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Topics - SkeptiK

Pages: 1 [2]
This is a non-serious post that is to be taken serious. If offended by my profanity, my bad.

I’m quite tired at the moment and excuse the language I’m not angry it’s just the way I express things, so don’t be all like “OMG FLAMEESSS REPORTEDDD.” Alright now we have that out of the way we can continue on what is to be addressed here. Outlands, to put it in plain simple terms is completely different from the city, simply because it’s not in a controlled area of CCA generalised authority. Hence why refugees from the cities flee there to escape enforced environment which is the city, however there is still a shit ton of OTA sweeps through it and ANYONE located within the outlands and or canals is amputated on sight.

Obvious S2M and S2K factors apply so do not worry about that. Now, touching on a bit of refugee role-play. New players ask why are we called “Refugees” instead of citizens. Well simply because you not in the fucking city anymore, you have escaped it and you are now on the run. You are starving, mal-nourished, sleep depredated, exhausted and simply scared shit less. Seeking any food and or shelter you can find on your travels preferably as far and as excluded away from the city it is. You need to be witty and think things through to survive, this requires immense role-play, because I can assure you if you let your guard down one second OTA will have you ass on a platter.

The main goal of refugee role-play is to survive... Yes developing your character along the way, meeting new people, seeing fancy places etc, is still to happen but your life expectancy is limited by a long shot. Hence why most refugees move in packs, surviving off each other, helping each other out in times of need. Simply trying being a dick and defending yourself is not going to work. You will be one dead mother fucker if you attempt it and I’m not going to bother explaining the facts behind it. What I want to see from the server is fear RP taken to the next level, current levels in the city are fucking appalling, citizens running up to hunters and attempting to hump it is not on.

I want to see you literally shit yourself if and when you see a synthetic, as you better be running like Usain Bolt after a watermelon chicken. I want to see a lot of it, and especially when you have seen OTA as these ****s do not muck about. However I do not want to see failRP, if you do not know what it is... /facepalm I’ll tell you...  It’s simply unrealistic reactions and or actions in which a player performs ICly to generally troll and or grief the server, and most of the time it’s performed by 6 year old prebs who think “dey meke funnys” from causing grief to players role-play. I’m simply going to lose my shit if I see ANY of this sort of behaviour on outlands, and I expect my counterparts to do the same as I simply will not tolerate it anymore.

Ok back on topic... I will now explain to you the definition between a “Rebel” and a “Resistance” member. A rebel is simply a person who has chosen to not obey the benefactors way of living and has committed acts and or directly or indirectly impacting the CCA’s intended socio-stability of the sector. A resistance member on the other hand, is a part of a large branch of refugees who have formed up under one name and are fighting back against the UU in organised attempts to regain ownership of earth. Obviously both definitions of both types of citizen are branched out a lot further, I simply just added an idiot proof understanding to it. (So if you don’t get the meaning you might as well shoot yourself now and save people the trouble.)

Continuing on with a few things I do not want to see from the resistance...
1.   You fucks better not shit spawn your vests, and or walk around like a pimp showing them off to refugees just so you e-penis grows and you assfuck role-play so it’s completely thrown off canon and you do not win the fucking game.

2.   DO NOT SHITSPAWN SUPPLYS AND OR WEAPONS. ( I don’t think I need to explain that any further.)

3.   If I hear of ANY form of recruiting members by walking up to them ICly or OOCly asking them to join... Oh... I simply cannot explain in words what will happen. ( For the new fags, joining is displayed by actions and experiences you have shown to those who reside within it. You simply do not fucking ask to join and or someone asks you to join.)

4.   Do not fucking give away information ICly or OOCly about anything regarding the resistance, unless a member. I mean come on, you have to be suffering down syndrome to not get this...

5.   People who have HC, or OTA units in resistance. Simply a no no, breaches so many grounds of meta-gaming known to man. Even if you are have been authed by RW himself, take a good look at the situation at hand and determine it, because that would fucking annihilate all chances of a successful outlands server.

6.   Obviously admins placing themselves within the resistance, and there should only be a couple at MOST in it.

7.   One MASSIVE fucking issue with resistance, is that all you cunts think you are sometime of demi-god and believe you cannot die or PKed. Simple fact is that anyone can be PKed regardless of circumstance, I do not give a fuck if you are jesus, I will PK your ass if the given circumstance arise.

