Author Topic: Kyysren' Englercs's Authorization Application  (Read 1494 times)

Offline Sniping Hazard

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Kyysren' Englercs's Authorization Application
« on: December 10, 2011, 11:14:26 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Sniping Hazard
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Two Years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: First Generation of Cider Roleplay.

Character Section


Name: Kyysren' Englercs
Age: 126
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
     Xen, a planet far from the Milky Way housed creatures of all kinds. Small or large, hideous or diabolical, it had them. The intelligent species of the planet which created complex civilizations were the vortigaunts. Retaining their appearance and identity of aliens to the human race was very easy, yet they had not known of their existence at all until the portal storms began during the Black Mesa incident.
     Kyysren' Englerc was not born on Xen, instead he was born on his real homeworld. Unfortunately though, the Combine's borders extended past his homeworld and forced him to retreat with his many kin to Xen. They colonized without proper conditions for necessary survival, since the reign of the Nihilanth had forced most of the Vortigaunt species into slavery. But they continued to live and reproduce. For a time there was peace, the Union had not discovered Xen until the portal storms began.
     Kyysren' Englerc worked hard labour under his ruler, the Nihilanth, who was unforgiving to his people and very few were able to overthrow him. Kyys saw that this was not a wise choice, possibly leading to the extermination of his existence, so he served without complaint or resistance. Then, unexpectedly, the portal storms began. A dimension was created in Black Mesa that allowed Gordon Freeman access to Xen, where he killed the Nihilanth and 'technically' freed his kin despite their hostilities against him.
     Kyysren was forced into these portals alone, teleporting from Xen to Earth in nearly an instant where he settled underground. The area was new, but the hard rule of the Nihilanth had forced him to be tough. Adaptation was required, he hunted, ate, and drank what he could. There wasn't much available, but he refused to escape the tunnels which safely hid him during Earth's survival against the Xen creatures.
     Kyysren's first witness of the human species was during a riot. Hundreds spread out, rushing through the traintracks as headcrabs ensnared them. Kyys watched, he felt some sympathy for these men and women. They yelled, the tone in their voices showed pain and misery, but the language was exotic to his ears. The last of them had either died out or escaped, none of them found their way into Kyys's hideout. He was relieved, the humans scared him with their strange technology. The handheld objects they used were loud and bright, the projectiles they fired only complimented that they were dangerous.
     So he stayed, waited, the loud footsteps and shouting above him grew fainter over time. His ignorance of what lied beyond him evolved to a point where he felt detached from his ancestry. He was alone, no others of his kind to assist him in his day by day survival. Even now, he regrets not possibly running into a portal where he could reunite with his family. His vortessence which allowed communication between his allies and to manipulate the powers of nature were practiced often so that in times it was needed, it wouldn't be dulled out from age.
     Finally, the 7 hour war struck the Earth harder than ever. He heard it, explosions, bullets firing and people yelling in agony. Kyys waited, staring at his entrance in the possibility that he may be attacked. A loud rumbling echo was heard through the pipe, he prepared to use his vortessence. But, it wasn't a man, or a synth, or even a headcrab, it was the sound of flowing water. At first it came easy, but then it exploded. The floodgates which had kept the sewers dry bursted and Kyys was shot through the tunnels against his will.
     He drowned, but had not died. The water washed off his body and he was exposed to the hot, bright, sun. He laid faint, the rhythm of footsteps approached him, two arms grabbed his shoulders. Kyysren' panicked, he didn't move at all and kept his eyes shut. The men spoke to each other in a quiet whisper, in such stealth it seemed as if they were approaching battle. On the contrary, however, they were fleeing to safety and taking Kyys with them.
     They threw him in a chair, he still refused to move. Both of them possibly considered him dead, until they saw a twitch. Their attitude changed from what Kyys heard after his involuntary action. This could've been his last seconds, so he decided to wake. The giant red eye coupled with smaller eyes stared at both of the men. The projectile weapons which Kyys had seen times before weren't there, so he felt safe. Communication between both of their species proved to be difficult.
     Kyys continued to live with the two men. They were friendly, offering water to drink and food to feast on. He felt much joy that he wasn't alone anymore to fend by himself. Kyys kept up his share of work around the outlands, as the Combine began to rule the planet and institute tyranny to the people it governed. He was aware of their presence, he could feel it like he did back in his original homeworld. These powers were also able to keep the group safe from sweeping hostiles that roamed the surface.
     Kyysren' Englerc began to learn english, yet he still struggles. The two men spent hours a day helping him study. The effort gave him confidence that he will survive on this new planet with new friends. He longed to return to Xen, so he kept his roots intact with his old culture. Using the very tiny vocabulary he had, he would explain the world of which he grew up in to his allies. They were very interested in the idea of different worlds unlike Earth.
     Now, Kyys wanders alone and by himself. The two he had served with left one day and hadn't come back. It was of his best interest to leave the settlement that he lived in, the Combine extended their reach even further. Kyys kept walking along for a while, he stopped to make peace or give tribute at times to other outlanders but never stopped moving. Fatigue settled in, so he made a stop in the rural areas of City 45, adjusting to live among them.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
1. The ability to use Vortessence in rare instances.
2. Improved intelligence compared to humans.
3. Survival Instincts from previously living on Xen.

1. A bad vocabulary, consisting mostly of reffering to others by their last name. (The Freeman, etc)
2. High priority target to Synths and Overwatch.
3. Unable to write, barely able to read.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
    I plan to only use these authorizations responsibly. To assist in the character development of not only myself but of others that will be subject to my roleplay. I also plan on roleplaying within the boundaries of my character and not to exceed them on any circumstance.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
None. Besides being Reposted.

Offline ??. McBullet

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Re: Kyysren' Englercs's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2011, 08:57:51 PM »
I will accept this upon a speaking ability and RP test. I recommend Yankee administer this test as he is the expert on vorts.


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