Author Topic: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>  (Read 11982 times)

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2012, 08:01:04 AM »
ur racist >:|

I'm not a racist! >:|

//how come no one ever gets my division right.

She said I as in apex  :'(

I've always been wondering, can't get it straight... Fixed it now, don't cry. :P
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 08:03:27 AM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

Offline Dallas

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2012, 08:57:25 AM »
//These logs are getting darker everytime, gosh, I'm going to cry, this is too much hate.

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2012, 06:32:00 PM »
// Fucking nigger deserved to be shot lol.
I Am The Living Coookie!
C17.S4L.04.864 Does projects I guess
UU.OTA.VANGUARD.56294- Does OTA stuff I guess
Alexander Burton- prays in the outlands and is from the Eastern Orthodox church.
Calvin Dufresne- I have no idea what he does

Offline Tapir!

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2012, 10:17:50 PM »
// Y u no write about me? I said i was gonna join grid IC, i was also involved in that "3 units" thing, and nao, i is tossed off roof. I at least wanted to see a "Ha, finally, a worthless unit gets what he deserved." or something. :(
-544s ghost.

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2012, 06:36:59 AM »
// Y u no write about me? I said i was gonna join grid IC, i was also involved in that "3 units" thing, and nao, i is tossed off roof. I at least wanted to see a "Ha, finally, a worthless unit gets what he deserved." or something. :(
-544s ghost.

I did write about you, in log 0007.
And because I wasn't at presence, when you were thrown out, nor haven I been told. :P

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #35 on: August 30, 2012, 04:47:53 AM »
UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0008.

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a brightened up room. The units body clearly shows she's a female, due to female curves. To her left is the figure of a larger console visible, barely some of its screen would be shown. Barely behind her, what seems to be a stasis pod, which is open, is visible. To her right, a smaller floating platform is visible, carrying several weapons, including what seems to be an AR2.
The unit reaches up to her mask, moving her hands behind it. A small click is heard, as the face mask is released from its lock. The unit reaches forward, letting the mask slide of it and places it on the table.
The face of a female person would be visible, her skin clearly pale with no signs of her skin being touched by the sun. Her eyes glows with a dark green mechanic aura, yet her eyes appears hazel. Her hair which is barely dark blonde, as it slowly falls down in front of her right eye, covering it.
As she speaks, a slight Danish accent hangs in, with the slight sound of electronic mechanisms.**

It's been a while, since I last made one of those logs... Figured I perhaps should listen to my old ones... I've noticed one similar problem with our units, which still isn't. I don't know, how many times I've told our units to patrol... I've literally threatened them with their lives... A couple of days ago, I saw several high commanding units and more commonly units, running around inside the nexus. Meanwhile, two to three recruits were patrolling... I'm seriously close to ask the sectorial commander for the authorization to give them a smaller... "Reminder"... At least, I'll be speaking with the UU about this problem... We'll see if they can come up with a proper punishment... ||::>

**The sound of something mechanic walking is audible out from the screen. The female person turns her head towards the sound, before she turns her head back towards the camera.**

<::|| My project keeps.... Walking around... I've got to fix that problem soon enough. I wouldn't appreciate a combat drone, walking around non-responsive and injuring our units.... ||::>

**To the female's right side, a slightly medium sized robotic moves inside of the camera view. It's four legs slowly moves over the floor, as the turret of the machine turns towards the female. Two cannons is visible on each side and a smaller dark red glowing eye is in the middle of the turret. A deep robotic voice is heard. "<::|| Target confirmed: Friendly. ||::>" **  The female shakes her head, rolling with her eyes.**

