Author Topic: [OPEN] <:: Civil Administrator - Applications- Cycle 9 ::>  (Read 3643 times)

Offline Reaver

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[OPEN] <:: Civil Administrator - Applications- Cycle 9 ::>
« on: October 09, 2012, 02:29:35 AM »
This is the city administrator application cycle.

<::|| OPEN ||::>

Open as of October 9th, 2012

Notes: I'd be lying if I said that this application is easier than any of the others that are open on the forums. The truth is that many people will apply and most will be denied. Simply put, this role can get boring if you don't give it the dedication that it needs. Applications will remain open until further notice. I'll be reviewing the applications frequently so please make sure that you meet all requirements and that any mistakes are fixed before you post. Also, make sure to include your Doctor's College past, concerning their  acquiring the title, Doctor.

You must have:

Past experience!
A very short In Character introduction before "officially taking office".
At least 1 month played on CG HL2 RP!
At least 15 constructive posts!
High City server activity.
Available during American and early/late European times.
Available during weekends.
Exceptional roleplaying abilities.
Good listener.
Complete understanding of all rules and guidelines set out for Civil Administrators.
Exceptional grammar - The reason for this, is that a single grammatical mistake is unacceptable in speeches. You are meant to be seen as the most reliable ICly, therefor, you should mirror that OOCly.
Know HL canon inside and out. (If you would like to learn this then you can look it up here:


< Insert steam name here > 's City Administrator application

What is your CA's name? (All CAs' names start with Dr.) (This is any name, Not citizens name)

Age: (IRL)

Do you have past experience? If so then where?

How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 roleplay?

How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up)

Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time?

Do people consider you a good roleplayer?

Are you a good listener?

Do you have good grammar?

Have you ever been banned?

Do you know HL canon inside and out?

Write a 5 paragraph backstory of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)

Code: [Select]
[color=black][size=18pt][u][b][color=red]< Insert steam name here >[/color] 's City Administrator application[/b][/u][/size][/color]

[color=black][size=12pt][u][b]What is your CA's name? (All CAs' names start with Dr.) (This is any name, Not citizens name)[/b][/u][/size][/color]

[color=black][b][u]Age: (IRL)[/u][/b][/color]

[color=black][u][b]Do you have past experience? If so then where?[/b][/u][/color]

[color=black][u][b]How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 roleplay?[/b][/u][/color]

[color=black][u][b]How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up)[/b][/u][/color]

[color=black][u][b]Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time?[/b][/u][/color]

[color=black][u][b]Do people consider you a good roleplayer?[/b][/u][/color]

[color=black][u][b]Are you a good listener?[/b][/u][/color]

[color=black][u][b]Do you have good grammar?[/b][/u][/color]

[color=black][u][b]Have you ever been banned?[/b][/u][/color]

[color=black][u][b]Do you know HL canon inside and out.[/b][/u][/color]

[color=black][u][b]Write a 5 paragraph backstory of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)[/b][/u][/color]
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 02:17:56 PM by Vodun »
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

Offline This is Red

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A letter submitted to Consul Cullen in regards to the application cycle.
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2012, 07:44:01 PM »
< Red the Mentally Challenged > 's City Administrator application

What is your CA's name? Dr. Edward Iglesias

Age: 15 (IRL)

Do you have past experience? If so then where?

I was a City administrators assistant for a time, in a Hellzone server. I would on occasion handle a majority of the CAs duties when he was away.

How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 roleplay?

For about five to six months now.

How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up)

I don't usually count the amount of time I spend on the server, but on days I am active I am usually on for about four to seven hours.

Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time?

Yes, I am.

Do people consider you a good roleplayer?

I really could not speak for other people, nor do I go around asking, so I don't know.

Are you a good listener?

I would like to think so, yes.

Do you have good grammar?

Yes, I do.

Have you ever been banned?


Do you know HL canon inside and out.


Write a 5 paragraph backstory of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)

                                                                                                                                                                        Birth - 1966

At a small Inn located somwhere in Ocampo, Mexico, a woman moans loudly as she feel intense pain, with the friends and family who surrounded her try to calm her down and give advise on how to ease the pain. A man rushes into the room, panting, and says in their native tongue "I'm here, has the bab- Oh my love, please bare the pain, so our first child can be brought into this world!". The man kneels near the bed where the woman lays, and offers his hands to her. She quickly accepts the offered hand, taking a tight grip upon it. The woman squeezes down on his hand, and if it were any other time the man would object to the pain his wife was inflicting, but for now he did not mind. The woman continued screaming for a few more moments, before finally the pain stopped, and in their arms a friend of the woman held a small infant. The woman - now a mother - held her arms out to her friend. The friend immediately understood what the mother wished for, and brought the baby to her. In the room had been the sounds of moaning, then silence, then once again more moaning - but this time, the source of the noise was not a woman, but a child confused and nearly mindless.

"What shall the child be called?" asked a member of the family.

The mother looked to her husband, and he stood up and said "He will be named Edward, after his grandfather. Yes, that is a good name. Edward Iglesias.".

                                                                                                                                                                 Childhood - 1969-1976

Edward was the eldest child of three, his younger twin brother and sister were born three years after him. Being the eldest, Edward was given the task of watching after the two, and protecting them if need be. He was fond of the two, who at the time followed him everywhere he went. The place he called home was kind to its inhabitants, giving them the required goods one needed to survive - food, water, shelter. Even with these goods, many of the people suffered from the same burden - poverty. Edwards family was poor, but that did not mean they weren't happy. His father always tried his best to earn more money for the family, while the mother saw over her children and ensured their safety. While his father could be strict at times, he had a great love for his family nonetheless. Edward would also do the odd job here and there, sometimes for compensation and other times just out of the kindness of his heart and from the love for his village. Edward new that most boys that grew up in his village would turn to crime, would be outcasted from the village, or outright die. He tried his best to keep himself healthy and strong. Needless to say, the boy was happy to be where he was, even if there were places in the world that was better, and even if he was poor. He had the love of his family, and not even all the money in the world could buy a love like that.

