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Backup Sections => Half-Life 2 Roleplay => Archive => HL2RP Development[ARCHIVE] => IC Chat => Topic started by: Dood_D_C on June 04, 2011, 10:51:47 AM

Title: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 04, 2011, 10:51:47 AM
(OOC) I wasn't sure if this would go well in suggestions or IC Chat but I decided this may be the best place for it, if any admins or other people believe this or anything else is in any way in the wrong place or otherwise inappropriate I apologise and I will attempt to rectify such problems when I can
A crazy idea for an event which kept me entertained for a while!

--City 45--Date Uknown--Around Midday--
A body is laying in the Combine Civil Housing Appartment 2A, no signs of weapon violence other than a mark on his head most likely caused by a blunt object, though none are in the area which appear to have been used.

The body is of a young man around 30, caucasian and an all round regular civillian.
(Citizens) Many know him as a rather rebellious citizen, he has always been talking about joining the rebellion and fighting for freedom
(Civil Protection) A man with 3 counts of propoganda and one dropped count of alleged violence towards a citizen which turned out to be a false claim, meerely the man yelling threats but no actual violence was comitted

The appartment has been wrecked, the place is a mess and there are objects everywhere...including an out of place book hidden under the bodies arm, well placed and most likely placed there by the murderer.

The Book:-  The city 20 rebellion
The book depicts the infamous city 20 rebellion and how the combine were overthrown before a public demonstration by the rebels on TV's in most if not all cities, one page has been bookmarked in particular:

The rebellion attacks eventually pressed on to the Nexus building where the Combine Civil Protection made a last stand to defend the Administrator of the city, though it was almost totally in vein as mere moments later, the rebellion strike force penetrated the defenses and arrived in the administration room where the city administrator was captured and tortured by his captors.

Despite the attempts of the combine to get the administrator back, the rebels publicly executed the Administrator with the infamous "Speech of the Damned":

The combine grip on all cities can be shattered! The courage in our hearts shall slay all who dare opress peace and justice! We are the damned! We are the last hope! We are the combines reckoning! Anticitizens, Rebels and scum! Unite and rebel! Rebel!!

(Some of the words have been underlined by a black pen)

--End of Part 1--
(OOC) I have to come up with some ways to follow on after this so, I hope you liked this little lead up of suspense to get ready for the next part, don't worry: The next few parts should be a lot better than this crud
Still, comment and let me know what you think of "The city 45 Conspiracy so far" Or maybe start a comment discussion about your predictions of this mini-series

Peace off
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: [FPSN]Bokslag on June 05, 2011, 12:09:17 AM
Very good. I can't really say much more. I wonder why the words are underlined...
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 05, 2011, 04:09:14 AM
Some of the words underlined on the page seem…..fresher than the others, as if the man or someone else only recently marked them in.
The words that seem the most recently underlined are scum and rebel

Upon further investigation of the room it becomes clear that the struggle remained in the main room and didn’t spread to the bathroom or anything. However, one part of the room seems completely untouched, a small bookshelf. One of the books is poking out of the shelf in comparison to the others. The book is entitled: GearHead by the combine
Again, one page is bookmarked:
But some of the words have been removed with pen scribbles, they are completely illegible

----- are the main protection for the city, but they are very prone to repairs being required, many incidents have occurred in the past and main parts of the ----- must always be acknowledged and understood.
The main plug towards the left power generator is only for emergency lockdowns and is easily rectified from the nexus HQ if it is accidentally turned off, and for any who must turn it off for repairs must ensure the other is completely functional to prevent danger.
The main fueling lines are essential and volatile, they are channelled directly from the nexus and are completely sealed off, no GEAR has touched them yet and with the heavy ------ metal covering on them it is unlikely that they will be touched at all. They are located on the ------- of the panel and shadowed by the secondary generator above it.

