Author Topic: <:|| NOVA-04.147 Apex Private Logs ::||>  (Read 14901 times)

Offline 429ghost

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Re: <:|| NOVA-04.147 Apex Private Logs ::||>
« Reply #60 on: January 21, 2012, 09:18:02 AM »
As he finished reading this on the modified data-pad that 147 had gifted him, and that he had been using ever since and swore to never upgrade to a different data-pad, he put it to sleep mode, put his right hand on the screen and said "May the benefactors rest your soul, comrade." He then clipped the data-pad to his belt. He armed the 9mm that 147 had also gifted him, then put that on his belt too. He put on his mask, got up from the break room table and said into the radio "GRID-04.429, commencing 10-50, plaza."

Offline SoapANator

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Re: <:|| NOVA-04.147 Apex Private Logs ::||>
« Reply #61 on: April 01, 2012, 05:55:37 PM »
OOC: Sorry for this necro bump but I will be using this again for 'updates' so yeah

147 is ready to get 'death' logs
Former Characters:
Jimmy Valtizno - Civil Protection memeber for six months. Highest rank achived: EpU in APEX. Cause of Death: Shot, for attempted suicide.
Konstatine Ivanov - Held in prison cell for Anti-Civil activity for several months. Unkown if he's dead or alive.

MIA Characters
Gregory 'Death' Nikitn- Last seen wondering acorss the Outlands, in a critical state.
Zoe Kriyake - Has not been heard in weeks. Possibly re-located to C-18

Alive Characters
Pavalo Anodov - Wondering C18, unsure

Offline SoapANator

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Re: <:|| NOVA-04.147 Apex Private Logs ::||>
« Reply #62 on: April 21, 2012, 12:07:17 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"Mom..." The boy muttered, pain in his voice. Tears begin to run down his cheeks as he watched his mom get beaten up, and had to kill his own dad.
"Jimmy," A woman muttered in a  weak voice. " for hel-." Her voice got weaker and her voice stopped.
"MOM!!" Jimmy yelled  loud as he can. "MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" He knew it was over, she was dead, his drunken dad was dead, he had nothing.Nothing. Raged began to build up inside of poor Jimmy. He began to sob quietly, huddled up in a  corner.
"No,no,,no, this isn't possible!" He kept repeating to himself, scared.....
Hours passed, it seemed years. Jimmy was covered in blood from his parents. He stood up then began to walk around the house. He looked at the front door for a minute, staring at it. He walked slowly to it,  blood started to drip off from his clothing. Suddenly, a burst of energy hit him. He sprinted to the door, pulled it opened. Outside, it was sunny. Birds began to chip, the grass was green, and the street was busy. He slowly stepped outside to look all around him. When done, he walked to a neighbors house to tell what happened during the gruesome night....

Anyway, thanks guys for giving this 1,000 views. =D
So, I want to see what you guys think of my logs and please tell me what you think!
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 12:16:16 PM by Soap-Marxist-Lenist »
Former Characters:
Jimmy Valtizno - Civil Protection memeber for six months. Highest rank achived: EpU in APEX. Cause of Death: Shot, for attempted suicide.
Konstatine Ivanov - Held in prison cell for Anti-Civil activity for several months. Unkown if he's dead or alive.

MIA Characters
Gregory 'Death' Nikitn- Last seen wondering acorss the Outlands, in a critical state.
Zoe Kriyake - Has not been heard in weeks. Possibly re-located to C-18

Alive Characters
Pavalo Anodov - Wondering C18, unsure

Offline SoapANator

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Re: <:|| NOVA-04.147 Apex Private Logs ::||>
« Reply #63 on: October 19, 2012, 02:29:33 PM »
Jimmy slamed ran across the grass as the birds sang in unison. He kept sprinting, to the neighbor's yard. He slamed his fist into the door, he kept slamming his fist against the door until his hand began to hurt. The doorknob slowly turned, a woman in her early thirties stood in the doorway. She gazed at, in shock blood dripping down on his clothing. Screams echoed the house and the outside area, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside in a hurry. 
"What happend?!" The woman barked at Jimmy. He looked at her, trying to speak, but he cound't the words were..stuck. He then spoke out, "Father, mother." The words slowly poured out of his mouth. The woman continued to gaze at him, shocked at what he said.
Former Characters:
Jimmy Valtizno - Civil Protection memeber for six months. Highest rank achived: EpU in APEX. Cause of Death: Shot, for attempted suicide.
Konstatine Ivanov - Held in prison cell for Anti-Civil activity for several months. Unkown if he's dead or alive.