                                                                                                                                                                      Tragedy - 1977

It happened near the end of summer, May 27 to be exact. Elda - the younger sister of Edward, had been outside playing with Eduardo - the twin brother - when she started to feel cold, despite the warm weather. On her walk back to her home, Elda leaned on her twin for a moment. Eduardo thought that it was odd that his sister was so tired, when he was the one doing the most of the playing, she had been sitting down most of the time. Then Elda collapsed, giving Eduardo a moment of confusion. He did not know what was wrong with his sister, and he dragged her to their home. Their mother nearly fainted at the sight of her son dragging her daughter into the small hovel, with Edward having a hard time believing his eyes. They brought young Elda into the bedroom, and let her rest. The father rushed home to discover what had become of his daughter, suprised to see in what state she was in. By this time Elda had a high fever, and was sweating enough to fill a tub. The family put everything else in their life on hold to care for their young member. They spent a whole month taking care of her, seeing to her many needs. They could not afford any sort of medicene, nor did they know what was effecting the young girl. Before long the father was called back to work, and Eduardo was bored of constantly attending his sister. He did not fully understand why he had to help his sister, and he would often sneak out to go play with his fellow boys. More often then not it was only Edward and his mother taking care of the girl, and because of it he would feel a slight bit of anger towards his father and brother for leaving them, but those feelings were quickly replaced with sympathy for his little sister each time. Eventually the worst had happened, the little Elda succumbed to the illness that consumed her life recently. The family took the girls death hard. After they buried her, they spoke a great deal less. It would not be long before the mother, who was struck so badly by depression, would take her own life. As one might imagine, this gave the already wounded family even more grief. The fathers attitude changed greatly following the death of his wife and child. To Edward, it was as if he was a diffrent man altogether. The man he once called father grew incresingly crueler with time. With this single event, the entire family was turned asunder.

                                                                                                                                                                         1978 - 1989

Edward was closed of from the rest of his family. It did not take him long to decide to leave the place he called home. He still loved his little brother, but his affection towards his father was greatly cut off with the extreme attitude change. By the time he was 19, he left the village, to wander for a time to come. He slowly made his way towards the border to the USA, secretly desiring to cross it one day and become a citizen of the proud nation. He had heard from his travels that America was a better place, where a man could get a well paying job and live happily for the rest of his life. It did not take him long to reach the border, only to find that it was next to imbossible to get to the other side legally. He spent many more years there at the border, taking any jobs he could get. By the time he was 23, he had amassed quite a impressive sum. His hopes of obtaining a legal means of entering the country eventually lowered. However, he was given an offer from a smuggler to take him over the border. He rejected at first, but when he gave the idea more thought, he accepted. He successfully crossed the border and was dropped off in a town in Texas. The first thing he did was try to find a job, and he got a job at a department store. He spent quite a while there, breaking the law every second he was there.


Edward continued his life in America, doing his best not to attract any attention. He quickly discovered the racial tensions between Americans and Mexicans - most of the people there tended to either distant themselves from him or outright showed their rage towards him. At the time he did not know english, but he could still sense the hostility in their voices, and whenever they did he used the one thing that was universal across the entire world - he would raise his middle finger towards them, and momentarily giggle at how much angrier that made them. Unfortunately for him, he was caught by his manager in the act of flipping off a customer once. The manager was, just like the rest of the people Edward encountered, very much racist, and almost fired him on the spot. It was then that the manager commanded that he finally learn to speak english, else he be "thrown onto the streets". It was not an easy task for Edward, considering he did not even know how to read his own language. When he decided it was too hard alone, Edward used what little money he had to hire a tutor. The tutor was a man by the name of Joshua. Edward and Josh got along good enough, and slowly Edward learned piece by piece the english language.

                                                                                                                                                                         2002 - 2013

Edward and Joshua were driving out to a school, with Edward fidgeting nervously.

"Relax man, it isn't like I'm driving you into a prison or something." said Joshua.

"I know...I know, but still, what makes you think he wil-" says Edward, before he is cut off.

"I said relax, c'mon it will be fine." Joshua gives a small smirk as he finishes talking.

Edward lets a small worried sigh as they get closer to their destination. Like I can do anything but worry Edward thought. It was clear to him that Joshua was enjoying Edwards panicing. As the car finally slowed down and stopped in the middle of a parking lot, Edward opened his door and walked outside to gaze upon the massive building, in awe of the amount of people entering and leaving. Joshua exited the vehicle shortly after him, and motioned for Edward to follow. They entered the building, where Joshua was greeted by an elderly man, about in his early 60s. Joshua pointed to Edward and said "This is the other student, dad." The elderly man looked at Edward for a moment before lifting his hand up and offering it to Edward for a handshake. Edward accepted the hand, then the elderly man said "Welcome, I hope my son hasn't been too much of a burden on you.". Edward gives an awkward laugh at the remark, while Joshua burst out in laughter, saying "Now now dad, it's me that's been taking care of him! Haha.". The three men make their way down a corridor before entering a large room containing many men and woman sitting at what looks like desk. Edward looked around the room a moment before taking a seet next to Josh. The elderly man makes his way to front of the room, and grabs a piece of chalk and starts writing on a board. Edward looks over at Joshua and quietly ask "Are you sure this is a good idea? If anyone finds out..." "You shouldn't worry yourself with this, man. I told you my father won't tell a soul, and neither will I." says Joshua. Edward shakes his head nervously once more. The elderly man continues to ramble on about many things, but mostly over human relations and the human mind in general.

Edward was uncomfortable with what he was doing, taking part in college classes without any form of payment and with only a GED to show for his education.


Edward found it strange that he ever lived anywhere else, that at one point he didn't know Josh, and that he had a family of five. To him, most of that didn't matter to him anymore. He was happy with the free schooling he received. He was a little lonely at times, wishing for a woman companion at times. However, these feelings were always quickly washed away by his life. People in the area had showed less and less signs of racism, he was getting a good raise every few months, and he enjoyed his education. There were times where he would have to make do without transportation, heat, or electricity. But either way, he was content with the way things were going.

                                                                                                                                                                   2015 - the 7 hour war
Joshua had set a class "get-out-and-have-fun" party. He gave an invitation to everyone in class to a trip to the movies, then a party at the bar. Seeing as Edward didn't want to miss out on such an occasion, he made his way to the theater. On the way there he heard someone screaming out loud, then a man yelling " L-Look! The sky!". With this, he looked up in curiousity, to see what had looked like the sky tearing open to reveal giant machines coming down. It wasn't long before he started to feel the ground tremble, and people started falling over. Not soon after alien looking creatures started appearing from seemingly nowhere and attacking people. Edward paniced as the people around him were gunned down. He ran towards a dumpster, leaped into it, and hoped that those 'things' had not seen him.

Hours passed as Edward waited in the small dumpster, thinking that the smells would do some kind of damage to his body. Eventually he peeped out of his hiding spot to see a line of people being corralled. To his dismay, one of the people spotted him and alerted everyone and everything to his presence. The aliens pointed their weapons at him, and he slowly exited the dumpster with his hands high up in the air. He stood in line with the others on the street, and silently cursed himself for ever thinking that leaving the dumpster was a good idea.

                                                                                                                                                                     2016 - present day
Edwarx believes that he adapted quickly to the new world, and he knew well enough the many dangers this new world presented. The CCA at every street corner, lunatics waiting in Precint 3, and the constant hunger that burdened him. He held a slight grudge against the Union, like any normal man would. Whenever units weren't around he would curse them, and he would do all kinds of subtle things just to spite them. However, he liked the CCA more then he liked his fellow citizens. Everyone there was looking after themselves, and would do just about anything to keep themselves 'happy'. Rape, theft, and murder was suprisingly common. Edward chuckled somewhat at the idea, even with all the CCA here, it was as if nothing at all changed.