There is another page at the back of the book that has been bookmarked but only one paragraph is legible:

--------------- Explosives

This explosive is dangerous to the point of a full danger situation only, it has never been used and is kept for circumstances of threat beyond measure for purposes such as:

The rest is illegible thanks to scribbles

This book is clearly stolen, perhaps this is what led to the murder of this rebel?

A violent explosion is heard outside
Sirens ware
And civil protection are nowhere to be seen....

(OOC) I know it's probably crud but hopefully this will up the tension a bit so everyone can start guessing what's been blacked out and what's going to happen next, again feel free to discuss it or comment on my rubbish work, I hope you're all enjoying the city 45 conspiracy so far because I have the plotline sorted, I'm just finding out ways to twist the plot as good as I can to make it more enjoyable, I also hope to make better puzzles to solve next time.........................Trolls gtfo I don't wanna hear it

Peace off
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Kevin on June 06, 2011, 03:49:13 PM
Isnt that kinda what happened yesterday? Like... A big explosion happened across from CCH, blocking S6 gate, and then all the civis had to clean it up.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 08, 2011, 01:04:19 PM
The city is motionless, but the blaring sirens deafen all who hear them.
A sudden rumble can be heard as the very ground shakes
A defense has come online

"Citizens, proceed to the combine civil housing, exogen breach code red has been announced, non-compliance will result in a non-compliance verdict by civil protection unless overwritten by death"

Exogen are coming....Antlions are coming, Suddenly civil protection flood the streets and banging can be heard from the stairs as they come to keep control.
The footsteps grow closer, the civil protection are coming barking out orders to the citizens
In a flurry of panic, you hide the body and get out of the room as soon as possible to avoid blame
The last thing you need is to be fed to the Antlions for framed murder

As the civil protection come warning the citizens of the danger, the rumnbling stops but the sirens stil ware
The second defense has gone offline....nothing stands between the city and the exogen.

There is an explosion of gunfire and ravenous roars outside, the battle commences
And the CCH shakes from the sickening thud of an Antlion Guard Ramming Headfirst into it.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Vegas on June 12, 2011, 02:04:34 AM
Its sexy, make more.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: YankeeSamurai on June 12, 2011, 02:47:55 AM
Actually, I was thinking about doing some sort of "murder mystery" passive event. Would need a lot of coordination, though.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: JoshB on June 12, 2011, 11:40:06 AM
Actually, I was thinking about doing some sort of "murder mystery" passive event. Would need a lot of coordination, though.
But the citizens wouldn't sit around trying to find out who did it. The CCA would beat the crap out of all suspects until one confessed.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 16, 2011, 06:21:02 AM
Waking up to see a room, you finally open your eyes hours after the exogen breach began, and about 5 minuites after it had ended
The rumbling begins to quiet down in the city, but gunfire still rings true as non-compliant citizens are executed in the city

It's time to investigate further, but first maybe you should check the streets
Might be worth a look at what nearly killed millions

Outside is definitely a close encounter nobody wants, right outside the door there is a dead antlion guard full to the neck with bullet holes and shock marks from AR2 gunfire.
When you come up close to a defense pylon something very shocking is noticable, a civil protection's helmet and uniform abandonned
No unit would dare betray the combine or leave without uniform
Civil protection has been infiltrated

That would explain the faulty defenses, only combine would go near them
And explosion marks on the sector 6 pylon confirm worst nightmares of all who dare to have them
The pylon was damaged by the exact same explosive described in the gear head book

(OOC) Again, it's really short this time but I have a good ol' challenge for you guys
Read through the story from start to finish and see if you can work together or alone to piece together the first few parts to the puzzle
When someone has succesfully solved the mystery, or come close enough I will add the next chapter
I dont want a foreshadowing masterpiece, just some why's and how's
Good luck, now I'm off to come up with the next chapter to this disasterpiece

Peace off Guys
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Monkey with a gun on June 16, 2011, 09:00:34 AM
Actually, I was thinking about doing some sort of "murder mystery" passive event. Would need a lot of coordination, though.
But the citizens wouldn't sit around trying to find out who did it. The CCA would beat the crap out of all suspects until one confessed.

