Author Topic: Stan Petre's Authorization Application  (Read 2555 times)

Offline Delta1116732

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Stan Petre's Authorization Application
« on: March 28, 2013, 04:35:44 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Delta1116732
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 2-3 Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 Years, and a couple months.

Character Section

- Odessa Model
- Basic Marksman Ship
- One Shotgun (Mossberg 590)
- Two Boxes Of Ammo
- Clothing Of The Following: Security Winter Coat, Gray Jeans, Blue Toque, Mall Security Badge

Name: Stan Petre
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
As Stan Petre grew up in a relativity small home with one brother, and sister. His parents were most of the time poor, and he was the oldest one of his family aside from his mother and father. Being the oldest his parents treated him well in hopes that he could possibly have a better life than his parents had. His father worked in a small office making most of the families income. His mother also worked though it was part time she did not bring in a lot of income though the extra money helped. As Stan grew older in his life he excelled in certain subjects. Subjects such as math, science, and PE he did well in, unlike the other classes such as art. He usually got good grades in his classes averaging higher than C+ in most classes. In about grade five he met another boy named Costel Dan. The two began to become good friends as they found the others in the class annoying, or just didn't seem to care for them. Costel, and Stan would normally go outside at recess chasing each other regarding the game known as cops, and robbers. For the first month as they played it would usually be just Stan, and his friend though after that other kids would join in. His social life was relativity good, and his classes went well. Though his parents not making a lot of money they saved up for him to go to collage, and hopefully get a good job. Though Stan had no real plans for his career later on in his life it wasn't much of a concern. As his life continued Costel, and Stan remained as good friends up until they finally finished elementary, and went onto high school.

   As a large big concrete building stood before a large bus the door cracked open. Kids began flooding out of the bus that was stopped at the parking lot letting kids flood out as Stan got pushed out the door way almost falling to his feet. He ran ahead a bit to avoid getting hit by the stampede of kids. He stood there looking up at the school as it was much larger than his previous schools, and seemed a lot colder, dull, and life less. Soon after Costel ran up behind Stan saying "Some school right? It's huge!" Stan replied "Yeah, it's pretty big. Can only imagine whats inside." Costel nodded agreeing as the two boys walked inside to find the hallways stuffed full of people walking of all sizes. The lockers seemed very small, and could only fit about a backpack with books. For his time being at the school he gained a sense of what he wanted to be when he grew up. He hoped he could possibly get into being a police officer. They had respect, honor, and always seemed to be brave. Stan always had a good record in PE, and physical activity. He played a lot of sports, and was almost never inside. As Costel, and Stan slowly grew apart from each other normally having no time, or having a slight dis taste in each others personalities. Though they enjoyed each others company at times they never really got close. They made other friends, and students to hang out with. With Stan wanting to be a police officer, and having no real clue of what Costel wished to do he focused on his classes ensuring he got good grades.

   The sun covered up by clouds this one morning, and it was pouring rain outside. Stan finally entered his collage drying his feet on the small mat at the door inside. He looked around the collage as people were about their business as he tried to remember what class to go to. He snapped his fingers together remembering where he had to go, and began to walk off to his criminology class. With his local police department they wanted at least two years of experiences in collage of criminology, or anything related to crimes. Stan has been doing good in his grades so far, and keeping up with the latest assignments. So far in his criminology class he has spent about three years into collage, and was planning to leave within a couple weeks as it was nearly summer. He stood true to his word, and still wanted to become a police officer. His professor was easy regarding work being that the average work would be sit in a class, take notes, watch a video on a crime, do a small test, then that would be it for the class. He found it to be very easy, and soon completed the course leaving after his third year of collage. Not soon after he was recruited into the police officer, and had to go through a required academy to see if he was fit to do so. He knew it would be lots of fun to shoot, and learn how to act as a real officer.

