Author Topic: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]  (Read 6423 times)

Offline Howard Biggs

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The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« on: November 03, 2012, 08:46:47 AM »
Fredric Biggs looked down onto the son that he was left with, his wife was away on a business trip, all he had was Howard Biggs. So he needed to do something, he ordered his older son to teach Howard while he was going to sit down and help. Lionel looked over his baby brother and tried to teach him how to spell, he was too young. Reginald talked with Lionel and said "We should wait til he is a bit older. [Note: This chapter was meant to have a song, but we could not find one, the next one will have a song.
                                                                                   <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Fredric aged 24 looked up at the Sargent while cleaning his gun, the Sargent took Fredric's M1 and smacked him on the head with it, "What in the hell's name are you doing with a rifle!" screamed the Sargent. Fredric got up and took his gun and said "Cleaning my rifle, so it is not as dirty as you." The Sargent smiled and said "What is your name?" Fredric gave him a dark grin and said "Fredric Biggs." The Sargent gave him a nod and said "You passed the test, who is your squad leader?" Fredric pointed to Woof, a Sargent who was in charge of Charlie.

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LT Fredric Biggs marched his troops through the trenches, napalm dropped on to the rebels, he heard the screams of children and parents getting burned alive by the burning bomb. He walked fast to avoid hearing those noises. his ear listened and he looked out onto the field of burning Koreans and saw a boy being burned alive. He entered a trench and took out his map, he said "Listen guys, our radiomen will try find some air support to save the suffering outside, plus to also eradicate the forces, we will make it to the capital by Christmas.

                                                                                     <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Fredric sewed on his new promotion into his uniform, he walked with his platoon until he finished sewing the Major insignia into his uniform, he looked at around and said "It is new years eve, and I will be sent to another platoon, but we will not be lost, if a soldier dies then he is always with the other men forever  until the end of days and now we shall celebrate New years eve, One soldier started to sign Auld Lang Syne, Fredric joined in and so did the other troops, a bomb was heard. Fredric ordered everyone out of the trench, bullets shot onto the men, he took a grenade and threw it out of the trench a smoke grenade, Napalm dropped onto the Koreans dropped onto the men in time for Fredric and the men to run.

Fredric walked into the room and looked as the secretary of defense was their, he said "We and the Koreans have made a peace treaty, if something like this ever happens again, we will call you in our hour of need." Fredric looked shocked and said "Well, what should I do!?" The Secretary looked at him and said "For your efforts we will give you 3000 dollars and also, we will relocate you to a training base so that you will still be able to train our troops."

                                                                                                   1955 Vietnam
Fredric was called again for the time of valor, he was sent to Vietnam, Shots from the other building came upon Fredric and the other men, he looked and saw the old platoon suppressing the other building,  everyone from the Korean War. Fredric ran to the other building in ordered to be shot on the helmet by a 10 year old girl with a ak47 who was actually just playing with it and shot him accidentally. He fell onto the ground, he was okay. He took the pistol from his holster and put 5 bullets into the girl, he was in a blind rage. He took the AK47 and shot it at her, he then looked around and entered the building, a Vietcong lunged at Fredric only to be killed with a shot to the head with the AK47, he looked at the bird's nest and entered while gunning down the inhabitants, he walked out of the building dropped the AK47 and fell over.
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The prostitute walked over to Fredric with lip gloss on her face, she said "Give 10 drawra wand I love you long time." The other soldiers looked at Fredric and smiled. He took a 10 dollar bill from his pocket and placed it in her hand, she grabbed him by the collar and walked over to the hotel, he gave the men a thumbs up and a wink, he then walked into the Hotel, A few minutes later, he came out drunk and happy, he gave the guys a thumbs up and walked over to them.
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He walked over to the Vietcong interrogation room, he looked as the man was in the chair. He took out a cutthroat razor, he took him by the ear and ripped it off, he took some gasoline and rinsed it over the Vietcong prisoner, the Vietcong screamed and said "What about the Geneva Conventions?!" Fredric smiled and said "This is not a government interrogation, this is personal, you are not human while you are killing and slaving your fucking POW's! So why should I fucking care!" He threw the last of the gasoline over the Vietcong, he took the knife and carved a Vietcong flag into the prisoners head, he grabbed the car battery and attached it to the prisoner's nipples, he turned it on and grabbed a match, he lit it and threw it at the POW, he exited the room as he heard the burning screams of the POW, he smiled and left the building.