So, the CP's are the detectives who beat the shit out of all the suspects and everybody else stares at the trainstation wall for 30minutes - 1 hour.

Edit : Sorry about changing the subject, this is a very interesting story.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 16, 2011, 02:10:02 PM
Edit : Sorry about changing the subject, this is a very interesting story.

Thanks a lot, it really means something to me when someone lies through their back teeth to make me feel better haha

But thanks for the compliment, I hope everyone's enjoying the story so far
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: JoshB on June 17, 2011, 12:21:40 AM
Obviously someone who had those books murdered a CCA and switched uniforms, then explodorized the pylon and escaped while the antlions came.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: shrimp on June 17, 2011, 03:27:47 AM
I feel like im reading it as a Noir Detective film narrator =P
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Pielolz on June 17, 2011, 10:31:39 PM
Yankee; Gimme R flags and I'd set up murdered ragdolls with evidence slowly leading upto one of my characters. Bullet casings "Effect flags" Knives and such.. I think it'd be fun/1
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 18, 2011, 01:03:09 PM
Yankee; Gimme R flags and I'd set up murdered ragdolls with evidence slowly leading upto one of my characters. Bullet casings "Effect flags" Knives and such.. I think it'd be fun/1

I agree, it would be fun as funny fun fun fun
But it's almost completely a no go zone
For one, we'd have to get everyone to co-operate and i really dont think anyone would give 2 damns
And it's kinda complex, especially since the player will have to draw together the puzzle, which they will have to get PRECISELY right
(And I'm planning some pretty in depth and shocking stuff)

But I guess with a bit of storyline tweaking this could become possible, and I'm sure loads of people would enjoy it

..............Wait did I just compliment my piece of poo work?! 0_0
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: JoshB on June 18, 2011, 02:51:42 PM
If you talked to Yankee and showed you are a good RPer, and told him the whole storyline he might be able to set this up on the server. He is a really reasonable admin and this sounds like a fun event.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: GeeMayn on June 18, 2011, 03:05:50 PM
Why did I read 'freedom' as 'freedome'?

Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 18, 2011, 05:23:12 PM
Why did I read 'freedom' as 'freedome'?

That would be because my spelling sucks
Going to edit it now
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 18, 2011, 05:36:11 PM
Ok Guys!

I'm not sure how, but a lot of people seem to really like this for which I'm very happy
I intended this just to be a bit of fun but a lot of you seem to really be getting into it, which is kind of shocking to me to be honest, it's kinda pressurising
I have to make the next chapter better than the previous and I have to make each part like a real conspiracy, it needs to be complex and thought through but so far it's been dot-to-dot
As I said, I'm trying to come up with some Better material which is why the next part is on hold for a while, so dont get too excited

Now on other matters, a LOT of you have been saying I should make this a roleplay event in the game
Again, I'm honoured that everyone think's that it is so good but I have to be honest
I'm not sure an event like that would go down too well, much less would we do it easily
It would take quite a bit of planning, co-operation and thinking on how to make it interesting

But I suppose if you really REALLY want to see this become an event then show your support on the story
But know this: It won't be anywhere near becoming an event until it is finished so you'll have to work with me as I come up with the new parts
I'm sorry if this seems a downer to you guys but patience is a cruel fate we have to work with, as I said I'm aiming to improve the story beyond the bedrock poo level it is now at, while keeping the plot interesting and complex

But a HUGE Thanks to everyone who is reading the story and showing their support, it really means a lot to me that people are enjoying my work
Be supportive whilst the series unfolds and I hope you enjoy the suspense, the surprises, and the long waiting for the next part, which is sure to come over the course of time writing this

