Author Topic: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain  (Read 3374 times)

Offline Toxilium

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Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« on: August 24, 2012, 11:54:42 AM »
Good morning, afternoon and night, whenever you may be reading this, denizen of Catalyst Gaming,

To preface this post, I made a post 10 days prior in a thread stating my intention to leave and criticisms of the server, but I felt it was a bit harsh. This thread, after all, will be to announce both mine and Old Greg's official retirement from HL2RP indefinitely. I feel going out on a bit more of a spark, a cheery note and suggestions for the future would be more fitting than a harshly-worded post. Anyways, onto the thread proper.

In 2006 I purchased the Half-Life 2 Christmas Box, which contained Half Life 2, Counter-Strike Source and HL2: Episode 1. Other than Age of Mythology and Diablo II before that, this collection would be my first real foray into the wonderful world of PC gaming. I was still very much a console gamer at this stage, but little would my high school freshman self realize how much that purchase would impact my life. I truly believe PC gaming is the absolute best platform to experience new games on. A proper computer is unparalleled in power and has nigh limitless potential to that of a console. It allows more interaction, customization and biodegradability than any console. My computer has been the gateway for me to connect to the world. I've met friends from across the planet, some of whom I've connected with in real life and grown strong relationships with. My computer has been a learning tool about the realms of science, religion, history and exploration; it's taken me to India, Rome and back again. My computer has been my greatest ally and worst enemy, bringing me through the highest and lowest points of the last 6-7 years of my life. With my computer, I've visited foreign countries, seen extraordinary sights and done things I never would have thought I could do. Take it as geeky as you'd like, but I truly believe my PC, whether it be my new desktop, previous desktops or current laptop, has been a central pillar to me grasping life's experiences.

But let's go back to that purchase in 2006. Flash forward a year, I have Steam installed and see a cool game named Garry's Mod on the market. Oh boy, it's $10! A lot of money for a low-income earner (I worked as a cashier at 15) in grade 10. After begging and pleading, I managed to convince my parents to let me use their credit card to purchase it. About 5 months later, late 2007, I embarked into my first serious HL2RP server, Taco N Banana Server #1, City 45 Plaza. Like many of us had done in our first forays into HL2RP, I didn't know what I was doing and was promptly kicked for minging. After exploring the TNB servers for a few hours, I re-entered under a new character and began to take it seriously. This setting was hauntingly beautiful to my 15-year-old self, whom had just come off the "high" of reading George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four for a school project. I played under the name Scott Farley, a fairly dull, unassuming man who just went about his business. I looked past the faults of the server, as for many of us, serious HL2RP servers seem nigh perfect during our first few dozen hours. Scott Farley applied for the CCA, a feat I thought was mighty for a now 16-year-old newcomer. I made it in and the summer of 2008 was gleefully filled bashing citizen skulls with my stunbaton and shooting rebel thugs with my SMG. But I began to feel bored with the game. Over this time period I had developed an interest in Warhammer Online, World of Warcraft and several other games that began to eat up my time. Where did HL2RP, with it's 90% "passive/boring" and 10% "active" environment fit into my gaming schedule? So, as the community joke goes, when you get bored, make your character suddenly insane. Apparently insanity is the only interesting quirk us teenagers can think up of and it even continues to this day, hah! Farley went ballistics on his squad and ended up PKing two Units before being gunned down by an OfC. I decided that to get truly engaged in the setting I would need to create a realistic character, one that I would heavily research and develop over the years. Someone who felt real, who had relationships and actual emotions, an epitome character in my eyes. Thus, Amanda Whitley was born.

My heart and soul of HL2RP was poured into her character. At first she was not very developed and I had few contacts within the community. But I sat myself down, read into real biographies and drew inspiration from friends and family. Not to sound like a creeper, but her appearance was heavily drawn on from a crush I had on a girl at the time who worked with me as a summer camp Councillor. Thinking back on it, it just makes me laugh now. Sidenote: I dated her briefly then got friendzoned. Don't let that shit get you down gentleman. Brush them off and move on. They're not worth your time. It is now September 2008 and I'm entering grade 11. It was during the next year I met and befriended SubAtomic (Onyx IC), Bill Smauz, PureRage/Ezrios and Old Greg. I made more mates during this time but those would be the people the HL2RP community would likely recognize. It was also during this time I began really developing my Atheistic side and began to reject my Christian upbringing. I was going through a difficult period, like many 16-year-olds do and I wasn't quite sure where I fit or what I wanted to do. This attitude reflected in my roleplay and I was nearly banned from Taco n Banana. Luckily, my contacts saved me from that ban and PureRage, SubAtomic and I began developing a Castle-like Resistance group called the Reliquary (or Refinery, I can't remember the name). Amanda also received the name "Ruby" during this time as a joke from SubAtomic's character, Onyx, whom was ICly engaged in a relationship with Amanda (I swear I've never cybered. Fade to black, people!)

The next two years were a rollercoaster, both IC for Amanda and OOC for myself. My spirituality went from Atheism to Agnosticism to Buddhism and is now a complicated blend of Hinduism, Agnostic Atheism and Pantheism. I learned that at the core of the things I enjoyed, I enjoyed the complex systems of society and people, city expansion and nation building. I opted to go into urban planning for university since I thought it was perfect for me. My adventure had me cross and recross different servers and people, going from the defunct Necropolis, back to TnB to nearly making my own server. I graduated high school, began working at a new job and it all culminated with the 18-year-old me going to Asia for a 6 month work term for a family member. That same year I even had my first real girlfriend and popped the cherry (don't worry guys, it will all happen at some point). I took a break from HL2RP at this point for university. In June of this year, about 6 years since I bought HL2 and 4 years since I started roleplaying, Old Greg got me hooked back again with a new community, Catalyst Gaming with the intention to create a citizen-centric roleplay group known as The Castle.