Two years have passed since the war, and Edward was doing what he did best - care for himself. He would follow the laws the Union set down, if only to get himself a better meal. Before long people started calling him a loyalist. While he had no love for the CCA or the Union, he knew which group was strongest. He disliked the CCA, but he hated the people of Precinct 3. He was pleased with himself whenever he would recieve more rations then the common citizen, and the extra grub helped change his opinion of the CCA bit by bit.

He heard news around the city that the Consul had left office - perhaps relocated, or simply resigned. He did not know, nor did he really care. The new Consul, Dr. Pierce Cullen, shortly afterwords opened up the application cycle for the City administration. The thought slowly crept into his mind, "I should join the CA, that way I can...". He was skeptical at first, but before long he wrote a letter to the Consul, asking for a postion in the CA. Now Edward waits around in his apartment, waiting for a responce.

Accepted! Your application gives ample reason for joining the CAB, and after speaking with you, the lack of a College Education has been over-looked, although be careful, and don't be found out! Welcome to the team.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 01:05:00 AM by Reaver »

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: [OPEN] <:: Civil Administrator - Applications- Cycle 9 ::>
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2012, 03:19:00 AM »
 Dublinjd's City Administrator application

What is your CA's name? (All CAs' names start with Dr.) (This is any name, Not citizens name) Dr. Heinrich Schlitz 

Age: (IRL) 28.

Do you have past experience? If so then where? None.

How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 roleplay? About a year.

How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up) Depending on how populated it is, 2-3 hours if not populated that much, 5-8 hours if populated.

Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time? Yes.

Do people consider you a good roleplayer? Yes.

Are you a good listener? Yes.
Do you have good grammar? Yes.

Have you ever been banned?No.

Do you know HL canon inside and out. Yes.

Write a 5 paragraph backstory of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)  Heinrich was born in the late 20th century to a Upper-power class,His mother was a Brain surgeon and His father was a Wall Street broker, When he was 5 Heinrich was sent to Russia for private tutoring, His teacher a man named Yuri Slavdrapov, He was mean man to Heinrich but he thought him to learn and to spell and read, Heinrich was 17 when was sent to Oldfield Ivy-league University which was a few miles from his home, He slept in very clean dorm which had the smell of China which Heinrich took a vacation to, Heinrich was thought many things about the Brain and particles and many more, His favorite was the one where he took chemistry, And after months and days of work he knew that his brain would be ready for hard-working science even if it killed him.

 Heinrich was now worthy enough of a PhD in medical history, He realized that if he could find a new way to use medicine then he could basically solve the worlds problems, He introduced a way of lobotomy which he solved with a dummy and a few items, He slipped a railway spike trough the dummy head and then told them about Phineas Gage and how he had a railway spike trough his head too, And told them that his personality was changed when the spike went trough, So he used a lobotomy tactic and was able to attach his brain if the parts were found. Heinrich was given the PhD and was then awarded with a Doctor of Science doctorate which was one of the higher doctorates, Heinrich worked so hard for the award he even read most of his books about medicine to get it most of his sweat and blood fell into this award, And when he graduated he even was able to get a job interview for a psychiatric job in medicine, He was sent to Oldfield asylum one the most Highly mental distraught holding building in the country, The boss of him was Heinrich's idea of a: "Sadistic Authoritarian figure of the building." Heinrich was pleased to meet his boss and told him about his place and the boss said "Well get started on you work then your going to Area 2." Heinrich walked to Area 2 it was hell and he knew it so he walked into the building and entered a room which a man was in there for being mentally distraught.

  Physics: He quitted his job from the asylum and got a job as theoretical physicist, His job was to prove the Multiverse theory, He never knew that Xen existed but when the portal storms would start then he would be able to prove it, So his co-workers tried to help him with the equation but it did not add up, He needed proof of a parallel universes and he knew how to get it, Heinrich started reading about black holes and found the greatest theory he ever discovered, "What if black holes are the entrances to the Multiverse universes?" "How do you know that if the black holes were entrances?" "It's a theory I mean nobody has come into a black hole and told the tale, But it will only work if we can use our minds." "multiverse was unlimited in both small and big differences, Like someone would fall or not fall, Or someone would screw up a military operation and blow up the world, It's just a matter of time."

Author: Heinrich's first book was: Authoritarianism at its finest which was about totalitarian leaders and their reasons for getting into totalitarianism His second book was: TT which was about a way to heal people and stop stress which was just a theory where the hand was 1 inch above the body, And it worked and Heinrich was given a Emmy for the documentary and made another book as he was just starting, But his third book was never started and this was the reason.

The Seven Hour War : Heinrich was looking out the apartment window with his pen and paper making the third book and noticing the clouds start to go dark and storms starting, Heinrich was not a geologist but he knew that this would be bad, The Portal storm ravaged the city and dropped Xen lifeforms into the city, Heinrich was calm he knew that if he just sat down and watch TV then he would be Ok, Howard looked out and started to mumble something like: "you know I could use this to prove my Multiverse theory." Heinrich ran out of the apartment and took his Rolls Royce out-of-town were he needed to escape, The car was dead and he needed to find shelter. Heinrich ran 3 miles away from the city and took a nap in an abandoned caravan, When he woke up a day later he saw the city ravaged by the Portals, He looked around and saw a Civil Protection checkpoint, So he ran over and was knocked out by a Cp with a gun, a Combine officer pointed a gun at him and Heinrich what he was told,Heinrich was asked a few questions:"Do you posses a doctorate?" Heinrich replied by nodding, The Cp then asked him: "What type of doctorates do you have?" Heinrich then spoke in a small voice: "I have a PhD in physics and medicine and a Sc.D. The Cp then said: "You will be taken to city 59 on a train and then to city 45 where you will take a application." , The combine officer gestured him to a Train and he got on, As Heinrich got on the train he knew that his strong point would not break, He took a book to read and read it while he waited, After reading the book he took a shower and was then given a Citizen Boiler suit and a Citizen CID, After getting off the train and reaching city 59 he was ordered to go to the Nexus which was a few miles away from him, Heinrich reached his destination and was sent to the lobby, A Officer told him: "You are a particle physicist and a psychiatrist are you not?" Heinrich then replied: "I am a psychiatrist and a particle physicist." The Officer then said "We need men like you in our line of work, Men with your potential can help the Combine and we need someone like you." Heinrich then said: "I know I have the potential." The Officer then said: "Fine your train is going to city 45 were you will stay and good luck sir." Heinrich gave him a snappy salute and said "I best go before I need to wait any longer." Heinrich was put in the train and looked at the CP units come on to the train, The unit said to Heinrich: "Citizen name and Citizen identification." Heinrich then replied: "Heinrich Schlitz. #10350" The CP then said: "Oh you are Heinrich, We were looking for you and we will guide you to city 45." Heinrich looked stern and said: "The officer said that they needed me but for what?" The CP then gestured to the Commanding officer of the unit and she said "Well now you are going in the train and you will be sent to city 45 to help with the administration, I hope that suits you." Heinrich looked at them with disbelief and said "I thought I was just getting recruited and now I am being a Civil administrator, I think I will stay on the train and wait until I go to City 24 were i will start my new job." The Commanding officer then told him: "It will be a few hours so don't get giddy." She pointed the Units to the train doors and left. Heinrich reached City 45 and looked around after he got outside, The memorial was dark and the Nexus was bright as day, A Cp officer then looked at Heinrich and said: "Apply." Heinrich told the officer: "Heinrich Schlitz #10350.", The officer then told him: "Hello sir we were expecting you, please follow me." The officer took him to the Nexus lobby were he was told to wait and read a UU Branded Book, After extensive researching he knew that the Combine were really interesting and a helpful hand, He looked at the people outside in the Nexus, They were disappointing and malnourished they did not care for life or food all they wanted was redemption and salvation, Howard knew that if the people didn't want to live then they would kill themselves and that would be bad business for the Combine, He thought of ways that the Combine could fix the problem and be awarded with work and labor for the Citizens, But working for food and not money, The Cp came back with an application for him to write, He wrote down everything and was made Civil