Thank you guys
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: JoshB on June 19, 2011, 12:18:48 AM
I REALLY support this and think you should develop the story all the way, maybe sending it to a few people (ME!) for review. Then give it to Yankee and ask him to help you make it an event. Don't ruin the story for us yet, even if we don't know about it IC.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 19, 2011, 02:24:45 AM
I REALLY support this and think you should develop the story all the way, maybe sending it to a few people (ME!) for review. Then give it to Yankee and ask him to help you make it an event. Don't ruin the story for us yet, even if we don't know about it IC.
So you mean, only do a few parts and leave the rest as a cliffhanger to solve during the event?
That could work actually, and admittadly it would make it more fun
Thanks for your support as well

I'll have to consider it some more but.,..yeah I suppose I could do it like that
But the next part is coming out regardless and it is going to be a fairly large chunk of the storyline
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: JoshB on June 19, 2011, 03:12:47 AM
Well you should do this all IC with the event planned out. The stuff described so far should happen in real time RP ICly.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 19, 2011, 12:53:18 PM
(OOC) Figured it was time to stop building suspense and get this piece o' smelly pat out to you guys
I put a LITTLE more time and effort into this but if you came here expecting a work of art you should have known by the first page you weren't gonna get it.
This should hopefully give some answers to the holes left in the story and give you some more ideas of what could happen next.
So without further rantings here it is! the continuation of the city 45 conspiracy

The feeling of gloom and doom fills the air undoubtedly. Blood stains the roads of this hell city, and only most of it human.

Wether or not someone was murdered in an apartment block not long ago, many were murdered on this street by animals or like animals, it’s enough to drive anyone to rebel.

The dead man was clearly already at that stage, driven to a rebellious attitude and someone didn’t like that. Perhaps this was a combine job? No…they’d be more public surely?

The book “GearHead” details the explosives from the blast as well as the structure of each defence pylon, and their tactical weaknesses. The explosion marks are the most intense around the bottom right of the pylon’s central pad, the covering has been sheared clear off.
Meanwhile at the CWU pylon, the plug on the left of the pad has been closed down so no physical damage has been done

So, a rebellious citizen has been killed most likely, and most ironically, by a law abiding citizen, and it seems some citizen has used the book GearHead to sabotage the defence unit’s under cover as a civil protection unit. Whoever it was has gone now, and there is no trace where who or when.
The explosives used on the pylon are so rare, it would be hard to detect what did them without the knowledge you have, it could make the explosive look like a malfunction
And by using the emergency system to turn off the CWU Pylon, it would take  it down silently without arousing too much notice, until it was far too late.

The Antlion’s were brought here in a swarm, they were released onto the city and someone disarmed the defences to put the city in danger. Someone clearly wanted to clean the streets for good.

Time to investigate some more.

The Uniform is typical recruit body armour, seems as though the body was about a 5”6 and has an armband marked RCT.710 (Any reference to any civil protection unit dead or alive is seriously just a fluke and we’ll try and repair it later)
The body armour has seen a fair bloodbath since the attack, but dried blood marks indicate that this recruit was in action beforehand, very violent action.
The uniform is punctured underneath the neck, and something seems to be in it’s pockets. There is some sort of gross, fleshy ball resembling some sort of heart or glandular sac, but not human that’s for sure
And the other pocket holds some kind of electronic device.
Best not to touch them, CP Uniforms have all sorts of dirty tricks and traps for all you know.

But there is something else, a small piece of paper crumpled up near the uniform. Upon investigation, it’s a picture of a large group of citizens, happy and celebrating something. There is a small stain in the corner of it, wet and fairly old but colourless and random in shape.

Nothing else on the body can be found

Meanwhile a civil protection Unit walking nearby can be overheard
“We have a uh possible citizen dispute here, this man is claiming that he saw a citizen WALK into sector 6 and claims to know his identity…he seems a little odd sir, possibly a false claim to……”
His voice trails off

Someone ‘Walked’ into sector 6?

They couldn’t have done it during the Antlion attack, nobody was in the streets to see it.

And surely civil protection would have had guards there? Only authorised people would be let through.

