Author Topic: drama  (Read 14653 times)

Offline smt

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Re: drama
« Reply #45 on: February 05, 2014, 11:06:11 PM »
I was extrapolating a bit, but I see your point.  If you were to be introduced to a Cornholio McFartknocker in a bar, chances are you wouldn't be demanding his name be changed.

The only problem is whether or not we're willing to stop giving a fuck about immersion breakers.

what i mean is like, that is a reason to change his name, yes, but names are an OOC thing other than it being a name, if a name is dumb, you change it because it's a dumb name to pick OOC-ly, it's the persons fault

IC rules are literally rp rules, like, sticking to the CCA's rules, etc

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: drama
« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2014, 11:06:58 PM »
Before I get any farther ahead of myself, what do you propose we do with characters with fail names?

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: drama
« Reply #47 on: February 05, 2014, 11:08:44 PM »

Why are we talking about names and the like in a thread about drama? I don't understand. Honestly, while I do sympathize with a majority of the people in this thread to some extent or another, this is beginning to come across as super whiny. Like, for real. At this point, you lot are kinda just make the same circular arguments but just dressing them up differently, lol. It's really just back and forth finger pointing now.

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Re: drama
« Reply #48 on: February 05, 2014, 11:09:18 PM »
Before I get any farther ahead of myself, what do you propose we do with characters with fail names?

change them + ooc warning/notification? i dont get it, why are people treating names like they're an IC thing

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: drama
« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2014, 11:11:56 PM »
Before I get any farther ahead of myself, what do you propose we do with characters with fail names?

change them + ooc warning/notification? i dont get it, why are people treating names like they're an IC thing

And suddenly, just when I think I understand what you were on about, you lost me.  I thought you were trying to say we should ignore fail names because they don't disrupt RP in any way.  I may have to look back through the thread a bit, but how exactly were names being treated as IC?

Offline smt

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Re: drama
« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2014, 11:14:46 PM »
they arent idk cow just mentioned it as if they were an IC item - i mean, the names are the names of people yes, but you don't know it ic unless they tell you etc etc, fail names are an ooc thing

my main point is this thrad + auth ones is full of people not knowing stuff

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Re: drama
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2014, 11:30:03 PM »
honestly, I can admit that the admins do know quite a bit more than I do when it comes to dealing with the ooc/ic rules of the server and all that other behind the scenes stuff. But it gets annoying when admins start saying 'no, you can't do this because we've had bad experiences with it before" or "no, something bad could happen and we don't want to run that risk"

Okay, that's great and all, but this is rp, and people play different characters and have different levels of roleplaying capabilities. If it was some average joe that can't even play their unit right in the first place asking for something like going rogue for example, I'd be on board the "no, we don't trust you to not cause an issue" boat. But when a trusted, experienced, and responsible roleplayer comes forward asking for something like that, I think it's really stupid that you can say to them "no, you're just going to cause problems". That's honestly just a huge slap in the face to people, basically saying "we don't trust you", which is pretty stupid considering you're willing to trust other, less capable people to have guns and ammo and basically punish all sorts of characters, along with potentially killing those characters (cough units amputating citizens)

all I really wanted to get out of this thread was to ask the admins to tackle the issue of drama more directly by enforcing rules on both sides of it. Because mainly in the old server, I saw people preventing roleplay due to it causing drama, and wanting to make those people happy. It's in no way fair to say that something should be restricted purely off drama issues, and then only really put a punishment on those grounds to the player who would 'cause the drama'. People that just bitch about stuff because they don't like it, or it negatively affect them, need to get the same treatment in terms of punishments, as they're an equal part, if not even bigger, part of the bigger issue.

also ooc names should not be retarded and are ooc like smt said. if you have an ooc blackmark in your name, big deal. don't get a blackmark next time and people won't make fun of you in looc

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: drama
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2014, 11:44:20 PM »
I think what everyone needs is truth and reconciliation.  Yes, there were admins who abused their powers to metagame and powergame rebels; yes, there were rogue units who abused their advanced knowledge of Union protocols to metagame and powergame OTA hitsquads.  Let bygones be bygones give both parties a chance.  The vast majority of the time, admins are doing what they think is best for the server, and while we have had our fair share of abusers in the past (satN, Veran, etc) I don't think we should let that cloud our opinions.  As for rogue units, is it really too much to ask to restrict it to those who have proven that they can handle the situation responsibly?


