Author Topic: Unit 091's Character Profile  (Read 1797 times)

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Unit 091's Character Profile
« on: October 29, 2012, 09:05:03 PM »
Character Name: Alisa Hallows
Previous Name(s): Unit 091, Hailey McLinn
Citizen Identification Number: -Unknown-
Physical Description: ||Short Brown Hair|Deep Green Eyes|Red Shirt and Jeans| Bandaged Head|Clinic Armband||
Gender/sex: Female
Age: 24
Before official and/or unofficial faction: Combine Civil Authority
After official and/or unofficial faction: Rogue Units/Refugees
Country originated from: United States of America
Current location: Ineu Pass
Accent: Eastern United States

Hair color:Medium Brown
Eye color: Deep Green
Face marks (i.e. scratches, bruises, scars): Scar over left eye, two long cuts across both cheeks, large burn on left cheek.
Hair design (short cutted, ponytail, etc): Loose, ragged, short-cut (five and a half inches)

Mental good and/or bad skills:

Mental strong points
-Strong Willed

Mental disadvantages
-Lacks most emotions
-Constant Fear ofOverwatch

Physical good and/or bad skills:

Physical strong points
-Physically strong/built
-Trained reflexes
-Generally Increased Physical attributes

Physical disadvantages
-Suffers from withdrawal of steroids
-Under functioning liver

Character look-a-like image:
Spoiler for Image:
-empty as of current-

Character fitting music and/or song:
Spoiler for Music:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Head: Bandages covering majority of head
Torso: Men’s red t-shirt
Front of the torso: Average clevage size
Arms: Various cuts and abrasions
Hands: Bruised Knuckles
Legs: Worn blue jeans, men’s fit
Feet: Worn brown hiking boots.

Weaponry: Five inch combat knife, Union issued
Equipment: Standard first aid kit
Known authorized items: Above items.

Spoiler for BACKSTORY:
Spoiler for Part One:
5:38 AM. The morning air was cool and vacant; a long strewn silence carried throughout the city as its inhabitants basked in the winter sun. As the concrete lay bare, awaiting any form of true movement, the nearby grass glistened with fresh dew. What an ideal morning, 091 thought, as she took her first steps out of the Nexus. It was almost like a new world, something completely unfamiliar to her. The ever looming darkness of City 45 was nothing in comparison to this.

5:39 AM. Moments after stepping out of the strange, but somehow sensible comfort of the Nexus, a realization comes to her mind. “How different will this really, truly be?” she asks herself. After all, it’s just another city. Only months ago, she had helped reform the entire medical division of the CCA in charge of the city. It seemed so similar to her old city then. But something had changed; City 38 was not the same. She glared around the plaza, looking for some form of evidence that could lean her in any direction possible.

5:40 AM. A familiar being strikes her memory alongside a pillar near a building in the plaza. Have to narrow it down. Male, definitely a male. He’s clearly not wearing a citizen’s uniform, rather some sweats and a torn grey t-shirt. Roughly six feet tall, shorter hair. Then he looks up. Her eyes lock onto his, and then she knows. He smiles at her, followed by a suggestive wink. She blinks, and he’s gone.

5:41 AM. “Unit 091 is now 10-50 in Sector One.”
Spoiler for Part Two:
Darkness sweeps across the sky above City 38. As almost all life lurks away behind closed doors, a fateful few remain. These are those who will determine what will transpire in the next day. They are the ones who will have the real impact on the daily happenings of others. During the darkness, the night. So much potential.

It’s 091’s first night shift. First week as a unit in City 38. Everything has been generally the same as City 45 in a broad sense, but there’s just some minor difference. Something isn’t right at all. It’s as if the darkness that looms over the city isn’t the only thing representing evil potential. The air carries it as well…

The first step out of the Nexus is always like some form of rebirth. Not a new life exactly, but a new sense of being, a new purpose. As 091 took that step outside, she took a deep breath, and gathered her surroundings. A darkened sky, the chilled touch of the freezing rain. A slight tease of the wind, whispering throughout the plaza, and presumably the rest of the city as well. What a great environment for a first night patrol.