8.   And numba eight, pulling off the most retarded fucking escape plans... At an old community I used to play they used to escape through them pipe wall textures in toilets etc after being overwhelmed by OTA etc. That’s another no no, and should not happen.
Think I’ve covered pretty much most of it there, if not add more shit. Umm... Oh yea, how resistance should act, well the same as refugees. But you fucks, are worse off, simply because you are targeted, refugees are only just killed when stumbled upon.

As for now, I’m tired as bawls, also forgive me if you find any of this offensive in anyway, all I can suggest is a nice bucket of cement to harden the fuck up.

This is a un-official mini... Type guide to outlands, I will add a highly more professional one when I’m not dying of sleep deprivation.

Catcha cunts.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Current level of roleplay.
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:16:14 AM »
Raymond Armstrong has used '/Me pushes the woman inside, Locking the door behind her.'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharFallOver 1'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharGetUp'.
Jordan Rutherford has used '/CharFallOver'.
Jordan Rutherford has used '/CharGetUp'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharFallOver 1'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharGetUp'.
Jordan Rutherford has used '/CharFallOver'.
Jordan Rutherford has used '/CharGetUp'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharFallOver 1'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharFallOver 1'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharFallOver 1'.
Jordan Rutherford has used '/AnimSit'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharGetUp'.
Out of Character for OOC:
Raymond Armstrong: Derek idiot i was suposed to give her the device.
Out of Character for OOC:
John Mcnash: any CPs on?
John Mcnash has gained 1 Suitcase.
John Mcnash has used '/AnimWave Normal'.
John Mcnash has used '/AnimWave Close'.
Raymond Armstrong has used '/Me takes out hes pants and underwear'''.
Derek Shepherd has used '/Me pulls his dick out.'.
paige cooper has used '/CharFallOver'.
paige cooper has used '/CharGetUp'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/Me attempts to trow her on teh ground'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/Roll'.
paige cooper has used '/CharFallOver'.
paige cooper has used '/CharGetUp'.
Out of Character for OOC:
Derek Shepherd: [LOOC] Raymond Armstrong: I know how to rape..
[LOOC] Raymond Armstrong: Let me handle this
paige cooper has used '/Me kicks ray in the stomach the nhit him in the face'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharFallOver 1'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharFallOver 1'.
Raymond Armstrong has used '/Me throws her on her knees.'.
Teh Penguin9 has disconnected from the server.
Raymond Armstrong has used '/Me takes her ponytail and shoves her mouth on hes dick.'.
paige cooper has used '/Me upercuts him'.
Raymond Armstrong has used '/Me shoves hes dick in her mouth.'.
Raymond Armstrong has used '/Me holds her ponytail'.
paige cooper has used '/AnimSit'.
paige cooper has used '/AnimPantWall'.
paige cooper has used '/AnimSit'.
Raymond Armstrong has used '/Me gets here in the center of the room.'.
=OMLG=Fantastic Voyage has disconnected from the server.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharFallOver 1'.
paige cooper has used '/CharFallOver'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/CharFallOver 1'.
paige cooper has used '/CharGetUp'.
Raymond Armstrong has used '/Me gets his dick sucked'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/Me lift her pants and underwear off'.
Out of Character for OOC:
Raymond Armstrong: rofl were gangbanging a girl harshly xD
Derek Shepherd has used '/Me starts chasing her pussy'.
Derek Shepherd has used '/Me penetrates her'.

IC Chat / <::||DvL.117 Private Logs||::>
« on: July 01, 2011, 11:59:37 PM »
                  Unit: 117
                                                  SQUAD: NOVA
                                             Clearance: DvL
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 050125
Subject: Personal Logs.

