Author Topic: HL2RP Authorizations Applications [TEMPORARY]  (Read 66425 times)

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2011, 03:49:13 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Bokslag
Age: 13
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 4 years (about0
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortigaunt

Name: Sha’Vul’Ta
Age: 156
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Vortigaunt Reugee (Pacifist)

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
Sha’Vul’Ta was enslaved by Nihilanth, forced to fight, and kill, by his master. When Nihilanth was destroyed by the freeman, Sha’Vul’Ta was again enslaved by the combine. Forced to clean in City 18 he vowed that when he was freed, the combine would pay. Sha’Vul’Ta heard of a plan to escape, but due to his fear of the combine, he turned in the people, instead of joining them. Sha’Vul’ was soon tortured by the combine over if he knew if there were any other plans to escape. Later, Sha’Vul found a human, who knocked out the unit watching him, and quickly disabled his collar. Sha’Vul was ready to kill the Unit, but the Human managed to calm him, and together they escaped.
The Human taught Sha’Vul to speak better English. The human was wounded by a hunter chopper in the canals, and Sha’Vul was unable to retrieve, and save him. In memory of this human, he became a vowed never to harm anything, even if it was deserved. Sha’Vul now lives in the canals, alone. He is a pacifist and teaches his ways to anyone who is willing to listen.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Perks: Vortigaunt powers, Firing lightning, healing, the ability to Speak Vortiguise.
Defects: Pacifist (If that counts as a Defect), Unable to speak English as well as humans, or most Vort’s, highly afraid of the combine.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Perks: I plan to heal people, (If they ask) and speak mostly with other Vort’s, as his English skills are still not as good as they could be.
Defects: Perhaps learn to speak English better from others, teach others pacifism.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) Nope.

Extra Notes (optional): None.

Accepted for trial character.

If anybody witnesses unsatisfactory roleplay, contact Statua, Burning Bullet, or YankeeSamurai. Be sure to provide console evidence.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 04:14:02 PM by YankeeSamurai »
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline Kiwi69

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2011, 02:13:03 AM »
Player Section

How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):8 Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:3 years

Character Section

Authorization(s):Resistance Armor, AR2,2 boxes of ammo.

Name:Dimitri Shakmarov

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?

(Citizens of City 18 who choose to escape to Black Mesa East, a very large resistance base, have a very hard time getting there. The only known path is through City 18's canal system, which is subject to frequent raids by the Civil Protection force, hoping to capture or kill any unfortunate refugees, as well as Xen wildlife such as Barnacles, headcrabs, and zombies. This is how the Resistance Underground Railroad was formed.
Resistance members created the Underground, a series of safehouses that help Resistance soldiers and Citizens escape to Black Mesa East, using coordinated safehouses and radios, and an Airboat to lend to refugees.

Possessing no means to mass manufacture weapons, the Resistance doesn't have standard issue weapons like the Combine forces do. They generally scavenge weapons from the Combine, either through killing them or finding them elsewhere. The Resistance makes use of any resources they can find, often building things out of scrapped parts and making specialized equipment, such as the Crossbow and Gravity Gun, and vehicles, such as the Scout Car, the Airboat and the Muscle Car by hand.)

Dimitri was born in Russia. He was born to a loving mother and father. That is untill the combine took over the Earth. During the take over Dimitri's parents were killed and he was left on his own. Knowing he could sit there and mourn his parents death, he sucked it up. He chose to survive, he made it his life's mission to fight the hostile combine take-over and exact his revenge. During his travels (excaping the combine, running, surviving.) He met a man. The man would not tell him his name. But he wore a Backpack, a hat, and had a armband with some strange symbol on it.

After the man gave him some food, water, and a place to stay Dimitri asked the man who he was. He said "We am salvation."
Dimitri asked "We? who is We?" The man told him one thing "The Resistance"
Dimitri started to follow the man everywhere he went. He eventually found a pistol, learned how to use it and helped the man kill things. Such as Zombies and Antlions. Unknowing of where they were headed Dimitri followed. Eventually Dimitri Found himself In a Odd town.
It seamed to have a system of canals. Combine activity was more active than the ushuall patrol or watch tower. There were Helicopters that  flew over at least once a day. Dimitri could hear the high pitch screach of a hunter in the distance, Followed by a womans scream.
Dimitri asked the man, "where are we?" The man said "we are at a very dark place, infested with combine.
"Why are we here?" Asked dimitri
"We are here to lead other people to salvation. Do you see those building over there?"
"Yes" Said Dimitri.
"That is a city. City18" Says the man "That city is oppressed by the combine terribly, But it has one this all the other citys dont have."
"What is that?" Asked Dimitri
"A Way Out."
The canals served the way in and out of the city. and the combine knew about it. They set up grates and fences, but the Resistance always found a way through them.

For about a month, Dimitri and the Rebel helped the citizens of City18 Out of the city, leading them to safety.
But the combine started to catch on to the operation. They started sending out helicopters out more often. They started to patrol more.
Then one day Dimitri and the Rebel were walking through the canal. Something seemed strange. Not like the usual strange. Not like the usual fear of being caught. Dimitri had the erie sense that they were being watched. "I got a bad feeling about this" Dimitri said.
"Dont worry we will be fine." the man said. Dimitri sees something out of the corner of his eye. a shadow. but when he looks thers nothing there.
 Just then at that moment, just as dimitri looked away he hears a deep voice, it sounded as if, Inhuman.
Dimitri looked in front of him only to see two combine soldiers standing there with AR2's
"Isolate" The combine said.
We did'nt do anything, there was a moment of silence. Both the combine looked at eachother.
At the very moment The man pulled his MP7 to his shoulder and stated to fire. he managed to kill one combine, but the other one was quick.
The other combine (already having his bigger more high tech AR2 had his weapon already ready to fire) Shot the man.
The Two men Exchanged bullets then fell to the ground. DImitri could hear the combine making gargiling sounds, as if he was choking on his blood. He took his pistol and shot him in the head.