MIA Characters
Gregory 'Death' Nikitn- Last seen wondering acorss the Outlands, in a critical state.
Zoe Kriyake - Has not been heard in weeks. Possibly re-located to C-18

Alive Characters
Pavalo Anodov - Wondering C18, unsure

Offline SoapANator

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Re: <:|| NOVA-04.147 Apex Private Logs ::||>
« Reply #64 on: October 23, 2012, 05:21:41 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Jimmy sat in a chair, staring at the wall not moving, staring at the wall without moving a single inch.  His body was in a state of shock, it's been a day since the murder of his mom, and the killing of his father. He didn't cry since nor did he talk since, he's been silent, not making eye contact either.
A door creaked open to his right, he payed no attention to it. A woman, in her early twenties jogged to Jimmy, kneeling then hugging him.  The woman began to cry, tears began to build a river on her face, quickly going down.
"Jimmy...I...wa-..was worried that were dead." Her voice was soft but yet a hint of gratefulness.
"...Father killed mother... I had to stop him.... She still died, it's my fault. I should be dead." The boy's voice was soft.
The woman turned behind her, and there stood a girl. She nodded to the girl.  The girl walked next to Jimmy.
"I'll be going, Jimmy, I brought a friend to comfort you.. I love you." She hugged him evenmore, then stood up, still crying and leaving. The door creaked until a loud BOOM was heard, which the door shut.
Former Characters:
Jimmy Valtizno - Civil Protection memeber for six months. Highest rank achived: EpU in APEX. Cause of Death: Shot, for attempted suicide.
Konstatine Ivanov - Held in prison cell for Anti-Civil activity for several months. Unkown if he's dead or alive.

MIA Characters
Gregory 'Death' Nikitn- Last seen wondering acorss the Outlands, in a critical state.
Zoe Kriyake - Has not been heard in weeks. Possibly re-located to C-18

Alive Characters
Pavalo Anodov - Wondering C18, unsure

Offline SoapANator

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Re: <:|| NOVA-04.147 Apex Private Logs ::||>
« Reply #65 on: October 24, 2012, 08:56:34 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"You can do it!" A Tall man wearing a dark black hamaka began yelling. "You can do it Jimmy, just lean foward and step foward and bring the other leg behind my leg, and strain it." Jimmy nodded, he did so, the man quickly fell down onto the ground. "Good job, you have done good. It's been a month you started Aikido, I think it's time you go a higher belt. Here." The man left Jimmy, alone in the room. He went into another room, when he came back he was grasping a bright yellow belt. "Congrats, Jimmy you have done good." He puts the belt infront of him, Jimmy bows for a second, then firmly grabs the belt. Tieng around his wasist tightly. "Thank you, Sensei."
It's been five years since that horrible inncident with Jimmy's family. Now, it seems like day was a distant memory, slowly fading into the back of his head, but the wound was still fresh. It's only been five years. Since those days, Jimmy got a job, a life, and a girlfriend. He thought those were the only reasons to live, although his girl friend didn't know about his sucidal thoughts and the death of his parents. He would never tell anyone, not one bit. He had to continue his life, he must forget thoese memories or thoese memories will slowly kill him.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 09:10:01 PM by I LOVE SMASH POTATOES »
Former Characters:
Jimmy Valtizno - Civil Protection memeber for six months. Highest rank achived: EpU in APEX. Cause of Death: Shot, for attempted suicide.
Konstatine Ivanov - Held in prison cell for Anti-Civil activity for several months. Unkown if he's dead or alive.

MIA Characters
Gregory 'Death' Nikitn- Last seen wondering acorss the Outlands, in a critical state.
Zoe Kriyake - Has not been heard in weeks. Possibly re-located to C-18

Alive Characters
Pavalo Anodov - Wondering C18, unsure


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