Author Topic: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>  (Read 11963 times)

Offline Zail

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<::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>
« on: July 18, 2012, 10:06:38 PM »
UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

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New Log Opened: Vlog-0001.

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a dark room. Around the unit, several consoles and a single robot is visible. A small click is heard, as the facemask is clicked off and placed on a table, out of sight.
A pale skinned female is visible as she runs a hand through her dark blond hair. Her eyes are a hazel colored, yet they seem cold and shows no pain. Her voice appears to be cold, yet still slightly soft. A small Danish accent hangs in, as she speaks. **

<::|| First log… What should I say…? Oh well, been a hard week, if I should say it like that way… Not because it has taken my physical strength, but well. I’ve lost what? Three bloody damned good units and for what reason? Their own bloody stupidity!
The first unit, were that dumb to point a 9mm pistol, towards a high commanding unit.
The second and third unit… I was surprised they were that dumb… They actually went down in the sewers, just to hunt a bloody necrotic?
First of all, one of those units was of high command! I couldn’t believe it went I saw it… If it wasn’t enough, I promoted him earlier that day and he promised me not to fail me… Couple of hours later, he’s lying dead on the floor…
And the most annoying part for me was that we were to receive materials for a synth dropship. A nice droppod, I’ve spoken with city sixty-eight about, if were able to build it for them.
GRID isn’t like back in the old days… My units are dying, due to their stupidity. And I barely have enough, to build the droppod now.
The materials are now stuffed away in the garage, till I can get enough units to start building on it, inclusive myself. I hope I’ll get them soon enough, or else it’s just going to be me and a few units, who are still active.
Oh-five-oh seems active again and yet I haven’t seen him for a couple of days now… I’ll make sure his punishment is going to be harsh, if I find him sleeping around or running around as civilian. No doubt, it’s going to be harsh…
Oh well, I believe I found the said necrotic, during a quick search over our “not used camera’s” placed around the city. It appears to be hiding around in the sewers, probably using the old storage room… I remember an old headcrab canister malfunction, where they stroked down upon our precinct. Perhaps there is one in the sewers somewhere… I need to get the sectorial commanders authorization to go check it out…
For a safety reason, I made the camera capture a screenshot of said necrotic. It’s now stored away in our database.
The last thing, in my mind is what the UED unit came up with. I’m apparently getting accused, for committing UPA with commander oh-three-one-oh-nine. Just because I followed his orders and took a coffee break with him, on his orders.
Perhaps I should get away from the serious stuff… I’ve found myself a hobby. It appeared, it were more fun to throw citizens off the roof, instead of shooting them. That way, I also spare on my ammunition. Perhaps, there’s a bit blood here and there, but who cares? Oh well, the loyalists do, so they can get their points and became a civil protection unit themselves… I doubt I was like them, when I was to join… I hope I wasn’t.
No matter, that’s long ago… ||::>

**The female unit reaches out for the facemask again, clicking it back on. A cold robot voice is audible, as it leaves the facemask, the Danish accent can still be heard through it.**
<::|| Unit two-seventy, going ten-seven. ||::>


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« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 06:45:58 AM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 09:39:22 AM »
//Yes! Finally! An HC unit making logs! This was very good, well-written. I can see you spent some time thinking about what to include, it makes the reader almost sympathetic to the cold augmented DvL...

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 02:39:12 PM »
// The true story; I was bored and enjoyed reading other peoples private logs. So yeah, started myself. I hope people is going to enjoy them? I might keep up the logs, yet I'm not sure if I see the time to do it yet again. I'll think about it.