Dimitri ran over to the man sat down and held his head in His lap. He was still breathing barely.
"Dimitri. I'm not going to make it"
"No, no you have to make it. I don't know what to do without you."
"You know what to do dimitri, you have followed me for years. You are ready to be on your own, Take my uniform carry out the operation. See to it that the combine heart no one else"
"OK but tell me one thing."
"What it that Dimitri?"
"Tell me your name"
"Its" The man clenches his face as if he is in a lot of pain. "My name i-"
The man breathes for a moment
"my name is Ivan Shakmarov" At this moment Ivan looks twords the sky, Cracks a half smile and passes on.
Dimitri Takes Ivans Resitance uniform and One of the combines AR2's along with the other Combines ammo. Then gives Ivan a proper burial.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
a Resisance Uniform
a AR2 weapon with two boxes of ammo

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Helping Refugee stay safe
Running safehouses

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
Application passes but is not convincing. You will be observed in-game to see if you know your stuff. Armour is denied. See restrictions on OP.
Pending... ~Statua

You lack the RP skill in order to properly use the AR2. I re-read your backstory and I noticed a flaw. Civil Protection don't patrol outlands yelling "Isolate" carrying AR2's.
Denied ~Statua
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 05:09:29 PM by Statua »
HL2RP Characters
[Healthy] Drew Cotton: Citizen living in City 18
[Healthy] C18.MPF.ECHO.919: Metropolice Force recruit awaiting proper training.

Offline Statua

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2011, 07:48:14 AM »
As of this post, all applications will require proper spelling and grammar. All applications will need to be 100% in-canon. Applications failing to follow these requirements will result in an immediate decline. All applicants must wait two to four days as an observation period so administrators can decide if your roleplay skills are adequet in order to have the authorization and to be able to roleplay it properly and successfully.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 07:54:31 AM by Statua »

Offline The Different Turret

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2011, 11:23:53 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name:GasMaskMan
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Around 3 to 4 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: I think a month and a half

Character Section

Authorization(s):To have skills used in law enforcement. Knows basic use of firearms (smg, pistol, etc...), tie someone up right, and has some tactics. Can properly wear Kevlar.

Name:Berry Ducks

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
The Beginning
     Berry ducks as a young child loved his family and so did his dad. His dad was in law enforcement, to protect his family and innocent people. Whenever it was Halloween, Berry, dressed as a police officer. Berry looked up to officers of the law and his dad with great respect. In school, Berry, protected people from bullies, he was not a bystander. The males in the Ducks family were born for law enforcement. They all trained and loved it. One night though Berry and his Mother got a call, his dad had been shot in a bank robbery. Berry was devastated from this, after all, his dad was superman to him.
The Academy
   As Berry grew older he still thrived in school and soon went to the police academy. There was no doubt it was a tough time, Berry had to work also because his dad had an early passing. He worked at a mechanic shop, fixing up cars and stuff. Pay wasn't great but it got his family through the days. He sometimes had to stay late at the shop which didn't give him enough sleep. That wasn't good for the academy and him, he would be too tired to study and train. He was kicked no doubt kicked out sooner or later. But that wasn't bad for him because he got all the training and knowledge a police officer would basically know, so technically he could of made it in.
   Berry grew into a mature man and needed a better job, with a better pay. So Berry used his academy knowledge and hopped from security job to security job. Luckily one day he found a big corporation that actually payed guards good, Balti-tec (I wanted to say black mesa but I think someone said, no one survived other than barney, gordon etc...). Balti-tec was a a research corporation in classified weapons and armor.
   Berry was amazed as he walked into his new job. The building was a very clean white, surprisingly not a spec of dirt, think about janitors, ha. He walked up to the front desk, a small woman was sitting in front of a large computer.
The woman says politely, "Welcome to Balti-Tec, Mr. Ducks"
Berry replies, a little confused," How'd you know my name?"
The woman answers with laughter,"This is Balti-Tec, we know who comes in and out."
   The woman points to an elevator and say "go to floor 2"
   He arrives on floor two and sees that it is a long and narrow hallway. He keeps walking and then a large door opens to his right. "Welcome Berry, get your Gear here"
   He got his gear and started his job. He was only a basic guard at that moment but climbed the security ladder and got up quite a few ranks. Before the 7 hour war had started he was an AG (armored guard) of floor nine, the floor right under the information cache (where all the reports and debriefings of tests were). Armored Guards were equipped with a basic Kevlar vest and Riot Helmet.
The 7 hour War
   When the war came it was a sign to Berry. He had to leave Balti-tec quickly and he did. He joined up with normal citizens being sent into the new cities. He stashed his equipment somewhere safe, somewhere he'd remember. But today he lives in city-18 respecting his rulers and protectors.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
(P) Knows police procedures and can handle himself in a fight.
(D) Didn't get out that much, doesn't talk a lot, monotoned voice
(P) Trained for Kevlar and armor, also firearms
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Nothing real, unless he gets out to the outlands he might use it.
Or if he plans on joining the CCA, it will give him already known training and knowledge of most thing. Ahead of recruits.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
I don't think so.

Extra Notes (optional): I may plan on making him a cca, although I already have 229. This is just to add to my characters past, and training.