<::|| Well, the targeting system works completely fine. Yet it can't shoot yet... Not loaded... Yet. I've already tried the turrets ammunition and it works... Complete as it were expected to. The first ammunition melts the victims organs and nerves, giving a painful death... And the other ammunition, burrows into the flesh of the victim explodes in their inside... Fun to watch and had living targeting dummies once. Two 10-103M's.
Speaking of... My division. It seems like its "wakening" up again, after being low on units. We've got a few recruits inside and a former commander unit has joined our division as an oh-one. Four-two-eight.
I've got a meeting planned and a project suggested by four-nine-five. One of my GRID officers. I barely see seven-oh-one as for now... Perhaps I should check the inactive logs. At least, I hope he will meet up at the meeting... For now, only eight-six-four has told me he couldn't come. Four-nine-five has requested a meeting with me later today though. I'll see what he needs.
I guess I've covered it all for now....
Oh wait... I've forgot the last meeting the CCA had. GRID and NOVA is now going to work together, which also counts for some subdivision from NOVA, going by the name R&D. I've chosen two-one-three to be our representative for this, since I find him qualified and it won't take the GRID HC'w time. I'll send some informations to two-one-three  for some projects NOVA has requested from us. And I might assign the former commander under him. Chain of command is an interesting perspective. ||::>

**The female person reaches out for her face ask again, raising it up towards her head. A slight click is heard, as the face mask is clicked on, covering her face. After some brief seconds, the two lenses lights up, glowing in a dark green color. She turns her body towards the floating table, grabbing onto the pulse rifle and slings it onto her back. She briefly glares towards the robot in the background, speaking towards it with a cold robotic voice.**
<::|| Project 23.4-2 LqR. Return to protocol T-F92. Code is vital six, numerous of code three. Confirm. ||::>

**The robot turns its turret towards something out of sight, as it starts to walk. "<::|| Protocol: Confirmed, directives and configurations has been confirmed, starting up. ||::>" The female unit turns back towards the camera, a single click is heard coming from her facemask. "<::|| Code 10-103M? Send the thing to the MoC. I'll take care of it. ||::>" She looks back down towards the camera, a cold chuckling voice is heard.**

<::|| More dummies to train my project on. This is going to be fun. for once, it appears it's going to be a good, fun day for me. Time to torture. ||::>

**The unit reaches down, behind the camera. After a couple of seconds the camera shuts black, the last sound audible is a flick being turned.**

Saving File As: Vlog-0008.
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270.
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 09:17:19 AM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #36 on: October 31, 2012, 06:42:39 AM »
UNIT: 27070.
CLEARANCE: Commander.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0009.

**A black uniform, easily categorized as a commander uniform, is seen sitting down on a chair in a brightened up room. The curves and movements of the human body, clearly shows she's a female. To her left is the figure of a larger console visible, barely some of its screen would be shown. What seems to be a stasis pod, which is open and hanging in a metal form for arm, is visible revealing the inside of it. The unit reaches onto her back and slings a single larger weapon off her back, laying it out of sight of the camera. Followed by, she reaches down to her belt, unholstering what seems to be pistol, classified as the magnum .357 caliber and lays slightly in front of herself, clearly visible on the camera.
The unit reaches up to her mask, moving her hands behind it. A small click is heard, as the face mask is released from its lock. The unit reaches forward, letting the mask slide of her head, placing it on the table t the left of the magnum.
As the mask is taken off, hair falls down, surrounding the face of the female unit. The hair has a slight dark blond color, covering the left side of her face and what seems to be a pale skin of the female. Her eyes has a slight hazel color in them, yet a dark green glowing color is dominating most of her eyes as she stares into the camera. The eyes clearly shows, she does not have most of her emotions and that she is ready to do, what she would be ordered to.
She stretches her arms out, letting out a slight yawn as if she was tired, before she lets her arms drop back down and focus back on the camera. As she starts to speak, the sound of mechanics is barely audible, giving her what appears as a slight robotic voice, yet she would still have the normal human voice. As she starts to speak English, a slight danish accent, mixed up with some British is audible.** 

<::||Video log; oh-oh-oh-nine.

When was my last video log... I can't remember,I should probably check up on it later. For now, I'll update, what have happened since last time, I did one of those logs. A couple of weeks ago, I was promoted to the respectable rank of the universal command of city forty-five, precinct one, two and three. I was promoted by unit commander one-five-two-four-zero, who demoted himself a few days later. I've got the feeling, I was to take over his role as a commander. Maybe not, I do note now, neither do I intend to ask regarding it.

