Author Topic: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>  (Read 10605 times)

Offline DeathByKittens

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<::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« on: May 15, 2011, 11:56:12 AM »
                                                     Unit: 192
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
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New Log Started: 001
Started in the CCA two days ago. The transition from a mere Citizen to a superior CCA Officer is certainly an interesting one. You see, after I was suited up and shown around the Nexus, I was shown how to detain a citizen. I did this easily enough, filled out the paperwork and all. But then, I was asked, along with another unit, to bring the citizen to "Transit". Transit is the checkpoint in the trainstation. So, we took the citizen there and strapped her to the chair. I wasn't sure what to expect; interrogation, perhaps? Alas, I was soon shown:  a huge laser beam erupted from the machine above the chair and ripped the citizen in half. It was horrifying and surprising. I almost threw up in my mask. (Note: Mask vision is not what I expected, there's even a log of what the suit is doing in the top left corner!). The experience was amplified by the laughter of the other units in the room.
But I saw...I saw that being a...well, a little bitch of sorts, was not the way to do what I needed to do. I had no choice but to swallow hard and get on with it.

And damn, was I getting on with it. Within hours of my recruitment, I had been approached and offered a recommendation to a DvL. This was greatly flattering. Even more so that I recieved yet another recommendation the next day. The recommendations were for GEAR and LEGION respectively. During my first day, I recieved multiple types of training, but really, the best training was simply listening to the more experienced units and mimicing them. Near the end of my first day, the CCH was locked down. I was instructed to clamp the foremost door. I did this well, holding 4 citizens at the lobby. I had them searched and obedient within 5 minutes. I held them there until I was forced to beat a woman for malcompliance. Unit 707, a heavy-duty member of the RAZOR unit (A bunch of...utterly hard fuckers, not the sort of guys I would mess with armed with a nuclear bomb.) took the woman away mid-beating and took her to detainment. As the situation in the CCH wrapped up and I beat a second citizen for malcompliance, 707 instructed me to report to detainment. I did this promptly, taking the second citizen, whom i'd been ordered to throw in the furnace, with me. The citizen spat at me as we walked through the nexus. This really hit a spark with me. I was no longer a citizen. I shouldn't care about those who treat me as a CCA Officer. After all, that's what I am; another anonymous unit tasked with casting fear and discipline into the hearts of citizens.

Anyway, I threw the citizen in the furnace, as instructed by a DvL. I walked away feeling...nothing. I did not smile, but my mood did not falter. I met 707 in the torture room, to be greeted by the sight of the woman strapped to a chair. 707 destroyed my empathy facade right there, "Take this combat knife and slice her big toe off. Then force her to eat the knife." He ordered emotionlessly. I was taken the fuck aback. The toe..alright fair enough. But to have her EAT a knife? Nevertheless, 707 was a goddamn 01, so I was going to do what he told me.

I entered the room and removed her boot quickly. I..may have apologised as I sliced off her toe. As the toe came away and I swallowed hard knowning my next task, 707 ordered me to stop. He had my exit the room, before turning on the laser and sawing the woman's neck in half.

It was an eye-opening day of fear and learning. It was a day of experiencing power. Sure, I was but a recruit, but I could simply walk towards a citizen and they would shit themself senseless and make haste to get out of my way. I could ruin lives at the flick of a switch. Impressive power, terrifying morals.

My second day...and I already felt like it "work as usual". The day before, we'd had 3 recruits. One, 384, had been a recruit for months and it wasn't hard to see why. To put it simply, he's not the best of recruits. If it were me, i'd have had him amputated a long time ago.  The other, a guy who got not long after me, was 597. 597 feels like a partner. I guess it's because we were doing the safe at the same kinda time, going through the learning experience together. 597 and I seemed on the same level.  I enjoyed it being only us, it felt tight-knit.

