Author Topic: Duke's Authorization Application  (Read 4677 times)

Offline Delta1116732

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Duke's Authorization Application
« on: February 01, 2013, 08:01:35 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Delta1116732
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 2-3 Years?
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Mostly 2 years, and a couple months. Most time spent on serious.

Character Section

- Snow Leopard Character
- White Collar Labeled "Duke"

(Pictures for refrence.)

Name: "Duke"
Age: 7 Years Old
Gender: Male
Affiliation: N/A

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
- 2011 January 9th Romanian Zoo. It was around 3:00 in the afternoon, and inside the nursery. One of the zoo's snow leopards just gave birth to a small litter of two cubs that has not been nick named yet. It sat inside the nursery getting fed by one of the male workers, and the female was back in the closed off area as a small group of kids around 11 years old watched. The cub kept being fed as the male worker with the name tag Jake studied the young cub drinking away at the made milk thinking of how small it was, and what would it be named. As the day passed it was near night time, and the three workers who took part in the birth of the young leopard were at a bar chatting away with a drink. As Jake soon mentioned " about the leopard...what do we it?" The others shrugged, and soon they started thinking up names. Starlight, ice, and soon one of the workers suggested the name "Duke." The others agreed on the name being that it was a fairly good name to the group, and it would provide a good advertisement. The next day the workers had returned to the Zoo as most of them got breakfast ready for the animals, and Jake went to the nursery to check up on the cub. Duke was doing fine now, and had looked much better than he was yesterday. Jake went to his boss’s office who mostly sat in there smoking for hours on end. Jake spoke to the boss on the topic that came up last night at the bar naming the leopard Duke, and using it as a great advertisement. The boss agreed and they got the young leopard taking a picture of him. Within the hours the advertisement was ready thanks to the computer, and they printed it out into massive big sheets. These sheets were posted in front of the zoo, and along near the city. The young leopard was let into the closed off circle with his mother. The mother and the cub stood together most days doing their normal thing. Each day more, and more people came to watch the leopard as it grew up with its mother. Duke soon became the mascot of the zoo attracting people. Business seemed good for the time being, and Jake spent time feeding, and ensuring Duke was safe.

   Two years passed, and it was now 2013. Duke had grown older, and grown bigger too. Fur developed on the young leopard, and the day was finally at dawn once more as Duke opened his eyes. His mother was near him sleeping, and Duke stood up walking over to the middle looking around above him along the rails where the group is supposed to be. Oddly enough there were only four-five people there all looking bored. One kid threw down a bit of popcorn from his bag and into the ring as Duke ran up to it sniffing it quickly. Duke continued to eat the bit of popcorn. Business had seemed very slow. The owner of the zoo hasn't been seen much, and has kept his office locked for most parts of the day. Most workers had quit, and there was only a few workers left due to most of them quitting. The worker who had worked with Duke, Jake had been the boss’s right hand man assisting with most of the zoo's payments, and bills. Once the day had finally reached noon Jake was standing at the front trying to attract people as he saw a man with a suit, and brief case walking up to the front gates. He asked him what he needed, and the business man told him "Your payments aren't being met. I'm sorry for this, but you will have to shut down soon. Your remaining animals will be removed from the city, and released into the nearby wild." The man handed Jake a letter confirming this before walking off. Jake put his hand up to his forehead in a stressed look muttering to him as he slowly walked towards his boss’s office. Jake told the boss about the news, and he called a right moving company to move the animals. Shortly after he walked to Duke's ring where he opened the door, and Duke Came walking over to him sniffing him as Jake bent down. Jake said with a sad tone "I'm sorry this is the last time I’ll see you...was planning this for later, but take it now.." Jake pulled out a small white collar fitting it over Dukes head. It was a bit big, but it fit. Jake thought about seeing Duke some other day, and him noticing the collar. He pet Dukes head as he said "It's elastic so it will stretch to a right fit. Shouldn't be too tight since you pretty big already...” Jake stood up with a slight smile walking out as Duke scratched with his paw where the new collar had been placed.

   The next day around 2:00PM Duke woke up to a very different surrounding. It was in the middle of a forest with the wide open fields, and it was a bit snowy. Duke opened his eyes looking around, and stood up as he looked around wondering where he was. His mother was nearby, and he ran over sniffing her as she woke up too. Both of them watched around as the landscape was different from what they had lived most of their lives. His mother looked around, and checked the area before looking back towards Duke as she began to walk off as Duke followed. They headed into the snowy landscape still unsure of where they are, and how they got there. They soon reached a small cave, and the mother stopped as she looked in for any other inhabitants. She stepped it as no one was there, and Duke came running in. Both of them sat there as they watched their surroundings unsure of what had happened. An hour before this Jake had been sitting in the middle of a snowy field with a sad face with a truck behind him, and Duke sleeping on the ground with his mother near him. The man in the car honked the horn "Hey you coming? We got to get out before they wake." Jake said back " You sure there wasn't a better way than to put them to sleep for a while other than doing it when they are awake?" The man talked back "Do you want to put a mother leopard in a cage inside a truck?" Jake shrugged looking back down to Duke as he grabbing into his collar reading it, and stood up. "Maybe I’ll see you someday..." He walked off back to the truck as they pulled off down the dirt road. They soon left the forest where they returned to the zoo, and it was almost completely gone. The posters and a lot of the company owned property was being cleaned up. Jake sighed as he handed back his uniform, and returned to his normal life.

