Author Topic: <::||Rct.178's Private Logs||::>  (Read 2268 times)

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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<::||Rct.178's Private Logs||::>
« on: December 19, 2011, 12:11:39 AM »

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Subject: The CCA

<::||Well, I've joined up. I'm officially in the CCA. Today has been a very eventfull day, but I should make it quick, and get back on patrol. I was first taught the basics by unit 326, he is nice enough and seems like a good unit. Shortly after I went on patrol, and not much happened. A while later, the CA was giving a speech and people began yelling and rioting. I cannot count how many people I've already detained. Eventually, OTA where called in and sent into S6 as we rounded up the citizens. We let them go and then I continued my patrol. After, there where a few more speeches, and all of them had at least one idiot yelling something along the lines of "Down with the Union." I would like to say that I'm completely content here in the CCA, but I can't say this. Much of my time is spent waiting inside the nexus for a unit to take me on patrol. If I have one complaint, it is this rule. I do not understand why we recruits must stay inside unless there is another unit to patrol with us. I cannot wait to be promoted to 04. Some time later, there was a n inspection called by an OTA unit. I cannot understand exactly why, but something does not seem right about the OTA, they just seem so... Inhuman. Either way, the unit passed me, but told me that I need to "Bulk Up." I've decided that I'm going to exercise two or three times a day, starting tommorow. I am happy to be in the CCA, long live the Union.||::>

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« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 10:53:44 PM by Bokslag »
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||Rct.178's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2011, 11:01:35 PM »

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Subject: Private Logs

<::|| I should make this log quick, as I have a patrol to get to. Today was fairly uneventful, except for a few things. I've made some friends in the CCA, 621 and 864, though I'm not so sure about 864.. he seems a bit off. Me and 621 are pretty much best friends now, and we're gonna stick together through the CCA, watch each other's backs and all that. Another thing is that I found... a note. I've already reported it and am looking for the writer. It's from William, and at the bottom of the note it says "I love you." It saddens me that he's broken the law of the union, as he seemed like such a good person, but if I find him, he will have to be detained. Another odd thing is that some man keeps telling me he "Knows something about me", I'm going to try and figure out what he's talking about, but I don't want to get in trouble... I better get back to patrol, long live the Union.||::>

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« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 01:41:50 AM by Bokslag »
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||Rct.178's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2011, 06:08:00 PM »

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Subject: Private Logs

<::|| Today has been fairly uneventful, I haven't seen 621 at all today, odd. 864 got himself blackmarked for running into S6 after some citizen. I think I'm starting to bulk up a little, I sure feel stronger. Pretty soon I should be able to stop exercising as much, but of course, I'll still exercise sometimes. I have to say, some of the units don't seem quite right, I dunno, some of them just seem... off. Anyway, I had Tech Orientation today. All that's left to do is Hand-To-Hand, which I'm looking forward to, and Combat Tactics. Anyway, I'm going to take a short rest. Long live the Union.||::>

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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||Rct.178's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2011, 04:33:17 PM »
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Subject: Private Logs

<::|| I've finished Combat Tactics training. It was fairly simple, and not to hard, but now I've finished all the training's I need to be promoted! In 2 days I won't have to wait around inside for AGES to patrol, I can just go out and do it by myself! I hear that 621's getting promoted also. He's apparently joining NOVA as well, which is great. I can't wait to start NOVA training, it sounds like fun, and of course, work. 621 is a much better fighter than me, but he still thinks I'll outrank him in a few weeks. I sure hope I do. Oh right, did I mention that I got Hand2Hand training done? I probably did, but whatever. Anyway, I'm gonna 10-7. Long live the Union. ||::>

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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||Rct.178's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2011, 12:09:45 AM »

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Subject: Private Logs

<::|| Today has not been a good day. Very recently, I awoke inside one of the stores, along with unit 700, and a citizen. Apperantly we had been knocked out by an anti-citizen, and that already makes me feel ashamed. On top of that, the door to the room we where in was open, I could have gone out and tried to strangle the AC or something, but I didn't. Because of this, unit 700 and unit 060 where injured. I just can't shake the feeling that if I had acted they'd be perfectly fine. On a happier note, I've gotten permission from both NOVA and UNIFORM to transfer to UNIFORM in two days, when I'm up for promotion. I'd better get back to patrolling I guess... Long live the Union. ||::>

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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."


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