Author Topic: [DENIED] Shane West's Civil Authority Application  (Read 1852 times)

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[DENIED] Shane West's Civil Authority Application
« on: September 25, 2012, 12:40:45 AM »
Shane West's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name: Dakey

IC Character Name: Shane West

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
It was a freezing winter morning with a blinding sun in the sky when my character Shane West was strolling along the coast. His eyes suddenly found a sign reading City 45. Shane started to realize this is it! He had officially been transferred to a new area with new friends and a whole new life. Straight ahead, Shane noticed a small blue book, lying on the icy surface of the road. The title of this book: The Benefit of the Universal Union. As Shane was paging through the book, his mind began to tremble; he found himself amazed and in pure serenity.

Shane was determined to be a loyalist. Would this book help? While he pondered the innumerable benefits the book had to offer, he began to explore the land. As he migrated from Precinct 1 to Precinct 3, he realized this is where cops could no longer roam. Proceeding with caution throughout the winding walkways, Shane was surrounded by four desperate and dangerous looking muggers…

He was trapped and they quickly pounced. A nightmare of pain and blood erupted as they thrashed his entire body. As they continued to swing their wooden planks menacingly, the sound of high-heeled shoes tapping the ground stopped them in their tracks. Their full attention was now on an easier target. Shane watched helplessly in shock as they snuck over to the woman and attacked her from behind. She began to scream and to silence the attraction, they swiftly beat her to death. This was the birth of his curiosity and haunting need to join the Combine Civil Authority. The sight he had witnessed was so horrid; it made him want to bring down the hammer on all criminals. He decided he needed to help all those poor victims, and to make sure he himself would never again be one of them.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
Shane West is a trustworthy, loyal, faithful, respectful, serious, and kind man.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
I realize the Combine Civil Authority isn't just something you immediately get accepted into. I will have to train to become strong and strict, so as to prevent the criminals from taking over. I also realize I must take responsibility for my actions.

I believe it will be a difficult adventure, though I am willing to pursue it. I accept any challenge that comes my way, day or night. Training is an important part of the CCA and I am looking forward to it. I know that I will be helpful and will do whatever I can to assist the CCA.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
Shane West was born and raised in Texas. As a young boy, his father had passed away, leaving his mother to support him and his two brothers alone. The day he turned sixteen he got a job working day and night. Finally, it was within his power to help support his family. Even though Shane was working as hard as he could, they were still barely able to live. He decided to pursue a career elsewhere to get more money, which turned out to be in Florida. After working at a bank for just over eight years, achieving best employee titles repeatedly and eventually becoming the bank manager, he now had an ample salary. He was now twenty-four years old and had enough money now to move his family to the beautiful Sunshine State.

Shane's mom was proud of him, and he and his brothers were closer than ever. He and his family packed everything up and hit the road. During the long ride there, he noticed that his mother was feeling very nervous about moving. He shrugged it off as he figured it was simply because she was not used to being in a different state. When he questioned her, she just responded that she felt car sick. This wasn’t like her, though, so it still bothered him in the back of his mind.
Florida was his top choice; it had a good economy and fun places to go like the beach. Despite all that, mother turned out to definitely be frightened of the region. One week into moving into the new house, he came to the realization that she was scared of the immense population of criminals; everywhere they were surrounded by people set out to harm others, and every day the evening news seemed to revolve more and more around gruesome incidents around the city. One night Shane and his brothers were celebrating so they had all gone to a party. As they were leaving in the late hours, Shane noticed someone following them and became nervous. He told his brothers to speed up, but they were drunk and stumbling over each other. Shane kept looking back, hoping the strangers would break off and leave them alone, but they just kept closing the distance. Closer they came until suddenly they stopped, pulled out guns from their jackets, and shot both his brothers right in front of him. They folded over and collapsed immediately as the bullets hit with almost perfect accuracy. The world became blurry as tears welled up in his eyes. He became deaf to all sounds around him as he realized the loss and his screams echoed into the night. Their blood spewed on him, leaving messy red stains all over him and his clothes. It seemed like an eternity in the darkness; their heartbeats slowing until nothing made a sound. They were gone… dead.

