Author Topic: Roll the Dice (RTD)  (Read 22272 times)

Offline Vegas

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Roll the Dice (RTD)
« on: April 08, 2014, 08:20:19 PM »
not sure if anyone has ever played these before, one person GMs and rolls 1-X on a random number generator to decide the outcome of the people playing's actions
pretty much an example is;
guy A wants to walk down stairs
GM rolls a 1d20, gets a 1, guy tumbles down stairs and breaks his ankle
guy B wants to cut some guy with a knife, GM rolls 1d20, gets a 20, he cuts the guy's head off
roll for anything and everything
not sure if anyone is interested but i'll set it up anyway, fill out character sheet if interested
Code: [Select]
[b]Race (can be not a human):[/b]
[b]Inventory (3 sub-par items, ex frayed rope, rusty shiv, this wont be affected by initiative roll):[/b]
Classes: Pick a class in the venue of rogue, warrior, magician, etc. and I will give you equipment based off of it. Make up your own and state what kind of gear you'd like. (no dumb shit as per rule 2)
Strengths explained:  2 strengths minimum, 1 strong point, strength = +1 to rolls, strong point = +2 to rolls in this nature, you can have more than 2 strengths but only 1 strong point and for every strength you need 1 weakness
Weaknesses: 2 weaknesses minimum, 1 fatal flaw, weakness = -1 to those rolls, fatal flaw = -2 to rolls in that nature, 1 weakness for every strength.
i'll allow drop-ins while its in session, feel free to join up at any time, i'll be GMing
1. Listen to the GM
2. Don't do dumb shit (i'll tell you if its dumb)
3. If 3/4 of the roster inputs actions, I will roll for them unless in a group scenario ex. combat.
4. I reserve the right to roll at any time, and will most likely roll at least once every 24 hours.


Vengeance - Tony the Gorilla
Misty - U'han the Lion Man
Statua - Gerry the Human
Zombie - Hanker the Goblin
Channy - Hodon the Orc
NRK - Dagwa the Demon
Yak - Rock and Spooge the Twin-Headed Ogre
Red - Asameir the Human
Hazard - Antimony the Human
Dixon - Orion the Minotaur

EDIT: I will be rolling 1-20 on to decide outcomes unless the roll calls for something larger, ex. deciding the setting.

EDIT: Added 'class' to character sheet. I'd recommend everyone editing their char sheets based off of this.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 05:01:05 AM by Vegas »

Offline DrVengeance

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2014, 10:11:06 PM »
Name: Tony Margera
Sex: Male
Race (can be not a human): Gorilla
Inventory (3 sub-par items, ex frayed rope, rusty shiv, this wont be affected by initiative roll): Bent golf-club, half emptied bottle cocoa butter, pager.
Strengths: Gorilla strength; calm, good climber
Weaknesses: Tiny legs; less adaptive, over bearing.
have a nice day :)

Offline Misty is kinda Mittens

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2014, 10:20:54 PM »
Name: U'han (Ur-Ham)
Sex: Male
Race (can be not a human): Lion-man (Think Dnd)
Inventory (3 sub-par items, ex frayed rope, rusty shiv, this wont be affected by initiative roll): Rope, Gauntlets, and his Wicker Armor
Strengths: Super strength(Strong point). Strong bite. Good at smelling.
Weaknesses: Stupid (Flaw), Slightly bad sight, and slow.

Offline Statua

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2014, 10:58:13 PM »
Name: Gerry Odam
Sex: Male
Race (can be not a human): Human
Inventory (3 sub-par items, ex frayed rope, rusty shiv, this wont be affected by initiative roll): Dull carving knife, notebook, half-full pen
Strengths: inginuity, patient, independant
Weaknesses: schizophrenia, low self-esteem, short tempered
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 11:12:52 PM by Statua - Taking map commissions »

Offline Doctor Nice roButt

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2014, 11:21:42 PM »
Name: Hanker
Sex: Male
Race (can be not a human): Goblin
Inventory (3 sub-par items, ex frayed rope, rusty shiv, this wont be affected by initiative roll): Old bag, half a dagger,
Strengths: Quick, Nimble, Small
Weaknesses:Greedy, Small, Temper

"Bert John: Grammer, English, your sentence isn't making sense. "

Offline Channy

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2014, 11:41:12 PM »
Name: Brick Hodon
Sex: M
Race (can be not a human): Orc
Inventory (3 sub-par items, ex frayed rope, rusty shiv, this wont be affected by initiative roll): A rusty spoon, 12" of fishing line.
Strengths: Large Frame, Strong, Great survival skills.
Weaknesses: Weak Minded, Slow, Ignorant.

Offline Vegas

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2014, 11:52:31 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Roll for initiative!
The year is [1514]. You are [17] all in the King's banquet room, recently signing on to vanquish this guy.
Spoiler for Hiden:
(rolled 1d12 out of the broquest villains)He has supplied each of you with a bountiful feast, and [19] has decided to provide you with royal armaments.
Spoiler for Hanker:
Hanker, the goblin, recieves [2+2=4] an old sack to wear about himself, along with what he came in with, [2] some old wooden sandals, however he has made quite a living nicking things, with [96] gold.

