Author Topic: Owen Calts's Authorization Application  (Read 3200 times)

Offline Sexy Frog

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Owen Calts's Authorization Application
« on: March 03, 2013, 12:28:26 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Sexy Frog
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

A Fast Zombie Character

Name: Owen Calts
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
The roaring of the bullet like Razor train roared throughout the City, shaking its very foundations causing Owen to stumble in the muck of the sewers, landing practically face first in the disgusting liquids of God only knew what.

“Oh my God! That’s disgusting!” he whimpered, pulling himself back on all fours before spitting out debris, splaying it about.

He could just make out the vague silhouettes of his companions, Yvette and Taylor as they made their way about the darkness and their path barely illuminated by a terrible flashlight. They glanced back at his cry, shoulders tense and blinding him with their flashlight. He could just make out Yvette’s irritable groan over the train as she whipped back around.

“Get over it, will you? It’s just a little dirt.” She snapped, rolling her eyes in the darkness as she turned back around and kept on.
“We don’t have time for this Owen, get up and let’s go.” Taylor agreed, sweeping a lock of perspiration dampened hair from his forehead before moving to grip at Owens arm and yank him up.

Owen stood, completely soaked now as she strode forward, gritting his teeth in disgust though holding his tongue. He knew the road to the Outlands wouldn't be an easy one and complaining this soon in would be the same as giving up. They had just slipped past the confides of the City through the sewers after using several hours of patience and sturdy metal to lever the flood gate in the city sewer up just enough to slip out they were en route to lands unknown. Owen had heard stories, just brief rumors carried on the winds about a place free from the Union, with like minded people and that enough was something to stir his heart with hope.

They had been making their way about the darkened path, careful to keep free of the sewer water and keeping their sights trained ahead. As the tunnel seemed to stretch on, Owen had begun to get the feeling that he’d seen certain cracks and broken light fixtures before. To be honest, this wasn’t the experience he had been hoping for. It seemed much more ominous than he imagined, but if others had done this before, then so could he. He paused as the light before him being held by Taylor suddenly halted and then flipped off.

“Shh, listen…” Taylor hissed in the darkness, his tone of voice a bit troubled.

Owen paused to listen as instructed, hearing nothing by dripping and flowing soup like water. Generic sewer ambience, nothing special. But as the seconds carved into minutes, he could just make out a faint sound…almost like…gnawing? Owen blinked curiously, leaning forward to whisper to Yvette.

“What is that, Yvette? I can’t see.” He asked anxiously, calling over to the general direction of where he could feel her gentle body warmth.

“I don’t know.” She began before glancing aside, the darkness seeming to envelop her. “Pass me the light, Taylor…” she ended, a bit more loudly than she may have intended. At the moment, the gnawing seemed to stop, making the three let out a simultaneous utter of confusion.

As Yvette got a hold of the flashlight, the now long gone gnawing was replaced by a sudden shriek of agony, someone was in trouble!

“AAAAAAAUGH, H-EL-P MEEEEE, AUUUUUUUUUGH!” the voice seemed to howl in the darkness just ahead, causing Yvette’s light to flip on as she took off into the darkness towards the voice.

“C’mon!” she shouted, the only identification of her location being the dim light jerk up and down with her sprinting movements. “Where are you?!” she called as she ran, her shouts echoing through the tunnels.

“Yvette! Wait!” Taylor called as he nudged Owen, both beginning to flit after her.

Within seconds they had lost her, for such a small girl she moved at the speed of a thousand lions it seemed. They wandered about for what seemed like an eternity, almost to the point where Owen would have really thought she may have just ran off to leave them until a spur of light in the distance caught his eye. He quickly nudged at Taylor who was already in route.

As they reached the light, Owen could see it clattered about the floor, illuminating something that made him sick to his stomach. He covered his mouth with a meek whimper as he saw a trail of blood that just illuminated Yvette’s mangled corpse laying lifelessly on the ground, her mouth agape as if she had attempted to let out a cry for help in her last moments though her eyes wide open and glazed over staring perpetually out into nothingness. Her expression still displaying the plea for help she must have had before she passed. Her abdomen appears to be torn open as an emaciated, skinny red figure stood hunched over her corpse as if tearing at her with its hands. It was letting out frenzied grumbles as it went to work, spattering Yvette’s crimson lifeblood about the floor, drenching the sewer water red.

Taylor let out a sickened gasp as he stumbled backwards, falling onto his rump and Owen felt his legs rooted in place as if the grip of Death himself was keeping him in place, forcing him to watch. As Taylor collapsed, the skinny, skinless figure halted his boring into the corpse its grumbled turning into an enraged growl as it shuffled about to them. As its front was lit by the flashlight, still strewn on the floor Owen could make out almost its entire skeletal system, decaying strands of muscle and flesh clinging onto the bones for dear life. It’s head however totally obstructed by a slim body, its midsection seeming to twitch on top. Owen stumbled backwards finally, feeling the bitter tang of bile rise in his throat though forcing himself to keep it down.

