Author Topic: 'Kal' Character Profile  (Read 12262 times)

Offline Dallas

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'Kal' Character Profile
« on: January 20, 2013, 09:38:54 AM »
'Kal' Character Profile

Character information:

Character background: (It's a long one so... It's in the spoiler.)
Spoiler for Hiden:
Clara Kalvins was born on April 15th 1997 in a front room of an apartment room Bucharest, Romania. Clara was born with a rare condition called Phocomelia- a disease, which in Clara's case, meant she was born without arms below the elbow. Clara's single mother sunk into post-natal depression, she refused to believe Clara was born like this and still thought herself to be bearing the real child. Clara's mother was admitted into a psychiatric institute in December of the same year Clara was born. The daughter was put into the systematic foster homes of Romania. She spent much of her early childhood in the special care of staff who worked at the foster home.

Growing up, Clara loved to try things all the other kids were doing but was excluded from many things due to her disability, she ended up reluctantly spending a long time in solitude, reading and learning how to do things like drawing, eating and drinking with the use of her feet without the aid of workers. Clara never had many friends in the home- the children saw her as weird and creepy. Clara's personality grew distrusting over time; her tone became naturally sharp and disarming. She distanced herself from even the workers, keeping her mind on the oddest things. On her 10th birthday, April 2007, Clara's way of life was to change forever...

Clara rose from bed, pushing the blankets away lethargically. The rain drummed on her bedroom window; forming small vertical rivers down the pane. The sound of the morning routine was absent; Clara's birthday fell during a school holiday and the children were either sleeping, out with friends or watching TV. Despite the day that other kids would find important- Clara was seen as weird and so any celebration on her days like this that had to involve her seemed condescending and incredibly forced. Clara's door was opened promptly by one of the care workers initially here to wake her up to dress her. The worker's name escaped Clara, she tried to forget names, and people never stayed around long enough to deserve remembering, that was her philosophy.

Once the worker had finished dressing Clara; slipping a long sleeved purple shirt over her and tying the arms into knots below the stumps, Clara looked up at the worker in her best poker face. The worker seemed neither pleased to see Clara or happy about her birthday. He muttered a forced,
"Happy birthday, by the way." before turning and walking out. Clara followed and descended the staircase towards the front door; of course there was no mail addressed for her, why would there be?

After shuffling through the various letters on the mat with her toes, she turned to the kitchen and sleepily walked in. Clara slumped in her usual chair, the one closest to the window. Clara cast an eye lazily over the single letter on the table; it was a small, formal looking document with a single stamp on its corner, it was addressed to Miss Kalvins of Bucharest Family Foster Home. Clara stared intently at the letter, because of it's position on the desk it would take some work to get open and even then she would end up tearing it apart... No, it was best to just wait. It was placed there however; perhaps they didn't want Clara to see it. One of the social workers walked in, opened the fridge and walked out, not even noticing Clara or her situation. As much as she wished things were different she knew that she was most likely to stay here for many more years, never being able to leave state care.

Clara arched herself forwards, flopping onto the table then using her legs to prop herself up, she managed to steady herself on the table surface. Clara took the envelope between her big toe and index toe, using her other toe to carefully tear the side of it open. After a minute of steady work the envelope was open and out came the paper; an official looking document with some logos of government organizations that Clara didn't care about. The letter read:

"To Miss C. Kalvins

We are pleased to inform you that our office has accepted your request of adoption to the Beklea family. Your transitional period will begin immediately and will bridge your move from institutional care to the care of your guardians... Blah blah blah..."

Clara tossed the paper aside, she had no idea how to react, she felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Happiness? Anger? Confusion? Who were these people? Clara wasn't even involved in her own adoption process. Were they that desperate to get rid of her? That thought hurt her more than anything. Clara's emotions cleared into a hue of sadness and so she began to cry, alone.