Sector 6 seems to have the answers you need…..guess were you’re going?
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: JoshB on June 19, 2011, 01:31:51 PM
I really think you should have a few actors (man, CCA, person reporting man walking into S6) and a protagonist. As well as an antlion event. This is totally possible in game. Give the actors a setting and you and Yankee and control what they find on bodies, etc.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 19, 2011, 01:34:59 PM
I really think you should have a few actors (man, CCA, person reporting man walking into S6) and a protagonist. As well as an antlion event. This is totally possible in game. Give the actors a setting and you and Yankee and control what they find on bodies, etc.

Me? With powers?! AN ADMIN?! (for a day) THE VERY THOUGHT!! D:
As always Im proud you think this is possible, much more that you seem very dedicated to getting me to do this
I am still thinking abotu it, it woulkd be especially hard to convince Yankee to do it with this pile of garbage
But I suppose if people continue to show such tremendous support it could happen
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 19, 2011, 01:39:15 PM
I'm going to make you all a deal

So many people seem to have fallen in love with the series and this thread is pummeled to death with requests to make this an Ingame event, clearly the apocoloypse is coming because people think my work is good or in the very least interesting

I'm becoming a little disheartened that people don't care about the story, just the idea of it being an event :/

I like to listen to people so, as I said I'm going to make everyone a deal
If you keep supporting the series some more and IF this series becomes well recieved
I will show it to Yankee, or tip him off to come and have a look at it.
That way we can let Yankee decide his verdict on the thing and if he likes it enough I will ask him to make it a roleplay event in game
It may take some planning and time to figure out the whole storyline so I will probably have to first decide on the ending and the rest of the story
But I could always do the event vbefore the ending is published

So lets see what you guys think of my little deal and if it goes over well enough I will talk to Yankee
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: JoshB on June 19, 2011, 01:42:55 PM
I'm becoming a little disheartened that people don't care about the story, just the idea of it being an event :/
Awww, don't be like that. We just like the story a lot and don't want it spoiled until the event (if there is one (which there will be)).
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: {CG}[AR] A_cRaZeD_hObO on June 19, 2011, 03:36:15 PM
I'm going to make you all a deal

So many people seem to have fallen in love with the series and this thread is pummeled to death with requests to make this an Ingame event, clearly the apocoloypse is coming because people think my work is good or in the very least interesting

I'm becoming a little disheartened that people don't care about the story, just the idea of it being an event :/

I like to listen to people so, as I said I'm going to make everyone a deal
If you keep supporting the series some more and IF this series becomes well recieved
I will show it to Yankee, or tip him off to come and have a look at it.
That way we can let Yankee decide his verdict on the thing and if he likes it enough I will ask him to make it a roleplay event in game
It may take some planning and time to figure out the whole storyline so I will probably have to first decide on the ending and the rest of the story
But I could always do the event vbefore the ending is published

So lets see what you guys think of my little deal and if it goes over well enough I will talk to Yankee

DO NOT do this if you feel like you're being pressurized into doing it. Just don't.
It WILL NOT end well for you.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 19, 2011, 04:45:32 PM
DO NOT do this if you feel like you're being pressurized into doing it. Just don't.
It WILL NOT end well for you.

While some people are telling me to do it I guess I'm just being dramatic saying "pressurised"
It's not like my life's in danger if I dont do this, hell I'm more than happy to do this event if people will find it fun or interesting in some way
It might even turn out enjoyable for me to toy with all the characters a little bit while they sort out this massive murder mystery (If I am given any kind of powers during the circumstance this event happens)
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 19, 2011, 04:50:36 PM
Awww, don't be like that. We just like the story a lot and don't want it spoiled until the event (if there is one (which there will be)).

I guess I was pretty overdramatic in that post huh? :/ I just overreacted, it's just a MASSIVE
.....I said MASSIVE ....thanks
A massive surprise, and honour to me that people really like my work and genuinely like it as a roleplaying idea
I never expected this to be anything like that, just a fun little distraction on the forums for people who like this kinda stuff
I don't think I'm quite ready for the spotlight to be very honest
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 19, 2011, 04:57:09 PM
I really think you should have a few actors (man, CCA, person reporting man walking into S6) and a protagonist. As well as an antlion event. This is totally possible in game. Give the actors a setting and you and Yankee and control what they find on bodies, etc.