   The date was August 11th 2015, and Duke had grown much bigger now. The collar now fit well. Duke had still been unable to get it off, and it didn't seem to mind him. He had left his mother at the cave, and moved onto a new area by himself. Way out in the mountains of Romania around the snow he fed, and took care of himself. He was now around the age of five years old, and was sleeping one night, and something was making noise. Loud piercing gun shots of high pitched noises and other shots began going off with alarms. Even though they were not close they could be heard off into the distance Duke stood up startled as he looked around keeping his ears up at the unfamiliar shots. He stood up walking out of the cave as he looked up in the sky as it was day light. Duke looked around at the snowy landscape unable to see what was going on, and more high pitched shots were heard, but only closer. Duke turned around and began to leave due to the sounds. He quickly continued on, and found himself near a valley. He found a small cave, and curled up inside trying to fall asleep, but the only thing keeping him awake was the gun shots for the next seven hours.

    Two years passed, and Duke was still at his average size, and he has grown to seven years old. HE continued to live in the cave he found during the seven hour war, and occasionally heard Combine choppers or gunshots every now, and then but he grown to be used to it. He lived off the valley called Ineu pass. He had been watching the area multiple times, but hasn't cared to go down to the inn or roads due to the population of citizens, and Over watch. He stood up from his sleep, and walked over to a cliff where it over looked a small valley that lead to Ineu. Duke found his way down the slope slowly, and came up to the hills that went down to Ineu pass, and stood near the bushes as he looked down at the Inn. The fire going inside and the constant smell of cooked meat. Duke looked around, and found a small cave

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
- A different character could provide good interesting RP for others.
- Creates passive RP hunting, traveling.
- Adds to the mountain environment.
- Less of a threat to OverWatch.

- Could easily fall into a trap of some sort.
- Due to snow leopards not being very territorial someone could sneak up on it if they were careful.
- Hunted for it's meat by citizens.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to do mostly passive with this character. Hunting, and other things here and there. The character would not interact with any humans or citizens being that it has no need for them. Unless people were to approach it themselves the leopard would be with them for a bit, but leaving the chance it gets.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No.

Which server does this apply for? Outlands.

Extra Notes (optional): Authorization to make an application for an animal character.

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Zail

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2013, 07:31:52 AM »
I must say, I disapprove of this application.

"Your payments aren't being met. I'm sorry for this, but you will have to shut down soon. Your remaining animals will be removed from the city, and released into the nearby wild."

That would never happen in real life. If so, it would only be the "last choice". The animals would rather be relocated to another Zoo and stay there.

The cub kept being fed as the male worker with the name tag Jake studied the young cub drinking away at the made milk thinking of how small it was, and what would it be named.

Cute indeed. Though, as the animals apparently have lived most of their entire life in the Zoo, without training on how to survive outside the Zoo, they'll most likely die of hunger. If he were to survive, he would need to be handfed.

That is also one of my other problems. I bet it will end up going friendly and it'll become a pet to someone. I know you've stated in the "What do you plan" section, but I doubt that will continue for long. Sorry for the assumption, but that's most likely going to happen.

For now, I'm currently negative on this application. I'll leave other administrators to voice their opinion though.

Offline Dallas

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2013, 08:36:00 AM »
Challenge already has pointed out a couple flaws with the application and I'm not exactly head-over-heels for it either. I never liked the idea of non-human/vort/zombie characters like antlions or seagulls or this. I think if this character is accepted it would just be another means of killing people. I cannot see much use of it for making an rp scenario better.

On top of that, with this being a rare character, I doubt even the roleplayer with the best intention would P2L as a clouded leopard.

-Any other NPC - headcrabs, zombies, seagulls, barnacles, etc
I'm fairly sure a leopard would fall into this "do not apply for" section.

In conclusion I do not support this application.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 08:55:21 AM by The 11th Doctor »

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2013, 08:46:23 AM »
- Could easily fall into a trap of some sort.
- Due to snow leopards not being very territorial someone could sneak up on it if they were careful.
- Hunted for it's meat by citizens.