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2012, 04:24:49 AM »
UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0002

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a dark room. Around the unit, an APC and what appears to be a synth dropships droppod is visible in the background. A small click is heard, as the facemask is clicked off and placed on a table, out of sight.
A pale skinned female is visible, staring at the camera. Her hair, is colored in a nice dark blond way, as it fall against her shoulders. Her eyes are a hazel colored, yet they seem cold and show no pain. Her voice appears to be cold, yet still slightly soft. A small Danish accent hangs in, as she speaks. **

<::|| Video log… Number two.
So what I’ve heard and seen, it appears my high commanding unit is back. He was apparently cloned, after he died… I hope the clone is smarter than the original one, or else I’ll have the pleasure to shoot him myself. For now, he seems okay, yet a bit deaf… Like the rest of the CCA… I might talk to the sectorial commanders, if a small punishment could be given to them… Not listening to their orders, not responding over the radio and basically ignoring a divisional leaders order…
Quite an interesting story today… I was on the nexus roof for myself, when commander oh-three-one-oh-nine joined up with me. We had a nice chat, until a biosignal loss, screamed over the radio. I need a way to tone those down. I’ve asked over the radio if any unit knew anything about it and were to report. The radio was completely silent, I were about to believe all units were dead. Luckily, GRID’s datapad can track a biosignal, so I checked the last known location of all units. It appeared, that oh-eight-seven had gone missing, after the biosignal loos, so I assumed it was her I was looking for. It didn’t take me too long, before I located her in the armory.
I ordered a few units down there to check up on it, if I were correct. What did I expect? ||::>

**The divisional leader slams a hand down in the table, her eyes showing clear hate and her voice continues in a low, threatening voice.**

<::|| I expected units to answer the radio and do what they were told. But what did I get?.. Complete silence over the radio again, yet I knew more than ten units were on duty. It didn’t take me long, before I went in the armory to check up on it, with oh-three-one-oh-nine and as I expected I was correct.
What appeared to be oh-eight-seven was lying on the floor. Her pistol was in her hand and her brain was blown out of her head, against the wall. I quickly ordered a few units down here, yet no one responded… Again… No one answered, before oh-three-one-oh-nine stood in and commanded every unit down here. Quickly, five-six units arrived and ready to fulfill their orders… Two recruits, three officers. They were all told to clean that bloody mess up… We didn’t want a smelling body, laying around in the nexus so I ordered oh-eight-seven’s equipment off, followed by –what she called a body- throwing it into the acid pit.

Well, not long after I was contacted by the acting divisional leader four-seven-nine. She asked me, if I could update her scanner for her, so she could use it again. Why not? Then I had something better to do, than ordering lazy units around… I went to the mechanical operation center and started the updating. It didn’t take me that long, so four-seven-nine quickly had her scanner unit on the roof. She appreciated and for a third time, I respected a person, who’s lower than commander unit status. I rarely see units be given my respect, if they haven’t deserved it yet or else, they do something wrong and loses it again… Like eight-six-four.

I’ve heard rumors running around. Apparently, while I was in stasis a necrotic broke into precinct one and apparently ambushed two recruits, during their patrol. Don’t know what happened to the recruits. What I know, is that our commander oh-three-one-oh-nine took care of it. Apparently he sliced it to death. I’m slightly annoyed, that I haven’t seen him using the sword yet, since I made it for him. Perhaps there will be another time… Anyways, the necrotic was clearly dealt with and units continued their standard directives… Today, I might go ask the sectorial leaders, if I could search through the sewers myself… No need to bring panic in units, if they see a larger swarm of necrotic. Also, a single unit is less noise, than a group of three and five.

Might be what it was for today. ||::>

**The female unit reaches out for the facemask again, clicking it back on. A cold robot voice is audible, as it leaves the facemask, the Danish accent can still be heard through it.**
<::|| Unit two-seventy, going ten-seven. ||::>

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« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 04:27:37 AM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2012, 06:21:44 AM »
UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0002

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a dark room. Around the unit, an APC and what appears to be a synth dropships droppod is visible in the background. A small click is heard, as the facemask is clicked off and placed on a table, out of sight.
A pale skinned female is visible, staring at the camera. Her hair, is colored in a nice dark blond way, as it fall against her shoulders. Her eyes are a hazel colored, yet they seem cold and show no pain. Her voice appears to be cold, yet still slightly soft. A small Danish accent hangs in, as she speaks. **

<::|| Video log number three.