But the second day? Oh lord. About 6-8 new recruits poured in. I couldn't even find 597 anymore. They filled the radio with their requests constantly, it seemed like they were a huge wave. And they're not the brightest bunch either, a 647E escaped my grasp today because one of them was in my way and wouldn't move fast enough. 155 seems to be picking it up real quick, but other than that? Urgh. I feel like they'll drag me down with them, that high-command won't notice me for what i'm capable of. I'm trying to augment this as much as possible, although I guess it makes me come off a little cocky. I can't help it, I know what i'm doing and how to do it no matter the situation. I cannot wait till I hit 04. Sure, I may simply be a recruit with a division, but i'll feel seperated from them. I just hope 597 doesn't get dragged down. He needs to get out of there and fast.

I manned rations today, along with two other recruits and 527. Whilst 527 set up the terminal, I organised the citizens outside. I informed them of how they would conduct themselves inside and their punishment should they fail to conduct themselves in the instructed manner. We eventually let them in. Earlier, whilst detaining a citizen, I had heard the name of a possible resistance figure. She was present at rations. I quickly pulled her out of the building after she recieved her rations and searched her. Clean, luckily for her. I returned to the building, the line almost finished. I asked the other recruit to go clamp the door whilst I watched the last 3. The recruit was trying to have someone leave, but was being largely ignored. I swooped over and got that 647E out in seconds, warning him that i'd detain him if he tried to return.  As the last person headed into the rations room, the CWU manager turned up. We quickly let him in and made sure he got his two rations and then closed up the terminal.

I spent the rest of the day training and patrolling. Now I have only my formation training to complete then i'm 100% done with training. Excellent.

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« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 11:59:52 AM by DeathByKittens »

Offline JoshB

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2011, 03:26:10 PM »
Out of Character for OOC:
: (This is 597) You actually like me! Wow, even though I am the fagcroot who mingegrabbed money. But I gave it back, and the only reason I did it was because it had been done to me when I was a citizen.
[CG-SA]Toy4x4funrun: When guns are involved RP = basicly void

Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2011, 04:10:22 PM »
OOC: This is the only log i have ever commented on, for this reason: This is fucking amazing. I really enjoyed reading your log, keep it up!

Offline DeathByKittens

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2011, 04:11:51 PM »
// Thank you<3333 Motivation right there ;P

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2011, 04:20:25 PM »
// I am the one who taught you to detain. I am happy! You are a VERY good Recruit 192, better than I was for sure.
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline DeathByKittens

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 04:22:16 PM »
// You are so, 729 :P Thank you  :)

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 04:56:05 PM »
This is impressively well-written.  :)  Your next task is to keep writing logs like these week after week  xD

Offline DeathByKittens

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2011, 05:01:57 PM »
// Thank you. Week after week? lolno.

Try day after day. ;)

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2011, 05:33:53 PM »
// Best log I have ever read. Recruit logs are more vivid than higher level logs...... but yours was especially detailed.

Offline DeathByKittens

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2011, 06:05:32 PM »
// Thank you Bullet <3

Offline JoshB

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2011, 06:34:37 PM »
// Oh yeah, I forgot to say, this is amazing.
[CG-SA]Toy4x4funrun: When guns are involved RP = basicly void

Offline DeathByKittens

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2011, 06:47:36 AM »

                                                     Unit: 192
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
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New Log Started: 002
Well Well Well. This was most certainly an eventful 3rd/4rth day (I worked an early morning shift).  Started off as always; heading out on patrol, looking for malcompliant citizens. I must've patrolled for around an hour without event. I've found that I can pick up a lot of citizens around the train station and CWU street for tresspassing.  Eventually,I stumbled across a pair outside the CCH, where I was headed. I instructed them to isolate, but they simply walked inside and continued conversation. I followed behind and decided to issue a non-compliance verdict as this, to me, was sheer disregard. And of course, the typical scene occured: the male sticks up for the female. This always seemed to annoy me; that cowards would so easily feign courage in front of a female. Courage, this one certainly portrayed. "Beat me!" He cried, trying to save the female from a Level 3.

And oh damn, were the red light flashing in my head. I ordered the female away and the male to the wall. I tied him swiftly and then delivered a trademark detainment technique of mine; the thigh shot. I kicked his ribs as he collapsed to the ground and dragged him to detainment. Inside, I quickly filled in the paperwork and got into his cell. I hit him a few times until he decided to try and halt me by showing me his CCA application. This was perfect bait. I snatched the application and ordered him to follow me. As I left the cell, I scunched up the application and hit it, replacing it with a piece of paper on my notepad. Of course, the narrow-minded citizen did not see this. I threw the paper in the furnace and 747, literally, punched the button.