091 wore her standard uniform. A thick, black trenchcoat, with navy blue stripes down along the sides. Concealed by her outer attire sat thick, elite kevlar, tightly strapped to her person. Her feet lay comfortably nestled in a pair of combat boots, black of course. Along her waist rested her equipment belt, donning everything from a stunbaton to a pack of Bicycle playing cards. You never know when they’ll come in handy.

To finish it all off was her faceplate. If the rest of her appearance wasn’t enough to pay respect to her formality her faceplate surely was. It glistened in the street lights with such glamour, and its silvery metal surface shined with the onslaught of rain. Such a sight to see; a unit in such a formal manner with such power in the midst of a storm. She began to walk.

Somewhere around the Sector 4 hardpoint, 091 was supposed to meet up with her patrol group. They were to gather, check in, and proceed with a standard night patrol of Sector 4. Nothing special by any means, just standard procedure. As 091 proceeded to the rendezvous point, her boots were met with constant puddles of water, and her faceplate barraged by water droplets. Her uniform offered little protection against the coldness that closed around her, but she pushed on regardless.

As she approached the hardpoint, four figures began to form from the darkness. At first, they merely appeared as objects within a storm. But wait, they were surely human. As she grew even closer to them, she smiled as she noticed their units’ attire, figuring them for her patrol group. They all appeared decently armed and equipped but none of them had the appearance of a higher ranking unit than she. As she approached, they all came to a weaker form of attention, causing 091 to stop and look at them.

“Evening, 091 ma’am. Whaddya’ say we start this patrol?”
Spoiler for Part Three:
“At ease units” said sternly as she inspected the units, looking more closely at their ranks, gear, and digits. The first of the four was around the same height as her own, and had a male figure. He donned an MP7 in his hands, along with a ‘GEAR-02’ armband along his right arm. He had a somewhat relaxed posture, but also had a proud sense about him. His digits were clearly labeled along his chest, reading ‘434’.

The next unit along the line was a bit taller than they were, being somewhere around six feet in height. This unit was clearly a female, with her feminine curves giving obvious signs of her gender. She had a clean pressed, purple armband labeled ‘STEEL-02’, and was equipped with a standard SPAS-12,  and two 9mm SICP’s along either side of her waists. She had a strong appearance to her posture, more intimidating than the rest. Her digits were ‘053’.

The third unit in the group was around 5’8”, being shorter than 091 and 434, but much larger in his stature. He appeared to have larger muscles than most units, and a generally bland uniform to go along with it. He donned a ‘STEEL-03’ armband, similar to the taller female unit directly at his side, although his numbers were ‘890’. He was equally armed, but seemed a bit more relaxed than 053 did.

The final unit in the group was rather short, probably scaling in at around 5’7”. He was rather skinny for a unit, and merely carried a pistol and a stunbaton as his means of enforcement and defense. His stance appeared a bit hunched, and his demeanor was that of a nervous recruit. However, his ‘XENON-04’ armband threw her off. He was in her division, somewhat of a good thing for her opinion of him. But an ‘04’ like that? It seemed rather odd.  His digits were ‘422’.

“Alright, so; I’m sure you’ve all been briefed on our mission, but I’m going to review it for the hell of it.  We’re charged with patrolling Sector Four for any suspicious activity for the next three hours. Anything out of the ordinary is to be investigated, and then reported to High Command. If we’re to be engaged at all or meet some other forms of resistance, we’re to pull back, and call in Overwatch support. Understood?” 091 quickly explained to the group. Of course, they all nodded back reassuringly. She sighed quietly behind her mask, looking over the group once more before turning to the hardpoint.

“Right then, let’s move.”
Spoiler for Part Four:
The patrol went fine that evening. A few suspicious actions were reported and presumably dealt with by ‘SHADOW’ officials. No members of the group were harmed, or confronted with any true forms of resistance. However, the one odd thing that occurred was the actions of the small, nervous unit, 422. He was looking around curiously during the length of the patrol, clearly scouting out the area for something. None of the other units seemed to notice, but 091 did. She avoided the topic during her report to High Command, but didn’t leave the topic along forever. Two days after the patrol, she walked down the hallway of the medical portion of the Nexus, pushing through the double doors of the Research Labs once she’d arrived.