Despite Clara's worries, the Beklea family were nice enough; they treated her well and looked after her. Clara felt that she was at last part of a family. She took up actively writing, when she was happy she was full of ideas, they flowed through her like the blood in her veins. Clara even began to make friends at school, much to Clara's surprise.  She would often write with the pen name "Kal", it helped forget her memories of the care home, she even got her friends to start calling her it in the place of Clara. Clara wanted to become a journalist... Maybe a TV presenter but her disability yet again hampered her; she could only write a short time before she started getting pains, her writing was messy and scrawled. Her appearance meant that any TV career would be too jarring for the public it depressed Clara very much. In her high school years, Clara's grades began to decline sharply as her depression worsened.

By 2015, Clara's grades were so bad that her guardians pulled her out of school to be enrolled in intense tutoring from home, her guardians even decided to sell their house and move completely to their lakeside holiday home they visited in the summer- this was to help Clara "concentrate".

In August that year the world was to change irreversibly. The portal storms rocked the mountains of Romania violently; the sky shook as thunderous blue erupted from the sky for days on end, plunging the country into a week of perpetual night and tremors. In the mass panic, Clara and her adoption parents had been stocking up, not out of knowledge but out of fear. At night the sounds of distant gunfire blazed, there were creatures roaming the planet, appearing from anywhere. The governments of Earth declared martial law.

It was then on the fateful day where the heavens split and from the divide came the invasion force of the Universal Union, the Earth was consumed in conflict for days after the war had ended, small enclaves of fighters held out in a forest bunker about twenty kilometres from Clara's cabin. She remembers how every night the sky was engulfed in fire and raw energy as the Union laid waste to the enclaves. The confusion and panic was all around, Clara feared for her life every moment, with every distant sound of a gunship and every alien cacophony that bellowed from beyond the mountains. The cabin was not searched for some time, the Combine either didn't notice or didn't care. It was that case until a gloomy morning in October...

The sky was a murky shade, smoke drifted from beyond the mountains to the north, the air smelt of death and decay. The filthy soot blanketed the cabin; the family were confined to the basement out of fear of scouts. An unusual sound boomed from the distance, it was similar to that of a gunshot but it remained for a few seconds, hanging in the air. It was only when a faint whistle became audible that it struck Clara. As the thought hit her, so did the object.

Clara was thrown to the ground; her back slamming off stonewalls of the cellar. The dust that filled the air was blinding- a smell of smoke, chemicals and blood invaded Clara's senses, and she struggled upwards, shouting out for her guardians. She looked down at where her parents had been sitting; long smears of blood and organs littered the impact crater from where it hit, Clara screamed in horror, falling to her knees in dismay, tears streaming down her face. They were dead, both of them.

The metal shell that impacted the house clicked loudly, it opened with a hiss, and Clara shifted her tearful gaze up to it. From the pod emerged a strange shape, it's dark skin and long insect-like legs crept slowly into the light streaming from the hole in the roof. Clara stood back, moving away towards the door, fear grasping her and tears choking her. The creature leapt forwards suddenly towards Clara, she threw herself out of the way and scrambled up the steps where she forced the flimsy wooden door open before slamming it shut with her feet. The hole in the floor was now a billowing column of smoke, more shapes began to scale upwards out of the hole, Clara's eyes searched frantically for an escape route- the kitchen window had been smashed open during the portal storms, providing an escape route to Clara. She clambered onto the counter and out of the window, cutting her self on the window, with several fresh shallow rips in her side and front, Clara cried out and landed ungracefully on the porch. She forced herself up and ran awkwardly towards the tree line. She didn't know where she was going, she didn't care, all she wanted was to leave this place and go far away.

Her mind was in frenzy, not able to think straight, more tears streaming coldly from her cheeks as she took cover in the forest. The creatures had not followed her.

Clara was cold, without supplies and barefoot in the forest. She had covered some ground but she was tired and terrified, she fell into the fetal position and lay on the forest floor as dusk fell.

