZPS] Sherman

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Suggestions / Re: Rule suggestion, for Admin sake
« on: May 08, 2013, 12:47:39 PM »
Admins are to be treated just like normal players. Just like if a normal player is flaming another normal player they get kicked, if a normal player flames an admin they get kicked.

But isn't there a rule which says if you kick/ban someone with the reason "flaming an admin" you will get demoted due to eliteisme? Because you wrote "admin" in the ban reason.
Thats elitism yes.

If somebodies flaming you and you're an admin and it gets to the point where its kick/ban time, you put the reason but you don't write any elitist shit within it.

Normally I brush off most of any abuse/flaming directed towards me because I honestly couldn't give a fuck because I don't know them. If it gets to the point where its constant they get a warning, kick and ban as any rule breaker does.

Though we have to be careful banning people for flaming us as 99% of the time they turn round with an admin complaint for doing it(they never get anywhere but its still annoying)

I see how a kick/ban can be considered elitism, that is why I want this rule. You shouldn't have to take shit from people. Like I administrate for a zombie panic server, Sammy's zps. On there all the time people yell at me but I just ignore them. And Rudolph, you have seen me in admin sits before. When someone calls me an adminge and a retard I just go," Yea I am a retard. yea I am stupid oh god I cannot help my mental retardation." Just so they eventually shut up...which they do. But if I really want we have elitism there and I can kick but I never do because it would just make me an ass. However I just ignore them but on CG you cannot ignore. And that is a splendid thing to have.

By the way I don't see why any of you are against it. It would only make your job better and not make you feel bad for those if you who do, like Wanderer did.

Suggestions / Re: Way to ticket Illegal parking
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:24:12 PM »
Maybe press F3 on the car as cop? Perhaps it could get the money straight from the person's bank, and it would notify them via a hint that they have been fined for $50-$100 for illegal parking. If they had no money in bank it could notify the officer that the person is unable to pay it, then they would have to track them down or wait for them to get a little income before ticketing again.

It shouldn't automatically make them pay it. It should simply be a ticket in their inventory that prevents them from driving until paid. Also, on a PERP server they had this....a shitty version of people....I don't know, they were all bad after 2.5. Anyway in that server cops would run around clicking on every parked car they could find to give them a ticket because they were just minges.
There would need to be a limit or something to the amount of tickets in a time period. Say one ticket a minute. Also the vehicle must not have a driver in it, it may be running (If the start engine idea is added) to give a ticket. Just no driver is needed to give a parking ticket.
Also maybe if a player creates 3+ tickets in under 2-2 and a half minutes an administrator would be notified with a hint to just be aware that some guy may be abusing the tickets.

Suggestions / Re: Rule suggestion, for Admin sake
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:19:17 PM »
Admins are to be treated just like normal players. Just like if a normal player is flaming another normal player they get kicked, if a normal player flames an admin they get kicked.

Most administrators won't. This is to give them the right to ignore a person/party who had/is being disrespectful to them if they want to. I have been around on garrysmod and source games for well over five years. RP servers, Sandbox, Zombie Panic! Source, CSS, TF2 and many many games. And I have been an administrator on many. I know the disrespect that comes to an admin for doing the job they have volunteered to do but just because someone shows it doesn't make me go to extreme measures like kicking/banned. Very few times in my history on these games have I taken such actions. And these types of actions are those which make servers, to some people, seem 'worse.' But one thing, in all of my jobs in the past, I have had the option to either ignore some raging ***hole or maybe ask another admin to help me out. I hate kicking people, honestly unless they are disrupting RP on a role playing server they shouldn't be. And any admin who had done that to me in the past I dislike...however again, I have been around a long time. I admit to breaking rules if I realize that I have, and if you ask some CG admins like Rudolph he may recognize that I had done that.
I think I am going off topic haha.
Main point admins currently have to do their job without the ability to simply ignore something. An action must be taken even though someone may be showing disrespect to them. You know Lone Wonderer and why he left, shouldn't the reason for him doing so change? Because I recall him being a fantastic administrator...even if he was in a situation with me. And, if they are a good person/admin, they know that kicking isn't always the answer and that simply ignoring something is best and is easier for them. Plus it can get them out of something which just made them feel back, like Lone Wanderer did.

Suggestions / Re: Rule suggestion, for Admin sake
« on: May 07, 2013, 08:03:44 PM »
Yea, but Karma I don't see anything ever done about it. No one gets banned/kicked for it. I just talked to Rudolph about thirty seconds ago and he told me he may ignore a /a or something but something like this should be given to ease their/your job as a Catalyst-Gaming Administrator. This is the reason to ignore someone, there may be rules against it but nothing about just being allowed to ignore what some ***hole is saying to you/another admin.

Wakeboard that is my point. You are not machines which administrate, you are people trying to enjoy the servers.