'hunted for meat by citizens'
what kind of citizen would hunt a snow leopard for meat is beyond me

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to do mostly passive with this character. Hunting, and other things here and there. The character would not interact with any humans or citizens being that it has no need for them. Unless people were to approach it themselves the leopard would be with them for a bit, but leaving the chance it gets.

how the fuck do you passive on a leopard
what the fuck you i'm not even sure you can passive with a leopard
also if leopards were to be approached what on earth makes you think people can walk alongside leopards why the fuck do you think they keep them behind cages in zoos -- are you retarded

Extra Notes (optional): Authorization to make an application for an animal character.

i don't understand why people insist on getting part of the auth rules being voided for an app that defeats the purpose of them
by that logic i should just skip asking for permission and apply for a cat

also what's the bet you want to be somebodies circlejerk pet in the outlands and they will use it to 'scare' people away and some other retarded bullshit
all in all this is a fucking retarded application and i don't believe this should be accepted

User issued a 15 % warning for flaming. - Challenge
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 11:56:39 AM by alexanderk »

Offline Rudolph the Master Blaster

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 09:48:57 AM »
I'm going to be optimistic here.

You application does have a few wrongs here and there, but I kinda understand what your getting on.
I used to roleplay at Taconbanana a long long time ago. They had applications where you could apply to be a specific breed of dog in the roleplaying game (TRP).
The story of the leopard is kinda odd as Challenge had already said, the animals would have to be either relocated.
I think we could possibly take the idea of changing the leopard into a dog, and somewhat changing the storyline to suit it.
I've seen it in TRP, roleplaying as a dog is extremely fun and players are somewhat more eager to roleplay with it than a leopard. They must of had experiences in real life seeing one and interacting with them.

Thats just my two cents.

Overall im neutral on this application. I still feel that this idea could of widely accepted if the leopard was changed into a dog. Im not very sure about this communities view on dog characters.

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 12:50:50 PM »
Challenge already has pointed out a couple flaws with the application and I'm not exactly head-over-heels for it either. I never liked the idea of non-human/vort/zombie characters like antlions or seagulls or this. I think if this character is accepted it would just be another means of killing people. I cannot see much use of it for making an rp scenario better.

On top of that, with this being a rare character, I doubt even the roleplayer with the best intention would P2L as a clouded leopard.

-Any other NPC - headcrabs, zombies, seagulls, barnacles, etc
I'm fairly sure a leopard would fall into this "do not apply for" section.

In conclusion I do not support this application.
Yes, it falls into the do not apply for section though if you read under extra notes it shows a pic of authorization to make this. Never the less how would it be the means of killing people? Snow leopards aren't out to constantly kill, and maul the first person they see. As with making a RP scenario better it would probably result in someone  seeing the leopard, and wanting to do something ie catching it for food, or other things such as that. Also a leopard could be taken down. It wouldn't be exactly easy to win a fight with the mind of a leopard, and a citizen with a gun from a ranged distance.

I must say, I disapprove of this application.

"Your payments aren't being met. I'm sorry for this, but you will have to shut down soon. Your remaining animals will be removed from the city, and released into the nearby wild."

That would never happen in real life. If so, it would only be the "last choice". The animals would rather be relocated to another Zoo and stay there.

The cub kept being fed as the male worker with the name tag Jake studied the young cub drinking away at the made milk thinking of how small it was, and what would it be named.

Cute indeed. Though, as the animals apparently have lived most of their entire life in the Zoo, without training on how to survive outside the Zoo, they'll most likely die of hunger. If he were to survive, he would need to be handfed.

That is also one of my other problems. I bet it will end up going friendly and it'll become a pet to someone. I know you've stated in the "What do you plan" section, but I doubt that will continue for long. Sorry for the assumption, but that's most likely going to happen.

For now, I'm currently negative on this application. I'll leave other administrators to voice their opinion though.
I could change the story up a bit. This was only my first idea, and it wouldn't be that hard. I also never mentioned that the mother didn't live her entire life in the zoo. She would probably know or at least remember survival skills being able to teach them. Third, yes I will agree to that. I can understand being concerned about Duke going all out instant pet on the citizens, and rebel. Personally I don't agree with it. I'd mainly use this character for passive RP hunting, sleeping, and maybe watching some citizens pass. I would mainly try not to come in contact with any human life what so ever.

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Dallas

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2013, 12:52:43 PM »
How does one passive as a leopard?

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Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2013, 12:58:24 PM »
How does one passive as a leopard?
Funny you should ask. I actually wrote up some passive RP examples of this!