It was as the sun set that the sound of an engine roared into her hearing range. Clara opened her eyes momentarily to see a pair of bright headlights come thundering through the forest. Clara shut her eyes- if they passed her she would freeze to death or die of starvation eventually over the next few weeks, if they stopped then they would shoot her or take her their spaceship or whatever these creatures did. Whatever it was that happened, Clara had accepted her fate.

The car halted, the door opened, the crunch of boots on the forest foliage made Clara purse her lips tightly, bracing herself for what was to come. A male voice veiled in an American accent speaks up slowly; he sounds unsure whether Clara is alive, he approaches but then recoils slightly when he sees the knotted sleeves of her shirt.
"Uh... Hello? You alive?" He asks uncertain. Clara opens her eyes, looking over the man; he is a tall man with red baseball cap, a square-jaw chin that juts out his prominent horseshoe moustache dominates his facial features. His eyes snap open as he realizes Clara is alive; he offers a hand to help her for a moment before retracting the offer hastily once he figures out his mistake.

Clara sits forward, looking over the man, he looks slightly jarred by the girl's appearance. He sets about going forward and backwards to Clara as she gets up.
"Are you hurt? Do you need help?" He asks, his voice sounding resolute and re-assuring.
"I'm.. I.. " Clara's throat chokes up, she is torn with emotion, a pang of guilt and grief runs through her, she falls towards the man, sobbing. Clara hugs him loosely with her stumps, she mumbles something into his shirt but it is lost with the tears.
"Hey..." Says the man as he ties to comfort her, wrapping his hands onto Clara's shoulders. "Its okay, shhh. It's okay. Come on, let's get you out of here."
Clara nods, her tears running dry as she approaches the passenger car door. Clara stares at it with malice as the man gets into the car. He looks at Clara before a look of guilt swarms his features and he quickly gets out, apologizing profusely, he pops the white pickup door open and gestures her to sit.

Once they are on their way, the man takes this opportunity to introduce himself.
"I'm Red... Red Riley, uh... What's your name?" Clara looks blankly out the window into the blackness of the night, her eyes red with tears. She answers barely.

In the coming week Red and Kal abandoned the car, taking the journeys on foot. Kal was once again in the care of someone; he was a nice guy, kind and reassuring, he had authority but wasn't mean to her. For a couple months the pair laid low in the winter, staying at a small refuge in the lowlands of the Romanian countryside. Kal became anchored to Red, if not for her own security then at least for the company. Red was a good guy after all. Kal's life would follow a pattern of going from refuge to refuge. Some descended into chaos, others were attacked by the Union. Kal learnt about the invasion and the intentions of the Union, it scared her so much. In the rare event she saw an Overwatch unit she became paralyzed with fear, her mind would race a thousand thoughts. It was their eyes that terrified her the most; glowing but soulless, deep yet empty. They were hollow shells of people. Hollow men. 

Kal's emotional state has worsened since the death of her adoption parents, the situation she finds herself in- on the road, going from hellhole to hellhole wasn't what Kal needed but there really was no other way. Kal would often have re-occurring nightmares, and despite Red's best efforts, they clearly disturbed her. The pain of losing the only people she loved was incredibly heavy for Kal, even writing (despite it becoming a difficult task in the Outlands) became pointless and didn't make her feel any better. 

It was in the early days of 2018 that the pair came across Ineu Pass after hearing about it from a merchant in a refugee on Highway 45- an empty wasteland linking "City 45" to where ever.

Kal's eyes strained to look towards the rising sun that rose from over the hill. Red watched the horizon with care, his baseball cap shielding his eyes from the worst of the morning light. The trees cast long corridors of shadow past the pair, lengthening as the sun rose. The silence of the walk was punctuated by the rhythmic crunch of snow underfoot Red broke the quiet scene.
"Not much further, probably. How you coping, Kal?" He asked in his usual casual tone as ducked under a low branch. Kal held her composed blank expression, letting out only a vague remark.
"Fine." In truth she was far from fine; her legs ached, despite Red being the one carrying the backpack, Kal was malnourished and feeling low. Red turned back to Kal a moment.
"We'll be there any minute now."