Nothing much has been going on today.
I’ve been walking around the nexus, to check up on units. I must admit, I had my fun with oh-five-oh. There's no way, to make a unit show he's worthy of his position, if you don't threaten him on his life. I couldn't stand yelling at him and aiming my pulse-rifle at him. Best way to promote a unit. Scare them, make them respect you and fear you. Either way, he was promoted to oh-two, when I was done with him. As far as I know, units won’t be good, under weak leaders. A good leader puts himself or herself in respect so their… “Warriors” do what they are told.
Units under a weak leader, gets lazy. We don’t need that in the CCA and I doubt it’s going to happen. I myself am going to be stricter towards units, to train them. Make them learn. Since I joined the CCA, much has changed… Units are getting nicer towards citizens. I remember when we punished citizens harsh, for carrying contraband. Even if the citizens handed it over. Now, units is just giving a “Thank you.” And leaves. I can’t stand watching it… I need to make sure, they get it, somehow and I promise myself, I’ll get a plan.
I find it hilarious… A bloody of-five unit is meaner, than our oh-three units… I might treat that unit better, perhaps… She deserved it… For now. Units don’t know how to set themselves in respect. I only have respect for my equal rank and my superiors. Or else, the units need to set themselves in respect. A few has earned this for now, yet many has lost it again.
Just a single not for myself, before I leave. If anyone fails my trust, punish them. Like oh-five-oh. ||::>

**The female unit reaches out for the facemask again, clicking it back on. A cold robot voice is audible, as it leaves the facemask, the Danish accent can still be heard through it.**
<::|| Unit two-seventy, going ten-seven. ||::>

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Offline xH2OxLowbridge

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2012, 06:34:52 AM »
// Iv loved these vlogs the most:P Keep it up! Their entertaining!

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2012, 06:44:58 AM »
// Oh well, it's getting views, so why not. :P I'll get them up for a while, I believe. :)

Offline xH2OxLowbridge

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2012, 06:46:26 AM »
// Hell, Try and keep them up as long as you can!:') And try to get more promotions while your at it! A higher rank shows a more intereasting story!<3

Offline Scratchie

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2012, 10:55:02 AM »
//Cool idea would be to do flashbacks to when you were through the ranks. Like something triggering the memory.

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2012, 12:07:19 PM »
//Hm... Nice idea, I'll take that in my mind. Thanks for it RTLK. :P

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2012, 12:41:49 PM »
//Hm... Nice idea, I'll take that in my mind. Thanks for it RTLK. :P
Yeyeye. I'm working on mine, starting from when I used to be sec like 10 months ago. :-P

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2012, 07:21:15 AM »

UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0003.

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a dark room. Around the unit, an APC and what appears to be a synth dropships droppod is visible in the background. A small click is heard, as the facemask is clicked off and placed on a table, out of sight.
A pale skinned female is visible, staring at the camera. Her hair is colored in a nice dark blond way, as it falls against her shoulders. Her eyes are a hazel colored, yet they seem cold and show no pain. Her voice appears to be cold, yet still slightly soft. A small Danish accent hangs in, as she speaks. **

Nothing much interesting happened today, barely any GRID units on. Oh well, I had my fun shooting down a couple of 10-103M’s. They couldn’t even manage to stop moving, when ordered to several times, running around and yelling. I find it incredible, that trash can act like that. I’d hope I could get any of those and throw them off the nexus, but they weren’t worth my time and I didn’t have the feeling to run around the plaza, just to tie them up.
Oh well, maybe I wasn’t completely speaking the truth, when I said nothing interesting happened around here. Earlier a female came walking towards me. Some cooky girl with a red nose… Seemed dumb, yet she could actually speak. Well, speak and speak. It wasn’t the best English I’ve heard before, but I understood what she meant. Apparently in precinct one, outside our territory, is a male running around with Kevlar and what I understood was a weapon. I’m unsure if we are to take care of it or not, seeing precinct four is outside our territory and inside another districts. I might as well contact them later.