The citizen was clearly angered, though he tried to insist that my efforts were futile and that the SeC himself had the original application copy. I took the citizen back to his cell and delivered my second trademark move. Some call it cheap, some call it brutual. I had him spread his legs and then with a swift uppercut, nutshot! Hahaha. The sheer ruthlessness of the act is always offset by the schoolboy-esque feel to it.
Anyway, I feel like I should mention 747. 747, an 02, has essentially been my mentor throughout my time in the CCA. Any questions I have, he answers. Any training, he makes sure to attend. He even recommended me to the LEGION Acting Dvl! I sincerely hope he gets  a big promotion soon. He is certainly one of the best units out there and let me tell you, he deserves it.

And talking of ranking up, it is about time I started getting things in motion. I can't stay as a recruit much longer. They are all so braindead. I even had to teach one how to fill out paperwork yesterday. 537. Had to deal with him in formation training too, total spastic, but i'll get to that soon. Anyhoo, I feel way too restricted as a recruit. Although 04 is not a huge step, I feel it'll remove the whole...enigma of being a recruit. Sure, you're just a recruit in a division, but you no longer seem so braindead. Certainly, if you've made a promotion then you can't be as bad as those of us who have been recruits for months. Not mentioning any names, 384.

I've been given recommendations for all 3 divisions now (Obviously, not counting UNIFORM or RAZOR). Although I still have my recruit time to serve, 509 informs me that some recruits can pass through for outstanding performance. Armed with this information, I plan to approach my DvL and see if I can't cut my time down to only a day or two for promotion. I also have all my training complete, so that's no issue. I plan to join LEGION off the bat. Perhaps if it proves too difficult to rank up in or too mundane, I will consider joining GEAR; 502 seems particuarly eager to get me in.

I also wonder how I must make the other recruits feel. 597 is pretty public about how he thinks i'm too big for my boots. Personally I think he's a little jealous of my progress. He's been with me since the start, yet i'm the one being praised all around for my intelligence, loyality and ability. If I were in his place, i'd be particuarly annoyed. I'd better be a little careful around him.  As for the other recruits? I don't treat them with much respect. They are pretty retarded after all. 155 doesn't seem too bad and i'm sure there are 2 or 3 whose abilities i've yet to witness, but overall, total idiots.

Which brings me to formation training. It started out with 747, 597, 155,537 and I. From the start, I had it. I was standing to perfect formation at any call. But oh no, not 537 and 597. No, these two argued over each position. In all fairness, 537 clearly he thought he was doing it right and dragged 597 down with him.  And then, 509 took over training and god did it get worse. I maintained perfect formation onwards, but their bickering got worse and worse. I became the Element Commander and 509 observed them take formation around me. They constantly failed at this and then 537 promptly went off-duty. Nevertheless, I passed and recieved a recommendation from 509.
But enough about that, I want to move onto the spotlight of this log: The Silver Amarante debacle.

It all started when I went to patrol the CCH. On D floor, a female,Amarante, bumped into me. Immediately I called her out, but she claimed she had not walked in to me. I then asked her if she was calling me a liar. This continued for a few minutes until the appearance of the typical HeroMale occured. I quickly leaped at him and knocked him senseless, tying him up in the process, only to find that the female had ran off. Angered, I dragged the man all the way to detainment, delivered a nutshot and then detained him until I located the female. As I headed back onto the Plaza, there she was. In the confusion, she made another dash for it, and I sprinted after her. I pursued her to the CWU area until, exhausted, I found her in a corner. Oh man, was I angry. I smacked her across the face with the baton until she fell to the ground. I then repeatedly pummeled her, finish by lifting her head by the hair and batoning her head off the ground. I dragged her, unconcious, to the nexus, making sure that every single citizen on the plaza saw me drag her. I threw her into the cell and attacked her again. Before I battoned her in the CWU area, she had ridiculed me. It surprised me that, at this early stage in my recruitment, I could feel such anger towards one who was not so long ago, one of my own. But my was I mad. Just as I filled out the paperwork,  747 shows up with 537 and has me show him how to fill it out. Female decided to get up and berate me whilst I do so. I have 597 go and beat her ass whilst I deal with 537. Eventually, she is mine. A quick radio call and I have permission to administer a level 2. I enter the cell, stunstick drawn.