Administrator: Heinrich put his feet on the desk and looked around looking happy, He shook his head and down with a smile on his face, Heinrich looked at the screen which had nothing on, Heinrich was starting to laugh, "This could be beneficial for both the Combine and me." Heinrich was starting to go dull, "What to do now?" Heinrich then went to get something to eat, He walked down the corridor and fixed his tie, He took a can of water, He never felt like this He needed a break.

  Denied. Unfortunately there are too many grammatical mistakes, as well as a breach of canon and the CAB application process. . Furthermore, there is the fact that the current In-Game time is 2017, that would place you in the city well before you applied.The CCA doesn't actively look for administrators, they apply directly to the Consul. However, if you wish to try again you are allowed to do so

Post Auto-Merged: October 16, 2012, 04:51:12 PM
Denied. Unfortunately there are too many grammatical mistakes, as well as a breach of canon and the CAB application process. . Furthermore, there is the fact that the current In-Game time is 2017, that would place you in the city well before you applied.The CCA doesn't actively look for administrators, they apply directly to the Consul. However, if you wish to try again you are allowed to do so
Well, I was not done editing it, and when exactly?
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 04:51:12 PM by dublin.jd »

Offline Klashy

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Re: [OPEN] <:: Civil Administrator - Applications- Cycle 9 ::>
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2012, 03:49:30 PM »
 <KLASHY > 's City Administrator application

What is your CA's name? Doctor Alan Metzgar

Age: 18

Do you have past experience? If so then where?

I was a long lasting Civil Administrator for Omni-Gaming in the past.

How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 role play?

Over 1 and a half years.

How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up)

When the server is active and populated, I can end up playing more than 8 hours 0.0

Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time?

Yes, I am available.

Do people consider you a good roleplayer?

I've been complemented on my roleplaying experience several times, also corrected for the better.

Are you a good listener?


Do you have good grammar?


Have you ever been banned?

I've never had a single infraction here at Catalyst-Gaming.

Do you know HL canon inside and out.

I am firm on my knowledge of HL Canon.

Write a 5 paragraph back story of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)

Doctor Alan Metzgar

Birth (1967):

     Alan Metzgar is the son of Debra and Alexander Metzgar. Alan was born on the date of 6-31-67, in Saint Judes hospital of Birmingham Alabama. Both Alan's parents were practitioner. His father was a surgeon and his mother was a psychiatrist. Alan's parents took time off of work after his birth to take care of him. And they raised him for 2 years as mother and father together, but having been highly qualified medical practitioners, they eventually had to return to work, and hired a Nanny to take care of Alan. Alan missed his mother and father, they all ways came home well after he was tucked into bed, and left well before he was awake again, all ways stopping in to kiss him on the fore head every time they left the house. After the two years of birth to toddler raising, Alan didn't get to see his parents too often.

Child Hood:

     Alan and his Nanny ended up growing close to each other. He almost saw her as a mother. She was around while his parents weren't, she fed him, cleaned him, and took care of him all the way until he was 14 years old. Alexander Metzgar, Alans' Father, had an affair with the 32 year old Nanny around this time, and it went on for no longer than a year before Debra found out. Debra divorced her husband, and took Alan to live far away from his cheating father. They moved to southern Alabama, into Dothan, near than pan handle of Florida.

     Alan was angry with his mother, he didn't understand the mist of things. He barely knew his mother anyways, and thought she was trying to harm him directly by taking him away from his father, and most importantly, away from the Nanny that he felt was his own mother. Alan started high school only a few weeks later.

     Alan hated his mother telling him what to do all the time, he hated talking to her, he despised every remark she made, and never ate the food she cooked. He was so very distant from his mother through his four years of high school. Alan had been to see several therapist about his anger towards his mother. He met a psychologist, his name was Doctor Aaron Stalford. Aaron mentored Alan to the best of his ability, because he recognized Alan's derived stature of a father and mother. Aaron and Alan spoke on a regular basis because it seemed to be the only person that would ease his stressful moods. Aaron all ways assured Alan if he did his best in school and in life, he could be anything he wanted to be, and encouraged him to all ways do his best and make his best decisions.

     Through high school, Alan never missed a single home work assignment, he never missed a question on his test, he had put all his effort and ability into his school work, and it had shown. The teachers all were astound by Alan's work, and his ability. Alan got to the point where he could multiply 3 digit numbers in his head. They recommend him skip grades, but Alan refused to miss out on his high school experience, so he remained in his classes, applied for high honors and advanced placement were allowed to, and continued to progress, leading to graduating as a valedictorian of his class.

College Experiences:

Having graduated with such a prestigious reward, Alan was granted scholarships and grants to any school he wanted to go to in the state. He decided that he had earned the ability to do what he wanted, so he moved back to Birmingham, to enroll in the University of Alabama, he majored in Anesthesiology.

      His classes were long, and hard. He spent several nights awake in his dorm, slaving away at his homework and class work. He didn't give much attention to the outside world, and wasn't very interested in dating women. It seemed all he cared about 24 hours a day was having all his school work prepared and turned in. He all ways did everything with perfection because he felt anything less was soiling his name.