Spoiler for Gerry:
Gerry, the odd schizophrenic, recieves [17+2=19] royal scribe robes as well as a gold-laced quill, a bottle of royal ink, and a stack of writing paper, totalling to +3 scribing rolls when used all together, +1 for each piece. along with [14] what he came in with, red monk robes and wooden paper-lined sandals, along with a bottle of plain ink and his quill, an iron dagger about his waist, as well as [46] gold.

Spoiler for U'han:
U'han is gifted [11+2=13] iron tips for his fangs, giving +1 to biting rolls as well as loose metal plates for his armor that add +1 to defense rolls, along with [18] what he came in with, a massive wooden club studded with iron, providing +2 to combat rolls when using it. He also has food supplies on-the-go, providing +1 whenever preparing food in the field, or at home, and [25] gold.

Spoiler for Tony:
Tony is given [15+2=17] A large reinforced club akin to U'han's, this one with  a purple cloth hanging from the base to mark the King's equipment, giving +2 to combat rolls using it. As well, he recieves a year's supply of cocoa butter at his request, providing +1 to seduction. He also came in with [3] A messanger pidgeon with a horrible disease and a broken leg, and [1] gold.

Spoiler for Brick:
Brick is given [17+2=19] a massive stock of salted meats, a fishing net and a meal kit, as well as a machete providing +1 to combat/breaking rolls (clearing jungle), as well as reinforced wooden plates that he can strap on, giving +2 to defense rolls. On top of this, he has [12] fish bait, an iron dagger and basic clothing, and [36] gold.

The king boots you out after you have feasted, leaving you all to explore the town and its shops before setting out.

Spoiler for Equipment:
Tony: Large reinforced club (+2 combat), cocoa butter (+1 seduc.) 1 gold.

U'Han: Iron tipped fangs (+1 combat), metal plates (+1 def.) 25 gold.

Gerry: Royal scribes equipment (+3 scribing rolls for 15 rolls, then drops to +2) 46 gold.

Hanker: 2 burlap sacks and half a dagger, 96 gold.

Hodon: Fishing bait + net (+1 fishing), reinforced wood armor (+2 def), machete (+1 breaking/combat), and 36 gold.

Offline Doctor Nice roButt

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2014, 11:57:49 PM »
Hanker goes to look for a merchants.

"Bert John: Grammer, English, your sentence isn't making sense. "

Offline Statua

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2014, 11:59:23 PM »
Gerry went to look for some armor as well as a pack and maybe some supplies for constructing things like rope, mallets, or a hatchet.

Offline Channy

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2014, 12:25:23 AM »
Brick goes to search for a lake or river, with intention to set up a small shelter and area to fish in temporarily.

Offline DrVengeance

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2014, 12:32:34 AM »
Tony saunters over to the nearest tavern, he applies a cocoa butter to himself (giving off a sensual aroma, as well as smooth skin). He begins to woo the barmaidens in an attempt to find out rumours as well as where gold can be obtained.
have a nice day :)

Offline NRK

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2014, 12:36:56 AM »
Name: Dagwanoenyent, Lord of Destruction and Chaos
Sex: Male
Race (can be not a human): Demon
Inventory (3 sub-par items, ex frayed rope, rusty shiv, this wont be affected by initiative roll): Decided by initial possession
Strengths: Possession, Adaptive,
Weaknesses:  Unreliable, Judgmental
God Bless the Greatest Country on Earth

Offline Vegas

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2014, 01:27:20 AM »
by popular demand (aka statua) i'm going to roll for the results
Hanker: [5] You set off to look for a merchants, but you're in the wrong part of town. You find a cart selling fruit but that's it.

Gerry: [8] You walk off in a direction nearby Hanker's, finding a jewish man running a general store.

Brick [9] You walk out of the town, deciding 'fuck the quest'. You find a rather small stream with no evident fish, and begin setting up shop.

Tony: [5+1-1=5] You walk into a local tavern, lubricating yourself with some cocoa-butter in this strange new environment. You walk up to a barmaiden, but you get nervous, and begin snorting and grunting, resorting to your primal gorilla-ness.
Spoiler for Hiden:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Initiative (Dagwa): [18] You possess a nobleman having a chat with the local priest. Possession goes on a 10 turn CD. He has [67+50=117] gold and fancy puffy clothing with a feathered cap. His eyes roll up into the back of his head, and then you gain control over his actions. The priest cocks an eyebrow at you, and then walks away.

No changes in equipment.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 01:30:33 AM by Vegas »

Offline Doctor Nice roButt

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2014, 01:30:14 AM »
Hanker looks for merchants again.

"Bert John: Grammer, English, your sentence isn't making sense. "

Offline DrVengeance

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Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2014, 01:43:32 AM »
Tony attempts to calm down, focusing on his inner-calmness, envisioning mountains, mead and wenches.
have a nice day :)


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