Suddenly, the figure let out an ear shattering screech before launching itself forward, stopping just before Taylor. Taylor let out a shriek before skittering backwards, struggling to get to his feet. The chase was on. Taylor stumbled upward, sending a desperate push towards the creature as it slammed into the wall, leaving his hands covered in blood and rot, however seeming to anger it more. They darted down the tunnel past the beast, scrambling away in the darkness as the shrieking grew loud behind them. As they flitted through the sewers, the emergency lights barely lighting their path Owen glanced back to see that the creature was not far behind and gaining. It bellowed a mighty roar before launching itself forward. Owen could just hear a thud behind him and noticed that Taylor was no longer beside him.

“Oh god! Owen! Jesus fucking Christ! Help me!” Taylor wailed, seeming to be in tears as the creature slammed its bone sharp claws down into his chest, spraying clothes and flesh shredding about.

Owen paused, looking after his friend helplessly, torn between loyalty and the panging instinct of survival. His friend was dying! What would he do?!

Taylor fought against the creature fruitlessly, waving his hands before where it slashed, only to have his hands carved in the process as blood pattered the concrete and he wailed again. “For the love of Christ, Owen! Help me…please! Oh God, it hurts!” he screeched.

Owen hesitated, shuffling backwards as he whimpered to his friend before turning and darting off into the darkness. “I’m sorry!”

“Owen, y-you son of a-” The curse was cut off by another screech, soon replaced by struggled gurgling.

Owen tore through the sewers, now completely alone, his mind racing as he periodically glanced over his shoulder. Fear, shame and despair washing over him and swelling in his chest like the burn of a hot knife stabbing through him. When his friends needed him most, he slunk away like a coward. But he didn’t want to die, he wanted to live…

I-I’m not ready to die! He thought, his mind a distraught mess of emotions.

But as if Death were there to protest, he could hear the growls of Hell stirring behind him once more. As he glanced over his shoulder, he could see the figure behind him pounding after him. Owen pushed himself harder, his legs searing and seeming to cry out in protest at the strain though he didn’t dare stop. If he did, he’d die for sure! The growls grew louder, but relief flooded over Owen as he could just make out a door down the tunnel being lit by a lazy and flickering emergency light. He pressed harder for the door, wind from the speed of his movements slicing through his hair as the beast pressed behind him.

I’m gonna make it! He laughed inwardly, his mind flooding with relief as he finally reached the door, slamming it behind him just as the creature leapt after him. As soon as he slammed the door shut with a mighty boom, he felt a great force slam into the door behind him. He jerked forward but shoved backwards to close the door and finally locked it. He was safe.

He sighed in relief as he slid to the ground, his shoulders shuddering as he sobbed in a mixture of misery and bliss. He had lived, but at what cost? As he slid back to a standing position, using the door as support he noticed a switch not far away. It was only then he noticed that he stood in practically impenetrable darkness. As he moved for the switch, he froze, hearing gentle squeaks in the room. He shrugged it off, as it was probably rats. Not uncommon in sewers.  He warily flipped the light on before glancing about and taking in his surroundings. His heart skipped a beat as his eyes widened.

The room was completely bare, save several slim masses skittering about the ground. The ‘squeaking of rats’ turned out to be something more. His mind flashed back to the beast chasing him and his friends, they looked exactly like the thing on the beasts head. Suddenly, what seemed like dozens of them all turned to him simultaneously, rearing up on their back legs before flicking their slim forelegs back and forth as if readying to charge.

For a moment, a pang of defeat flushed over him as he gave a weary smirk thinking to himself hopelessly.

So close…

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
~ The Ability to explore new fields of RP as a necrotic
~ Faster attacks/reactions due to zombie type
~ Ability to create a bit more danger for wandering about the sewers of City during events

~ Instant kill target for all factions (big one right here)**
~ Practically no passive RP
~ Residing mainly in the sewers
~ Event Character

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to use them responsibly and keep this character only within the sewers. I will stay down there simply to provide an air of danger for citizens so that they will be forced to think twice before entering and be much more careful instead of simply walking about carefree. Specifically for events.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 01:56:55 PM by Sexy Frog »

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

Offline Khub

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Re: Owen Calts's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2013, 12:49:57 PM »
  • Any NPC besides headcrabs. Antlions and Zombies may be authorized as event only characters.


Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Owen Calts's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2013, 01:01:29 PM »
Sorry about that. Edited.

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

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Re: Owen Calts's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2013, 08:40:44 PM »
The backstory seems good, and I could see this being pretty neat for any events that happen to take place down in the sewer and such. Aside from the fact that I don't think there are any sewers in the current map, although I may be wrong. Don't know why any admins have bothered to post on this further, but I think you're responsible enough for a character like this. I give a +support if it means anything.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

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Re: Owen Calts's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2013, 02:45:38 AM »
Didn't even see this app, definitely gets my support, would be pretty fun for events.

Offline kronik

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Re: Owen Calts's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2013, 10:51:35 AM »
Yeah this will have to be an event/special auth character only. Airborne/Khub one of you pls give support/nosupport

Offline Khub

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Re: Owen Calts's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 05:21:58 AM »
As an event character, yes, sure.

Offline kronik

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Re: Owen Calts's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2013, 04:02:31 PM »
Accepted for event/special occasion only, ask an SA for a model change and stuff have fun


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