“Afternoon, 422” she said blandly as she entered the lab.

422 fumbled with some beakers over a hot plate, turning around frantically to view 091, straightening his hunched posture, flinging his feeble arm to his brow. He stumbled out upon a “Good afternoon ma’am”.

091 chuckled lightly, pushing off the front table of the room as she pushed the door closed behind her. She casually strolled towards the station where 422 was working, peeking over his shoulder to get a view of his project.  Of course, 422 shook lightly as she inspected his working, giving a silent gulp as she turned to view him.

“What exactly are you working on, unit?” she asked politely.

422 swallowed once more before turning to the station, speaking as he shakily went to work again. “I-I’m developing a p-pigment adjusting concoction for a-agents for SHADOW” he mumbled.

091 tilted her head, rubbing her chin, “Pigment adjusting? What do you mean by that?” she questioned, talking with a rather confused voice.

“I-It’s going to allow them to i-inject a specific pigmentation into th-their eyes or hair follicles to change the co-color. “

“Huh, that’s pretty interesting. How far along are you currently then, 422?” she asked, clearly interested in this ‘project’ of his.

He shaked his head a few times, scratching it before turning to her with a rather nervous, and partially embarrassed expression. “Well, it-it’s pretty much finished now. I’m j-just creating a color mi-mixture” he mumbled once again. 091 smiled, shaking her head.

“Well then, I suppose you wouldn’t mind me trying it out then, would you?” she playfully asked as she gave him a nudge in the side with her elbow. He shaked his head vigorously, “No, no ma’am! Not at all!” he said quickly, rushing over to the cabinet at the end of the room, withdrawing a collection of syringes. While he did so, 091 pressed in the clip along the side of her head pulling of her facemask with a hiss of air. She set it on the table next to one of the operating beds, sliding on top of it.

“This better not make my eyes bulge up, explode, go blind, or something along those lines!” she firmly said as she pulled back her sleeve. 422 stepped over to the table, setting down a tray filled with items. Her grabbed an average sized syringe, pushing into a vein along 091’s left arm.

“Don’t worry, it’ll work, I think…” 422 said as 091 faded into darkness…


The plaza, City 45. 091 is leaning against the pole along the steps, a somewhat familiar place to her. She looks around, somewhat  confused. The streets are empty, no signs of life whatsoever. No sounds, only quiet. She blinks, looking around only to see the familiar male from a few weeks ago. A torn grey t-shirt, sweat pants, six feet tall, short hair.

“Hey, hey you!” she yells, running towards him. As she does so, he looks to the side, a look of horror growing across his face before he turns to 091, running towards her. They collide, and he slams her to the ground.  A loud crack booms across the plaza, and bright shell slams into the man’s side. A rush of red liquid begins to rush across 091’s face, followed by darkness.


“He-hey, ma’am? A-are  you alright? Please don’t be dead!” a familiar, nervous voice says.
091 rubs her forehead, slowly leaning up and groaning. She curses, standing their while 422 can only stand there, looking in awe at 091’s face. “What are you starring at?” she asks.

“It works!”
Spoiler for Part Five:
Turns out 422’s project worked after all. He’d managed to change 091’s eye color to a dark green from blue, and back again, and then to brown, and grey, and then blue once more.  Also, any new hair growing from 091’s head was ending up a medium brown shade, as opposed to a brighter blonde one. It worked rather well, but wasn’t fully released until ‘any potential harms to health’ could be discovered over the course of a few months. During this time, 091 continued to have more dreams about the mysterious man, usually ending up with him being shot by an Overwatch sniper rifle. It was rather strange, but she couldn’t remember the man, nor the event happening ever in her life. That is, until one night…

The dream hadn’t really changed at all. Same plaza scenario, same appearance of the man. The one difference was the reverse spots of 091 and the strange man. She stood in the open, looking around in a confused manner until she found the man, tilting her head. He looked at her with horror, running forward with the haste a man would have for his wife or child.

“Hailey!” he shouted.

091 jerked awake, her entire leaning up as she breathed heavily, her heart pounding like thunder.



