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Messages - Reaver

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You are new here with atleast 14 posts and you are authing for weaponary and a own personal vest just for a event? Sorry but I'll pass with the +support and go with -support I have been in this community (being Catalyst-Gaming) since 2011 and other communities aswell and did I ask for weapons and/or vests at the start? No, I didn't. Most people don't get any of these at all when they ask for it. In my opinion (and I understand), you will use this to overpower your group and flash off with your Resistance vest and weapons.

 Sorry and I apologize for my jealousy. I just want to let you know.

I am not new here, I have simply not posted for lack of reason to. And I am not authing for a vest, I am receiving one already. You obviously did not read all the way through. I have been RPing on this server for many months. I am not nearly new. I have RPed Reaver on several servers over two years. This is not my "start". I am not a the leader of a group, and I said specifically I won't be wearing or walking around wielding them.

Please read before you make assumptions and judgments.

Thank you!

I'm not sure if I said this yet or not, but if you would like me to ONLY have the single 9mm and MP7 for now, I will be happy.
The others won't have to be spawned until the day of the event.

The guns for my PERSONAL use, are the single MP7 and single 9mm. Which will only be used if they have to. Reaver needs the guns to continue his RP. Otherwise, months of work leading up to this is for nothing.

So you will give a gun to a citizen who you think is the best? They shouldn't be given out to anybody, period. Resistance vests by the way since your on the topic of not walking around with one, you cannot apply for those because Roflwaffle said so. And for an event, you need it more planned out than just keeping weapons and having them for events. I didn't get to read it all, but I'd rather have an event that doesn't involve guns on other citizens.

So you want weapons on you, you won't walk around with them though. You won't give them to citizens but you are having a event with these weapons... What do you want exacly?

No. The event has already been planned out. I just need to finalize and set a date and have it verified. And I am aware, I said Rofl is supplying me with one. Which he said he will. I never explain the event in detail, and the auxiliary guns are the ones that will be kept for the event. Plus, those citizens, after the event, would have the guns taken from them. And I will walk around with them, which is why I applied for extra bag space. ICly they will be stashed away though. I won't have them EQUIPPED, so that they can not be mingegrabbed if I die for some reason.
The citizens who get weapons will be decided by the admin team, and not me. I will though give the admin team names as to who I believe is trustworthy.

Meh, I hardly play on city. But the way I see it is. You will get these weapons. Oh goody. Then you will start a fight with the CCA and thats when hell will break loose. Noobs will be running around and probably interupting a lot of RP saying. "I want a gun!". Your guys will probably act overpowered and somehow win against the CCA forces even though they are malnourished citizens who have no experience. Andf if you do ptl. Then you will probably all die.

1. Then you have not seen my RP, therefor cannot make a judgment upon my character due to others.
2. I'm not going to just "Start a fight with the CCA." The event was planned out prior to this and I have spoken to several admins. Reaver will not be walking around with the guns, therefor, random citizens won't know about it. "My guys" do not exist. There is a SINGLE other character who I know will be a part of this, and if I decide he will receive a weapon, I will take it up with the admins first. This is the peak of a long drawn out RP, and the guns aren't going to be swung around like I'm a child with a rattle, shaking it in everyone's faces. They will be kept within my inventory, because Reaver HAS them. Just because I HAVE them, doesn't mean I will be using them. I also won't be walking around in my resistance vest. I'm getting the Operator title so I can help with all the mingery in this server and help instruct new people on how to become competent, respected members of the community. I surely wouldn't walk around with guns equipped, so there will be no mingegrabbing off of my corpse. Corpse, assuming I will be killed. Reaver will be underground for a vast majority of the time, instructing OTHER rebels, who are UNARMED on how to be successful and not be caught.
3. No. We will not win. I already stated that Reaver will most likely DIE during the event. along with other resistance characters. I am not elitist. Neither are the people I associate myself with. Before the event, I am going to instruct the other participants about all that has to be known. I am not just any normal idiot who wants a gun. I am after fun, constructive RP for the resistance cause. If I just wanted guns, I would have tried to get them once I joined as Reaver nearly a year ago. This has been a LONG time coming.

I mean no disrespect, I respect your opinion and your right to have it, but I want to make it known that I'm not just another idiot who wants to be the top dog. Otherwise, I wouldn't remain in the shadows, unaffiliated.

He denied me bringing in the AR2 and grenades. That isn't saying I cannot transport the rest. He was pointing out that they were voicing the fact that I CAN'T apply for them, not derailing the threads.