Application passes. Nice backstory to avoid the whole Black Mesa thing. You will be observed to be sure you indeed are a good player. Not sure if there's a wrong way to wear a Kevlar vest.
Pending... ~Statua
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 04:24:43 AM by Statua »
Signature by Thunderbluff

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2011, 01:09:06 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Saoulzod
Age: 19
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 8 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): (A)Medical Degree [Ph.D]; (B)9-years Engineering Experience (Electrical, Biological and Mechanical)

Name: C18.CCA.APEX-02.887
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Affiliation: CCA/UU

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
(A) College;  I forgot to apply for them earlier.
(B) Pre-War Knowledge

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
(A) Understanding of Medicine and ability to preform as an adequate replacement for a Doctor.
(B) Exemplar abilities around mechanical devices and an Active Thinker, able to be quick witted in situations.

(A) A little arrogant when it comes to Medicine, even pushy at times. (Also, poor penmanship)
(B) Lack of social skills; feels more at home with machinery than with people.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
(A) Aid the NOVA in any way, shape, or form
(B) Aid the GRID in any way, shape, or form

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
These are things 887 already knows and they will be very good in aiding the CCA/UU in a multitude of situations.

Approved on a trial basis, you will be watched.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 04:11:43 AM by RTLK »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2011, 04:12:24 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: The Mighty cookiemonstur
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Four years about.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: A little over a month now

Character Section

Authorization(s): A PhD in Law, and therefore to be better at interrogation and questioning of citizens

Name: C18.CCA.NOVA-03.160
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Affiliation: CCA

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
He went to Harvard Law school for eight years, and made his money as a lawyer. Naturally, he would be better at questioning and interrogating.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+Better at questioning and interrogating
+Having more intelligence due to his time at Harvard
-"Slightly" (He admits to being slightly, when he is more than that) more stuck up than most people due to his high education

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
+ I plan to use a lot more tactics and be able to coerce information out of people much faster than others.
- Citizens will naturally find that I am more snobby then most units, and tend to stray away from me.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):

Please extend your story on how he managed to not join the police force and be killed/enslaved. ~Statua
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 02:43:27 AM by Statua »
Kathryn Williams
Now in the trading business with Angus Buchanan.
Val'Nok Rotuk
Lost in the canals.
Ember Olliver (Tier-3)
Enjoying her new CWU Winter Coat.
Look at my dress, my dress is amazing.
Does anyone else taste metal and see red?

Offline [CG] Rekyit Merlo

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2011, 03:06:03 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name [BnT] Commissar Lord Mask
Age 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game) 6 Years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP? For around 4 years?

Character Section

Authorization(s): v Flags on HL2RP Server City

Name: Jenkins Malore
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Infamous Citizen

What has caused your character to require these authorizations? He has begun to start a resistance within the city, and with that he's beginning to distill different types of liquor and distributing other types of contraband. He has also begun to become more closed into D2 as he is beginning to distill the canned water and bottling it up and distributing it.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? With the authorization my character will have a bit more of a stubborn attitude and more closed in and not meeting people or trusting anyone, but with that he will become more infamous as an Anti-Citizen.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? With the Perk's I will then go to the defects, I as the player will RP more closed and not as open as he usualy was and not trusting people, I will also have him be more stubborn and foolhardy.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) I believe only I will for now, all the other members already have the v Flag.

Extra Notes (optional): I know many people don't entirely know me but I plane on getting a bit more known.

Not sure if you have the RP skills to use these flags properly (ie. not ass-spawning shipments). Will be watched.
Pending... ~Statua

EDIT: Could it be possible to also get it on Kristina Butcher? Jenkins Malore was Forced into outlands due to the 33,000 token bounty on his head. Also Krystal told me to put that he supports this.

Denied - You cannot apply for any flags other than "pe" flags, or "t" flags without good reason.  To get these flags, you must donate.  Plus the fact is you need RP reason to do it, and RP reason is not "hurr I started a resistance"

My reasons are not hurrdurr I started a resistance, we've been distilling water and brewing whiskey, and distributing our propaganda about the Combine, I find it stupid how wI have to scrounge up 30 bucks for a single flag inorder to roleplay aiding civilians, I know you're the supreme overlord person of catalyst gaming and all that jazz, but don't think because someone's trying to make an organized resistance that they are lolwebuls are many call us, we arn't running about shooting civil protection. We're actually distributing clean food and whiskey, while spreading the word of the Combine Tyranny. I know you don't really like me very much but atleast hear me out.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 12:22:39 PM by [BnT] Commissar Lord Mask »

Offline Pielolz

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2011, 05:17:29 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: [={.NAL.}=] Renegade Awsome

Age: 26

How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 5 years

How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): For my character to have no eyes, but other senses are incredible, he doesnt really need eyes, his other senses are just that good.

Name: Christopher Du Quest

Age: Unkown

Gender: Male

Affiliation: N/A

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?: He was born without eyes.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? Perks: Feeling, smell, hearing and tast will be much much sharper. Other senses make up for lack of eyes.

Defects: Cannot see

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?: Passive RP and allowing Civi's and CPs to try and figure out my character's past...

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) None.

Extra Notes (optional):N/A

Physical imperfection results in an instant amputation.
Denied ~Statua

P.s. If you make one more supernatural/unrealistic application, you will permanently lose your ability to make any more.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 02:38:55 AM by Statua »

Offline Lewis

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2011, 06:23:25 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Lewis
Age: 13
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Approximately fifteen months.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Around eleven months.

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortigaunt character; enslaved by the Combine. (Yes, not a refugee, a slave one for in the City.)