091 burst into the research lab the following morning, pacing around like a mad woman. 422 looked at her in a confused fashion, setting down his materials, beginning to approach her. As he did so, 091 whipped around, grabbing him and pinning him against the wall.

“What were you looking for on that patrol!” she questioned, anger clearly in her voice.

422 shrieked, groaning in pain as he tried to wriggle from her grasp.

“I said, what were you looking for on that patrol!” she shouted again.

422 only continued to wrestle from her grasp, squeaking out a quiet “nothing” before having the breathe knocked out of him by another slam against the wall from 091.

“I’m going to ask you once more. What. Were you looking for. On that patrol.” She said sternly, with complete seriousness in her voice.

422 choked out, gasping for air as 091 dropped him to the floor with a thud. 422 grasped his chest, looking up to 091.

“A way out…” he mumbled.

091 nodded. She wasn’t truly that surprised. It all added up. His nervous behavior, lack of interaction with other units, and projects related to blending into the society of normal humans. He was planning to quit and escape, a luxury units didn’t have. She pulled him off the floor, setting him against the wall.

“Look, here’s the deal. I know what you’re planning, and I want in. You change my appearance, and I’ll do yours. Then, we’ll get the hell out of here together” she said quietly to him.

422 looked up at her in shock. He blinked a few times before violently nodding his head, swallowing as he strolled over to an IV pump connected to a system of bags and containers.

“Well, in that case, let’s get started, shall we?”
Spoiler for Part Six:
It’d had been nearly two weeks since the confrontation in the lab. Both 091 and 422 managed to change their blue eyes to a deeper shade of green, and 091 had altered her hair color to a permanent shade of brown.  Through 422’s Dialysis-like machine, the two had also managed to filter through their blood systems, leaving low traces of indicating agents within their blood stream. The two had also reviewed possible routes to take on their eventual fleeing from the City while on patrols through Sector Four, eventually choosing an above ground route over the sewers.

Everything was coming into place. They’d altered their appearances, chosen a route, and had a location; the Ineu Mountains out City 45, not too far away from City 38.They would make it halfway through the city, ditch their gear for citizen’s apparel, and carefully make their way out. In seemed all good and planned, and at least worthy of giving a chance for a perfect escape. But it was not to be so…


“Units 091 and 422 heading out on daytime patrol of Sector Four; Directives are to search for and report and suspicious activity in the area. Departing now” 091 radioed in, walking along the plaza sidewalk with 422. The pair appeared perfectly normal; geared up like any normal unit would be and going through their daily activities.  They strolled towards the hardpoint to Sector Four, looking at each other.

“Well, here we go. No turning back now” 422 whispered through his facemask. 091 merely nodded as the two turned to face the pathway, walking along the streets into the district…


“This is units 091 and 422, we’re in pursuit of two malignants believed to be in possession of Union-harming technology. I can’t get a good visual on it, but it appears to-“

091 smashed her radio against the wall.  422 dropped his radio just across the alley, dispatch chatter clearly asking for some kind of response from the pair. 091 nodded to 422, and the two quickly ran through the backdoor of the apartment building adjacent to their position. They looked to their right, kicking open the first door to their left.
The occupants, a female and a male, jumped in surprise. The two were sitting on a couch, holding hands as they stared out the window. 091 nodded politely, looking to the two, “We’re going need to borrow some of your clothes” she said in a plain manner. The two merely started silently, with a mixture of awe and fear across their faces. 422 walked into the room, opening their drawers, He rummaged through them for a few seconds before tossing a uniform to 091, and pulling one out for himself. The two citizens sat quietly, shaking slightly as the two, strange units invaded their space. 091 inspected the uniform quickly, tossing  a bag to the man.

“The entirety of my salary. You didn’t see us here.”

The pair nodded quietly, still clearly in shock from what they’d just experienced. 091 nodded to 422 before they rushed out the door, shutting it behind them. The door merely flung back open, leaving the pair to look to each other in fright.