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A gun shot rang and shot Fredric in the leg he reached for the gun and failed, he was hit in the head with a butt of a gun and brought to the basement of a old pawn store, he looked as a bunch of Vietcong smiled at him and brought out a American soldier with a bondage suit on him, he looked around with a mysterious face, the American soldier was forced to pull down the zipper and humiliate Fredric, enough S&M could drive a man insane, he was about to put it in Fredric's mouth when he was able to pull the emergency knife from the sleeve pocket and cut the soldier's £"!$ off, the Vietcong were looking at Fredric, he took the knife  and threw it at one guy and grabbed his AK47 finishing off the remnants of the Vietcong.

Post Auto-Merged: November 03, 2012, 09:01:35 AM
If any of you have a opinion of it then please tell me, if it is negative than I will try best on the next one, plus any request would be great, and maybe when it is done you may be allowed to RP as one of them on HL2RP except Howard and Fredric, you can have Lionel [Howard's Cooler brother.]

Post Auto-Merged: November 03, 2012, 10:03:52 AM
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Lionel was in the office as 4 trucks came down the road, he took the pen to the paper looking out of his office onto the Nevada Desert, the gas station held 4 trucks. Some men opened up a crate with a crowbar and saw a M4 Grease Gun, Lionel was busy. A Brazilian man named Vasquez walked over to Lionel's office with a machete, he opened the door and Lionel took the M1911  pistol from his drawer, Vasquez cut the gun in half and pushed Lionel over to the wall, Vasquez got the machete, he grabbed  Lionel's hand and put it over his thumb and said "Come with me or I will cut of your fucking fingers!"

                                                                              <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Lionel worked for Vasquez for a year, he made a killing. He sat at the bay and looked as the Boats left with the Millions of Kilos of Cocaine, Lionel pulled out a 50 and bought a coffee and a doughnut, he smiled and left, he thought how many people would be addicted to Cocaine and OD, It was so simple, He smiled and said "Shit, not my fault, I was forced. But I still have a few thousand." He came home to the Penthouse and looked out onto the Black shadow and lights that was New Orleans, he took some whiskey  put it into a small glass and looked out the window.
                                                                              <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Vasquez came back and ordered Lionel to sell Russian cars, he bought a brick phone and a buyer asked for 500 cars, Lionel smiled and showed them the thousand of stolen Russian cars, the buyer gave them a hundred thous bill, he walked away with a smile with the keys to 500 stolen Russian Cars.
                                                                           <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Lionel was sent to NYC to take out a drug cartel, he kicked open the door and shot everyone inside, he took the gasoline and sprayed it over the room, "Burn in hell Motherfuckers!" Lionel needed to get out of the city, he was being chased by every gang in Manhattan, he opened the hummer door and drove, bullets rang onto the Hummer, he grabbed the Mac 10 and shot at the gang, blood ran on his face, he turned the corner and saw a gang member with military issue weaponry, a RPG shot at the hummer, it was launched into the air and flew over the checkpoint of gang members, he drove to Harlem and entered Central Park, the Mafia shot bullets into the hummer, it crashed into the hotel, he lunged to a car, he broke trough the window and arrived the seat. He drove to Brooklyn and entered the International Airport and took a airplane back to New Orleans.
                                                                               <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
A 16 year old kid was selling drugs behind the entrance to the bayou, Lionel took a chopstick and smacked him in the head, "Never sell drugs, never. he took a baseball bat and knocked the kid out, he took the kid home and ran to the bayou to escape the police, he was knee deep in swamp shit and he had no idea which way to go, "Jeez wheres swamp people when you need them?"  He called out to anybody who could listen, he walked slowly trough the bayou, he took Vasquez's machete and looked trough the bushes, there was a house. He walked over to the house and knocked at the door, a women came and allowed Lionel in, he entered and looked down at the inhabitants of the house, he walked to the kitchen of the old wooden rickety house, he was given stew, he ate it and thanked the ma'am. The women insisted on letting Lionel stay for the day, Lionel asked to be excused so he may light a cigar.
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                                                                   The Next Day
Lionel looked around on the bed as he slept on the bunk bed along with the other people of the house, he walked downstairs and was given pig meat, he ate it and said that today he had to get back to work, the women gave Lionel a copy of a map to town which was a few miles away, he walked to town and entered the hotel, he looked around, a note was on his wall. it said "We need you to help us with a drive-by, come to the back of the hotel." He went round back and took a mac 10 from the garbage bag and entered the limo, it drove to a motel and the gang unloaded a flurry of rounds into the other gang, Lionel took the mac 10 and shot everyone in the limo including Vasquez. he exited the limo and threw the mac-10 on the ground while walking away with a few hundred bucks in his pocket.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 10:03:52 AM by dublin.jd »