One Neutral:
Spoiler for Hiden:
-*/me begins to walk around with his claws digging into the snow, and dirt as he looks around for any dangerous activity.*
-*/me turns around as he walks back to the small cave thats protected by the snow. He lays down in the middle of the cave resting his head on his paw as he wraps his tail around his body closing it eyes for a rest.*
-*/me opens his eyes slowly looking around as it's finally dawn, and the sun is rising. He gives a big yawn opening his mouth. He stands up looking around once more as he begins to walk off in search for any food, or water source.*
One Benifit:
Spoiler for Hiden:
-*/me stands completely still for a couple of second near a bush as a small white bunny hops by him. The leopard crouches down into a pouncing position keeping as low as he possibly can. Hiding near the bush he stares at the bunny watching it's every move.
-*/me grips his front claws into the dirt as the bunny stops standing on his hind legs looking around. The leopard quickly pushes his back legs forward launching him towards the bunny smashing into it. The leopard quickly keeps both paws on top of the bunny with his claws drawn. The bunny tries to escape with it's last breath.*
-*/me stands back up as it looks down to the dead bunny that was just killed, and opens his big mouth as it begins to chew away at it with it's big teeth.*
One Injuring/Harming:
Spoiler for Hiden:
-*/me stands at the small cave as there is a dead fox outside of the cave. He gives it a questionable as to who killed it.*
-*/me he begins to walk over to the fox, and leans down sniffing it as it's perfectly centered in between multiple rocks covered with snow. The leopard takes a step forward onto an very cold ground. It's second paw goes in taking a step on the same ground that cold. The ground doesn't have a natural feel to it at all.*
-*/me Leans in the boxed in area to sniff the fox, and as he takes another step in the fox along with the ground snapped shut on the leopard. A small bunny trap snaps, and the door goes flying up into his stomach as he jumps startled, and unsure of what is going on.
-*/me He begins hissing thinking of an attack trying to move with this cage stuck on him. He tries to fight it off, and backs up with half of a cage stuck on him. He eventually pushes the cage of sliding the door off with it. The door snapping shut left a dark red mark below him, and possibly a cut. He continues to hiss, and look around thinking that it was another attack by an animal.*

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2013, 02:35:52 PM »
What benefits would this bring to other players? From what you've wrote it sounds like you'll be hiding about and keeping yourself to yourself.

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2013, 03:29:01 PM »
What benefits would this bring to other players? From what you've wrote it sounds like you'll be hiding about and keeping yourself to yourself.
Benfits that I would bring to other players. Well firstly if anyone remembers the first time or first couple times a headcrab auth got past everyone spend ages trying to interact with it. IE Feeding it, studying it. There are mutliple doctors in the outlands, and they would probally end up studying me  from a distance. Along with that normal citizens could spend time laying out a trap, or same as the doctors study. Someone  could attempt to capture it, or find him at most. Maybe make passes by the village some times or end up going to camps, and taking food.

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2013, 03:44:21 PM »
What benefits would this bring to other players? From what you've wrote it sounds like you'll be hiding about and keeping yourself to yourself.
Benfits that I would bring to other players. Well firstly if anyone remembers the first time or first couple times a headcrab auth got past everyone spend ages trying to interact with it. IE Feeding it, studying it. There are mutliple doctors in the outlands, and they would probally end up studying me  from a distance. Along with that normal citizens could spend time laying out a trap, or same as the doctors study. Someone  could attempt to capture it, or find him at most. Maybe make passes by the village some times or end up going to camps, and taking food.

That is also one of my other problems. I bet it will end up going friendly and it'll become a pet to someone. I know you've stated in the "What do you plan" section, but I doubt that will continue for long. Sorry for the assumption, but that's most likely going to happen.

I'm still not convinced of this application, but I'll be following what's going on.

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2013, 01:33:36 PM »
I can't really say I' support this kind of character roaming around, mostly for the issues already stated. No support from me. There's hardly enough wildlife in the area ICly to keep the populace alive through hunting, much less a wild animal. Also, as Challenge stated, there's too much of a chance and opportunity for this to end up as another "pet" type deal, like the headcrab auths already have wound up as.


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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2013, 02:17:34 PM »
Right. This application has stood for a long time now, in my opinion.
Currently, there isn't any positive feedback and most of the admins is disagreeing on the auth.
If there isn't coming any positive support, with considerable reasons, this is going to be locked and moved to denied.

Application stays open till 06-02-2013, 22pm my own time.

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2013, 10:26:29 PM »
Ill support it but as soon as Ronald sees it, he's going to hunt it for food which will most likely be a PK considering the rarity of snow leopards. Cant keep TKing the thing.

So in reality, -support

I can see this being more of a problem then an asset.

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Re: Duke's Authorization Application
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2013, 05:01:31 PM »
It may be a good idea and such but there isn't much point having a snow leopard. If you did a dog instead, it would probably be more favoured and understandable, but with this animal and ideas/plans its benifits are few and/or small and don't outweigh the disadvantages. Sorry.


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