     As the years twiddled away, the government continued to fund tuition for Alan Metzgar. His progress was so prestigious and fast, no one could believe it. Metzgar eventually obtained a bachelors in Psychology, a  master degree in Anesthesiology, and shortly after proceeded to obtain his doctrine degree.

     It wasn't over yet. Metzgar had come back into contact with his mentor, Aaron Stalford. After several weeks of chatting back and forth, Metzgar decided he wanted to continue his studies in Psychology, he went back to school, they didn't deny him of course, and after a only 6 more years of hard work at the University of Alabama, he had obtained his PhD in Psychology. Metzgar graduated at the top of his class.

Mid Life:

     Metzgar eventually opened his own practice in the city of Birmingham. He had several clients and mostly treated them for coping with changing and transitions in life. Metzgars' practice was a highly profitable business, and took little time to expand. He eventually met a partner, Tilla Deliqua, a Spanish practitioner, which helped him run his business. Metzgar and Deliqua eventually fell in love with each other. at the ripe age of 45, Metzgar married Tilla, and moved with her to Illinois, were they moved their business, and began working again under one house hold.

     Tilla was never able to have children, Metzgar wasn't fond of it either, because he knew he was a busy man, and didn't want to have a son that didn't have a father, so Tilla and Metzgar continued their love together as a couple, working together in the practice. It has seemed like a solitary plan, before the day of demise came.

2015: The Seven Hour War:

     It had been a routine day for Mr. and Mrs. Metzgar as usual. They were leaving their practice, locking the door when the clouds went dark. They stood, amazed at how quickly the clouds had come over them. They stared for a minute, and a low tone squeal could be heard. The tone got louder and louder, confused they looked at each other and then back to the sky. The clouds had started to swirl, at this time, the tone has progressed in irritability. The squeal turns into a loud, low toned hum, and before either of them know it, and explosion knocking them both to the ground unconscious.

     Drop ships swooped into the area, the sounds of their motors and components were so loud and so abrupt. The ground was shaking. Several combine ground forces dropped from a gun ship, and collected by standing people. Some of the ships would abduct the humans straight from the ground. Metzgar and his wife were unconscious when being snagged up by what the combine called, "Hunters", they were thrown into a relocation chamber, and then identified.

The combine separated  Metzgar and his Wife, Tilla, and shipped them both to different cities, Metzgar to City 8, and Tilla to city 14.

Settling Into the City:

     The welcoming was crude, being surrounded by these... monster like things, they pushed Metzgar around, putting him from one check point to the other. The only baggage he had was baggage they had given him, which was nothing more than a can of water and a spare change of cloths. Sound stopped, time stopped, as Metzgar entered his small, what seemed to be a 4 walled apartment. He looked at the floor, in denial, he coulnt' believe he had been taken away from his wife, and that he had been removed from his free country, and his high-priced life style. and slammed into a crammed dark city, which was all ways so very cold.

     Metzgar went about the first few months pouting and complaining, living ration to ration and letting everyone know he was upset about it. The dispatches played ever so often, influencing Metzgar to eventually join the civil workers union, which was very big in City 8, Tokyo. One Metzgar entered the work force, he took note of all the benefits, the ability to skip ration lines, the food, the housing, the bedding, it had all seemed more gauged for his likings.

     The organizer, at the time, named Ahmed Del Qussa, took note of Metzgars obvious high intellectual capacity, and began holding Metzgar to a higher standard than most. Metzgar was very successful in the Medical field of the Civil Workers Union, and he also dealt with citizens who were in need of an ear to listen, he was after all a psychologist.

     After about a year and a half had passed, Metzgars' attitude had changed drastically, he had Aaron Stalfords words seered into his brain, "You can make anything of yourself, no matter your situation, anything you wanted to be." Metzgar knew how to get where he wanted to be in the new reality he was forcefully placed in. It wasn't long after Metzgar arranged a meeting with the other Civil Administrators in City 8, who all took a grand liking to him. Metzgar realized that the man behind the mask wasn't as mean as the masked mens' muscle.

     Metzgar made several visits to the administrators, and in a short time, Metzgar had obtained a loyalty status of the union. At first on a 5 point basis, then progressing to a total of 25. The administrative consul eventually asked Metzgar to consider a Civil Administrator position. Metzgar liked the idea of becoming a civil administrator. He felt that he was best fit for the position, he had his credentials, and he had his knowledge. Dr. Dulvin Rance appointed Metzgar with a formal application for Civil Administrator.

     He filled out the application in his neatest stature, he asked that it be handed in and reviewed by the city consul. It wasn't long before Metzgar received feed back, that his application was considered and that the positions weren't available in city 8 for the time being. Metzgar was presented with the opportunity to have his application distributed to a separate city, City 45. And it is currently under review by the City Consul to this day.

Accepted! Your application gives ample reasoning behind Metzgar's decision to join the CAB. Talk to a Super Administrator to get your character when the server is up!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 04:18:06 PM by Reaver! »

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: [OPEN] <:: Civil Administrator - Applications- Cycle 9 ::>
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2012, 06:40:20 PM »
Dublinjd 's City Administrator application

What is your CA's name? (All CAs' names start with Dr.) (This is any name, Not citizens name) Dr. Heinrich Schlitz


Do you have past experience? If so then where?No

How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 roleplay?9-10 months

How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up)4-6 hours

Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time?Yes

Do people consider you a good roleplayer?Yes

Are you a good listener?Yes

Do you have good grammar?Yes

Have you ever been banned?No

Do you know HL canon inside and out.Yes

Write a 5 paragraph backstory of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)

Heinrich, born in the late twentieth century to an upper class family, his mother, a renowned brain surgeon and his father a Wall street broker. When Heinrich reached the age of five, he went to Russia for private tutoring. His teacher, a mean man named Yuri Slavdrapov taught Heinrich to read and spell. Heinrich now aged 17, went to Oldfield University, a few miles from his home. The smell of his dormitory reminded him of a trip to China. Heinrich learned many things about the brain, particles and much more. His favorite classes were biology and chemistry. Heinrich also had a strong liking for physics.

He introduced a way to do a lobotomy, influenced by the tale of Phineas Gage. When his personality got altered when a railway spike went through his head. So he used a similar tactic and discovered he was able to make his subjects more controllable. Heinrich got a Ph.D in science for his efforts. Afterwards, he got a job in a top mental asylum. Where there were no shortage of subjects to advance his knowledge. He went to Oldfield asylum. His sadistic boss had little regard for the patients there. Heinrich pleased with his boss, told him about his studies. The boss was equally pleased with Heinrich and sent him to area two of the asylum. That was where they kept the most mentally disturbed patients.

Heinrich quit his job and decided to work as a physicist for Oldfield National College. He made himself a name around the college and became popular. He made friends with his boss and overall was a good physicist. He was working there for six years. Heinrich ordered himself to keep the work up and maybe he would be promoted.