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 03:39:40 AM »
Fredric was assigned to the CIA were he was assigned to kill the one who pulled him out of Vietnam, He grabbed a Mauser and went to the top floor of the Depository, he took the rifle and placed it on the roof, he took aim on JFK and putted a bullet in, "Die, you communist pig loving fuck!" Fredric shot the round and missed, "Fuck!" He reloaded and shot again and hit him in the neck, "That will shut you up from making those stupid speeches!" Fredric grabbed another round and put it in the rifle, Bam!, It hit him in the brain and came out the top, It seems someone is already shooting at him as well, he looked over to the grassy knoll and found a man in a suit and tie shooting at the motorcade, and a in the other building shooting him too, and below him smoked raised so he guessed that it was a rifle going off. Fredric gave a thumbs up to the shooter and another to another shooter, After killing that son of a bitch was darn good fun and good sport.

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2012, 11:54:35 AM »
I will be continuing it when the server is back up.

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2012, 12:13:23 PM »
Just for the record, I'm not sure if you're allowed to be the one that shot JFK or not, and it wasn't a Mauser either way, just saying

Offline Scratchie

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2012, 02:47:37 PM »
Just for the record, I'm not sure if you're allowed to be the one that shot JFK or not, and it wasn't a Mauser either way, just saying
Both of these statements are true. You cannot be the one that shot JFK and it wasn't a Mauser.

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2012, 02:53:51 PM »
This is the HL2RP universe, not real life. And he is not in the 6th floor of the book depository, he is on the top. And if just to make a statement. And to make this true. In the next story, it states that Fredric is just hallucinating. So none of it never happened.

Offline smt

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2012, 02:59:35 PM »
While the hallucinating bit is fine and makes everything you've written fine, but technically the HL2 universe begins when "the combine" invade, everything before that still happened as normal, technically

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2012, 03:15:13 PM »
Fredric woke up, it was just a dream. The President was already dead so he was fine. He got out of the bed and looked at the TV. He turned on the news. "In Dallas today, the president's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald has been shot and killed by a night club owner Jack Ruby." Fredric was astonished. "What the fuck happened!?" Fredric looked around and said "That is bullshit, that can't happen!" Fredric ran out the door and entered his car.

Fredric went to the recruitment center in the park and signed back up to enter Vietnam again, he was in the jungle on a mission to rescue a hostage by the name of "Red" Red was a embassy worker who was kidnapped by the Vietnamese so that Americans may be pulled out of Vietnam, Fredric took the m16 from his holster and landed on the ground. He entered the building and bashed through the doors and debris in the building. He shot a soldier and shot the hostage taker in the head. Fredric held his hand up and said "Sorry, but my mission objectives were more than meets the eye." Fredric shot Red in the face and looked around. Nobody to witness the killing.

Colonel Fredric looked down upon the liberation of Saigon, blood and killings all around. He turned to the general and said "Do you think we will win this war?" The general shook his head and sat down on the couch. "Boy, do you want some champagne and a cigar while this battle is fought?" Fredric nodded and took the cigar puffing a long smoke out of it before throwing it away. He took the glass and looked down upon the crowd of soldiers. "Sir, I think we should get to the plane and get back to the US so we may go back home and continue our lives." The general looked at him and said "I think you are right, we won this war!"

Post Auto-Merged: November 15, 2012, 03:17:00 PM
I agree with you, everything is normal before the HL2 universe. But I was thinking that if it were to be normal than we would have the sleeping part to be required. Beside the sleeping part was a day after the assassination.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 03:17:00 PM by Howard Biggs »

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2012, 12:51:59 PM »
Lionel's story part two [OOC: It seems that Lionel is actually up for grabs in the HL2RP so if you want to make Lionel Biggs a char then PM me.]

Lionel turned himself in to the police a few decades after the killing of Vasquez. He was in the courtroom. Vasquez's family was on the jury stand. " Lionel 'Reg Biggs, you are charged with the the first degree murder of Rodrigo Vasquez, how do you plea?" Lionel looked at the judge and said "I plea guilty, and I would like to ask if you could reduce my sentence to second degree murder." Howard [Now a adult] stood up and grabbed the Lawyer's briefcase showing the gun. "What is this?!" Howard showed them the gun and said "The police did a investigation and found the gun that was used to kill Vasquez is actually his gun, that means that Lionel is actually not guilty!" The Judge looked at Howard and said "I guess, he is right, I will have to let you go, case closed."

