Author Topic: Jasper Valentine's Civil Worker Application  (Read 2620 times)

Offline .technoSprint

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Jasper Valentine's Civil Worker Application
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:39:30 PM »
Full Name: Jasper Valentine
Citizen identification(CID): 61058
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH Apt. A2
Total Loyalist Points: 5
Sex: Male
Age: 27

How long have you been in City45:
     I've been in City 45 for awhile now. It's hard to remember how long it has been...the days and nights pass so...inconsistently. Sometimes, a day feels like an hour. Sometimes more. Sometimes, a day can carry on forever.
     Putting those facts aside, a good estimate would be, maybe two years? As previously stated, it's hard to tell...the past is getting foggier and foggier for me.

Why do you want to join the CWU?:
     I want to be in the Civil Worker's Union to help show my loyalty. Even though my loyalty to the Universal Union is uncompromisable, it would be a great way to prove that. As an officer told me once, one of the best things to do is 'to serve the Union'...and that is exactly what I plan on doing.
     Putting aside the fact that I want to prove my loyalty, it would be nice to have some days where I literally do nothing. I think the CWU would spice up my life and give it some variety. Some days, I literally just sleep all day, because in City 45, there is sometimes a lack of energy...a lack of feel, that is, and emotion. I think joining the Worker's Union would help me feel more alive, more active, and more excited to wake up every morning.

Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
     I have been detained once for selling a medical item that I did not realize was contraband when I was new to the city, and setting up a shop without a permit...I have no excuses though, what I did was obviously wrong. I unfortunately learned my lesson the hard way. Since then, I have gotten a business permit and cleaned up my act!

Past experience with work/labor:
     The most I've done with work and labor was some minor things...a few times, I've helped the Civil Worker's Union themselves pick up some stuff off of the dirty ground when it was particularly messy. I've also been compensated for working. One time, specifically, I recall, when I was actually thanked by an officer who thought I did well cleaning graffiti off of the made my day. He also compensated me when the two other workers were not compensated.

Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
     Well, one thing for sure a CWU member can't possess is weapons of any kind...even if the CWU are more respected or trusted, they do not have the ability to hold something that can be a threat to the Universal Union. Another thing the Worker's Union cannot possess is the unauthorized drugs and medical equipment. Anything more than the authorized medical equipment and drugs could be dangerous to civilians and the Union. A third thing the Civil Worker's Union definitely cannot possess is anti-Union books...a fine example being "Counter Criticisms." These could provide some serious instability in the civil environment, and even the trusted Worker's Union should not have access to something so dangerous. The final thing that should not be sought by CWU members is illegal foods and beverages. A very good example of this would be beer. Beer provides and unstable affect on the mind, that, once again, could be threatening to the Union. Anything that can afflict a citizen should not be allowed. It can also provide a dependence, which would waste the time of our fine officers.
     One thing we can possess, though, as Civil Worker's Union members, is the authorized medical tools and drugs if one has a medical license. These being bandages, paracetamols and steroids. Once again, though, this is just for the authorized Civil Worker's Union members. We are allowed to possess these because they are not very dangerous if dangerous at all, but can provide medical use for a citizen in need. We can also possess flashlights and other items directly classified as public by the Universal Union as those items do not pose a threat to the civility of City 45 and are not contraband. We may also possess certain foods and drinks that are allowed by the Union, such as oranges, donuts, tea, lemonade, a few other food goods, because they provide the citizens with a minor moral uplift and vitamins and nutrients. We may also possess bags as they help citizens and ourselves keep our items more organized and are not a threat to the Union.

Tell us about what you can do.:
     I know a little medical training, and I've been interested in learning a lot more. I've always had an interest in learning and become a smarter person. I have decent social skills, and I do fine around people who are new to City 45.
     If I join the Civil Worker's Union, I definitely would be happy with any job you give me. I would prefer a branch in the medical department later on, but I can do anything to help serve the Union, whether it be simply sponging the walls to remove some propaganda or supplying citizens with basic medical tools.