Heinrich sat in the coffee shop with a cup in his hand. A portal came down onto the building across from him. Drop ships emerged from the portal. He made a dash for the exit and failed. Hunters laid siege the building and attacked everyone inside. An explosion ripped half the building apart. Heinrich fell on the ground trying to get up. The Hunter's lenses looked onto Heinrich. He looked at the Hunters lenses and fainted. Heinrich woke up on the razor train that relocated him to C45.
Heinrich assigned himself an apartment. The only light came from the Nexus. He looked at the TV and saw Pierce Cullen saying that CA applications are open. Heinrich walked outside and met a CCA unit who stopped him in his tracks. "Citizen, what do you want?", said the Unit. Heinrich looked at the unit with a stern face. "Well I want to ask for a CA application form.", said Heinrich. The CCA told him to wait outside. A few minutes later the CCA Unit came back and gave Heinrich the form. Heinrich took the form and wrote on it. He finished and gave the form to the Unit. The Unit focused on it for a minute and walked off to the Nexus. Heinrich walked up the stairs to the apartment and went into the room and falling asleep on the bed.

Accepted. While this truthfully isn't the best application I've seen, I've spoken to you and you have a drive to get the character that leads me to believe that you will do well in the Board. Make sure to read up on all authorization you will begin with, and become familiar with what you are authorized to do. My expectations are usually above 2-3 sentence paragraphs, and you lacked the detail that I was looking for, but I'm giving you a chance. Don't make me regret it! Welcome to the CAB, Doctor Heinrich Schlitz.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 01:19:55 PM by Reaver! »

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Re: [OPEN] <:: Civil Administrator - Applications- Cycle 9 ::>
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2013, 05:53:12 PM »
Bump. Applications are still open.

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Re: [OPEN] <:: Civil Administrator - Applications- Cycle 9 ::>
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2013, 11:36:17 AM »
 Ricky 's City Administrator application

What is your CA's name? (All CAs' names start with Dr.) (This is any name, Not citizens name)
Dr. Aron Wojciechowski
Age: (IRL)
Do you have past experience? If so then where?
Yes. Back in the earlier days of Catalyst Gaming I was a Civil Administrator with this same character, same backstory, etc. I was removed for inactivity when I took a prolonged break from the community for personal reasons.
How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 roleplay?
Since its beginning.
How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up)
Around one, and that's generally on Outlands. With this character, I am attempting to re-encourage myself to actually play HL2RP.
Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time?
Of course. I have no life.
Do people consider you a good roleplayer?
I consider myself adequate; others treat me as us oldfags as gods. Truly, I'm probably somewhere in between adequate and god.
Are you a good listener?
Huh? What'd you say? Haha. Yes, I am.
Do you have good grammar?
Of course.
Have you ever been banned?
Do you know HL canon inside and out.
Write a 5 paragraph backstory of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)
Dr. Aron Wojciechowski was born on a cold, snowy day in 1965 in the city of Wroclaw, Poland, to Wojciech Rutowski and Maria Rutowska. Wojciech worked as an engineer at a railroad car manufacturing plant, a very common employment option in Wroclaw at the time. Wojciech left high school after the end of his tenth year to start a family with Maria, and to begin working to support such family. Wojciech was never happy with his decisions and decided he did not want to have Aron take a similar route.
Wojciech always blamed public education and their ill incentives to keep teenagers in school for why he eventually decided to leave school. For this reason, Wojciech never allowed for Aron to attend public school. Aron went to an all-boys private school in Warsaw, miles away. Wojciech was more willing to spend the little hard earned cash he had to send his son to a private school in Warsaw than to send him to public school. Aron would never forgive his father for his decision to keep him in private school, blaming him for the social deprivation he suffered from being constantly bullied at the private school. When Aron was eleven years old, he did not have enough money to pay for a taxi ride back to Wroclaw, and took free public transportation on a tram running from Warsaw to Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, back to Warsaw, and then to Wroclaw. Generally, Aron took a taxi directly to school, and back. He was not aware of the crime that existed on public transportation, but he would learn of it very soon. While arriving at the tram station in Kaliningrad, a man stepped onto the tram. He saw Aron, and immediately noticed his innocence. He bent over and grabbed a switchblade from his shoe with his right hand, while grabbing Aron's neck with his left hand. Little did the robber know, Aron was a skill fighter in Tae Kwon Do. Aron quickly escaped the choke-hold, and kicked the knife out of the robbers hands. A few men on the tram restrained the man until the tram arrived in Warsaw, in which a militia unit took custody of the man. Aron gained a reputation with the militia that would help him later in life, and the support of militia unions.
When Aron was sixteen, he fought his parents in court to be legally emancipated. He won. Aron moved to Warsaw and bought an apartment. He remained in private school until graduation. His parents did not attend his graduation. Aron received a scholarship to go to the University of Krakow. He studied law and medicine as double-majors. After years of hard work at the University of Krakow, he received a doctorate degree in both studies. Aron decided he was not done receiving his education and went to the University of Warsaw to receive a doctorate in philosophy. At the age of 34 he had completed 16 years of college, and he began to put his degrees to use. He began work at a local law firm in Warsaw. He only remained in the firm for a few years, because he felt his potential was not being met.
At the age of 37, in 2003, he moved back to Wroclaw, to run for voivode of the Wroclaw voivodeship. After a tough campaign, traveling through most major cities and towns in the voivodeship, Aron won the election. Aron was officially representing the PO political party. He would remain in the position after a re-election, until deciding to run for president against Komorowski in 2014.
Campaigning went well again, and Aron won by a slight lead in received votes. Aron never knew how greatly this election would affect him. Aron introduced revolutionary laws into Poland, giving rights to people who had never had rights before, offering jobs to the unemployed, and most importantly, reinventing policing methods in Poland. He gave speeches all over Poland, but his Emergency Address in Warsaw became the most influential.
It was a windy day in Warsaw, and there was a slight abnormally neon blue color plastered onto a gray sky. The seven hour war had just ended fifteen minutes before this moment when he would appear to make the announcement of his life. He flipped down his collar, rolled up his sleeves, and walked onto the stage. Soft thunder rolled as he walked on stage and up to the podium.
"Friends, family, citizens of Poland I am here to announce news that I wish I would have never had to deliver to you. Fifteen minutes ago, there was a surrender of the United Nations that will change your life forever. A planet outside of our solar system arrived to the Earth seven hours and fifteen minutes ago, and their intentions were not in our favor. They arrived with the intention to enslave us. A quarter of an hour ago ago, after a short battle in which we were unmatched, the United Nations formally surrendered the Earth to this force, the Universal Union."
A loud noise interrupted his speaking, and his security rushed him off stage, down to an underground bunker. With their guns drawn, they waited. Everything seemed safe until the door flew open and there was a human, or seemingly so, donning a slick, black uniform that seemed to glow of cyan. The security shot at him, but the bullets melted as they hit his otherworldly armor. The creature hardly reacted to the shots. He simply stood there and stared at Aron. A minute passed and the creature gave a hand gesture, telling the security to leave. They didn't move.
"You heard the man. Leave!" Aron ordered. The security gave Aron a look for a second, and then left, thinking they would never see their leader again.
"Smart, very smart. Those who surrender to the might of the Universal Union are intelligent, and know what is best for them," the creature said.
"Thank-," Aron was abruptly cut off.
"But you're also weak spineless cowards. I pity you humans. Now you listen, Dr. Wojciechoswki. I am a representative of the Universal Union. I realize you are the leader of this defenseless region. I hear it's called Poland. A weak name, if you ask me. If you're as dedicated as I hear, then your people need you. City administrators are the people we put in charge of cities, as figure heads. You are being considered to be one, but if I don't accept you, you will die. I will need time to think." The creature snapped and he vanished. The security units came inside, worried.
"I'm okay," Aron said. Aron was fearful of the Universal Union, but was dedicated to serve his people. He began preparing to be a City Administrator, fearful of the consequences if the Universal Union representative chose another leader over him. He went to what was left of the capitol building, and sat in his old desk, waiting...