Name: Rhial'Kar (The Combine would probably have some name for a vortigaunt slave, but Rhial'Kar is his, well, 'real-name.')
Age: 89
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine Slave; Vortigaunt

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
Rhial'Kar was feeding on some of the Xen fungal growth, when everything turned to confusion and chaos momentarily.
Large electrical-like arcs of bright green crackled and zapped, and Rhial'Kar no longer saw the friendly and growing-familiar Xen environment of his 'home', but rather he saw a large slab of concrete, meeting his obscure shaped face, his unblinking eyes. There was a large thud, as he hit the ground, rendering himself unconcious, perhaps fatally.
Unbeknown to Rhial'Kar, the "Portal Storms" had begun.
Rhial'Kar lay for months, at the accidental end of the sewage pipe. He had drifted down the sewers, unsighted by anyone, until he was beached on the mud and dirt. As he awoke, the first thing Rhial'Kar felt was an emptiness in his stomach, followed shortly after by a throbbing headache. Confused, dazed, hungry, he stumbled along, unsure of where he was, and had no idea what happened. Looking around, he tried to learn something from his environment, gray concrete walls, muddy liquids and stainless steel rods implemented into one of the walls, a ladder.
Pulling himself sneakingly up from the muddy liquid; up to the last rung of the ladder, the first thing Rhial'Kar noticed was that the road was almost empty; only a few large trucks driving down and up the road every now and then. Upon further inspection, he noticed that these trucks were packed to the brim with people on the way up the road, and on the way down, there was none.
Rhial'Kar decided it was too risky to send out a flux call, hoping that the other Vortigaunts, if there were any in the same position as him, would hopefully rendezvous with him; giving them all a chance to find a way back.
Living off the strange life-forms and vegetation; Rhial'Kar waited out for a long, long time. Eventually, the trucks stopped going by, and the roads were empty now, Rhial'Kar decided to send out a flux call, hoping for another Vortigaunt to respond.

"Aah gong churrr, galan?" he chanted, the sounds echoing.

There was no reply, not even in an hour. He was alone. At least he thought.
Rhial'Kar plodded along, down the seemingly endless motorway, now desolate. After a while, he saw large structures of concrete, glass and metal, civilization, but not as he knew it. Slowly he became tired, very tired from walking, and settled down in one of the abandoned human dwellings. Slowly his large friendly eyes flickered shut, and he fell asleep.
Rhial'Kar awoke with a start, about ten masked figures in a room with him, he was out-stretched on a rather sophisticated operating table, And instead of bare concrete walls, he saw a blue-tinged metal, with a futuristic look about it, surrounding him. He heard a hiss of air as a door opened, sliding to the roof, more of these figures entered, and Rhial'Kar's instincts kicked in. He jumped up from the table, the same electrical-like arcs of green light emitting from his hands, about to strike one of the masked figures, when he was hit on the head multiple times with something blunt, cold, and electrifying.
This time, Rhial'Kar slowly came round, being dragged by two of the figures, out through the large complex. He tried to use the Vortessence, attempting to strike the figures. It wouldn't work, he tried multiple times, but it just wouldn't work. He was shackled around his waist and stomach area, large metallic cuffs were around his wrists and a painfully tight and uncomfortable collar around his neck.
He felt a rush of air as he was dumped outside, and the large figure kicked him, speaking in a monotonous voice.

"Pick up the brush and start sweeping." laughed the figure, smirking beneath his mask at the struggling Vortigaunt.

Rhial'Kar was unsure of what he said, but he guessed it had something to do with the object he was thrown. He held the broom and scooper in his hands, staring at the figure; his large red eyes blinking.

"Sweep the ground, now." commanded the figure, speaking slowly as if he was talking to an infant; making a sweeping motion with an invisible broom.

Rhial'Kar repeated the figure's motions, and moved as he was directed, brushing up debris from the ground and depositing it in a bag attached to the shackle on his stomach. After a few tiresome hours, he was cuffed together again, and escorted to a blank room, about 3 metres in every dimension. He sat in the room, unsure of everything that had been happening; eating the sludge dropped through a slot in the door, plopping to the metal basin in the ground. Rhial'Kar drifted off to sleep, tired from trying to use the Vortessence, and to Flux Shift.
Another masked figure came in the morning, armed with the broom and cleaning items, pulling Rhial'Kar up.
Once again, he was brought outside, with the figures making sure he didn't try to do anything they didn't want him to do, with some "humans" in blue outfits watching him; stunned by him. He swept his little brush, listening to the background noise, looking up at his surroundings briefly. The unique way of writing, the sleek, blue tinted architecture, the huge structures. It finally hit him, much like the way that stun-baton hit him the other day.
The Combine had struck again.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Perks:    Can speak Vortigese. (As he's a Vortigaunt.)
Defects: Shackled, usually chained up to something so he can't run away.
              Inability to use the Vortessence; Rhial'Kar is not sure how he has been stopped from using it.
              Barely knows any English.
              Frightened to interact with humans as he may be beaten.
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I want to have some new, fresh RP. With the perks, he could speak to another vortigaunt if he comes across one and somehow doesn't manage to attract the attention of his... 'owners.'
With the defects, it'll be quite fun, as I'll get to be shackled up to a lamp-post or something, then go around sweeping the radius of the chain, and humbly move along, continuing his(my) labour duties, maybe carrying boxes or something, doing minor tasks here and there, carrying out the tiresome jobs that the Combine and CWU don't want to do. I've seen people with their refugee Vortigaunts, but I'd prefer to be an enslaved Vortigaunt, as I think the RP would be quite fun; something fresh, as I said earlier

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
There be no extra notifications.