If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
     Do what I usually do...depending on their situation. Some of them are completely fine on their own, and end up having a happy life in the city. Some do not. Depending on how they come, mainly their financial situation, is what really changes my actions. I usually welcome the new citizen with a hearty hello and explain how everything works in the city. I then take them to my room, offer them a water and allow them to stay, if they wish, and explain the rooming system. After the water, once they are prepared to leave, I usually send them off with fifty to one-hundred or so tokens to get them kick started. Sometimes, I give some friendly advice, too. As they are leaving, I offer them a tour of the city. If they decline, I give them a strong handshake and let them be off. If they accept, I tour them of the city, all except D6, and explain why they should not enter there. Then I let them off in the city and wish them good luck.

~OOC Section~
Name: .technoSprint
Timezone: -8 GMT
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23419064
Roleplay Experience: Eight plus casually RPing.
Serious Roleplay Experience: Four to five years.
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
     A regular day as a worker of the CWU usually isn't /too/ different from a normal citizen's life. Sometimes, maybe once a day, if not less, they take up shop and sell goods, usually with the help of another worker. They may also clean some parts of City 45, and offer a citizen the job for compensation. They pretty much do anything the CCA asks them to do. Like I said, it's not too different from a normal citizen's life. They may also organize cleaning events or other small-time work/labor jobs.

Character Backstory:
     Jasper was born in a small town by Seattle, Washington called Everett. He spent most of his life as a good child, and mostly stayed out of trouble. His parents divorced at his age of ten, and fortunately it did not phase Jasper much. Jasper achieved good grades all throughout middle school and elementary school, and ended up skipping the tenth grade, graduating high school at the young age of seventeen.
     After he graduated, he went to a university for eight years and got his doctorate's degree in medical science - exactly the career he wanted to pursue. Jasper was very interested in neurosciences, biology, and anatomy, so he pursued a career as a brain, heart and miscellaneous surgeon. Eventually, he got a job to identify the causes of death of cadavers(working autopsies), and even though it may not have been /exactly/ the job Jasper wanted, he enjoyed it somewhat.
     Due to the rough economy, though, he was eventually fired from his job. Fortunately, he was quickly rehired at a hospital near Seattle, WA, and ended up mainly working open heart surgeries on elderly patients. This was exactly the career Jasper wanted, and he excelled very quickly in it. He worked his career for quite a long time.
     Jasper was never lucky enough to meet a woman. He was slightly socially awkward as he mainly focused on learning and his job. Jasper had many small flings and relationships before the seven hour war, but never anything serious enough to become a marriage, or, sadly enough, even a long-term relationship.
     He ended up also doing brain surgeries and miscellaneous surgeries, sometimes, too, along with his open-heart career. When the seven hour war happened, Jasper was directly in the middle of a surgery of a patient complaining of chronic heart pains and who had a history of heart attacks. The last thing he remembered was making the incision on the patient's chest.

Post Auto-Merged: July 23, 2012, 01:13:49 PM
Edited to fix a small conflict in Jasper's background story and age, plus I was detained.
Edited to fix loyalty points.
Edited with more loyalty points.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 10:45:48 PM by .technoSprint »

Offline Roven :D

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Re: Jasper Valentine's Civil Worker Application
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2012, 02:15:02 AM »
Diggage. If you're not accepted I will immolate myself (or a small rodent)

Offline smt

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Re: Jasper Valentine\'s Civil Worker Application
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2012, 05:25:51 AM »
Asked to be locked, so, application is voided/denied, sort of.


Post Auto-Merged: July 25, 2012, 06:53:56 PM
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 06:53:56 PM by Smt »

Offline .technoSprint

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Re: Jasper Valentine's Civil Worker Application
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2012, 06:58:46 PM »
I'm still in the running.

Offline FPSRussia

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Re: Jasper Valentine's Civil Worker Application
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2012, 08:21:58 PM »
Accepted, I will handle the interview on the server.

-Wait for a CWU Organizer to interview you to see your IC potential in person.

hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.


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