   As the days passed by Stan was required to full fill a course that would occur over the time of about a month. Within the first week he usually did tests, and exams on protocols. What to do in what situation was easy to remember as most of them are very basic. Though during the second week was physical ability tests where he would learn to go over certain obstacles in case he was in need to chase someone down. He easily passed the part of physical tests, and the last week consisted of two things. One of which the drill instructor kept a secret, and the other one was fire arms training. As Stan, and his other team mates stood there at attention the instructor went over the use of a riot pump action shotgun being police standard for riots. Stan began loading six shells into the chamber as he pumped the shotgun taking aim at his target. The instructor yelled "Fire!" all shots of the shotgun went firing off going through the worn out car in the field. Stan lowered his shotgun smiling as he had never felt a rush like that before as he pumped the shotgun as the instructors orders continuing to fire. Later on they went through how to fire a small police standard pistol. As the week of fire arms training finished Stan walked into a room as a projector was shown. It was the last day of training, and all the tests were done. There was one final thing to do which the instructor kept a secret. As everyone was seated in the classroom the instructor walked up to the front of the room saying "Alright, well I'm very impressed with all of you. Your nearly complete, and will be official officers. Though i'm sure your all wondering what this secret of mine is? Well, in order for you to become cops you have to deal with situations that would be gruesome, and revolting to most of you. Which is why I have to tell you before you do so is that you will come into these situations, and I hope you can all handle them. Stan gulped as he was never comfortable with this kind of thing. The projector at the front of the room began to run through images that Stan felt revolted, and almost sick to his stomach. As the pictures finally stopped Stan was completely frozen in place. Horrified by the pictures he just saw he knew he could easily not become a police officer. He would't last five minutes with it, so he decided to possibly get a different job before the instructor said something "If you were...revolted by these pictures i'd suggest your not police officer material....if you wish to leave now your training, and work will be taken into account for your next jobs. You may sign the sheet on my desk saying that you are quitting. If you want to see a list of other jobs to do then there is a list outside." Not soon after Stan stood up while seven other students out of the 15 stood up as well signing their names off. Stan walked over to the board outside taking a look with a depressing sigh as his work there had ended. As much as he hated it he couldn't stand to see those pictures let alone see them in action. He studied the board as they listed off jobs, and applications. He came across a mall security job that caught his interest. He smiled a bit thinking it has everything like a police officer, but without the guns, and blood. Even if a gun is needed he knows how to shoot it. What could go wrong? Within months Stan had been accepted as a mall security officer in one of the large Romanian malls. The job was small, but it made a decent pay check as well as was near what he wanted to do in life. He was rather happy with his job, and remained in his job for three years until that one day came.
   As the sun began to shine over the apartment complex in Romania on August 11th 2015 Stan opened the door of his car swinging it open as he stepped out with a small coffee. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt, and gray jeans. Being August, and cold he was also wearing a small toque. He took a sip of his coffee tapping his fingers along the cup as he looked up across the large parking lot, and at the large mall before him. The parking lot wasn't very full being in the early morning, and most people were getting up, or still asleep by now. With the days rush soon to come Stan began to walk up to the door pushing them open walking his normal path he took to a small dark corner of a mall alley as the doors were metal unlike the other doors. He opened them up as he came to a white, and gray concrete room with pipes sticking out of the walls. The hallway smelt very dusty, and dull. As Stan reached the end of the hallway he reached down to his pocket pulling out a small card as he swiped it through a small slot as a green light was given off, and the door beside him unlocked. Stan pushed the door open closing it behind him as the door light turned red, and inside the room was full of computers, monitors, chairs, and three doors on opposite sides of the room. Two men in blue jackets labeled SECURITY on them were watching the monitors bored out of their life as Stan took a right opening the door. He looked into the break room as it seems more friendly, and welcoming. A leather couch had been set off to the side as he walked up to the lockers tapping his finger along each one until he reached his undoing the lock as he said quietly to himself trying to remember "20-5-29." The combination lock released it's grip on the locker door as it swung open as Stan reached inside grabbing a blue winter coat labeled in yellow security on the back. On the side of the sleeve had a crest of mall security on it. He slid the coat on slowly taking a deep breath as he reached back for his coffee taking another sip. He looked he thought of his toque to take it off or not. He decided not to as it was fairly cold outside shutting his locker door, and walking off back to the main room. As he entered the room he walked to a board listing all the duties of mall security, and who's job was who's today. He found his name listed near the bottom as it went alphabetical. Stan was on monitor watch today which seemed to be the most boring job. He sighed as he walks over to a set of 10 monitors all linked up to cameras along the west side of the mall. Three of the cameras covered the parking lot as the other seven covered a small food court. He took a seat, and leaned back on a hard, uncomfortable office chair tapping his fingers along his coffee taking sips every ten minutes watching the monitors as shoppers went about their own business. Stan leaned back into his chair sighing as he knew the day would be long, and boring.