It's occurred to me that it is no longer the practice of the Combine to select Civil Administrators, but rather that they apply. However, as mentioned above, this is an older application, and an attempt to reinstate an older Civil Administrator. I have been assured that, for these reasons, this is acceptable. I hope this discrepancy will be overlooked.

Accepted. Welcome back to the team. Note: Reaver may wish to over-ride this decision.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 12:40:03 PM by The 11th Doctor »
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Re: [OPEN] <:: Civil Administrator - Applications- Cycle 9 ::>
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2013, 11:59:52 AM »
 < Burning Bullet > 's City Administrator application

What is your CA's name? (All CAs' names start with Dr.) (This is any name, Not citizens name) Dr. Ezekiel Fillius Caldwell.

Age: (IRL) 17

Do you have past experience? If so then where? I have governed as a City Administrator on a Serious HL2RP server for a good year. Most of this experience came from serving as a CA here. This character also served in the past, and has never been killed or reassigned. I just want him back.
How long have you played Catalyst-Gaming: Half-life 2 roleplay? Since its release in February/March 2011.

How many hours do you spend a day on the server? (When it is up) 2+ hours on a good day.

Are you available on weekends and in American time and early/late European time? Yes.

Do people consider you a good roleplayer? I consider myself a decent roleplayer with a proficient knowledge of the Engrish language.

Are you a good listener? Am I a wood whistler? Am I a hood parishioner? Nah. I'm a good listener.

Do you have good grammar? I speek gud pls. Yes, of course my grammar is good.

Have you ever been banned? Never.

Do you know HL canon inside and out. Yes. I tried to apply my understanding to my backstory.

Write a 5 paragraph backstory of your character that reveals their qualifications for the position (One paragraph = 4 sentences)