Lionel was in the house with Howard, Howard said to Lionel. "What do you think happened during the years that our father Fredric had to go through Vietnam and Korea?" Lionel looked at Howard sternly and said "I like to think that he earned his valor doing his job, god rest his soul." Howard looked at the picture and said "That man had to go through 4 wars and ended up coming home just to be infected with cancer." Lionel looked at the clock, it showed 9:30 pm, and it was snowing outside. "How is mom?" Howard looked at the window and said "She is busy at the bureaucratic office after she got fired from her medical job." Lionel looked shocked and said "How much money does she get?" Howard said "She is a very high title and a very generous paying job so about 5000 a week." Lionel heard a shock coming from outside and said "What is going on out there?!" Howard looked stern and said "It's something very bad." The Drop ships and synths came from the portals with the Xen beings. "Holy Shit!" screamed Lionel. Howard looked out the window and said "We should surrender, they will get us and they will kill us if we resist!" Lionel closed his eyes and exited the house. Howard followed him and said "We are not going to die so just do what they say and we will be fine." Lionel nodded and put his hands up with Howard.

Howard was sent to C45 along with Lionel. "These fucking Combine ruined out fucking earth." Howard looked at Lionel and said "We should not say anything bad about them, they seem to have took notice of my work and gave me Loyalist status along with a armband and a application to the CCA." Lionel smacked Howard on the head and said "Did you sign it?!" Howard looked at his brother and said "I was forced to sign it!" Lionel screamed and said "Fuck this, you know I was thinking you could have changed to the resistance, but you work for the people who fucked us?!" Howard looked angry and said "Well, they have millions of troops and the resistance are very scarce, so I think you should join us and help the Combine!" Lionel looked at Howard and pointed to the nexus. "You are right, I guess I need to help the Combine if I want to live in here." Howard looked at Lionel and gave him a rag. "Please just clean the memorial and the other buildings and you will have it by tomorrow."

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2012, 12:58:43 PM »
Fredric was on the bed, his cancer was getting worse and worse. He took some water as the family came in. Howard came over and said "You will get over this soon." Fredric pointed Howard out the door. He got out of the bed and grabbed a shotgun putting it in the back of his vest. He exited the hospital and went back to house and took the cannabis from Lionel's wardrobe. "Darn Lionel turned hippie on me!" He took the blunt and put in his mouth and put on his clothes. He took the blunt and lit it. He turned on the television and threw the remote on the floor. He went out to the park and decided to end it here as he was going to die either way. He put the shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. He started to then hallucinate. And woke up in the couch. He got up and turned on the ignition before driving back to the hospital and lying in bed dying slowly.

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2012, 03:31:08 PM »
Lionel's Story part four

Lionel grabbed Vasquez's dead body from the morgue, he grabbed a knife and found out that he was still alive all these years. He was on a IV, living off food in a blender. Lionel grabbed Vasquez's fingers and said "I am going to cut off your fucking fingers!" Vasquez started blabbering. "You see this knife, I will teach you English with this fucking knife!" Vasquez then collapsed under his own weight. "I might as well give you some fucking decency, but you fucked me so I will give you so much pain and then I will kill you!" Lionel grabbed Vasquez's hand and took it clean off with a meat cleaver. Lionel grabbed the meat cleaver and did the same to the other hand. Then to the legs and then started to grab a scalpel. "I am going to rip you a new one!" He put the scalpel near the stomach and ripped out some of Vasquez's unneeded organs. "Now, to finish you off!" He ripped through the lungs and kidneys until he could find the hearth before punching it until it stopped beating. "There we go, now you are dead and I am free. I wanted that so much!" He threw the tools over the body and walked away hoping that nobody would find the body in the dead mutilated form it was in.

Offline Kevin

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2012, 05:15:32 PM »
Fredric was assigned to the CIA were he was assigned to kill the one who pulled him out of Vietnam, He grabbed a Mauser and went to the top floor of the Depository, he took the rifle and placed it on the roof, he took aim on JFK and putted a bullet in, "Die, you communist pig loving fuck!" Fredric shot the round and missed, "Fuck!" He reloaded and shot again and hit him in the neck, "That will shut you up from making those stupid speeches!" Fredric grabbed another round and put it in the rifle, Bam!, It hit him in the brain and came out the top, It seems someone is already shooting at him as well, he looked over to the grassy knoll and found a man in a suit and tie shooting at the motorcade, and a in the other building shooting him too, and below him smoked raised so he guessed that it was a rifle going off. Fredric gave a thumbs up to the shooter and another to another shooter, After killing that son of a bitch was darn good fun and good sport.