Please see the OP for restrictions.
Denied ~Statua
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 02:45:57 AM by Statua »

Offline Cats Pajamas

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2011, 09:51:57 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: China Cat Sunflower
Age: 17, 18 in two weeks exact :) (Happy early birthday to myself.)
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Long time like 4 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Probably about two years

Character Section

Authorization(s): OTA Kevlar

Name: Glenn Irene Jr.
Age: Between late 50s and early 60's.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Outlands, Refugee, Resistance, whatever you want to call it.

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
    It all started like a normal day in the outlands, Glenn was doing some trading and whispering to the females and men of the outlands by his usual hang out, the roadside shop. When suddenly a combine sniper shot about three inches from Glenn's face. Enraged by the steroids and adrenaline Glenn pulled out his magnum and loaded some shots in while he ran for cover in the storage behind the water treatment plant. There he found Leonard Wong and Dave Woods and some other guy (He didn't have a vest.) searching for the OTA as well. Ready for the hunt Glenn started searching for the OTA in the woods. Suddenly the window shattered and the man without the vest got shot in the head, killing him instantly. Infuriated Glenn runs out and spots the OTA. Glenn aims carefully with his magnum and shoots the remaining ammo he had in his magnum. Despite his efforts he missed all shots as the OTA was very far away and had cover. (The OTA was on the above ground part of the map behind the chain fence in the forest area above the road.) Earlier that day a man showed Glenn how to get up to the spot the OTA was sniping at, but he needed another persons help to give him a boost. That's when Glenn got an idea. Glenn would sneak up behind the OTA and shoot him in the skull with a double shotgun shell blast. He laughed at the thought of the mess it would make and began sprinting to the area he was shown to get up there. On the way there Glenn found another person to help him get up and told him he would give the man a pistol for his help, so he obliged. One up there Glenn had spotted the OTA and loaded his shotgun ready to get the kill but suddenly... *A sniper shot is heard* and the OTA fell to the floor. Glenn aimed at his skull and shot him again in the brain to make sure he was dead. Glenn found a RPG on his body and picked it up, knowing that Leonard Wong would happily make use of it. (Need auths to use it and I knew that so Glenn had picked it up to give to him. Before Glenn went to find him he dragged the body to a safe spot and removed the Kevlar from the OTA and put it in his backpack (It is a backpacking backpack not a small one so it would fit.) Then Glenn went to find Leonard Wong. Glenn almost immediately found Dave Woods, but he said that he was busy and I couldn't speak to him. So I waited outside the Water treatment plant to give Leonard the RPG. Then they both went in pointed a gun at Glenn and demanded for it. (Kind of ironic as I was there to give it to them in the first place  :P) He willingly gave it to him. Frank decided to give Glenn 2 crossbow bolts for his crossbow for it and he gladly accepted it. (Side note: I do not have the crossbow anymore because Statua told me it was auth only and he deleted it and the ammo.) Although Glenn was sad that he didn't get the OTA kill that he had hoped for, he was happy with the brand new Kevlar that hadn't even been shot yet. Later once everything had calmed down he slipped the Kevlar on and although it was heavy compared to some of the other stuff Glenn had on him Glenn was both tall enough and strong enough to wear the Kevlar.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Perks: OTA Kevlar, ability to take bullets with less pain and chance of death. (Not counting where the Kevlar wouldn't protect of course.)
Defects: OOCly I will minus my characters max inventory space by 5 as the Kevlar is heavy and would weigh Glenn down regardless of the pockets. I also plan on eating more and drinking more water than I do currently, because the Kevlar will make Glenn sweat more and will wear him out more. (I already do both a lot as I am a large person IC.)

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Wear it proudly and in cases of getting shot, be in less pain and less chance of it piercing him. (I understand that getting shot with Kevlar on still will hurt like a bitch and that there is chances that it will break.)

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional): I know it is heavy and not just anyone can wear OTA Kevlar but my character has done steroids for the majority of his life. The Kevlar will slow him down but that is a price to pay for safety. Also I know it says you can't apply for vests but I asked RTLK and he said that I make an auth so here I am.  :) :) ;) ;D

Denied. Application goes against the restrictions.
-Vests can only be obtained from an official resistance leader. It is his/her choice.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 11:24:57 AM by Nicknero1405 »
Glenn Irene Jr. Savior of the Outlands!

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2011, 11:28:48 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:  Krystal Draconis
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):  Any game? About 6 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Two or three

Character Section

Authorization(s):  Hydraulic Suit, CmD augmentation, and superior marksman and combat/evasive skills.

Name: C18.CCA.GRID-OfC.913
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: CCA/UU

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
Spending an IC two month's developing this suit to better combat units and high command, this suit project was started when 913 was demoted from a Commander to a simple GEAR/GRID 04 unit.  This project is still a WIP.

All of High Command will have access to what the specifics of the suit are, as this is top secret, to an extent. (once karma gives me HC forum access again >.>')

The Augmentations due to being prior CmD, allowing a tad more strength and a bit less personality.

The combat etc due to spending a week ingame training in every possible combat, evasion, and marksman course.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+A LARGE amount of strength, equivalent to that of a SeC, which I am told can lift half a ton due to augments.
+More speed, due to the hydraulics creating a longer and more powerful stride.
+Can jump higher and survive longer falls due to the hydraulic system.
+Can take a lot more damage, due to being outfit with about 150lbs of a polycarbonate iron-chromate (Steel)
+Better accuracy due to HUD that suggests a path of fire and tracks up to five targets.
+Can see through smokes, unaffected by flash-bangs due to lenses.
+Dispenses medicines when injured.
+Volted fist, replacing the need for a stunstick.
+Has access to the combine database equivalent of that units current rank, due to heads up display.
+Compatable with current radio, tech, eliminating need for a handheld radio.
+HUD displays current directives, and is always updating.
+An emergency "switch" which activates when the wearer is in deep shit, dropping all of the armour plates to the ground and leaving the unit armour-less and the hydraulics exposed, but heavily increasing agility and endurance.

