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Messages - Rits

Pages: [1]
Also we need to make it clear that the pistol is not a machine gun just cause you have a mouse, you can't treat it as such. I think it is very not realistic that people do this unless they are trained like 01+. I see this a lot when i watch recruits in the streets treating people even 03s just I think its not realist and kind of ruins the game knowing I can get spammed with a pistol before even having time to react.

Events / Re: Suggestion: Harsh weather.
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:21:27 PM »
A portal storm is the way the combine come to Earth, but the side effects are: it destroys a lot of stuff and fucks with gravity in the area it is at. Its pretty legit and if Globey creates one over the city people will die and it will fuck almost everything up.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: PLEASE Evaluate Players With TT Better
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:13:11 PM »
Why would people pay for TT and pretty much throw it all away just for some stupid thing like a fort? It seems stupid.

I must admit the OTA/CCA win a lot, sometimes I wish they would lose but not all the time cause then that strays from canon.

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