The verbal abuse continues! No, this isn't actually happening; this...this whore is not this stupid. Reality check, she is. I order her to the torture room and sit her on the chair. I enter the room, with 155 watching from the chair control room. I pace around her, bringing out a pen knife as I talk to her, lavishing praise upon her for her beauty. Suddenly, I lash out with the knife; a huge cut down her cheek. And then I mock her, for her beauty, it is diminished! I then put the knife at her nostrils, asking her to smell the blood, the torn flesh. And then...urgh...I shove it up between her nostrils, cutting the cartilage as I go.It is but a pen knife and does not pierce the bone, but the effect I was after had been achieved.  She screamed in pain,sheer agony. And the worst part? I didn't feel empathy. It seems the bond between citizens and myself is steadily tearing apart. Daily they treat me with disrespect and disregard and it's taking it's toll. Looking back now,the thought of the blade going up makes me cringe majorly. I was enraged. Perhaps a higher-rank should've stopped me, but no one was around. I ordered her off the chair and had her clean her face with a cloth. She did so and then, true to orders, tied it around her eyes and leaned her back against the wall. I paced around her, once more catching her off guard with discussion. And then I smashed down on her knee with my boot.
The crunch was horrifying. Her leg was instantly and visibly mis-shapen. At the time though, it seemed to drive me on. I flicked on my stick and battered away at her injured knee as she slipped unconcious from the sheer pain. I battered away at her, moving up to her back and delivering a couple of shots to the head until 155 cut in and ended my bloodlust. With a grunt, I dragged her back to her cell for 2 cycles. After her time was up, I carried her out of the nexus and dumped her in the street as a small crowd gathered. I quickly re-entered the Nexus, to report for formation training, but it wasn't long before the radio and requester channels were filled with cries for NOVA help.

This really kicked off my harsh reputation. Yeah sure, some people were noticing my brutual beating methology, but this really was the showstopper. It really set me a step above for the other recruits. They all looked at me as if I was a DvL, some even addressed me as Sir. Certainly, I had brought fear upon them. 155 and 537 remarked multiple times that they would make note to never mess with me. Hahaha, i'd dare them to.

597 seemed rather...disturbed by my acts. I suppose, though, it was a large jump in severity. This further increases my worry about him. He's not got to my level of mental cripple yet, though that is to be expected as I think my cold mental state has come from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I'll need to investigate this later, maybe speak to NOVA.
My act upon the female really invigorated my sense of power. 597 has taken to calling me 1902, citing that I act like i'm an 02. Not necessarily that i'm bossy, just that I carry myself like a leader. I am proud of this, though i'd better be mighty careful. It seems like the recruits look up to me. Some even call me Sir without noticing that i'm officially no better than them.
Towards the end of my shift, a Citizen decided to give me and 597 verbal abuse outside of the CCH building and refused to apologise. We marched her to her apartment and had her clean her mouth with soap. After we were satisfied with her mouth, we marched once more to the apartment across the corridor. We announced that cleaning services had arrived and that the female would clean the apartment with her tounge. I soon enlisted the apartment resident to also clean the apartment with her tounge, citing that her mouth was very well scrubbed. We had them lick the cooker clean, but I had no choice other than to leave them with 597 as my shift was over.

And goddamn, what  a hell of a shift it was.

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Offline JoshB

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2011, 10:32:57 AM »
//You weren't supposed to mentions that last part! Now they partially know why I am soap fetish.
[CG-SA]Toy4x4funrun: When guns are involved RP = basicly void

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2011, 10:37:25 AM »
// I laughed so freaking hard xD

Especially the part where you detailed formation training, that was a fiasco hahaha

Excellent log, well done!

Offline Kitten on Crack

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Re: <::||RCT.192's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2011, 10:45:10 AM »
Out of Character for OOC:
"747, literally, punched the button." That was so funny... Also great work.
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