So kinda like heavy rain? loads of main characters?
I suppose it would be fun to interlock the stories and make a massive event in which each character affects how the others story turns out
But to be honest it's a lot of work and too much thinking
However, there is NOTHING stopping you nor anyone from creating their own version of the city 45 conspiracy from another point of view
Or maybe a whole new conspiracy all together?

If you do just, don't steal all my fans.......if I have any......maybe readers is the better term....or.......bored people
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: {CG}[AR] A_cRaZeD_hObO on June 19, 2011, 05:31:09 PM
I really think you should have a few actors (man, CCA, person reporting man walking into S6) and a protagonist. As well as an antlion event. This is totally possible in game. Give the actors a setting and you and Yankee and control what they find on bodies, etc.

So kinda like heavy rain? loads of main characters?
I suppose it would be fun to interlock the stories and make a massive event in which each character affects how the others story turns out
But to be honest it's a lot of work and too much thinking
However, there is NOTHING stopping you nor anyone from creating their own version of the city 45 conspiracy from another point of view
Or maybe a whole new conspiracy all together?

If you do just, don't steal all my fans.......if I have any......maybe readers is the better term....or.......bored people

Also, I know what you mean when you say you're ready for the spotlight   ;)
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: {CG}[AR] A_cRaZeD_hObO on June 19, 2011, 05:32:24 PM
I really think you should have a few actors (man, CCA, person reporting man walking into S6) and a protagonist. As well as an antlion event. This is totally possible in game. Give the actors a setting and you and Yankee and control what they find on bodies, etc.

So kinda like heavy rain? loads of main characters?
I suppose it would be fun to interlock the stories and make a massive event in which each character affects how the others story turns out
But to be honest it's a lot of work and too much thinking
However, there is NOTHING stopping you nor anyone from creating their own version of the city 45 conspiracy from another point of view
Or maybe a whole new conspiracy all together?

If you do just, don't steal all my fans.......if I have any......maybe readers is the better term....or.......bored people
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: [FPSN]Bokslag on June 20, 2011, 02:48:43 AM
Give me moar... MOAR! Anyway, If this does become an event, My newspaper could write about it!
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 20, 2011, 11:18:42 AM
Hah, slight problem
HL2RP is not city 45 anymmore
It's not big deal though, the story could just as easily be made to work with the new city
There's still a sector 6/slum area and all the iconic areas of the series so far so no worries
And this has not hampered in any way shape or form the chance of this becoming an even
So please, continue to support the city 18 conspiracy
(I may or may not change the name depending if I can be bothered)
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 20, 2011, 11:21:12 AM
Give me moar... MOAR! Anyway, If this does become an event, My newspaper could write about it!

That would be great for the roleplay to have you guys describe the story
And as for the more part, I will probably be adding one more part and then I will be making a final decision on wether or not to go through with making this an event.
Also, I make the stories on microsoft word and then copy paste them and then edit them before posting them
And if i ask Yankee to do it he'll need the full story so I'll have to have some kind of file with the story on it.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: {CG}[AR] A_cRaZeD_hObO on June 20, 2011, 04:25:52 PM
Even if this isn't an event, the newspaper could still write about it.
Like pretend that you're writing the story IC or pretend that it actually happened.
I just think that it should be read anyways, even if you don't do the event.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 21, 2011, 03:27:54 AM
The bid is a-go
As of basically this second posting this, I have completed a quick and basic outline of the city 45....sorry 18 conspiracy
And With the outline finished, I will be sending it along with a small message to the highly reccomended admin Yankee Samurai in a bid to make this an official roleplaying event