Portal storms had been happening since 2015, transporting antlions, headcrabs and other nasty foreign creatures to Earth. Citizens were being transferred into the larger cities that were surrounded by giant walls and other defenses to keep the unwanted on the outside. The portal storms began bringing other abominations, as well as armed forces called the Combine. Police and army forces tried to hold off the Combine for as long as they could, but more and more of them were dying. The Combine relentlessly continued to swarm out and kill or imprison anyone that resisted. These events are known as the beginning of the Seven Hour War. Portables and ships of all sizes were shooting out of the sky down upon Earth. By the sixth hour, the Combine had murdered everyone under eighteen and everyone over sixty-five years old. By the seventh and final hour, they were emitting some sort of signal from the center of all cities that prevented pregnancies and instantly killing any unborn babies. It was an absolutely devastating war, resulting in billions of deaths. At the end of the war, Dr. Wallace Breen negotiated with the Combine to save mankind and was made Combine administrator of Earth.

At the beginning of the Seven Hour War, Shane was transferred to a new city while all the chaos was occurring. Breaking off from the group, he hid in a nearby building, not knowing what else to do and scared out of his mind. He heard heavy footsteps and as the Combine marched up, he put his hands up in surrender. Something knocked him out cold on the floor. As the Combine assaulted Earth and took over, an unconscious Shane continued to be transported with a nervous and scared group of people. At the end of the seventh hour, Shane finally regained consciousness. Dr. Breen declared publicly that now that the war was over, the Combine could help them all have a better life.

Shane was released a day later and was walking around City 45, wondering where he was. It was a big change for him; everyone has blue jumpsuits with name tags, and so did he. It was so strange not seeing any kids running around and how different everything looked. Shane learned much about the Universal Union through reading books obtained from a CWU worker. He was overwhelmed with the Universal Union’s generosity towards them. When he heard that rations were available, Shane was among the first in line to get them. As he combed through the packets assigned to him by his Unit ID, he found a hundred tokens, Breen water, and Citizen Supplement. A CWU worker informed him the tokens were to be used to buy any supplies he needed. His new life had begun.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
Two years

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
Seven months

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
Seven months

4. What Time zone are you in?
Eastern (EST).

5. In what country do you live?
United States of America

6. How old are you?

7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?
When I experienced a dramatic talk with a city administrator

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?

IC Section

Full Name: Shane West
CID: 56590
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6.2
Hair Colour Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 165
Mental Distinctions: None
Mental Defects: None
Mental Advantages: Fast Reflexes
Notable Qualities: Good listener, good responder

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
No, only interrogated by knowledge about rebel activity, so I told them all that I had known.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
In order to prevent anti-citizens from harming the citizens.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Shane West hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 06:12:50 AM by Khub »

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Shane West's Civil Authority Application's Verdict
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2012, 11:17:14 AM »
UNIT: 050
CLEARANCE: Divisional Leader
Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: Shane West
Citizen Identification Number: 56590

Acceptance status:

Civil Authority Status:

// Note: You're not at CG for ~210 days (7 months), but 120 only ok.

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.UNIFORM-DvL.050
Console Shut Down.
Reviewed using ApplicationsHelper,

*** Once you open your mailbox at the Civil Housing, you find a letter...

« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 11:21:37 AM by Khubajsn »

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Re: [PENDING] Shane West's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2012, 01:38:17 PM »
Sorry i did not know how long i thought it was around there

Offline Khub

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Shane West's Civil Authority Application's Verdict
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2012, 06:12:36 AM »
UNIT: 050
CLEARANCE: Acting Divisional Leader
Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: Shane West
Citizen Identification Number: 56590

Acceptance status:
<::|| DENIED ||::>

<::|| Interview failed. Applicant's mindset doesn't match Universal Union requirements. ||::>

// Note: Reapply in three weeks if still interested that time. You need to improve your roleplaying skills rapidly.

Applicant may reapply on Sunday, 21. October 2012.

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.UNIFORM-DvL(A).050
Console Shut Down.
Reviewed using ApplicationsHelper,


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