Seeing I had nothing to do, I contacted my sectorial commander, regarding the single person sewer search and if I could be allowed to do it. I was authorized. I quickly managed to get my items and some extra ammunition, before I ventured down in the sewers. I must admit, I was a bit paranoid. I had the feeling someone kept watching me or was behind me. Every time I turned; nothing.
For once, I actually missed company, but I knew a single person would be more hidden, than a group of two or more. So I kept on going, told myself I had nothing to worry about. I swear, I heard footsteps down here, instead of my own. Not a casual walk, more like limping. I checked all the tunnels, yet I didn’t find anything. I bet I heard a moan or what appeared to be a scream behind me, when I checked the old blocked sewer tunnel. As I expected, there wasn’t anything. Not even footprints. So I ventured back down the old tunnel and into the one, which lead to the new one.
When I came to the water, I stayed on the sidewalk, but I couldn’t miss, seeing the water wasn’t dark blue… It was dark red. Even through my gasmask, I could smell some metallic scent. I made sure the safety was flicked off, before I slowly went through the last part. The first I saw; the storage room was blocked off with barricades. One of them was pushed over and what seemed to be a body, were penetrated through the chest, by the metal foot of the fallen barricade.
I continued my walk inside the old storage room and I couldn’t believe my eyes. As soon as I opened the door, the first thing I saw was a headcrab canister, which had rammed through the ground. The metallic scent was stronger in here, as I looked around. Bodies everywhere and a single headcrab were lying on a table. Again, I had the feeling I was watched, so I stayed ready and flashlight running down the halls. I went inside and made sure my facemask was taking pictures of the room, as I looked around. Seemed like an old holdout for a group of persons.
When I looked through the last part of the room, I swear I heard limping footsteps. I had to get out of there. I took a last picture, before I walked slightly fast out of the room, looking around the corners. Nothing for now, but I could hear a growing moan, longer down the hall, at precinct three. Splashing water and limping steps and moans. I already knew what it was, before it turned the corner. Yet I didn’t expect it. Rotten corpses of what had been citizens came around the corner. A rotten scent stroked through my as they pasted the corner. Organs were hanging out their stomach, sliding against the ground as the necrotics moved. Their stomachs snapped after me, as they spotted me, their claws lashing through the air, as they started limping towards me. I had to get out of there and that was now. Perhaps I had my pulse rifle, but I wasn’t down there to shoot, only to gather information’s. I quickly turned on my heels and sprinted down the tunnels, back towards precinct one.
Mission succeeds, if I can say. I’ve gathered the information’s, but I have no idea how many necrotics is limping around in the sewers or precinct three. I bet it won’t take long, before we hear of another necrotic yet again.

Back from that boring stuff, I assume I should had shot one of them down, to lower their numbers… Perhaps I should, but I didn’t care at that certain moment.
I’ve noticed a recruit today… The casual one.
Recruit Eight-two-six. How long have he been in the CCA? Can’t remember, I just noticed him. He was standing outside with me, with the authorization. As he was, he was quiet unsure what to do apparently and I couldn’t stop yelling at him. He actually believed there were jackets in the nexus. Bloody idiot, they are in the UCH. I had the feeling to give him a “reminder” before the citizen left him. But well, took myself in it and allowed both of them to walk off. Apparently the recruit turned to a newly arrived male, while a female stood in queue for a bit time. I instantly corrected him and it didn’t take long, before the recruit and the citizen spoke.
I see potential in that recruit. He just needs the correct training, and then he would be a good enough leader. EXCEPT if he didn’t get himself a brain, which he clearly showed he didn’t have, when we were outside. He reminds me of myself, when I was a recruit. Young, didn’t know what to do, were afraid of higher ranked, fulfilled the orders, without asking. If he turns out as I hope, he would be a good unit. I hope he lives up to them. ||::>

**The female unit reaches out for the facemask again, clicking it back on. A cold robot voice is audible, as it leaves the facemask, the Danish accent can still be heard through it.**
<::|| Unit two-seventy, going ten-seven. ||::>

VLOG-0003 ATTATCHMENT:,RrVmL,jvAdu,Q6PMu,aF4wj,pRb7s

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2012, 11:18:36 AM »
Gee, nice job yelling at me and shooting me :>
HL2RP Characters:

C45.CCA.GRID-03.826: Alive

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2012, 05:01:41 PM »
Gee, nice job yelling at me and shooting me :>
You joined GRID right? Get used to it..  8)

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2012, 05:05:13 PM »
>That feel when you know 270 will never pin you down and dominate you because you joined APEX


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