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Re: drama
« Reply #53 on: February 06, 2014, 12:48:01 AM »
When i changed hogs name from Captain Black or whatever it was, after warning him. Pretty much the entire playerbase online at the time raged at me to the point of the production of the hogs video.

That was unnecessary drama.

People debating over whats right in rp to improve flow and realism. That's good drama.

Not to mention all this drama brought the community back together in discussion did it not?

Oh and kjun. Thats not going to happen. This is serious rp. This is the nature of serious rp. If we cant handle it then no hl2rp period. Things are going just fine for now.

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: drama
« Reply #54 on: February 06, 2014, 01:14:21 AM »
Not to mention all this drama brought the community back together in discussion did it not?

You may see things different, but the majority of what I have seen in both threads ("drama" and "authorizations") is non-admins pointing fingers at admins and admins pointing fingers at non-admins over disputes that no longer matter.  I say we move on and wipe the slate clean; let us focus on what we can do to make a seriously-fun RP without reigniting blood feuds.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 01:16:08 AM by Hazard Time »

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Re: drama
« Reply #55 on: February 06, 2014, 01:41:45 AM »
What in the world are you talking about smt?
Names ARE IC.
The shit you see above people's heads are their physical description until they tell you their name ICly and do that F2 thingy where it enables their name above their head so you can OOCly identify who you know ICly.

Same goes for blackmarks in unit names. Those represent blackmark pins on their suit. Hence, it is IC.

I think I know where you are coming from with saying they are OOC, so let me rephrase myself:
The nameTAGS above their head are OOC sure, but the name itself is IC. If you can see the name in OOC, then you also know the name IC. Otherwise it would show a physical description. So I guess you could say that names above people's head are a bridge between OOC and IC.

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Re: drama
« Reply #56 on: February 06, 2014, 01:43:19 AM »
the floating name tags above peoples heads are ic?? everyone can see thme??

i think everyone is trolling me here

If you can see the name in OOC, then you also know the name IC.

thats really not how it works at all

The nameTAGS above their head are OOC sure, but the name itself is IC

yes, this is true, just because you can see the name tag doesn't mean you know a persons name, for example, what if a person only goes by a nickname? because they pressed a button on the script their real name is transferred to my head? no

the names above

are ooc

« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 01:45:24 AM by smt »

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Re: drama
« Reply #57 on: February 06, 2014, 01:45:53 AM »
If you can see the name in OOC, then you also know the name IC.
<::[[ Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using Tapatalk 2 ]]::>

Did you think before you wrote that down?

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: drama
« Reply #58 on: February 06, 2014, 01:50:29 AM »
We're starting to enter an octavarium here.  Let's please stop the circular argument and get back to how we can avoid drama in the future.

Offline Teitoku Ippan

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Re: drama
« Reply #59 on: February 06, 2014, 05:59:07 AM »
heres an idea

why dont we just wait for the server to actually come up then see how it goes, adapt to what is needed and not needed and stuff like that. we could probably discuss stuff like authorisations and shit a couple of weeks after the server has been up to give people time to settle in, citizens to develop and choose their alignments of pro-union or anti-citizen or somewhere in between etc, the cca & cwu to develop, etc.

we could look at shit like rogue units (strictly though) and a couple of other stuff after a couple of weeks, might not hurt to try them once more but if someone goes potato with it then they've pretty much ruined it for the rest of the people

even then, rogue units should not be something common, in fact it should be extremely rare and if someone wants auth for that, itd have to be thoroughly investigated and made sure the roleplay and backstory for it is really good and legit because units shouldnt be thinking about rebelling against the union when theyll be taking the union supplements which will affect their mind and memories

also on the topic of names, unless someone literally tells you their IC name ICly or, if you are part of the CCA, get a scanner to identify someone, you wouldnt know their name, even if the name shows up above their head because you were maybe in the vicinity of F2 or whatever the hotkey was again

drama in a serious roleplay server is inevitable and we are already seeing this in both threads (this one and the authorisations one), but instead of bickering with each other before the server is even up. we should discuss this sort of stuff when the server is up and adjust rules/restrictions accordingly when its been up


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