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Messages - M.F.R.Thing

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"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Kronos Anything.
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:59:37 PM »
Quick response.
Therefor I am going to ask more questions.
How old are you?
How tall are you?
Can I have your shoulder width please?
Purple jelly...Never tried it...
How are you?
Add me on steam?
Do you like me?
More serious questions ahead
To you, does good bye mean until tomorrow, or forever?
If you were to write a poem, what would it be about?
The number 7. A lone figure in the shadows. If it were to cry to number 9, would you feel sorry for it?
Can you explain the entire CG community in one word (Not autism), or even a phrase?
What is your favourite genre of music, and what is your favourite song in that genre?
Do you like my questions?
If you were walking down the street, late at night, and under the light of the street light you saw a hooded figure in a black, leather coat and dark blue jeans pull a gun out of his coat, and point it towards an old man passing by him, how would you react to that, given that you somehow knew the gun was loaded, and that the old man was about to be hurt, or worse, killed

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Nicknero1405 everything. (Serious only!)
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:45:20 PM »
Do I know you?
How old would you be, if 3 years were added to your life?
Do you know me?
You're the last person I am giving questions to on my spree. How does that make you feel?
Do you have a job?

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Misty ANYTHING
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:38:45 PM »
Who are you?
Why'd you start this thread, really?
What's your IRL name.
Never post proof.
What colour eyes do you have?
Do you know me (Nope)?
What's your favourite colour, food, and phrase.
How old are you?
Do you enjoy my questions?
Do you like chocolate mint ice-cream?
Where do you live
What's your favourite game
Have fun answering my questions
Will you make me cry ;(
Add me on steam?
Hello again.
How's life going for you, both IRL and on the forums?
Nice name
Bye <3

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Kronos Anything.
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:32:12 PM »
Do you like blue jelly?
Who are you?
Kronos is a weird name. Why'd you choose it?

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Smt Anything
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:28:41 PM »
Do you wuv me?
Do I still get all the cookies I want from you?
This is a LOOONNNGGG AMA, isn't it ^_^
How's our city on planet smt going?
Why don't we talk on steam as often anymore ;(
I liek you

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: ask that guy you all hate questions
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:23:23 PM »
Are you weird?
Do you smoke anything?
Do you like me :c
Do you troll people?
What's your IRL name?
Give me a cookie pl0x
Are you ever AFK?
How high is your electricity bill?
How do you feel about my questions?
Are you wondering how long I could go on for?
Do you like poetry?
I am sad. Hug me ;(
Do you like cookies?
Do you think I am ever going to stop? (NOPE)
Message me on steam more :c
Do you know CPR?

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Challenge Anything (ACA)
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:14:59 PM »
No nickname for me? < / 3
Are you enjoying responding to the questions presented to you? x_x
Stop slacking off school!
Are we friends :D
You're always bored. Even out of school ^_^

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask madfurryrussianthing anything
« on: February 16, 2013, 05:39:20 PM »
Privet! Menya zovut Richard! A vas?

(Can't get Russian characters to work as a keyboard setting, only Serbian which is missing some essential letters)
(and if you're not really Russian, then okay; I just began learning the language)

Phonetical language:

Zdravstvuyte. Menya zovut odna iz nemnogikh veshchey, kotoryye ya niya na « slishkom lichnymi », i ya ponimayu, chto vy ne soglasites? so mnoy, kogda ya govoryu, chto . Tak chto, yesli vy mozhete, prosto pozvonite mne volshebnyy, magicheskiy ili tainstvennogo . I net, ya ne russkiy, eto prosto chast' moyego imeni s dolgoy istoriyey


Hello. My name is one of the few things I ment by 'too personal' and I understand that you wouldn't agree with me when I say that. So, if you can, just call me magical, magic or mysterious. And no, I am not russian, it is just part of my name from a long history.

Haha but that is like, the only question I ment by too personal. (A few others but I dont think anyone world ask of them <3) But atleast I got that cleared first thing, and I thank you for that lol.

"Ask Me Anything" / Ask madfurryrussianthing anything
« on: February 16, 2013, 09:13:03 AM »
Hello. Feel free to ask me anything, provided it is not too personal. I a just putting this up because I feel like it ^_^. I pretty much made this so people can get to know me better, if there is anything they would like to know

Introductions / Re: The lie and the truth.
« on: February 16, 2013, 08:51:24 AM »
I'm glad you told the truth challenge. Not many people would confront it, given they have as many connections as you did. And for that, i admire your courage.
I hope to still play and talk with you, although you left a small crack in mine, and many other's hearts. Goodbye for now, friend, and may we speak another day.

Introductions / Re: Introduction.
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:05:21 AM »
Hello again. I do not appreciate messages from:Yak?² and Hogs. As to alexanderk, thank you :) Sorry for the long response, I was away for longer then expected. I am usually only free for 2-6 days a week, and that is more spread out. By The Way: Believe what you wish, Hogs and Yak?², but the exact date I began to use steam was the 26th December 2012, although I was using it quite a bit earlier, but not as often. Sorry if I had you confused, or still do, and I apologise if that is true. I will still be using names similiar to my brother's (MadThing) on steam, but in odd symbols. Ever since you saw the account with the odd symbols, you know I was behind it  ::)

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Dispatch voices
« on: January 28, 2013, 10:54:56 PM »
Jane. Definetly Jane

Introductions / Introduction.
« on: January 28, 2013, 08:16:47 PM »
Hello. I haven't posted an introduction of my self, although I have been with catalyst for over a year. So, I think it is time to make one...