And in addition, Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't actually anti-communism, he was pro-communism, one of the main reasons he actually shot JFK. He lived in Communist Russia for several years before coming to America to carry out his personal duty.
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2012, 05:35:30 PM »
Lionel's Story part four

Lionel grabbed Vasquez's dead body from the morgue, he grabbed a knife and found out that he was still alive all these years. He was on a IV, living off food in a blender.

I don't understand this story, almost all of it makes little to no sense. This bit in particular is weird... So, he was dead for years, in a morgue and then is suddenly alive?

Fredric was on the bed, his cancer was getting worse and worse. He took some water as the family came in. Howard came over and said "You will get over this soon." Fredric pointed Howard out the door. He got out of the bed and grabbed a shotgun putting it in the back of his vest. He exited the hospital and went back to house and took the cannabis from Lionel's wardrobe. "Darn Lionel turned hippie on me!" He took the blunt and put in his mouth and put on his clothes. He took the blunt and lit it. He turned on the television and threw the remote on the floor. He went out to the park and decided to end it here as he was going to die either way. He put the shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. He started to then hallucinate. And woke up in the couch. He got up and turned on the ignition before driving back to the hospital and lying in bed dying slowly.

Also this bit makes no sense... He shot himself and then he didn't? He "hallucinated" the whole thing?

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2012, 08:28:21 PM »
Vasquez's body was in a state were he was in intensive care, and for Fredric's story is that he has PTSD from the wars so he is actually very unstable. Vasquez is actually a symbol which is Lionel's urge to escape corruption and to become a free man. Fredric was a very unstable man and done drugs during Korea and Vietnam. He still has a withdraw and needs to understand that he is under mental stress. You may not get the story, but if you were to read it a few times over and find out that Vasquez is Lionel's reason for getting into crime and actually learning that Vasquez was not dead, but if you get this he was not in the morgue. He was taken from the hospital and brought to morgue were he was tortured mutilated and killed by Lionel.

Post Auto-Merged: November 23, 2012, 08:32:14 PM
If you understand that Fredric was actually anti-communist. When JFK made a peace treaty and decided not to help the Cuban exiles to invade Cuba was when Fredric hated the president. You see Lee Harvey Oswald would have shot him to pull the troops out of Vietnam. But the case is that Fredric was different to Oswald, but wanted to kill JFK for a different reason.

Post Auto-Merged: November 24, 2012, 09:20:07 AM
Howard looked over his father, tonight was New Years Eve. A doctor came into the room with a ID card on his lab coat. Dr Heinrich Schlitz. "Hello, I am the doctor from the psychiatric ward, I ran a cat-scan on your father and he seems to have a case of schizophrenia and PTSD. He hallucinates and also seems to have suicidal thoughts... He wants to end it all, but we do know that his cancer is at a critical state. He... will not wake up tomorrow." Howard sighed and got up. Heinrich escorted Howard up and left with him. "I am sorry about he information. I should have kept shut." Howard looked at him and said "It's okay, I want to ask you a favour." Heinrich looked at Howard and said "Sure, what do you need?" Howard whispered into Heinrich's ear "I want you to stop his pain.", Heinrich looked stern and said "Are you sure?" Howard nodded. Heinrich went into the room and said to Fredric "Your son Howard wants me to pull the plug on the IV, but I want to ask you if you want that." Fredric nodded and Heinrich nodded back. He took the plug  and pulled it out leaving Fredric to die. Howard came in with tears on his eyes, but with a smile on his face. "Thank you." Howard started to walk out of the Hospice, slowly.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 09:20:07 AM by Howard Biggs »

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: The life of the Biggs Family [IC]
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2013, 04:33:42 PM »
[Sorry guys, I did not post often due to many reasons. This is because I was busy during Christmas. I will continue the story. By the way. This should not be a Necropost due to the reason that I am still continuing the story.]

Lionel took all of his belongings in a suitcase. A bunch of guys wanted to go to the Outlands so they needed everything they got. Lionel went with them and traveled for hours on end. They reached the Outlands a few months later. Lionel became a shop owner and also scavenged for food and weapons. Lionel's location in the Outlands is unknown at this time.  [Give me a PM if you want him as a char, if nobody PM's me than I will use the char to myself.]

[I will end the story here as you all now what happens now. Summary: Lionel goes to the Outlands, Fredric dies of cancer, Howard becomes a CP. Nothing else happened other than that. If you want a brief history on another of my char's look than see Heinrich Schlitz's story.]



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