Neither the less, I finally took care of unit oh-four-one. I do doubt, many remember her and what she were to do, which actually wouldn't surprise me. I assume this case has taken more than a month, since she's been... Hard to find around the city, assuming she hid from us. But well  i do not intend to forget a case, regarding two units having UPA in the UCH  which we clearly should take action towards. At the least, she finally had the courage to come back online as a unit, which I took advantage off, when I had the time.
I've spoken to the DvL of [CLASSIFIED] and we agreed regarding the punishment after speaking a while. Instead of amputation the unit was given 2 black marks, at least two weeks before promotion and was required to retake every single training from UNIFORM and GRID. The unit were given a few educations just as a "reminder" to never do it again.

What else do I have on mind... Oh right, GRID unit seven-three-six...
Wasn't very smart, let's say it that way. I had gotten reports of him and unit nine-oh-five having a "relationship" and he had shown clear evidence of "loving" her. Unit oh-one-seven came with the reports regarding it and I later called seven-three- six down to the High Command Meeting Room.
After charging him with the said verdicts, it was easily seen how he got re nervous as we progresses. In the end of the verdicts which was given, he attempted to pull a pistol and shoot me. I was a not surprised, he was attempting todo so, seeing two DvL's, a officer and a unit was in there with me. I assume one of seven-three-six's bullets stroke through the outside clothing of my Kevlar, not giving any reasonable damage to myself, just to the arm cloth of the Kevlar.
As a reaction, I gave punched him once or twice, which send him flying to the door, allowing me enough time to draw my magnum and pull the trigger...
I was saddened afterwards... Not because of the unit, that dumb piece of trash, I was more annoyed and saddened, that a good suit was ruined. Oh well, I had a few units clean up the brain- and skull pieces, before I ordered one-three-one to dumb the body in the acid pit. I'm annoyed I forgot to get myself a new bone necklace out of seven-three-six's spine... There'll be another time I bet.

Afterwards we called nine-oh-five down...yet again another GRID unit. She denied most of the reports against her, but admitted seven-three-six had told her, he was in love with her, even though she had denied him.
I did let her go... For now. I'll keep an eye on her...
I've been watching the GRID division, and I must admit the new DvL has improved it a lot. But who do I fool, four-nine-five always had great potential.. Always my first choice. I was glad, that the sectorial commander chose him to continue, in my spot.

For once, it's strange not to call commander oh-three-one-oh-nine sir anymore... I've been used to that, since my oh-three rank. He's always been the one I've looked up to. He's been the greatest of our leaders, in my opinion and I'm glad to stand as an equal rank, to him. Yet, it's been a since since I last saw him...
As the last thing, I've heard reports of some sort of group named "The movement"... They are highly annoying, spraying their so called logo all over the plaza... I wonder how they do, apparently not enough units patrolling... I'll get to that too, soon. Note to myself; remember to check up on the plaza cameras...

I assume that would be all, for now. I'll better get back to "work" and keep an eye on those damned citizens outside the nexus... I'll be on the lookout for a new necklace...

**A slight chuckling appears from the female unit, reaching out after the mask once again. She grabs hold it, lifting up and places it back on her face, covering it up. A single, slight click is heard, as the mask clicks back on and the two lenses glows up with a dark green color. She reaches back down, grabbing hold of the magnum, moving it back down to her belt and holsters it. As she lets go, she glares towards the pulse rifle, before she reaches out after it and a single radio click sounds from the mask. "Any level one malcompliant citizens in detainment? My pulse rifle needs to be checked if it still works accordingly... And I require a new necklace..." As she fishes speaking, a single click confirms the message has been given to the rest of the CCA.
Afterwards she slings the mask onto her back, a slight laughing coming from the mask, before the radio click is audible again. "Copy that... I'll be on my way." She looks back down on the camera, the mask showing no emotions as the laughing slowly starts to continue. After a few seconds she turns Round, still chuckling and starts to move out of the camera view. Just before she's out of view, the camera shuts down and stops recording."