'There' was a place Red had heard about on Highway 45- it was another supposed haven with food, water, shelter and electricity. Though on the surface that sounded nice, it was always misleading. The populations of these "havens" tended to be psychotic, murderous or thieves. Most of the time Red and Kal only spent a few weeks at one place before fleeing or being forced out. Yet despite this, Red remained optimistic as usual.

Red was the first to reach the hilltop and survey the land ahead from a clearing in the pine trees. He whistled slightly, gesturing Kal to join him at the clearing. Kal hobbled to Red's side, standing at a much lower height than Red but she could still see the land ahead; the endless snowy pine trees gave way to slow gentle pass slopes, atop the slope sat a small collection of buildings, the largest of the lot gave off a small trail of smoke from a brick chimney. The faintest noise of a generator kick starting to life could be heard as Kal headed down the hill towards the settlement slowly. Red followed then overtook Kal's slow pace.

"It looks nice, yeah?" Red said as they treaded off the snowy forest track, Kal stepped slowly over the rusty road barrier, Red followed and then paused, staring towards the town at the end of the road. "Huh? Nice? C'mon, Kal."
Kal rolled her eyes slightly.
"Yeah. Nice, like the last five places." She muttered, starting off towards the large Inn-like building.

Here Kal and Red hope to settle, if only for a few months. It seems today safety is finite.

How Kal Met 'Beef'

Spoiler for Hiden:
Across the Inn the noise of the daily bustle filled the air, Kal leaned passively on the banister overlooking some stairs. It was her first day in the pass and she had decided to leave the company of Red and go for a look around, maybe meet some people. That was odd of her, as she never usually went out of her way to meet new people. So far only one person had asked about her arms- some guy called Alex, nice guy, worked for "Clinic", Kal couldn't really blame him for asking anyway, atleast he was polite about it. From her position she could see mercenaries, traders, mechanics and refugees all gathering along from her in the room to Kal's right; from the corner a new figure swaggered into view. This man was quite tall, rugged looking with a hatchet and an MP7 slung over his back. The man joked with some refugee standing idle a moment before turning to Kal's direction.

The man paused as his eyes ran by Kal- who had also turned in his direction and attempted to smile weakly at him, it felt weird. The man made some form of excuse and left his conversation, he walked over to Kal while running his right hand through his hair quickly. He spoke in a Deep South accent... Sounded Alabama? Louisiana?
"Well hello there." He started, his voice displaying the accent perfectly.

Kal looked over him quickly; a feature that struck her was the man's rather pointed and red teeth that formed a faint grin. Kal then responded.
"Hello." Was that the best response? Who was this guy? Why did he suddenly just come over? All these thoughts ran through her mind as the man continued the conversation.
"You new here? Good to see some fresh faces out here." This wasn't the worst reply- he seems nice enough.
"Yeah... Got here a couple hours ago."
The man then nodded, accepting Kal's answer before finishing.
"Names' Beef, you?"

How Kal Met Dan
Spoiler for Hiden:
The snow fell lazily from the clouded skies of Ineu, Kal paced over the thick layers of snow that lined the town of Belles. Though she had only been there a few days and yet felt far more welcome here than any other refuge she had been to. Her new acquaintances Tekel and Beef were both rather kind to her and were eager to see her integrate with the community. Despite their efforts though, she still enjoyed moments such as these; quiet and tranquil moments enjoyed in solitude, where she could feel the wind on her skin, the weak rays of winter sun and the could hear the distant sounds of the pass.