   Dr. Ezekiel Fillius Caldwell was born on December 7th, 1970. His parents were very ignorant of him, and he felt the only way to express his feelings and emotions were through contact with others. He became acquainted with everyone he met frequently at his daycare facility when he turned five. Caldwell knew the names of his daycare supervisors, as well as the children in his class. He actually found it interesting to listen to the head supervisor’s life story! And so, his ability to listen and gather opinions and stories from complete strangers began to grow. At ten years old, he wrote a speech for the Student Government Association of the fifth grade. To Ezekiel’s surprise, he felt calm and collected as he stood up in front of his peers and delivered a speech so well-written that he received a unanimous vote to become Class President. Caldwell felt he could accomplish anything that involved public speaking. At 16, he was invited to recite a speech for Good Morning America. The honor brought him great pride in his abilities. At 17, he graduated from his high school as Class Valedictorian of ’88. His valedictory speech brought tears to the eyes of all of its listeners for Ezekiel wrote it with passion and great detail of his class’ accomplishments. And he had his future planned out as well. He was given scholarships to Yale and Harford. He studied vigorously at Yale, his college of choice, for the next six years to earn a M.A. in Business and Administration, a Ph.D., as well as a Degree of Law.
   Those degrees would play a vital role in Ezekiel’s journey. In 1996, he was elected to the position of U.S. Senator. He and his aging parents were overjoyed. He would be the youngest recipient of the honor and duty to date. He held political rallies, spoke in favor of numerous Democratic Presidential nominees, and was even befriended by the President himself. In 2000, he ran for the highest office the U.S. had to offer- the Presidency. He fought “tooth and nail” but was eventually defeated by the Republican candidate. Ever since then, Caldwell vowed to reach the Presidency someday, or at least something like it. However, he became a very influential member of the United Nations in the process. UN advisors found him to be worthy of representation. This somewhat made up for his defeat.
   By 2016, it seemed he would get his chance again. The previous president had finished his two terms, and he was running against a “stick in the mud.” His strongest Republican opponent had no charisma about him. He was dry, had a very unlikable personality, and fit the Democratically-established Republican stereotype of “always disagreeing and pushing for spending cuts.” He knocked two opponents easily and became the Democratic candidate after winning by a landslide in the primary elections. All had seemed as though Caldwell would win, right? Wrong.
   The day was August 12th, 2016. Caldwell was delivering a speech on the issue of healthcare near Times Square. A faint rumbling could be felt from his podium. He looked up, saw the obsidian-looking storm clouds, and sniffed the suddenly humid air. A storm was coming. Suddenly, a huge flash of lighning erupted from the heavens, or so it seemed. This came with a bright flash of light, and a hole instantaneously opened up in the clouds. Caldwell shielded his eyes as a wave of apprehension mounted within his thoughts. And then…. It happened. A massive portal materialized out of the hole in the sky. A loud boom, and then Ezekiel could feel himself thrown off his feet. He looked around with his now-returning vision and saw that the entire audience had collapsed, eyes wide with fear. Screams. People pushing and climbing over one another. All Caldwell could infer was that whatever was happening, he had to get out, like the fleeing crowd. He slowly rose to his feet and leaned on his left foot, about to bolt away from the scene. And that was when he was thrown down again by a gust of hot air. He could feel tremors vibrating through the ground. He looked up once more, and realized that there was no escape.
   Huge, grotesque figures slipped from beneath the bright blue light of the portal. They looked like creatures that one would see in a Sci-Fi movie. Some dropped down heavily, some flew down with large beating wings. All of them were coated in a green slime. They swooped down and landed on the stage set for his speech. Ezekiel tried to regain stability and broke into another run. Whatever was about to come out of those “ships,” he had to get far away from them. He looked around at the last of the crowd, also desperately trying to flee. The winged creatures leaped and flew upon some of the fleeing audience, ripping them to shreds with pincers and fangs. It was quite nauseating, watching people he was about to address being ripped to bloody pieces.
   Ezekiel could feel his feet touch asphalt, and then realized he was on I-95. A black limousine pulled up promptly. It had a foreign license plate on it. The driver told him to get in. Without hesitation, Ezekiel followed the sound of the British voice. The green beings were lost on the horizon, but Caldwell did not dare breathe a sigh of relief. He knew those “things” were hostile and would pursue any humans. The limo skidded to a halt in front of New York's UN building, and a disgruntled and acutely disturbed Caldwell emerged from the leather interior. He was rushed inside the building, upon which he found a conference of UN leaders. A white-haired man in his later ages stood up, and started a discussion on ways to diplomatically stop whatever was attacking them. Caldwell needed to head into an air-conditioned room to clear his mind and settle his stomach, which so woefully cringed at the thought of immediate surrender.
   The room he sat in was covered with windows. He looked up at the sky, which became as dreary as ever. Gray storm clouds began twisting and undulating around a few points in the atmosphere. Caldwell peered upward at these points. Suddenly, the clouds separated into wide rifts at the locations Ezekiel noted. An immense flash of blue light illuminated the entire room. Caldwell was unable to make sense of his surroundings. He lost his balance and stumbled over a plush sofa.
   What Ezekiel couldn’t see were gigantic ships slowly creeping out of the newly formed portals. These must have been different from the first. As Ezekiel’s vision returned, he could barely make out a blue pulse coming from the huge, levitating ships. One of the ships dropped in altitude and hovered directly over the UN building. The massive force emanated from the alien engines shattered the glass in the room. A wave of glass shards fell on top of him. He covered the back of his neck and lied facedown to prevent any facial injuries. His hands became bloody and gashed. After all of the glass had fallen, he rose to his feet, delicately brushing glass off of his specially tailored suit. With difficulty, he squinted at the ship closest to the ground, and then at the horizon. He saw a large wave of green slowly taking shape a great distance away. Slowly, the ship directly over him made a 180 degree turn, and a blue light took form, aimed at the green alien wave. A thunderous sound pierced his ears. With a loud crash, a beam of pure energy erupted from the ship. Time seemed to slow down as the beam met its mark at the alien swarm. A huge, green-blue explosion rocked the entire foundation of the UN building. Caldwell was thrown back into one of the plush sofas. The shock wave from the blast caused the roof of the UN building to cave in. And in an instant, an entire wave of green creatures was gone. Representatives and delegates cautiously stepped outside, seeing their initial threat vanish into thin air. Small traces of gratitude toward the blue ships were forming in the delegates’ eyes.  They began a weak cheer that grew into a crescendo of praise.
   Ezekiel glanced over at a slightly cracked TV monitor. It read news reports of entire human militants being wiped out. The entire Army Reserve had just been… VAPORIZED It seemed that these beings had been first reported seven hours after the Army Reserve was defeated. The Reserve was the last bit of organized human resistance to go. He had been lucky to be the last to encounter with these creatures. Caldwell could also tell that these beings were not friendly. He tried to shout a warning, but the crowd could not hear him from the crushed room he was in.
   The dropship turned around. A smaller gun began to lower from the underside of the ship. It seemed to stare at the UN crowd for a brief moment, and then began to fire. The demeanor of the assembly turned to sheer horror as the turret began firing at the crowd. Most were killed. The white-haired one addressing the assembly used one of the dead delegates as a human shield as he retreated into the UN building. Ezekiel slowly followed him, crouching to stay out of the wave of fire. He slipped inside to see a group of cowering delegates, as well as the white-haired one. The delegates were encouraging him to make a move to save the survivors’ lives. “Dr. Breen! Save us!” they whispered. So the white-haired one’s name was Dr. Breen. He turned on a PA system and coughed to clear his throat. This man was a coward like all the rest, but he had leadership qualities that nobody else in the room possessed, except for Ezekiel.
   “We mean you no harm! On the behalf of the United Nations, I am hereby surrendering Earth! Save us! We will give you whatever you want!”
   It seemed that whatever beings were inside the ship understood the English language. Caldwell wondered how deep their intelligence ran. But the surrender seemed to have worked. The ship's energy cannons began powering down, evident by the drone of its power source slowing down. A large grub-like thing, attached to what seemed to be an alien life-support system, was slowly lowered down from the no-longer-existing ceiling. It “spoke,” but it clearly did not have a mouth. Am I imagining this? Ezekiel thought. The being turned what appeared to be its head toward Dr. Breen.
   “What is your name….. Earthling?”
   “My name is Wallace Breen. I am the leader of this world. We will lay down all arms in return for rule over the living human beings! “
   “We planned for more resistance. We were told you… humans… were more patriotic.”
   “No, sir. We are willing to cooperate.”
   “And the militaries across the world who we will find resistance with? No matter. All who resist will be killed. You are a smart man, *sneer*,  Breen.”
   “Thank you. Do we have a deal?”
   “Yes. You’ve made a decision that has saved the lives of everyone in this room. However… I pity you cowards. Your decision has also cost the freedom of all other nonresistant humans.”
   “It is a decision we are willing to make.”
   “And so, the… Earth… will be put under rule of the Combine.”
   Everyone in the room chanted, “All hail the Combine!” Even Caldwell could hear himself bowing and chanting the phrase of total subservience. Caldwell thought for a moment that maybe siding with these aliens would be the way to achieve power. He has truly always wanted the highest authority possible over his own people. And being second to Breen was a suitable tradeoff for his own life.

   The alien creature began speaking again, “ I have decided that humans will be placed into cities similar to human construction. All humans under eighteen will be removed from this planet. No humans will be allowed to… ‘reproduce.’ A protection team consisting of humans loyal to our superior race will be permitted to govern the humans and maintain sociostability among your small… ‘societies.’ I am currently scanning the thoughts of each and every person in this room to determine a select few who will administrate these cities.”

   And thus, it had begun. Caldwell began thinking of his past experience in administration, hoping the creature would read these thoughts. He thought of himself as assertive, very skilled at hearing the public opinion. He tried to think about his bid for president, and his qualifications. He created a mental image of himself as a good communicator with the public opinion, and a very analytical ruler. He can only hope that he is selected to become the superior authority for whatever city he is placed in.

   “I have decided on the City Administrators. They will be….”

   Time seemed to stop. At this very moment, Dr. Ezekiel Fillius Caldwell wonders if thinking the right thoughts paid off...

Accepted. Albeit a strange decision to have your CA alongside Breen at the time of the invasion, I enjoyed reading the story and I find your rp is certainly acceptable. Note: Reaver may over-ride this decision if he so desires.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 04:21:10 PM by Burning Bullet »


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