My previous status within the UCA has been re-instated and I am now the divisional commander of NOVA, after begin branded a traitor of the UU and had almost been sent for permanent off world re-assignment. Luckily my case was heard by my superiors and I was no longer bound by these false crimes. The units who participated in my detainment, torture and near execution are dead… they were tried for heresy and traitorism, and killed by my very hands as they deserved. The benefactors placed upon me a gift that I could not refuse… Revenge, I feel that the hole that was ripped from me by my so called “Brothers” has been filled and I can resume duty as I would of previously…

Luckily only a few units have questioned my return and so it has gone to show that my previous existence has already been forgotten, in which I do not mind. People used to refer to me as the “Butcher” as they claimed I go over the top in my tortures and interrogations, well… It seems it’s working, as I’ve always received the information that I was looking for… And it proves so recently when I had to “Remove” some information from an AC who was in possession of firearms in D2, he provided me with some valuable information to the whereabouts of some other citizens who do not wish to choose the loyal life.

It’s a pity really…

Saving File under Log: 050125
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
File Saved
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost


Introductions / Hey I'm back.
« on: June 21, 2011, 08:28:00 AM »
Long story short I've been trainning with the army and now I'm back. So yea, I'll see you kents on HL2RP soon. Peace out.

IC Chat / <::||DvL.117's Private Logs||::>
« on: April 22, 2011, 11:02:02 PM »

                                                     Unit: 117
                                                  SQUAD: ADRENALINE
                                             Clearance: Divisional Leader
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 050001

To: [Personal Notes]

Text: This is my first official log as a divisional leader of ADRENALINE, and I must say I rather enjoy the privileges. As being a divisional leader, comes huge responsibilities and tasks you must complete to insure that you are fully grasping all aspects of your squadron. But with a very organised squadron such as ADRENALINE I've only had to do so much to insure the stability of the squadron. But enough of that... I must write down my findings of the past few weeks.

Furthermore, I've detained and beaten a lot of citizens lately. Due to the sheer amount of resistance we have been getting from the civil populace. I do not know what's wrong, but we have had a day with three judgement wavers activated. Very soon, COTA are going to have to be deployed to contain district two and hopefully remove any AC's that are not needed in our city.

I must also write down that I was nearly killed by a man on the district two bridge (Just next to the cafe in the plaza.) as he was throwing homemade explosives into the plaza, I went to investigate and he had booby trapped the door leading out of the cafe, luckily the explosives failed and I was able to deal with the man. He was detained and later amputated for his crimes, as he had enough contraband on him to start his very own black market, we didn’t want to take the risks.

I must also put down is that I've seen a huge amount of citizens with weapons lately, one of which I and a sweep team where fired upon by a SICP 9mm pistol and a SPAS12. It is getting very dangerous out there for the regular units... But, they are expendable.

117 Signing off.

Saving File under Log: 050001
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Saving File.....
Saving File.....
File Saved
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost

General Discussion / Signature
« on: April 22, 2011, 10:17:16 PM »
I'm looking for someone to make my signature into a picture signature so I can fit it all in. (Disregard the two lower lines.) And I will pay for it if need be. So if you are a vet at this stuff, then It looks like you have a job if you want it to be.

So PM if you are interested.

IC Chat / <::||OfC.117 Private Logs||::>
« on: April 19, 2011, 12:46:53 PM »

                                                   Unit: 117
                                                  SQUAD: ADRENALINE
                                             Clearance: OfC
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 050000
To: [Personal Notes]

I've been meaning to write this message for a while now, but I haven't been able to my pen to paper as I have been completely busy with the med-wing. Earlier this week, I had to save my very own DvL's life, by compressing his wounds and feeding his augmented body Nano-cells to replace the lost blood in a conflict.

It took a while for his wounds to heal as he lost a lot of blood in the process but I insured he would make a speedy recovery by watching over him regularly, I must also thank 602 and 164 on their assistance in helping me with the wounded DvL. Both are superb units, and may be some of the finest in the CCA.

On a side note, I must also write about my findings in the past week, AC behaviour seems to be escalating as the amount of wounded coming into the medical bay is outstanding. Blood transfusions after blood transfusions, patching up after patching up. I believe we may need more ADRENALINE units to at least have a solid holding on the ground, as we do not have much qualified surgeons.