It was a this moment Kal realized she was actually not alone- a young man sat hunched in the snow, his back up against a short wall, a large pad of paper resting on his knee and a pencil in his right. He glanced a couple times at Kal who did the same for a second before she started off in his direction. As Kal approached, the man ducked his head into his pad as if it made him invisible. Kal stopped in front of him, she stated bluntly
"That snow must be uncomfortable, what are you even doing out here?" The man cast his gaze up, he wordlessly gestured to his notepad; the visible page was a drawing of a winter scene, he turned it round so that Kal could view it.

The picture was of the street in front of him, in the middle stood an armless female figure that had been sketched in roughly. Kal raised a brow at it. "This is good, really good. Is that me?"
The man nodded briefly. Kal turned and began to take a few steps away before turning back as if she had just had an idea. "May I sit with you?" She asked as politely as she could. Once more the man nodded, though this time a faint smile radiated from him. Kal lowered herself beside him, the snow as numbingly cold but the man didn't seem to mind. Kal smiled at the man with an amount of formality, she began "I'm Kal, it is nice to meet you."

The man smiled back out of politeness before taking a new page in his pad, he scrawled into the page some words quickly, as if he had been waiting to do this. The man turned the pad and held it out in front of Kal, it read simply.

"Hello, Kal, my name is Dan."

Dan and Kal's Field Trip
Spoiler for Hiden:
Kal trudged through the snow with an evident amount of endeavour as Dan trailed behind, glancing cautiously over his shoulder towards the road behind them. The pair were heading out of the pass a couple kilometres to a nearby settlement in hopes of finally locating some source of sign language knowledge. The pass was full of people who would shrug their shoulders at the question concerning it- the fact is that it probably never crossed their minds. Frustrated with their situation, Dan and Kal decided the best way to seek this knowledge was to travel out and find it themselves. They had prepared adequately for the journey as they were sure it would at least be one night outside the safety of Belles; Dan carried the blankets, food and water while Kal had only a small rucksack on her back clipped across her chest, she acted as "overseer" to the trip.

The pair were now a couple hours into the trip, the sight of a large dilapidated cabin rose from the distance, drawing them towards it.  Kal looked back at Dan who was struggling a little under the weight of almost the entire luggage.
"Wanna' stop, honey?" She asked, her voice sounding slightly concerned but her face maintaining a suppressed expression. Dan shook his head, smiling in an attempt to reassure Kal before pointing to the house, indicating that they continue and then stop there.

Kal nodded, taking the hint before stepping over a protruding tree root, keeping her eyes fixed on the cabin; at this distance it was quite clear, the pine trees that lined the forest path dwindled the closer they drew. Dan caught up with Kal as the path ended, giving way to a sharp incline leading up to the cabin, Dan took Kal's left sleeve and began to guide her up the hill. Once at the front door, Dan knocked on it lightly, Kal rolled her eyes.
"If there was someone in there then they would have come out."

Dan hesitated, not quite convinced by her logic but nods anyway, he then tries the door; the wooden door is unlocked but heavy and it takes both hands for Dan to push it open. Kal smiles over to Dan as she walks inside- the room is dark, lit only from the natural light streaming from the windows. "Dan lights." Kal said flatly, expecting her command to be met. Dan fumbles a moment in his pocket before taking out a flashlight and flicking it on. The light reveals a dusty sitting room; sofa, a dead television, a coffee table and a mirror sitting cracked on the floor. Kal moves over to them, looking around for any obvious books. Of course there is nothing.
"Dan, put the flashlight down in that room over there, I'll have a look around while you search some-place else." Dan nodded in agreement, placing the torch in the doorway of the room then taking out his own flashlight and setting off into the dark.

Kal's room was a study by the looks of it...  no, a bedroom. The fact it was lined with bookshelves had fooled her initially. She went back over to torch, kicking it into position at the base of the shelves. Kal moved along the rows of books, most of them were instructional things like cookbooks for foreign and obscure dishes. The row of books below were old how-to books "for dummies" apparently...  Among the collection was a yellow spine book labelled "ASL Sign For Dummies" Kal took that as evidence enough that they had found what they had been looking for.