   As a few hours had passed into the job with Stan nearly asleep in his chair. The mall continued out it's normal act until the head security boss came stomping into the room from his office as he yelled "I want all the security members here now!" Stan shook as he hated the yelling, and grabbed onto his radio calling in "This is security officer Petre the boss is requesting all officers to the security room asap." Stan turned off his radio as he stood up asking the boss "Whats the trouble sir?" The boss had a serious look on his face as he said "Some shit is going down..REAL big shit not this average thing. SWAT, Police are coming when everyone gets here tell them to monitors all the cameras. When every citizen, officer, even the god damn military is inside I want you to do a full lock down!" Stan began to shake a bit panicking as he had no clue what was going on. All he knew is that when the boss was yelling about SWAT, maybe even military something big was up. He got back to his seat as he watched for the next twenty minutes as SWAT, Cops, and some military personal had the doors heavily guarded, and a officer at every corner. By this time all security officers where sitting at the monitors watching over. Each one shook slightly scared, and confused of the situation. Not soon after a loud smack was heard in the sky as the ground shook a bit, and soon after the mall became fully locked down. The doors guarded by metal, and the entire place was a huge fortress. Within ten minutes Stan heard gun shots go off, and he was shaking almost ready to cry under being scared. As he looked outside he saw four metallic robots with three legs, and a big body. His jaws dropped as he had no clue what to do, and yelled "Chief there is like...a robot outside?!" The four creatures began to shoot, ram, and attempt to destroy the malls west entrance though it was no luck. The military inside where taking cover, and civilians huddled into corners, stores where ever they could hide. Stan heard the chief yell "SHIT, ,SHIT" Stan looked around the room as one of the security officers was watching just outside the security door entrance as multiple citizens were huddled outside the door some crying, and some praying for life. One of the metallic creatures was just outside the outer entrance of the security room hallway as Stan stood up running to the window watching outside. The door was barricaded as he heard loud shots go off into the door as they began to shake a bit. The door began to get blown away as the shots exploded not soon after landing on their target. The metallic thing stuck two large knives through the part of where it could see.

   As two knives stuck out all the citizens screamed as the chief came running through his office yelling "Everyone get the fuck out they have breached!" Stan pushed open the door hopefully not hitting anyone. At this time more flechttes exploded on the barricade completely blowing it apart as everyone stood up shaking with fear, frozen in place. The metallic thing got into a stance as it gave out a loud metallic roar firing off felchettes as it mowed down the citizens behind Stan. Stan was just a meter away from exiting the door as he ran into it. Opening the door up with a loud bang as he fell to the floor. Everyone looked towards him as twenty other citizens ran out of the door before two Romanian soldiers covered up the door with a large concrete block. The screams from the other side grew as they cried for help, and their fates sealed. The metallic beast continued the slaughter of the citizens the soldiers had trapped. Stan quickly ran to the other side of the mall walk way to a shoe store. A police officer bearing a mossberg 590 riot shotgun was crouched down. The officer looked young as if it was nearly his first day on the force. Stan said to the officer "What the hell is going on, and...what the hell are those things?" The officer turned to him keeping his shotgun pointed at the door "I don't have a clue, but all I know is that some big blue circle opened in the sky, and things started flooding out. Damn flying spiders, walking spiders, they all shoot weird ass shit...this is world wide!" Stan curled up into a small ball behind a concrete potted plant as he shook a bit, stunned by the recent events trying to pull himself together.