Saving File As: Vlog-0009.
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.UU.CmD.27070.
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 09:51:13 AM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

Offline raged

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Re: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2012, 05:15:12 AM »
// logs can only be accessed by dvl or cmd+ so you don't really need to classify my units squad sweetie

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2012, 06:34:06 AM »
// It's to prevent meta, so much more like a safety, than the fear of other unit's reading it.

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Re: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #39 on: November 01, 2012, 06:35:56 AM »
// Even if someone takes this IC, they can't do anything against a DvL.

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Re: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #40 on: November 01, 2012, 06:59:55 AM »
// if a unit metagames it, theyll be charbanned and blacklisted, probably alsi banned. Non-unit would just get banned.

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Re: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #41 on: November 01, 2012, 07:35:30 AM »
// by using classified its sort of obvious which division you're talking about anyway

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2013, 04:22:37 AM »
UNIT: 27070.
CLEARANCE: Sectorial Commander.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0010. 

**A black uniform, easily categorized as a commander uniform, is seen sitting down on a chair in a brightened up room. The curves and movements of the human body, clearly shows she's a female. To her left is the figure of a larger console visible, barely some of its screen would be shown. What seems to be a stasis pod, which is open and hanging in a metal form for arm, is visible revealing the inside of it. The unit reaches onto her back and slings a single larger weapon off her back, laying it out of sight of the camera. Followed by, she reaches down to her belt, unholstering what seems to be revolver, classified as the magnum .357 caliber and lays it slightly in front of herself, clearly visible on the camera.
The unit reaches up to her mask, moving her hands behind it and seems to press something in. A small click and a slight hissing sound of air, is heard as the face mask is released from its lock. The unit reaches forward, letting the mask slide of her head, placing it on the table to the left of the magnum.
As the mask is taken off, hair falls down, surrounding the face of the female unit. Her hair has a slight dark blond color, covering the left side of her face and what seems to be a pale skin of the female. Her eyes has a hazel color in them, yet a dark green glowing color is dominating most of her eyes as she stares into the camera. She stares coldly into the camera, not appearing to care for what’s going on. 
She stretches her arms out, letting out a slight yawn as if she was tired, before she lets her arms drop back down, folding down onto her lap. She leans backwards in the chair, turning slightly to her right on the chair and lifts her feets up on the table. As she starts to speak, the sound of mechanics is barely audible, giving her what appears as a slight robotic voice, yet she would still have the normal human voice. As she starts to speak, a slight danish accent, mixed up with a British is audible.**

<::|| This is sectorial commander, two-seventy-seventy.
It’s been a long time last time I made one of these video logs… I’ve been… Busy with a few things though. Now, let’s see what have happened since last time.
Alright, so we’ve got the reformation of the entire civil authority. I suppose I’ll start out with that.
First off, we’re now using sections instead of divisions and we’ve replaced a few ranks instead of using the old ones. Instead of having commanders, we now have sectorial commanders and the divisional leader rank have been completely ‘wiped’ out.
Instead of commander of GRID, I’m now classified as Sectorial commander zero, unit two-seventy-seventy. I belong under section zero, the command section together with the other, old commanders. Well, those who’s still alive at least.
Secondly, we’ve got section one. That’s the ‘croot’ section. To be more specific, that’s the old UNIFORM division. Section one contains every recruit we’ve got coming in and they’re supposed to train those units. Sectorial leader unit, oh-thirtyone-oh-nine. My old idol and the one I was looking up to, now stands for the recruits. Poor them. At least they’ll come out into the ‘wilderness’ hardened from their training.
Then we’ve got the ZEALOT division, which is now section two. Internal affairs and whatnot which section commander, oh-oh-six-twenty-one is leading. A unit I’ve had an eye on have progressive extremely well in that section. I admit, I enjoy watching her work and her citizen interaction though I do not have the time to take much care of it. I hope she’ll stay in the Civil authority for a long time. I’d rather hold a funeral for her, than three-fifty which died earlier… I’ll explain that further on in the video log though.
The old APEX division still exits, yet that is now section three. They are ground forces. As always, I enjoy having those around, with my own units. Section three is going to be our main, primary force… Yet my own ‘section’ got most of the units for now. I’ll get to change that though, hopefully. Also, a unit I’ve held my eyes on, two-eleven is now the leader of section three, Sectorial commander two-eleven-oh-oh. I’m happy to work by my side, with the rest of the sectorial commanders.   
The two other divisions, NOVA and GRID, we’re now one big section. Section four, containing two divisions. Interesting, I must say myself. As I’m leading it and we’ve got two old divisions in it, we’ve got two officers leading the two parts. Those are the old NOVA divisional leader nine-thirty-eight and the divisional leader of GRID, four-ninety-five. The two old divisions now have their own ‘name’ in our section. NOVA is now the support side of section four, while GRID is the logistic part of section four. People can guess to themselves why.
So that’s basically what happened to our old divisions. Oh right. Instead of having one unit standing above us all, we’re now a council. Our old sector leader, seventy-one-eighty-one-three, made suicide during a meeting we had. So instead of choosing a new sector leader, the remaining sectorial commanders –or at least the ones being there- agreed on making a council. That would be me, the sectorial commander of section two and the sectorial commander of section three.