Fingers crossed this goes well and I'll let you know
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: [FPSN]Bokslag on June 21, 2011, 03:32:31 AM
Even if this isn't an event, the newspaper could still write about it.
Like pretend that you're writing the story IC or pretend that it actually happened.
I just think that it should be read anyways, even if you don't do the event.
About the newspaper.. To keep it short and simple, Extreme emotional stress does NOT help with being the CEO of a newspaper. I will not let it die though, someone capable will carry on my dreams! In the name of the trollface! ~(:^0)
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 21, 2011, 04:57:28 AM
About the newspaper.. To keep it short and simple, Extreme emotional stress does NOT help with being the CEO of a newspaper. I will not let it die though, someone capable will carry on my dreams! In the name of the trollface! ~(:^0)

*Sniff* Godbless you trollface!
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 21, 2011, 03:04:56 PM
Yankee hasn't responded to the Pm yet so he either doesn't know, doesn't care or just hasn't been online yet
I think it's the third one so, hang in there guys! We'll get news yet
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 22, 2011, 11:29:13 AM
It's looking good!
Yankee replied to the message today and said that if I sent him the plot outline he would review it and give a verdit
He says he really enjoyes the story so far and thinks it would make a great roleplay so, hopefully the event is a-go as soon as he approves the storyline!
I'll keep everyone updated but for now let's pray guys
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 23, 2011, 04:59:25 PM
How would you like to be a mind behind the conspiracy?
The city 18 conspiracy event is confirmed, but we need Actors!
How would you like to be the combine that smashes down the appartment doors?
Or the sector 6 guard?
Or even one of the conspirators causing city 18 havoc?
Well it is possible! Look for the city 18 actor application forum thread in IC Chat and apply today!
Yankee and I will be mainly responsible for picking the actors, good luck!
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on June 29, 2011, 04:59:05 PM
The odds anyone see's this is low anyway but,
This forum and most of the other conspiracy threads are dying if not dead
The event may be called off, we'll have to see
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: [FPSN]Bokslag on June 30, 2011, 02:10:18 AM
Noooooooo! I need this! I want to see this conspiracy! Bump for great goodness! This will not die, Or I will kill...
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on July 05, 2011, 01:40:34 PM
As event day dooms upon us (HOPEFULLY) I decided it's time to save this thread, so I present the next installment to my conspiracy!
Enjoy, and lets hope you guys enjoy the event too when it is finally organised

The town is bursting with noise of citizens and civil protection, the town may well be more alive than it has ever been before.
And yet, the stench of doom and death still linger

A lone civil protection stands by the slum entrance, a citizen lays next to him out cold....Walking past isn't a good idea

The cold air touches your body and the lingering evil lands on your shoulders as you begin to shake from cold, fear and your eager impatience to get into the slums.

It all goes silent and still, you freze on the spot and the world goes flying past.
The civil protection unit walks away from the hardpoint, called by garbled radio transmissions to home
The rush of adrenaline as you take your chance, it makes everything seem a blurred memory

The cold of the tunnels leading to the slums are no welcoming feeling, even colder than dooms fingers themselves.
You arrive at an old abandoned appartment block, empty and silent apart from a stain on the floor...Antlion Blood.
The trail leads through the appartments and up to the 3rd appartment door.
And what's behind door number 3?
A citizen, dead and swimming in blood.

A small crunched up piece of paper is left beside his corpse:

Target 2: You are to be eliminated Eliminated
Terms: Failure
Subject could not cause enough damage with the Exogen breach, exogen repelled and minor civillian casualties.
Failure is intolerable, Cleansing is salvation.

The man behind the exogen breach is dead, but he was not alone

*Creak* *footstep*
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: YankeeSamurai on July 05, 2011, 06:08:08 PM
// This event has by no means been forgotten. It has simply been postponed.
Title: Re: The City 45 Conspiracy
Post by: Dood_D_C on July 06, 2011, 03:07:20 AM
//Yankee speaks the complete truth, don't loose heart the event is still underway.....just at a slow pace
Think of it as half as slow as valve time, so it's coming  just in a while
In the mean time relax on the forums and check out some other cool threads, or join in a forum game
Or maybe just play some Gmod!......I dunno
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