Suddenly a noise startled Kal, she spun to face the bed. There was nothing, only the darkness where the flashlight's glare ended. It was probably a mouse or something, that's okay. As Kal began to turn back to the shelf something caught her eye; a set of dusty hearing aids on the bedside table. The thought then struck her that perhaps the former occupant of this house was deaf, hence the book.

Meanwhile in Dan's room he was searching around through the drawers of a dressing room, there were lots of strange dresses here, almost all of them pink, none of them would suit Kal or be practical in the slightest. He opened up a new drawer, inside sat a collection of tangled jewellery; elaborate pearls on golden string, over-complicated sets of butterfly earrings, the whole thing emitted a foul perfume odour that made Dan wrinkle his features. In the corner of the drawer was a plain gold chain around a single gold band, perhaps a wedding ring? Hmm... Dan thought to himself a moment, checking around for Kal then taking it once he knew she wasn't there.

"Dan! Got something!" Kal shouted from the other room, Dan stuffed the ring and chain into a small pocket on the backpack before coming through to see Kal standing by a bookcase gesturing to one with her sleeve.
Within a few minutes the pair were out on the road again, leaving the cabin and heading home. At this rate they would arrive home by dusk.

As night fell over Ineu, Kal collapsed into her usual chair, Dan sitting opposite on his.
"Alright!" She puffed, clearly tired by the day's events. "Open it up and get reading, you can teach me in the morning or something because I am just too tired."
Dan nodded graciously; he placed the bag behind his chair and slid his notepad and pen from his pocket. He scrawled over the pad a moment before extending his message to Kal.
"Goodnight Kal, sleep well."

Dan's Proposal

Spoiler for Hiden:
Dan led Kal through the snow across the road, gently holding her right sleeve, pulling her ahead with an eager anticipation. The sky was once again a melancholy shade of swirling greys but Kal was happy; she and Dan had been together all day and her mood was naturally lifted by his romantic gestures today and he had even gotten over doing things like holding her sleeve and kissing her in public. While Kal had no particular interest in gossip, it was clear that not even her other friends had really caught on about their relationship... Well... Maybe Red.

Red. He seemed a long way away. Kal had only seen him a couple times since her arrival. Perhaps he was using Dan as his excuse to leave her? Go off and travel somewhere else? The thought hurt Kal a little, she had to go see him again soon, make amends.

Dan led Kal past the inn; the building was quiet for a change, most were out of town doing other things. Dan took a left, Kal trailing after.
"Hey! You'll stretch my sleeve if you keep going like that." Said Kal in a playful tone as Dan let go of Kal's sleeve and walked back a couple steps. They had arrived at the spot they had met; the grey wall sat in defiance of the snow that had been blasting it for months, the spot where Kal and Dan once sat had long been covered. Dan turned to Kal, looking over her with a smile, a look on his face as if he was preparing himself for something. Dan sighed silently, looked at the ground briefly then glanced up at Kal and held the stare. He fumbled a moment in his pocket, clutching hold of an item.
Dan dropped before Kal, kneeling, the smile on his face shaking as he did. He opened held out his right palm and opened it out; there sat a gold wedding ring on a silver chain, his fingers trembled as he began to sign out carefully, starting by spelling her name out.
"Kal, will you marry me?"

Kal choked up as she deciphered the motions; she felt her eyes well and her legs shake, her voice wasn't working properly either, her whole body was overcome with the moment.
"Yes!" She announced, fresh tears now beginning to roll down her cheeks. Dan took that as his cue. His smile beamed brightly- he too had tears welling from his eyes as he rose and embraced Kal in a passionate and comforting hug. Kal murmured and sobbed with joy into Dan's shoulder, she gave up formulating words and just tried to hold Dan close, wrapping her short arms onto his sides.

