Author Topic: Things that piss you off (IRL)  (Read 70940 times)

Offline putin

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2011, 10:50:27 AM »
1. cataylst gamign
2. people who think they are smart because they question proven facts.
3. people who think they are unique
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 10:56:23 AM by Bobbe »

Offline Bromine

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2011, 10:56:44 AM »
1. cataylst gamign
2. people who think they are smart because they question proven facts.
3. people who think they are unique
Oh god yeah I heard it's the worst community ever.

Offline BltElite

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2011, 11:01:57 AM »
people who complain too much

Offline chunkeymonkey79

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2011, 11:56:37 AM »
I was going to put posion headcrabs...but then I realized this is an IRL topic.

People who think they're smart when they're not.

Looking retarded when I try to push the pull door, and vice versa.
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Offline SoapANator

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2011, 11:59:23 AM »
People whot hink they are so badass, and cool... derp
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Offline Crap-Head

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2011, 01:05:13 PM »
People who quote what other people said right above them. Like this example.

Someone gets mad over something then someone says "You mad bro?". Then the next 10 people in the thread quotes him thinking they are cool.
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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2011, 01:05:43 PM »
People with larger Egos than the known universe.
Shitty music.
Rebecca Black.
Lack of Punishments in public schools.(I'm in Texas the school can spank you with parents consent just none do it)
People who try to convert me/other people to their religions/Government Party's.
People who hate other people for what they believe/who they love.
People who think that your less of a person just because you have less money.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2011, 02:16:41 PM »
i tYpE lIkE thIs beCuZ i R cOoL LoL


Offline eaaaa

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2011, 03:56:29 PM »
1. Government. It's just shit, really.
2. Stupid people.
3. Haters.
4. Corporations, international companies.
5. Transportation Security Administration.
6. CIA.
7. FBI.
8. The Bilderberg Group.
9. The Rockefeller Family.
10. Monarchy.
11. Federal Reserve.
12.The idea of a one-world government..
I could go on for ages, to be honest..
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 03:59:03 PM by iHarvey »
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Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2011, 04:40:23 PM »
aviator sunglasses

a useful way to determine from a safe distance if someone's a douchebag

Offline Bromine

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2011, 05:02:48 PM »
aviator sunglasses

a useful way to determine from a safe distance if someone's a douchebag
Only wear them if you're a pilot, a rising pilot, or are wearing a shirt that's respectable.

Offline putin

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2011, 06:41:42 PM »
i hate straight porn

Offline wakeboarderCWB

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2011, 09:04:30 PM »
People who drive under the speed limit.

People who don't know how to drive.

People who don't turn on a green arrow.

Not to be racist, but people who stop in the middle of the road to talk to their friend on the side of the road and just wave you around them(Mostly blacks. Again, not to be racist).

People who can't drive a boat for shit and just cut you off, even if they're pulling someone.

Ohio. I just hate it. It's flat, the people there can't drive. The only good thing is fireworks are legal there(Illegal in Michigan).



Kids who brag that they have a better car than you, even though their parents bought their car and you bought yours with your hard earned cash.

Overused memes.

City life. Don't know why, but everyone is always on the go. I live in the suburbs, and it's calm and peaceful.

Loud music.

People who bully kids with a mental disorder.

People who don't take care of their boats. I wax mine every year, wipe it down after each use with a towel, and crank it up in the lift so it's not sitting in the water.

People who don't water their grass and let it burn.

People who use drugs illegaly.

Older kids who make fun of younger kids while playing a game. Just the play the game and shut up.

People who think it's cool to get drunk.

Kids who think it's cool to drink underage.

Groups of kids who make a big circle in the hall at school and barely leave you enough room to get through.

Foreign cars(I'm American).

People who lie to embarass you or get you in trouble.

Kids who don't care about school.

Kids who try to distract the teacher so they don't have to learn.

Over protective parents.

No racism intended... Black people who act all cocky just because Obama is president.

No racism intended... Black people who think every single thing is racist.

No racism intended... Black people who are extremely loud.

Wiggers. You're not black, nor should you be.

Kids who wear pants 3 feet below their waist. You may as well just wear no pants if you wear them like that...

Girls who stretch out their words. Speak in a simple sentence, not like thiiiiiissssssssss, telling your friendssss why he did thaaaaatttt.

Boys who go out with girls just to get some. Learn what a relationship actually is, idiots...

Teachers who have a repetitive lesson plan. Notes on this chapter, then get a guided reading. Same thing next day with the next chapter.

Teachers who think it's fun to go through your phone when you get it taken away. It's not your property, so leave it alone.

People who leave their house/room a mess. Get off your lazy ass and clean.

That's a nice little list for now...
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 01:11:04 PM by wakeboarderCWB »

Offline Statua

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2011, 01:52:01 AM »
Shitty and annoying customers. The ones who:
-spill slushie all over the floor and counter
-leave straw wrappers all over the place
-don't move to the side when I'm trying to sweep
-come in the store after the open sign has been turned off
-think you owe them and get pissed when you don't clean their window properly (complimentry service)
-try to scam you
-are in a bitchy mood and act like a dick when you try to be nice
-get mad when gas spills out yet they didn't warn you not to top it off or take it slow

Over half the customers that piss me off are natives. Not being racist but I think it shows something.
(Natives in Canada are the equivlent to African Americans in the states in regards to social status and stereotypes)

Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2011, 10:39:13 AM »
Shitty and annoying customers. The ones who:
-spill slushie all over the floor and counter
-leave straw wrappers all over the place
-don't move to the side when I'm trying to sweep
-come in the store after the open sign has been turned off
-think you owe them and get pissed when you don't clean their window properly (complimentry service)
-try to scam you
-are in a bitchy mood and act like a dick when you try to be nice
-get mad when gas spills out yet they didn't warn you not to top it off or take it slow

Over half the customers that piss me off are natives. Not being racist but I think it shows something.
(Natives in Canada are the equivlent to African Americans in the states in regards to social status and stereotypes)
Do you work at a gas station?
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass


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