-If not properly and constantly trained, the unit becomes reliant on the suit, decreasing his/her actual physical attributes.
-Uses a tremendous amount of power to use the hydraulics due to the weight of the armour.
-Needs to charge once every four ingame hours.
-Prevents one from being remotely flexible.
-The armour itself requires the aid of a powerful machine to place or remove, and when the armour is removed, the hydraulics are exposed.
-The suit can potentially spaz and kill the wearer.
-Hydraulics fail after about 8 stories fall, without the armour, and if landing properly, 4 with the armour.
-If the hydraulics fail, the owner will be immobilized.
-The volt fist uses a high wattage, lessening the amount of time the unit can use it per charge.
-Attacks from the rear can create a large hazard to the unit, as the unit cannot turn as fast, especially when in motion, due to momentum.
-The armour can lock up, also causing immobility.
-Walking on weaker structures MAY cause a collapse, if wearer is not careful, and is fully armoured.
-If someone were to theoretically hack into the CCA's mainframe, they would have total control over the suit, forcing that unit to do the hacker's bidding.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Help create better soldiers for the Universal Union, and to better defend our cities for whatever reasons our benifactors have decided.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Burning Bullet's Helix DvL, Jack-o-lanturns' Helix OfC, and Karma's & Toy's SeC's

Extra Notes (optional):
These are planned to be High Command Standard issue, minus the heavy armour, the heavy armour is for the SeC/CmD/Me.

Also, I wanted auths for having CmD level augmentations, being a prior CmD, as well as auths for enhanced combat skills, due to taking every marksman and combat training course offered, and being better trained than half of OTA. (I literally spent a whole day training with 887 in every possibly way combat, evasive, and marksman wise.)

Sounds legit. You and the players you listed I have seen and know can RP. Try to RP problems with it though.
Accepted ~Statua
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 06:34:29 PM by Statua »

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2011, 03:37:03 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:  (Profile Name) firedragon401 (Current name) NOTHING
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):  2 1/2 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 1 1/2 - 2 years

Character Section

Authorization(s):  A.I.O. robotic coumpund.

Name: Adolf Steinlin
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Citizen

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?

Germany had been secretly leading in the world's technology for years ahead, creating the most advanced computers, devices, and so on. Keeping these away from the outside world, as they believed it would bring more harm then good. In Berlin, Germany of 1997, Operation Immunität was fourmed under the Goverment's power. The idea? To create micro-sized robotics that could be injected into our blood stream. Creating a new us. It could eliminate the common cold, elminiate the need of ever needing to work out, and able to bring death tolls far lesser. Leading to a brighter future.

29 Of Germany's top scientist where assigned to Operation Immunität. Beggining there work, and by 1999 of April 29th. had finished the compound A.I.O. And continueing to animal testing. The results? Hampsters could run for hours on there little wheels non-stop. Monkeys became able to complete slightly more complex puzzles, showing brain activity was also increased. And all results where approvable from human testing...

112 test subjects where signed up One of these being Adolf Steinlin. As they promoted 100 E.U. to all test subjects. Human testing had begun, and all occupants where to be kept under close watch. And within quite some time, results slowly came in. And a horrible flaw was discovered, random moments of time where the A.I.O.'s would go crazy, causing a seizure-like  state for a matter of moments. Though this did not happen often - resuluts where fatal. Test subjects could hurt themselves during these, "seizures" and 13 of them died in a matter of 90 days. The operation would shut down. But then - portal storms. All 99 living test subjects escaped the coumpound and into the society, and looked over as any average human, then citizen...

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?


+Strength would be increased even under mal-nurishment, though hardly any.
+Stamina is increased.
+Endurance would be rapidly increased. As the A.I.O. robotic compound was made to releief aginest phisical endurance such as a beating. There would still be pain, but much less. (E.X. : A level 2 verdict would feel like a level 3 verdict.)
+Intellegence is increased slightly.
+Open wounds could recover rapidly, as the A.I.O. robotics would help the cells rebuild.


-After large ammounts of running, strength, ect. plenty of sleep is required, if not alllowed he could randomly pass out.
-Feeling less pain could lead to not understanding any problems, which could lead to death.
-During times of recovery, mass ammounts of sleep is required, and waking up during this sleep would be much harder.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

I plan to use them sparingly for my character, as this could help him in the outlands to survive. Though this is NOT a, "Herp derp i r teh awsome, nothing can killz meh!" And my character could easily die from an AR2 gunwound.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))


Extra Notes (optional):

I have never had a, "Special ability" for any other characters I have. So I don't have amazing "superpowers" for each one.

Denied. Application goes against the restrictions.
-Special or psychic powers are not allowed.

These arent special powers. They are physical objects of a scientific creation. Will review later ~Statua

I don't know how they had the technology to create anomalous nano bots who have the ability to change brainwaves and provoke mitosis without any glitches or problems. If you have some defects regarding the fact these are mere man-made bots, I might accept it.
Awaiting changes... ~Statua

(I was trying to hurry, driving down south for vacation and using a McDonalds for internet, but now edited.)