Saving File under Log: 04320934
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Saving File.....
File Saved
(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.ADRENALINE-OfC.117)
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost

CA Thread Archive / <::|| Equipment/Loadout Authorizations ||::>
« on: April 14, 2011, 02:33:05 AM »
<::|| Equipment/Loadout Authorizations ||::>

<::|| SeC- Sectorial Command ||::>

Overwatch-grade Kevlar Vest
Experimental Facemask
Overwatch Vocoder
Command Uniform
Duty Belt
Door Lock
Breaching Charge
Frag Grenade
Flash Grenade
Smoke Grenade
Electroshock Baton
Spas12/ MP7
SICP 9mm/ .357
Mobile Datapad

<::|| CmD- Commander ||::>

Elite-grade Kevlar Vest
Special-issue Facemask
Command Vocoder
Command Uniform
Duty Belt
Door Lock
Breaching Charge
Frag Grenade
Flash Grenade
Smoke Grenade
Electroshock Baton
Spas12/ MP7
SICP 9mm/ .357
Mobile Datapad

<::|| DvL- Division Leader ||::>

Elite-grade Kevlar Vest
Special-issue Facemask
Command Vocoder
Command Uniform
Duty Belt
Door Lock
Frag Grenade
Flash Grenade
Smoke Grenade
Breaching Charge
Electroshock Baton
Spas12/ MP7
SICP 9mm
Mobile Datapad

<::|| OfC- Officer ||::>

Elite-grade Kevlar Vest
Upgraded Facemask
Command Vocoder
Command Uniform
Duty Belt
Breaching Charge
Flash Grenade
Smoke Grenade
Breaching Charge
Electroshock Baton
Spas12/ MP7
SICP 9mm
Mobile Datapad

<::|| 01 ||::>

Heavy-grade Kevlar Vest
Standard Facemask
Elite Vocoder
Enlisted Uniform
Duty Belt
Electroshock Baton
Spas12/ MP7
SICP 9mm
Mobile Datapad

<::|| 02 ||::>

Heavy-grade Kevlar Vest
Standard Facemask
Standard Vocoder
Enlisted Uniform
Duty Belt
Electroshock Baton
SCIP 9mm
Mobile Datapad

<::|| Training Officer ||::>

Medium-grade Kevlar Vest
Officer-type Facemask
Enhanced Vocoder
Special BLUE Uniform
Electroshock Baton
SCIP 9mm
Mobile Datapad

<::|| 03 ||::>

Medium-grade Kevlar Vest
Standard Facemask
Standard Vocoder
Enlisted Uniform
Electroshock Baton
SCIP 9mm
Mobile Datapad

<::|| 04 ||::>

Light-grade Kevlar Vest
Standard Facemask
Standard Vocoder
Enlisted Uniform
Electroshock Baton
SCIP 9mm
Mobile Datapad

<::|| RCT- Recruit ||::>

Light-grade Kevlar Vest
Standard Facemask
Recruit Vocoder
Enlisted Uniform
Electroshock Baton

Credits to SkeptiK.
Added in that 01's now have Trenchies-Blt.

CA Thread Archive / <::|| Adrenaline Equipment Authorizations ||::>
« on: April 14, 2011, 12:20:00 AM »
-Snip- Have one in main topic. Delete please.

Suggestions / More room in sigs for text.
« on: April 13, 2011, 08:28:09 AM »
Need more room for text in my Sig. Pretty piss poor ammout of space given tbh. Can't even add another cara.

General Discussion / Quote of the day?
« on: April 13, 2011, 08:05:23 AM »
Whilst in detainment they thought it was a smart Idea to start punch whoring each other.
 I walked in the room, and they decided to minge run and fist whore me. I then killed them.

Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.ADRENALINE-OfC.117: Even if you had slid past me, the nexus if full of civil protection units. Ready and waiting.
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.ADRENALINE-OfC.117: You would have been ass f***ed.
Out of Character for OOC:
Ray Phreak: nah
Out of Character for OOC:
Ray Phreak: We would have raped em to

After he has been killed for minge running.

Out of Character for OOC:
Ray Phreak: im going to rob your headquarters

Introductions / Hello. :]
« on: April 08, 2011, 12:27:17 AM »
The name is SkeptiK, long time serious HL2RP roleplayer. Good mates with soviet eagle and a few others that are at this community, but would not know me under this alias. Just wanted to check out the server and the forums and so far I'm enjoying it.

But yea it's good to see a lot of people passive rather then run around mindlessly doing stupid things. Keep up the good work.

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