Well, I mostly play either Garry's Mod or Chivalry: Medieval Warfare depending on which is more populated, and most my time on Garry's Mod goes to Catalyst Gaming's HL2RP servers, and when I'm not playing either of those games, I'm either Away From Keyboard, photoshopping, playing tekkit, or talking, or doing something with my friends....Not much else to say on that topic, so here in a new one

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Favorite Song: Dishonored Theme Song.

My brother was actually the one to sign up with Catalyst Gaming and Steam, so if you know me from 'ages' ago, it is probably not the same person you knew. Sorry.

I think that finishes of a basic introduction, and I hope it helps you know me a little better...Bye, and have fun :)

Denied PK Appeals / Re: Rachel Sinclair's PK appeal
« on: January 17, 2013, 12:57:16 AM »
I can explain why I was argueing in a 'shitty' mood. However, that is not related to this and it is not neccessary. However, I apologise for not noticing that last /me. I did explain that I had been waiting for lunch for quite a while during the argueing (I think, that part is not certain) and, everyone was waiting for me to have lunch...They all got 'pissed off' at me, so I was just leaning and typing in an uncomfortable position, not reading LOOC as I had explained, because I could not wait any longer.

As for the voice thing, I apologise that I am incorrect but you have not covinced me that you should still be able to know where my waist is. I believe you would know where I was approximately, and be able to shoot me, but you did not know how tall I was, if I was even crouching ICly (I think, I apologise if I am incorrect) I would agree with that, but I take it as you were aiming quite low, which I dont think would instantly kill me. You shot me in the head, pressumingly OOCly?

As for the last picture, that relates to the top paragraph of this. I was not trying to be rude by saying that, maybe I should have been more detailed and I understand it but, I wasnt joking about them getting 'pissed off' at me. They ended up restarting the computer, because I was so late, hence that is why I did not talk to you in OOC before posting this.

--I believe you are being quite rude with your responses. I am trying to be kind, but you are obviously not taking it well. I request to talk on steam chat, so we can agree on something in it rather than spamming the forums. It is fine if you do not want this, I am just saying it would be a lot easier. I cannot add you, as I am busy playing terraria with my friend and he is getting annoyed because im typing this.--

In response to what is quoted below, okay. And I do accept the risk, and I was reading your LOOC evidence. At the very end, about 1 minute before I was PK'd, the last thing that happend was when I was killed and PK'd while typing, then my computer got restarted. I was paying attention to the IC side, and I do not believe I was being misleading. I must say again, that I did not read that /me, if you had read the text displayed

Denied PK Appeals / Rachel Sinclair's PK appeal
« on: January 17, 2013, 12:30:13 AM »
Steam Name: ?/G|M@g????F?¥??g?ü?????†???g
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:29229262
Character Name: Rachel 'Splinter' Sinclair
Admin who issued PK: Jonco

Reason for Un-PK:
Okay, I will start from the ending as I always do to give you an idea on what you are about to read. A brief explanation would be: I was PK'd without roleplay actually being carried through.

I joined the server, when there were three people on. All units. I roleplayed with them on my Anti-Citizen character to give them something to do, then once the server filled up, I left to roleplay in P3, as this is a murderous character. There was an area (just outside the exit to P3) full of citizens. I /me'd looking at all their figures, to look at their muscularity in other words. I then picked one man, asking him to come with me into the church. I took him into the coffin. Long story short, I was RPing attempting to knock him unconcious when a man came and walked into the door. (Daniel Slater) I ICly notied him, although did not notice he had a gun so I did not turn around. After getting the man I was attacking on his knee's, while I had a large splinter to his neck, (sharp enough to pierce skin) my character turned around to face the man behind her.

At that point, he said "Stop fighting" and that is all I read, though I did not finish reading the /me, as it actually stated that he was pointing the gun to my waist. We ICly argued, then it ended up in him doing a /me at shooting at me, and it said 'While the gun had been aimed for quite a while now'. (Not an exact quote) I disagree'd that he had it aimed, as I had missed the earlier /me about it, though he soon pointed it out.

I began to argue that in a dark room, with the only light source a small bit of light coming from underneath the door, and the guy had a flashlight which tip was against the ground, meaning barely more light than under the door. He soon asked me not to go into 'technicallities' which I disagree'd on. He explained that he should be able to know where the waist is, and accurately aim at my waste based on that. But, I had done a /me a while back (When I had entered the coffin) saying that I was whispering, and explained that I did it but he was not there when I did it.

We requested Jonco's pressence as we did this, and the guy I was attacking claimed to be a forum administrator, but he wasnt a HL2RP administrator. (cow - hello was his steam name) I soon said that I do not believe that /me should be counted, instead re-done, or voided, and they said that I am not allowed to do that. I had not known that, and personally I think you should be able to void a certain action, if all the users involved agree.

Jonco soon arrived, and I said, clearly that I had to eat lunch in a few minutes. As I was typing, the man shot me WITHOUT roleplaying it, and jonco PK'd it. Im not sure if they assumed/wanted me to post an appeal on the forums or not, but here I am.

Others will have different opinions on this, and I know I have missed details, such as them asking for me to just continue with RP, and the last /me was a repeated one from earlier, but I believe I have stated the major ones. If you request for me to put in ever little detail I shall, but I do not believe they are neccessary. Thankyou for reading :)   

P.S: They also called me a minge, and yes I find that offensive. I kindly ask you to apologise for that message, if it is not too much to ask.

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