“Alright, this sewer will take us straight towards the Eastern wall. We can hop the border of the city from there” 422 spoke assumingly to 091 as the two rushed to the nearest manhole. The pair reached the manhole, lifting it up with some difficulty. After they’d slid it out of the way, 422 quickly slid down the ladder into the darkness, followed by 091 taking a few steps down. She quickly peaked up, looking around before pulling the manhole cover back into place, descending the ladder into darkness.


“God it’s dark down here” 422 muttered as he fumbled around with his gear, trying to change into the citizen’s uniform he’d just received. 091 flicked on her flashlight, holding it in her mouth as she struggled as well to fit into the uniform. Unfortunately for the two of them, the uniforms didn’t actually fit all too well. 422’s uniform was rather baggy, and the pants kept sagging to his feet. 091’s uniform was rather tight, restricting her movement to some extent. She yanked up on the pants, barely managing to get them to fit around her waist.

The two left the majority of their gear along the ground. The kevlar, uniform, weapons, equipment belts, etc. All left along the ground. 091 grabbed a hold of her medkit, while 422 pulled out his combat knife.

“Ready?” he asked, holding the knife out. 091 nodded, swallowing as she held out her arm. 422 pulled up her sleeve creating a cut along her arm. He pulled back his own sleeve, then, repeating the same process in the same location. He grinced as the blade ran along his skin, blood beginning to pour out along his forearm to the ground. After a few moments, 091 handed him some gauze, cutting it off with her own knife after he’d taken enough.

“It’ll have to hold us till we get somewhere safer” she explained. 422 nodded as he quickly wrapped it around his forearm, tying it into place. The two rushed down the dark tunnel, growing closer to their escape…


Light. The two had finally climbed out of the service tunnel, arriving near the Eastern border wall. 091 reached down the small manhole, pulling 422 out into the small alleyway the tunnel had put them out onto. They looked out in front of them, sighing in relief as they spotted the small hole in the wall where they could make their escape from. 091 smiled, rushing ahead with 422 at her side. After about a hundred meters, they arrived at the bent shipping crate that would allow them to reach the whole. 091 climbed up with ease, viewing the hole before turning to view 422.

“I can see the outside! Just a bit further…” she said as she reached down to grab hold of his extended hand. She hoisted him up, brushing off her hands before merely taking an elevated step to the small hole, crouching down to slide through. She turned around, extending her hand to reach for 422’s. He grabbed her hand, smiling as he got view of the outside.

A volley of cracks echoed through the air. A loud screech came from 422, blood splattering upwards along 091’s arm. She felt his body go limp for a moment before releasing it, leaping off the ledge to the ground. She quickly jumped up, ignoring the blood running down her scrapped knees. She ran, breathing heavily as she sprinted through the tree line, receiving cuts and scrapes from braches, thorns, and the realization that 422 was dead. But she kept on running, not stopping for what seemed like hours upon hours. Was whatever shot 422 chasing her? Was it Union? Was it the citizen’s in the room? She had no idea. All she knew was that she was not quite to freedom yet.

Not quite yet.
Spoiler for Part Seven:
I can’t remember what love feels like. I can’t remember such a compassion ever being felt for a human being. All I remember was confusion, and anger. I remember the faces of all those who fell at my hand, those who lost their freedom because of me. But no one every losing their freedom for me…

422 was a brave soul. He wanted more than I ever wanted, believed more than I ever believed, loved more than I ever loved. In some ways, I feel like he’s what my husband was like. Of course, I can’t remember Mark much, aside from his name. But I feel like I’m doing the right thing for once. I can never make up for all the mistakes I’ve made in my life. All those people can never be forgotten, and I will never do so. For every life I’ve taken, I will make one better!

I write this as I look onto Ineu Pass, a community full of opportunity. But not for me, for Alisa Hallows, the new me.
She’ll be living the life I wished I had. She’ll be living life in the way that 422 and Mark always wanted me too.


Credits to the makers of this stuff. Elions, Statua, Tray, Frolie, Doctor, all yall  :-*

Also be sure to check out this thread for edits to her journal and such. Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 09:35:27 PM by Lone Wanderer »

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

  • The one and only.
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Re: Unit 091's Character Profile
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2013, 09:36:06 PM »
Edited with new infomation of 091. Enjoy!

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.


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