   Stan had nearly pulled himself together. Loud thuds were heard on the roof top of the mall as everyone grew silent. Gun shots from outside, and screams didn't over power the loud stepping sounds above. Stan looked to the middle of the food court where the roof was a small glass done as he said to himself "Oh, shit." The glass came shattering down as a big beige like spider came crashing through it as it got into a low stance. It was facing towards Stan as he ducked down. Multiple citizens where at the main entrance banging on it trying to get out. Suddenly every officer, and military unit began opening fire on the strider. Most bullets bouncing off it the large robot began charging a small blue orb from the tip of it's gun as it gave off a loud blast going straight towards the main entrance. Ten citizens died as the beam blew apart the door sending shrapnel flying everywhere. Stan looked at the way out as citizens began running, and the metallic robot began firing off a small round aiming at people. Stan took cover as it blew a round straight into the concrete potted plant, and the dirt went flying. The next shot hit the officers head beside him. The man fell head as his head had a huge hole on it. His gun fell to the floor as Stan reached for it grabbing the gun beginning to run for the exit. Stan remained running as shots flew through the air keeping his head down. Citizens dropping, and military units taking most of the fire Stan reached the exit. As he ran outside he stopped for a second looking up. Drop ships flew through the air, and almost every building was flaming. The big portal in the sky was pulsing with energy constantly releasing new troops. Stan shook his head snapping out of it. He ran for his car parked near by him. His car wasn't damaged much. As he was running up to his he left his keys in the locker. He decided there was no time, and made a charge at the window aiming the end of the shotgun to it. As the shotgun slammed into the window the glass went flying as Stan reached inside unlocking the door getting in. He looked to his left where the strider stood up, and only it's body was visible. Stan reached into his pocket finding there where no keys, and looked inside the glove compartment where some keys lay. He put them into the car slamming on the gas peddle. He went driving off at full speed.

   Stan didn't know where he was going, or what to do all he knew was he needed to get out of there as fast as he could. He drove out of the parking lot as hunters raided the street ripping people to bits with their bullets, and many on the streets dead. Stan thought as he drove off in a random direction decided he should go to the mountains. The place was less populated, and whatever was coming down would focus mainly on populated areas. After thirty minutes of insane driving he reached a long dirt road he took into the mountains. He reached the forest covered in big pine trees as he pulled way off to the side. As he was in the random depths of the forest he looked around for anything that may give away his position. His car nearly out of gas, and he parked behind a large hill over looking the town. He walks over to a tree picking off some branches as he threw them over the car attempting to camouflage it in any way possible. He ran up to the hill with the shotgun still in the passenger seat of his car. He reached the top of the hill covered in pine trees. Blow him was miles of farm land. Stan walked up to a near by tree as he put his back against it sliding down into a sitting position. He looked down on the city as most of it was in flames, destroyed, or being destroyed. Metallic robots flying everywhere, and gun shots in the distance. He sighed as he watched the events take place. He sighed depressed as he thought about his home, family, and friends. What would happen to them? He hoped they all survived, and he could possibly meet them again in the future. As he thought about it he got a brilliant idea. He said to himself "The radio!" as he stood up running full speed back to his car. He reached the drivers seat as he closed the door attaching his seat belt with him. He reached to the radio as he turned it to certain stations hoping to get any signs. Most of the stations were static, and some where left on to leave gun shots, and screams echoing on the radio. He finally came to the news station which was apparently being used as a fortress just like the mall. Though the news station had not been breached the news lady explained what she could about the events as Stan listened with full attention. He sighed as he turned the radio off as it went to static after thirty minutes. Stan turned on the engine as he began driving further into the forest. As he drove further, and further into it he heard less

   As the day continued on Stan continued to drive through the mountains in hope of finding someone. Ever since the day that he was stuck in that mall he has not seen a single soul along the mountains. Though hearing the average gun shoot every now, and then he kept driving ignoring it. As he was driving down a long broken road he thought to himself of why didn't he just join the police force. Maybe he would have got out of that hell hole in better condition. Maybe he would have helped fight back, and actually make a difference. He didn't even know if the war was still going on. From what it looked like the portal in the sky was gone. He knew the small war was near done though he never took it into consideration who had won. As he continued to drive on he only hoped that humanity had pushed the alien creatures back. Ever since he  was a kid he imagined aliens being nice, and helping with humanities survival at least not slaughtering them by the thousands. As Stan reached a small downwards hill he looked up to the sky as it was getting dark. He decided he should hide somewhere, and camp out for the night. He took the road slowly until he found a small man made dug out cave. The small cave dug into a hole that was covered by bushes. He drove his car into the cave as it nearly fit as he looked around. There was still a decent enough space to move around, but he didn't feel comfortable to sleep outside. He got out, and walked outside the cave inspecting how well his car could be seen. As he decided it was hid enough he began to pick a few branches off the trees throwing them over the cave to create a small hide out. As he made his way back into the cave he covered it up with the last branch from inside the place was nearly pitch black. He made his way to his car climbing inside as he locked all the doors crawling to the back seat. He curled up into a fetal position putting the shotgun at the base of the seat. He closed his eyes hoping that this had all been a dream.