Accepted. I feel this could turn into interesting roleplay. I trust you not to abuse these abilities by doing stupid things with it. Also note that when the combines find out about this. They'll either kill or enslave you in attempt to steal this technology. So keep it hidden and only use it in D2 for example. ~Nicknero1405
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 06:59:36 AM by Nicknero1405 »
\\r\\ncolor annoys me, barely anyone is black, unlike last year\\r\\n

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2011, 03:42:10 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: [S3G] Globey
Age: 26
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 4 Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 Years

Character Section

Authorization(s): Light Kevlar Vest (to be worn underneath normal clothing), .357 Revolver, 3 Boxes of .357 Ammunition, Basic Marksmanship Skills

Name: Samuel Irons
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance/Citizen

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?

Prior to the Seven Hour War Samuel was a member of a gang based in the suburbs of a city. During his experience, he learned how to operate a firearm, and developed a reasonable aim with pistols.

Due to the vigilance of the police, Samuel was eventually apprehended with several other fellow members of his gang. Tried, convicted, and sentenced together, they were all sent to the same prison.

He served his sentence for many years, planning for a potential escape - The security was too tight to do anything in normal circumstances, but he hoped that security might be inadvertently lowered one day.
His chance came during the 7 Hour War. Most of the guards fled, searching for safety or family, and only a handful of diehard guards were left in the prison, including the Warden. Using the extensive plans he had created, Samuel exploited the lack of security and led riots against the remaining guards until they were entirely overwhelmed. While the in-mate casualties were high, the guards were completely eliminated.
During the fighting Samuel managed to secure the Warden's revolver, a pistol from another dead guard, and a few boxes of ammunition. He passed off the pistol to the only surviving gang member he had left - Kristina Butcher.

After eventually gaining access to City 18, 6 hours into the 7 hour war, they concealed their weapons in various places throughout the city. Due to the fact that City 18 was one of the last to fall, there wasn't a perimeter that searched for contraband in place yet.
After waiting out the rest of the war in an apartment block, they eventually retrieved their weapons.
The two settled down in District 2,

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

+ The ability to mug/rob other characters.
+ The ability to defend himself against potential mugging.
+ Some IC respect, as having a firearm pretty much means you're king in D2.

- Having a firearm means that Irons becomes a target. Once people find out, they will generally plot against him.
- If Irons is searched by a member of the CCA, he will be amputated if a firearm is on his person.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

Generally RP in the lawless D2. Having a firearm greatly increases the opportunities for role play, and there are many uses for them, including mugging, starting gangs...
What I certainly don't intend to do is go on the offensive against the CCA. Just passive in D2.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Kristina Butcher - OOC name, Benjamin Mask (9mm pistol and 2 or 3 boxes of ammunition)

Extra Notes (optional):

I will not be running around HURRDURRHURR MUST SHOOT CPs. As I said before, I seek this to enhance the RP with my friend in D2.

The Kevlar Vest would be found on the corpse of one of the many dead guards.

Pending. I'd like if you update your backstory a bit more on the time when you managed to smuggle all these items into the city without getting detected and amputated by the combine. ~Nicknero1405

I went and wrote a nice big explanation but it deleted itself. As such, I'm afraid that an overview would have to do. - Globey

There is vital information missing. From 2000-2015, the world was being ravaged by xen life due to the portal storms caused by the resonance cascade. This is where people fled to the cities. Hardly anyone lived outside of cities due to antlions and headcrabs. Thats the reason citizens are cooped up in large cities. The combine didnt have to heard them in. The xen life already did that.

Another thing, where was this prison located? It had to be near City 18 for them to walk there within six hours while avoiding the invading combine soldiers. ~Statua
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 09:17:19 PM by Statua »
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2011, 06:55:41 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Darkshifter98

Age: 13

How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About a year and half.

How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: One year

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortigaunt character

Name: X-8973 (Former name), Vek' Vosh' Tal (Work in progress name)

Age: 117 years old

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Vortigaunt refugee

What has caused your character to require these authorizations? Shortly after retrieving Xen crystal GG-3883 with Drone subject R-4913, the two vortigaunts came back to Xen to realize The Nihilanth was slain by Gordon Freeman. The two vortigaunts watched as their species fled to earth. A vortigaunt ran up to the to X-8973 and R-4913 and freed them from their Slavery devices, then fled to Earth. The two vortigaunts then ran after the vortigaunt toward the portal that lead to earth. unfortunately, they were seperated from each other when they went through the portal. X-8973 woke up in the outlands shortly after the seven hour war, he looked for R-4913 but there was no sign of one of his only friends. He then stood up and set out to find R-4913. Along his travels, he met another vortigaunt. He chatted with the vortigaunt and asked if he had seen R-4913, he replied with that he hadn't heard of such a name. He then asked for X-8973's name, but instead of replying with X-8973 he said his real name, Vek' Vosh' Tal. After saying good bye, Vek' Vosh' Tal continued on. Shortly after, Vek Vosh'tal found the canals and walked through it, hoping to find R-4913 or yet another vortigaunt. Shortly before reaching the exit, Vek' Vosh' Tal spotted three humanoids walking towards him. His hands started glowing green and he got into a fighting stance. "Stand back, humanoids!" Vek' Vosh' Tal yelled. One of the humans aimed his flashlight at him stunning him for a moment. "Its okay, we're your friends." A women said. "Your species tried to kill me and R-4913!" He said harshly. He then shot lightning out of his hands, the blast nearly hiting the humans. "Leave my presence!" Vek' Vosh' Tal bellowed. The humans quickly ran away and made a left towards a light. Vek' Vosh' Tal went that way aswell and found himself in the outercanals. "I think I will begin my search for R-4913 here" Vek' Vosh' Tal said to himself.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+Role-playing as a vortigaunt
+Being able to use lightning powers, aswell as draining the life from my enemys.
+Using my healing powers to well, heal myself and others.
-Will have to travel through the canals often, to not attract attention.
-He doesn't know vortigaunts and humans are on the same side, so he will be hostile if one approachs him.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to RP using my healing powers to heal others and to use my lightning powers to eliminate hostiles. I will also be hostile to humans until told by another vortigaunt that humans and vortigaunts are on the same side.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) Nope.