Not long ago, barely a week the City Administrators decided to hold a ‘teaparty’ inviting citizens to attend to it. I decided to take a ‘visit’ to the meeting, after unit four-ninety-five brought the citizens there. I’m now in the knowledge that the citizens only came there for food and merely to talk with the city administrators… I only saw one communicate with one of the Administrators, while the rest bugged around the table and ate. Though, I must admit their couches is something else than our tree benches and metal beds. Really comfortable.
After the teaparty, a ration distribution was started. The six citizens who were at the meeting came in first, to get even more food. I was that close to rip it out of their hands and say they already have had food enough for the day. What I didn’t notice was something I regret. This is where the death of three-fifty comes in. During the last person, a louder explosion came from inside of the booth stations. I decided to get outside to see what was going on, having the rest of the units’ shortly after outside with me. Apparently, unit three-fifty had a bomb thrown in his face, which contained a specific gas classified as Chlorine gas. Three-fifty died nearly instantly due to shrapnel shredding his body to pieces, which seven-seventy-seven carried outside having injuries herself. I immediately carried seven-seventy-sevens body inside, while authorizing two-thirteen to get an APC out and running.
Seven-seventy-seven recovered shortly after. Saw her out and running the day afterwards after a smaller ‘incident’. Apparently a bald citizen thought he could get away with a blind male… I caught them, attempting to get away from me near the nexus… It was enjoyable to put a bullet through the back of the blind guy’s head and watching the bald male get beaten down by… I think it was unit seven-twenty-six. Eitherway, seven-seventy-seven came and ‘complained’ about my behavior regarding treatment of the blind male… Apparently it wasn’t helping the civilian ‘interaction’… I couldn’t care less.

That would be all from me… For now. Sectorial commander, two-seventy-seventy signing off. ||::>

**The female unit, reaching out after the mask once again. She grabs hold it, lifting up and places it back on her face, covering it up. A single, slight click is heard, as the mask clicks back on and the two lenses glows up with a dark green color. She reaches back down, grabbing hold of the magnum, moving it back down to her belt and holsters it. As she lets go, she glares towards the pulse rifle, before she reaches out after it and a single radio click sounds from the mask. "Any level one malcompliant citizens in detainment? My pulse rifle needs to be checked if it still works accordingly.” As she finishes speaking, a single click confirms the message has been given to the rest of the CCA.
Afterwards she slings the mask onto her back, a slight laughing coming from the mask, before the radio click is audible again. "Copy that... I'll find one outside then." She looks back down on the camera, the mask showing no emotion. After a few seconds she turns around, starts to move out of the camera view. Just before she's out of view, the camera shuts down and stops recording."

Saving File As:
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting UU.S0.27070.
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 04:25:11 AM by Challenge of death sex<3 »


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