Suggestions / Re: Rule suggestion, for Admin sake
« on: May 07, 2013, 07:02:33 PM »
If you're being a dick us admins have the full right to ignore and/or kick you due to the quoted rule that Kjun posted.

On HRP. I am talking about all CG servers/just in general.

Suggestions / Re: Rule suggestion, for Admin sake
« on: May 07, 2013, 06:05:21 PM »
At first I was like "It would make us look bad for banning you cause you dont like us", but then I read the bottom line stating where we dont have to listen to people like that.

I like this idea. If people dont have the decency to be patient and non-aggressive, then those people are on their own. Why should I help someone who's being a dick to me? I dont volunteer to deal with peoples shit attitudes.


Yea, your doing them a favor, you shouldn't have to deal with shit.

Suggestions / Rule suggestion, for Admin sake
« on: May 07, 2013, 02:16:54 PM »
For a little while now I have been annoyed and wanted a rule to prevent people from disrespecting administrators and treating them like objects, not people. After hearing another admin tell me why he quit his job as an administrator because of the disrespect he gets I wanted to make this post.

Keep in mind:
- Being an administrator on here is not a paying job or anything, it is people basically volunteering. They are using their time to stop playing the game they love to help out people with situations.
- This rule is not based on favoritism/how much you like/dislike someone.
- This doesn't make them elite, it makes them human giving them a choice, it is a job they are doing for people as favors. Like I said above, they are volunteering to do this. An administrator, Owen I believe, told me that it would make them be "elite" but this rule has no real punishment like a kick/ban. Therefore it doesn't make them above anyone, just human like I said before.
- This would apply for all Catalyst-Gaming servers

        Many times you may see people yelling at admins during a situation or on the OOC chat. Now would you like someone to be doing this while you are trying to help them? Of course not. So my rule proposal is not really meant for punishment, no kicks, no bans. The rule would be that if you show an administrator disrespect they may ignore/disregard your call, if they want to BECAUSE there was disrespect show to them. If someone who is accusing someone of breaking a rule starts yelling at them or even the person being accused does the administrator may take whatever action they please. They may ignore either party. The rule, again, has no punishments other than being ignored.

Honestly I am tired of the disrespect I see and after some administrators LEFT because of it, I think it is time for something like this to be done, for Admin sake. THEY ARE DOING US A FAVOR and some people treat them like the scum on the bottom of their shoes.

Kronic: I understand that you are currently "cracking down" on admins not responding to calls. Of course if there is a "/a ADMIN GET THE FUCK OVER HERE" you would understand that they would be breaking this rule. However if there is a reason something wasn't resolved all that would need to be done is ask a question why. So this wouldn't really be much of an issue.

Suggestion to how it could be written:
 An administrator being shown disrespect may disregard/ignore a person/party.
Or maybe:
 Disrespect towards an administrator will result in being ignored/they have the choice to not listen to you/your party.

They deserve better, please support to help ease their jobs.

EDIT: Lone Wanderer was the one who quit because of the disrespect administrators get.

Update 5/13/13
Well now....Just been on the server for a while. I asked for an administrator, one about every five minutes like it says to do, because I was arrested without having my rights read. And, as we all know, if it isn't then the person being arrested has the right to walk. I was arrested for 300 seconds. So once I was arrested I sent my first request, nice and polite, getting to the point. Another five minutes goes by, ok, maybe they didn't see or they were in another situation. Another five minutes, I ask again. Whatever their situation was they should have been done and I should be getting a reply now. Another five, possible they are AFK oh ohh wait. Quarantine is building his mayor's office. Another five minutes still no response, I meet Vizion in the suburbs just chatting with friends in game and on Skype. Finally after another request I get a reply from Quarantine.

I may have added an extra five in there but the main point stands. It took thirty minutes to get a response. There were 3 administrators, Vizion, Quarantine and Drysky(Not sure). None replied. After Drysky(If that's his name) left Fearless came on. But he had no logs so he didn't do anything wrong really.
Quarantine said that there were more serious situations at hand...there were not, or when they were over he decided to disregard all previous /a s' sent in. Vizion claims to have been AFK for 15 minutes, or it may have been slightly true as he wasn't talking on Skype for 5-10. What about the other 15? I sent one every five minutes, so hows it possible he didn't see? And excuses? None. As for Drysky I don't know what he was doing.

You should know that I treat administrators with respect at first. But when it takes a half hour to get a response from one of three administrators it is ridiculous. Now if they don't want to administrate, why are they administrators? You, and others, have already demoted some to gold member/OCRP admin and other things. Doing so you say it is removing those who do not reply. I give you two.

As for respect I have lost it for Quarantine. Just an hour earlier I liked him, thought Quarantine was good at his job, I congratulated him when he was promoted to SA not too long ago. But now, it is all gone, maybe not him as a person but as an administrator he means nothing to me.