Extra Notes (optional): X-8973 and R-4913 are from the Half-Life: Decay bonus mission "Xen attacks" Half Life-Decay is part of the Half-life story line and follows canon well. Heres the wiki page:

Please read more on vortigaunts and how they speak. We won't be holding any training for you so train yourself before you apply.
Denied ~Statua
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 10:01:14 PM by Statua »
\\\"Hold right bumper to flip... wait, what? How did you do that?\\\"

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2011, 10:04:10 AM »

Player Section

Steam Name: Rory Phillips
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): Physco character, knows how to bypass UU branded ingredients and Combine "Tricks" on humans. Including brain washes and physiotherapy tricks. Has a handheld radio and a 9MM pistol filled with 18 rounds in C18.

Name: Katy Handerson
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Anti-Citizen

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?

The Seeking


  Katy stuttered, only as if she did not know what she is going to do to plan it out. She was tensing up, making the hardest choice in her life. Should she go for it, or not? She took a sip of the left over milk; her hand was shaking as she held the sharp wire in her hand, ready to kill. Her heart was pounding as if she is about to cry, as if she was writing the final word on a page telling her that she has to die. She walked to her door and opened it silently, trying to stop creek sounds from happening from her door, and shut it. Everyone was sleeping, it was almost pitch black outside. She stepped quietly down the hall, dizzy from being so scared taking the final moments, thinking about what she will do. She put the wire and hid it in her sleeves as she toed down the staircase, looking down at the floor where the broken elevator is. As she walked down stairs with the wire in her sleeve, she quickly took the bobby pin from her hair, and pushed both sides back, ready to step near the door. She touched the handle… the door was open, unlocked? She took one step outside of the apartment; she was looking around the area for the same person as she put the bobby pin in her pocket. Creeping under the over watch tower and walking through the plaza, she knew that this may very well be the ending of her life. She had spotted a unit, talking to another one. She quickly hid behind the wall, getting ready. She took the wire out of her sleeve and tightened it as she held it. She was trying to listen on the units. “I have detained four of them; they both have three cycles on them for trespassing CWU property.”
The unit apparently had been detaining others just to clear the streets? The CWU door and the whole place itself were closed. How in the hell did citizens get through the CWU, why would they anyways? “Go 10-50 for now unit, I will wait for you. Just watch the apartments while I deal with the citizens”. Said one of the higher ranks.
As the higher ranked unit walked towards the nexus, Katy crouched near the wall as she held the wire. The lower unit turned around walking near the apartments as the other one was opening the door up in the nexus back entrance. As she slowly walked behind the unit, she stealthy walked right up to his neck, she held the wiring in her hand. She slowly approached the unit as he took his stun stick out for the apartment watch… but then it happened. Katy put the wire over the unit as the unit quickly reacted and squirmed around trying to get the wire off! He wasn’t as affected by the wire due to armor, until Katy was sawing through the protection; one by one she tore through back and forth. The unit was almost pulling Katy off, he couldn’t yell, or call for help. Katy tied the wire as quick as possible around the unit’s neck as the unit pulled out his stun stick and tried to hit Katy. Katy dodged and bashed her head into the unit’s chest as she tackled him down to the ground as the stun stick flew into the air, landing down near and above the units head. Katy was finding her way to the gas mask to pull it off so she can disable some things. It was getting too late for the unit as the wire was suffocating him. He kicked Katy off as he tried to crawl away to answer his radio… but was only trying to break the wire off. Katy flew in the air a little as she coughed when she hit the floor… that’s when apartment rooms started shining lights. The unit pulled the wire loose as he coughed in the vo-coder trying to get air… swaying around. Katy crawled to the stun stick and gripped it hard as she still coughed. The unit was running away to the nexus across the CWU HQ. Katy ran after him as he threw the stun stick at the unit with as much force. The stick hit the unit in the leg as he tripped once… and fell after another trip. Just when the unit took his gun and his radio out… Katy flew her feet towards the units face. *BAM* the units helmet cracked in. Katy kicked the mask away in chips as she picked up the gun, the stun stick, and the radio. She grabbed on to the unit’s arms and dragged him up the stairs quietly up to the walls where the combine could not see him. The blood rushed through the combines face as soon as she set him over on his chest. The unit was twitching, still alive, but not even close to getting up on his feet, she knew she was about to be killed if ever seen in the city ever again. She ran with little breath, her sweat, blood, and tears dripped away on her shirt as she ran for her life! She kicked the already apartment opened door as she ran in up the stairs. She ran on the third floor going up to the forth as citizens stood by their door way to see why and who was running… She stopped near the door that was locked, on the way to the slums. She hit the lock as hard as she could with the stun stick as the door handle broke off… the stun stick voltage broke off and was sparking. She kicked the door open as the hinges came straight off the wood. She ran for her life up the stairs in the slums. Even though her citizen suit was still stored in her closet and all of her food and drinks were still in her fridge, she might as well never see those again. As stressed as she was, she knew what to do and where to go. The only thing she didn’t know is… Why did she kill the unit?

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 05:30:18 PM by Rory Phillips »


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