   The sun began to shine over the mountains of Romania as Stan Petre opened his eyes in his car looking around. He sighed for the fact that this wasn't a dream, and it was very real. He picked up the shotgun on the floor tossing it to the passenger seat at the front, and climbed out to the drivers seat. He grabbed his keys from his pocket putting them into the ignition as he turned it. The car made no noise, and remained to not do a thing. Stan looked with a questionable face as he looked around the car. He turned the key once more to see if it would do anything. He tried again, and again though with no luck the car did not move. After ten minutes of turning he looked towards the gas meter, and it was empty. Stan sighed frustrated, and annoyed that he never thought about gas. He knew that he knew better than to forget about gas, so at his last resort he got out of his car walking over to branched kicking them to the floor. He pushed the branches along side the trees piling them up. Stan spent about five hours lifting, and moving rocks to cover up the cave that his car was in. He re made some of the hill, and covered it with branches. It looked though as if it was apart of nature, and took note of this. He wrote down the street name, location, car, rock points, and everything on a small note pad to remind himself to come back when he had gas. Though he knew he couldn't go back to the city his only hope was to find someone else who could help. He turned to the road beginning to walk down it to find help.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
- Marksman ship would help with aiming the shotgun giving better aim.
- Clothing would help keep him warm during the winter.
- Odessa Model would help people notice what he looks like from far away.
- The shotgun would help in self defense.

- The blue clothing would make him stick out in the green forest.
- The shotgun could possibly jam.
- Having limited rounds the shotgun would need to be used carefully.
- Could possibly be a bigger target having a mall security badge which looks almost like a police badge from far away.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to use this character as a main character for the out lands. As most of my character have not developed, or have not got a good back story to them self I feel this character will. Being said so I'd figure a good authorization would be a perfect kick start. As well as that the Odessa model would describe him well, and the model is only seen twice in Half-Life 2, and is almost never used in HL2RP. I think it would work well being a basic model. I plan in basic terms to develop this character at first, and within time turn him into a traveling trader possibly.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No, just me.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
If there is any grammar mistakes let me know, and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Khub

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Re: Stan Petre's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 11:48:59 AM »
I'm sorry, but I cannot give you my support due to several reasons.

  • I believe your sentences aren't properly punctuated. There's punctuation where I believe it shouldn't be, and there's none where I'd expect it.
  • You probably meant to use college instead of collage. There also were some oddly phrased sentences I didn't quite understand, such as this one:
    As a large big concrete building stood before a large bus the door cracked open.
    Does that mean "When the bus stopped in front of the large big concrete building, the doors cracked open?"
  • I find it unlikely that the instructor would waste time training people who'll get sick of gruesome pictures on the last day of the course and give up.
  • I don't understand why would an average security officer in a local mall have a pistol. That just doesn't make any sense to me. There'd be little to no cases at all where he'd be allowed to discharge it legally.
  • The backstory makes it look like there was only one unexpected portal storm that brought in the Combine - yet as far as I'm concerned, there were many months, if not years of portal storms, that transported Xen creaures onto Earth, before the big one with the Combine happened.
  • I believe hunters and striders aren't made of metal. They're synthetic creatures, not "metallic robot's". Although it'd make sense for your character to call them like that, it makes none out of your character's direct speech.
  • Current IC year is 2018 and it appears your backstory ends in 2016. Two years are a long time, many events could have happened in that timespan, and you haven't supplied any information on how your character survived/lived in this time.

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Stan Petre's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2013, 03:29:31 AM »
Appologies for the long wait of fixing it should be fixed within a day or two. Been real busy with school, and what not. Should be done soon. I'll edit this post when completed tommarow.

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Stan Petre's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 06:42:45 PM »
Errr you can go ahead and deny this. I've been really busy with homework, and other stuff I don't think I will ever get it done.. Probably work on something new.

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Stan Petre's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 03:41:03 PM »
Denied as per request of OP. Dunno why he didn't move it to denied himself but whatevs. lol

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.


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