After what seemed like an eternity for Kal, the pair parted their hug, Dan once again raised the necklace, Kal smiled fully at Dan, sniffing once as he hooked it around her neck and took a step back to admire it.
"It's p-perfect, Dan!" Kal managed to say her voice returning slowly. The two then joined in a kiss, both seemed overwhelmed with happiness.

Among the many of thoughts that ran through her mind, Kal knew just what to think at that moment; there might be such a thing as happily ever after...     

All Alone
Spoiler for Hiden:
In a few days, Kal will celebrate her 21st birthday. A day she was hoping to spend with Dan. Unfortunately, the harsh reality of life caught up with her and has beaten Kal some more. All her friends are dead. Dan has been missing for months and is assumed dead, Vincent was shot for having leaked information to Overwatch and Jules was killed by a vested assailant- who also threw a grenade near Kal. She is now in a state of shock, concussed, burnt and is suffering serious memory loss of the incident as a result of concussion. It seems that everyone she has ever been friends with is dead... Except Beef who made his return to Kal's life yesterday. Time will tell just how long that lasts as misery seems Kal's constant companion these days.

Character name:(Formerly Clara Kalvins) 'Kal Jones'
Citizen Identification Number: Not Assigned
Physical description IC'ly: Missing both arms below the elbow|Checkered green shirt|Sleeves knotted at elbow|5'2|Auburn hair cut short|Wears sandals|Romanian accent|Rolled up black jeans
Gender/sex: Female
Approximate age: 21
Before official and/or unofficial faction: No faction
After official and/or unofficial faction:No faction
Country originated from: Romania
Current location: Ineu Pass
Accent: Romanian
Marital Status: Assumed widowed

Hair color: Auburn
Eye color: Hazel
Face marks (i.e. scratches, bruises, scars): Scratches over her feet from the past few weeks, faded scratch on lower chin, burns on the right side of her body, part of her face is bandaged.
Hair design (short cutted, ponytail, etc): Very short, loose

Mental good and/or bad skills:

Mental strong points
-Laid back
-Has a sense of humor

Mental disadvantages
-Suffers post traumatic stress disorder
-Paranoid on occasion
-Suffers bouts depression
-Fear of Xen lifeforms

Physical good and/or bad skills:

Physical strong points
-Strong leg muscles due to all the activity she does with her feet

Physical disadvantages
-Obvious lack of arms carries with it many implications such as lack of much defense.
-Is quite short and thus rather physically inferior to others

Character look-a-like image:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Character fitting music and/or song:
Spoiler for Hiden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Clothing and/or protective armour and temporarily/permanent suffering:

Clothing and/or protective armour and markings (bruises, scratches, etc) on the limbs:
Head: Green hairband, right side of face bandaged
Neck: Silver necklace with a wedding ring looped through it.
Torso: Green shirt with white checkers and and green buttons, right stump and shoulder scarred by burns, backpack strapped
Front of the torso: V-cut of the shirt
Arms: (Funny...) The shirt sleeves are knotted at the elbows
Hands:  >:(
Legs: Black jeans, rolled up.
Feet: Brown sandals

Weaponry: N/A
Equipment: Small backpack which clips over her chest
Known authorized items: No items to speak of.

In-game suffering information:
Suffering from? (diseases, broken limbs, intoxication, etc):
Phocomelia- A birth defect that causes limb loss, in this case, both arms below the elbow.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Serious body and facial scarring from an explosion

Lost and/or replacement limbs or parts?:No arms below the elbow. No replacements.
Skills, perks and/or traits of the character: Dexterous when it comes to doing things like eating, drinking and writing with the use of her feet.
Weaknesses and/or severe flaws: Lack of forearms and hands.

Thanks to Stalker, Tray and Statua for the format! (Okay, did I get everyone? Ok? Good.)

Feel free to post your thought and opinions below, thanks for reading.