Now of course with this rule I cannot display this disrespect if I want something from them, I understand that then I would not be able to reply on them.

Update: Vizion provided a good reason in a post on the second page as to why he didn't get to reply. Said he was afk about about 18 minutes and then he was talking with his mother in real life. That seems fair, however due to the timeframe I still feel the same way. But maybe that is not a reason to have anything done to him. So Vizion, sorry for bringing you into this. Maybe in time my respect for you as an admin will regrow. Again, sorry.

Accepted Suggestions / Re: Starting your car
« on: May 07, 2013, 12:37:07 PM »
Yes he did Alexander :)

By tge way I agree with the start up time but think about RL it takes only a second or two to start upvand it should be in the game

SUGGESTION: maybe add a 5% chance that the vehicle won't start and you gota try again. Makes it more realistic.

Accepted Suggestions / Re: The New Physgun Aesthetics
« on: May 07, 2013, 12:30:46 PM »
I am completely against this. There is no benefit to it it and our developers have more important stuff to add/do then this. Maybe aomething like another said above for vip/gold/admin/SA/owners but to buy/ customize it isn't worth the time. The physgun is an OOC too, obviously you don't have a gun that can move stuff around so that is why the colors should have to do with gold/admins and whatnot.....not something to be bought with IC money.

Denied Suggestions / Re: Driving types/selection
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:38:27 PM »
I currently have no plans to write two scripts for every vehicle, sorry.

That is a fair answer. If maybe in the future you do think, or this is brought up again I think I have a simple way to put it, basically give every vehicle the same style driving and then adding things that can be changed. But yea, it would take a lot of time and right now there are bigger concerns.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Police Shotgun after being killed.
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:23:46 PM »
Not too major of a bug if you can't actually use it, however if it is taking up space in your inventory then that could be a problem for people with a full inventory.

It weighs nothing. However it is just something that shouldn't happen and to reach the ultimate goal of "perfect" you don't want small stuff like this.

Played dogfight once. Was a blast. If there was joystick support and multiple variations of fight styles (classic airboat planes to helicopters to futuristic craft) and maybe some upgrades (nothing crazy like level 1 you get a pea shooter and level 10 you get heat seeking rockets that lock in 1 second) similar to how certs in PS2 work.

Man, if we could do that, I would let the ideas flow. I'd also make some special maps too.

WAC already has joystick controls.

I completely love the idea of finally getting to use WAC vehicles against eachother ina dogfight. Having been a WAC pilot for 2 years I can finally use my piloting skills, however, this could never be done with our servers unless we made a minigame server. 
This is just too unrealistic and sadly *sobs* I do not see this ever happening.

Denied Suggestions / Re: Driving types/selection
« on: May 05, 2013, 10:50:41 PM »
Well, we don't really want people to be designated drifters and drift around every corner. We want people to follow driving laws, unless they're running from cops for a good reason. Yes, it would be cool to have this, but I'd rather not see it.

If anything it would reduce the number of second idea I mean. The first one I can see that but people can have vehicles that drift and drive properly. Like when I am in my police Viper or whatever the ****  its called I do fine. On my second idea it would reduce the number, you would have to pay extra to get it on your vehicle.

Also what difference does it make to the people who drift anyway? People can still get sports cars which do drift so all this does is make people get to use their preferred driving style. Adding this won't make the people driving horribly be any worse and if anything better because some people can drive properly with it.

Denied Suggestions / Driving types/selection
« on: May 05, 2013, 09:42:46 PM »
I was looking at a suggestion which was to make the dodge's driving better. Now knowing that the styles of driving can be changed I want to propose this idea.

Now you are either a person who likes cars which can drift, have good tracking and make turns nicely without skidding or you like vehicles like trucks. However this idea doesn't include the truck style.

My idea is in the F4 there is the option to change the display, two options to make things look differently where you money, time and all that stuff is. There would be another option in there for driving. You can pick two presets where one will make your vehicles drift or just have good traction.

Now as I type this I am thinking about how the hell you could do this. So another idea is to instead of what I said above make it something you buy. When you get a vehicle by default, because most people cannot drift, it would have good traction and wouldn't drift as much. At the upgrade guy there would be an option to change your Wheels or something. One would be racing wheels (drifting) the other off-roading (traction) or something like that.

How would this benefit? First off there would be less people driving around in their new cars running into stuff and skidding out. It would offer more things you can do to your car. And it would let people drive the way they want to, we know cars aren't 'drifters' in real life unless you know how to use the hand break but in the game some just naturally are.

After what OzJackal said I agree that this is not a priority as there are other issues/things to be added right now.
PLEASE close this thread and deny it. Thank you  ;D

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