Things went well at first, with some cool ideas bouncing between myself, Greg and Roven (whom I had known previously from Taco n Banana). We had some good people with us - Jules, Shawn, Mute and the odd vortigaunt here or there. Amanda began running the clinic at this point. At first, the server appeared a welcome change from the totalitarian false democratic nature of TnB, but my outlook began to change as frequent ratio change requests and administrative misunderstandings were frequently ignored. The "thermal vision" springs to mind, but I digress. We felt relieved a month later when we were able to transport everyone into the Outlands. Greg and I knew we needed to make the Castle something special, as we had both planned on retiring from HL2RP in September. Roven came up with the idea to make the Castle into a Greek citystate like structure. An interesting though, but it was unachievable due to our dwindling population, small land holding and constant OTA raids. We lacked administrative support for personal defense and popular support from the Town. The Castle also was lacking in qualified roleplayers, as there were 3 poor-average roleplayers per every 1 above average roleplayer. It was not destined to be. Greg and I indirectly thought that, so over the last three weeks we've been slowing down our pace, coming to halt in early August. The Castle died a slow death.

Our last hurrah ended in failure, but that's not to mean any of you cannot pick up the reigns and rebuild what we had set out to achieve. In fact, I challenge you to make a better citizen-centric group than Roven, Greg and I ever could. I will be watching in earnest, but alas our time with HL2RP is finished. Old Greg is two years younger than me but is now legal age to enroll in the armed forces. I believe he's going into the Air Force, but he keeps changing his mind. I'm now 20, entering into my second year of university. Other than Asia, this will be the first year where I have my own house, paying for my own food, car, etc. It's quite an exciting time to take the reigns of adulthood. Do I miss being a teenager? Absolutely not. I urge all you teenagers, ignore those assheads at high school. You will never see them again. Almost everything you do before graduation is meaningless. It's what you do with the rest of your life that truly matters. You will cross and recross new paths and relationships like automata patterns. So a second challenge, an OOC challenge. When you finish high school and are a real adult, able to drink, smoke, go out, have sex, meet people, have a job, question your beliefs and motivate yourself to try new things, I want you to just be the best you can be. Try the hardest, always strive for first place. You're your own character, and you wouldn't expect anything less but perfection IC, so why the fuck wouldn't you do the same OOC? You'll find that awesome boy/girl who will be your best friend. You will find that job you love and go on that trip you've always wanted to go on. Always strive to do bigger, better. When you become a real adult, shaped by your passion for gaming, computers, sports, whatever, take that passion and use it. Beat the world, I dare you.

<:: Unit.04.08819 Scott Farley ::>
Amanda "Ruby" Whitley
Alex Jennings

has disconnected from server.

P.S. I'd like to think that Amanda remained in the Town, collecting her thoughts after the demise of the Castle from the OTA raid 2 weeks ago. There she remains until the Free Man, forever the town's healer and caretaker, it's citizens eternally grateful of this mysterious redhead woman.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2012, 12:05:40 PM by Toxilium »

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2012, 04:15:15 PM »
The best good-bye post I've ever seen, ever. I didn't know you, but now I wish I did.

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2012, 04:46:50 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

My epic salute to you.  It was an honor.

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2012, 05:15:10 PM »
Good bye sweet Ruby. Our story maybe gone, but I will always remember you.

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2012, 10:01:16 PM »
Good luck where every you may go, I didn't know you well, our interactions only being between human and headcrab. Despite the short-lived experinces, I wish you and Greg best wishes on your future endevors. o7
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Offline A Dark Tree

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2012, 10:33:12 PM »
I wish you the best of luck, and I do plan to take you up on that challenge.  I shall do my best to honor the good names before me in the citizen-centric group making, and I hope that I make you proud.  Honestly, over the many communities that I've been in, I can accurately say that this is one of the most amazing good-bye's that I've ever seen.  I truly do hope that I am able to make you proud with the rise of a new citizen-centric community.  Once again, I wish you and Castle the best of luck, and it was an honor rping with you, the few chances I had.
Add me on steam, the name is Saaaaaaaaaaaan.

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2012, 01:19:02 AM »
To be honest I never liked you, Greg, or especially Roven. I found all three of you extremely condescending; however, this post got you some respect from me.

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Offline Greg

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2012, 05:50:23 PM »
Goodbye Catalyst Gaming

Its been a ton of fun, and I really mean that. Between the ups and downs of running the Castle, the paragraphs upon paragraphs of debates on the forums, and the backdoor shady steam conversations that fueled the Castle, I can honestly say that it has been a blast. I'm not going to create a long goodbye as Toxillium has because I'm not all that good at that kind of writing. But I would like to simply say goodbye, I'm joining the United States Airforce here in the next few months and as you can imagine that kind of business doesn't leave very much free time.

Good luck to all of you here at Catalyst Gaming, despite the arguments we've had this really is a one-of-a-kind community filled with good individuals.

Old Greg Castles

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2012, 08:10:01 PM »
this entire thread

Bye :c

I have nothing else to say apart from goodluck and goodbye I guess, I still dislike Roven but you other two are alright~

Offline Sniping Hazard

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2012, 10:55:58 PM »

Offline Kevin

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Re: Castles Fall, but the Foundations Remain
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2012, 11:51:14 PM »
I never really knew any of you but I wish I did because this post made me want to actually go back to school and punch everyone in the genitals :o

I salute you. o7
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