What I would like to know is why you are so hell-bent on getting this app turned down.

In this specific situation, it obviously isn't against the rules. Otherwise the multiple administrators that commented and WANTED me to post this would have said so.

But I'm not APPLYING to use them. I'm applying to bring them into the city, so then I CAN use them. I'm not exactly able to if my movement of them into the city isn't accepted. This app isn't against the rules, otherwise you would have seen one of the multiple admins say something about it.
Jackal is the one that told me this needed to be authed in an app.

It is leading UP to an event. This is also for me to have within the city. The reason I have multiple of each is for the event. For personal use (Which I am applying for use of in the city, now that I have moved them in.) I will have one 9mm and one MP7. The flashbangs are also for the event.

I had them in Outlands, I just need the green-light to have them in the city.

If you would all like, you needn't spawn anything except for the single MP7, the 9mm and ammunition (And if you choose to let me use flashbangs) then the flashbangs. I don't need all of the rest until the week of the event.

But I guess I can deal with not being able to have the AR2 and grenades. I understand why you have worries concerning that.

If you read all that was typed, the grenades and AR2 doesn't even have to be SPAWNED for me until the event. I would like the flashbangs, I can live with ICly losing the grenades while on the way back into the city.

Decided to put what I sent to Statue on here. 

Alright, for what I believe makes me eligible for this.

I've been RPing on Reaver for quite some time. I've had him cross over several seperate servers, may it be because I didn't like the RP there or in the case of Slidefuse's ShitRP, it crashed and burned due to money purposes. In any case, I've RPed Reaver WELL, and I haven't ever conducted in mingery and/or common faggotry. I understand the rules and conditions surrounding guns, such as S2M. Reaver, being untrained with guns, will not be an accurate shot. The guns won't be misused either, as they will be kept with me until the time of the event comes. Furthermore, I won't be dolling out guns to everyone and their aunt. I will speak with the people I want to be in the event. I will make sure that they are compotent people who also understand the rules are are good Roleplayers. Plus, I DID RP this entire situation outm obtaining them and bringing them back in. I had the guns, and I wish to have them spawned for me once more.

The reason I need them in the city: The reason OOCly is primarily an event I had planned that I would really like to see happen. Several admins know about it and seem to like the idea.  It involves a larger firefight between resistance forces and units. (For obvious reasons, the guns will be taken from them/ IC reason being that it is safer that way. Otherwise those who don't will be shot dead to protect everyone else.). The AR2 is SOLELY for the event. The only reason I want it is so that we have a fighting chance during the event and that it isn't CPs vs Rebels with handguns. The MP7s are to be used to have a fighting chance against any ZEALOT (Yes I know what they are. No I won't tell anyone) and heavy-loyalist characters who wish to do me harm or tell my position. Then they will be handed out to the members participating in the event. ICly Reaver is bringing them in so that he can help the resistance members become at least relatively successful. Also, so that he and his friend's can have a form of defense.

How this will effect the general RP atmosphere.
Well, I of course won't be walking around totting guns with my resistance vest on. As I don't QUITE feel up to be shot to death because a Loyalist saw me. But it is my hopes that people will HEAR that I have guns and come looking for me. Those who DO find me will be talked to OOCly and ICly, and I hope that will curb the increase in lolwebuls. That would also mean that there will be fewer people creating groups, running around P1 asking people to join their lolwebullion. Furthermore, it will cause people to rally behind Reaver and HOPEFULLY resistance RP will be slightly more structured and less chaotic. I want to see the resistance as one large group within P3, which will be hard due to the ZEALOT operations.

For the reason why I need heavy weaponry and not one single handgun?
I've given multiple reasons, but having one handgun would take me NO WHERE. The other guns are more of a formality, only to be used on certain occasions. I would have a much better chance against a raid that came looking for me if I were armed with sub-automatic or automatic weaponry. That's another reason. Hopefully this was sufficient to sway your opinion. Have a nice day!

This app is mainly for me to transport the weapons INTO the city. I'm not applying to be able to be GIVEN them.
I already had them.
It's auth for me to bring them into the city for City RP.

If needs be, I can alter this, but the guns being moved into the city has been my goal and I have done it ICly, If you believe I will misuse the privilege, you are mistaken. I am fully aware that there are multiple people who have misused and RDMed, but the guns would very very rarely be used in the city except for the event.
Only on certain situations, if you have further questions feel free to message me.

Apologies. I'll edit it momentarily and supply more details.

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