I'll be adding more to this over time.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 03:25:35 PM by Dallas »

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2013, 09:43:50 AM »
Oooooooh yeeeeeaaaah, prime rape target right here. Pretty red headed Romanian girl with no arms to defend herself.

* Sexy Frog raises hand, waving into the distance. "Beans! Yo, Beans! Beef? Meaty? Got you a rape target here!"

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

Offline Dallas

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 09:44:39 AM »
Oooooooh yeeeeeaaaah, prime rape target right here. Pretty red headed Romanian girl with no arms to defend herself.

* Sexy Frog raises hand, waving into the distance. "Beans! Yo, Beans! Beef? Meaty? Got you a rape target here!"

wtf wow sexy frog, you are so mean

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2013, 09:47:26 AM »
Oooooooh yeeeeeaaaah, prime rape target right here. Pretty red headed Romanian girl with no arms to defend herself.

* Sexy Frog raises hand, waving into the distance. "Beans! Yo, Beans! Beef? Meaty? Got you a rape target here!"

wtf wow sexy frog, you are so mean

<3 <3 <3 luv u bby

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2013, 11:15:01 AM »
 inb4 someone creates prosthetic cyber arms made from a engineer and scientist yes?

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 11:44:30 AM »
inb4 someone creates prosthetic cyber arms made from a engineer and scientist yes?

Actually that would defeat the purpose of wanting her like this... I have no intentions of making crazy robo arms.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 11:48:04 AM by The 11th Doctor »

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 12:46:05 PM »
Seems like a pretty innovative character. I won't lie though, it's likely she's gonna have to take her fair share of random beating and... random raepings. Nonetheless, I look forward to seeing this character around the Outlands server.

ps, congrats on making admun
I'm a fag

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2013, 12:50:39 PM »
Seems like a pretty innovative character. I won't lie though, it's likely she's gonna have to take her fair share of random beating and... random raepings. Nonetheless, I look forward to seeing this character around the Outlands server.

ps, congrats on making admun

Yeah, well, I've got an auth to know this guy from before coming to Ineu (Red) He'll be a sort of protector/friend/helper guy to Kal.

Thanks, also.

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2013, 03:16:25 PM »
If Anything Beef might end up making friends with this character. ( That or Beans will XD)
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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2013, 04:25:18 PM »
Poor Riley is gonna have so many molsters to put up with ah lordy.

please be gentle

EDIT: Just want to point this out cause OCD
Physical description IC'ly: Missing both arms below the elbow|Checkered green shirt|Sleeves knotted at elbow|5'2|Auburn hair cut short|Wears sandals|Romanian accent|Rolled up black jeans|Green checkered shirt

« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 05:01:31 PM by Red yes »

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2013, 05:59:18 PM »
Poor Riley is gonna have so many molsters to put up with ah lordy.

please be gentle

EDIT: Just want to point this out cause OCD
Physical description IC'ly: Missing both arms below the elbow|Checkered green shirt|Sleeves knotted at elbow|5'2|Auburn hair cut short|Wears sandals|Romanian accent|Rolled up black jeans|Green checkered shirt


Fix'd, and you'd be surprised at the lack of rape... Beef has been a nice guy to Kal.

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2013, 07:36:38 PM »
Someone needs to stop playing Kawata Shoujo

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2013, 08:49:30 PM »
Someone needs to stop playing Kawata Shoujo

*cough* hentai *cough*

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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2013, 01:03:15 AM »
'Kal ' laughed at my jokes and insults today. "I think you're missing something." Lul.

I can now die happy.
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Re: 'Kal' Character Profile
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2013, 02:40:53 AM »
Someone needs to stop playing Kawata Shoujo

*cough* hentai *cough*

NEVER! It's mine! None of you can take it away! :p

EDIT: Added some more music into the songs. And also added in "Sense of humor" to the mental section as she does have quite a humor.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 02:50:38 AM by The 11th Doctor »

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