Author Topic: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?  (Read 9863 times)

Offline Elions

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What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:00:57 PM »
A little idea that's been in my mind for a while already, do hear me out.

We've all talked about what our characters were like before and after the 7 hour war. We've talked also about what happens to them during their time in the cities and outlands even... But, let's say for a moment that the rebellion actually won. Let's say that the world was back to a relatively normal state, with people regaining control of the Earth...

What would happen to your character then? (assuming he/she survives).

Go ahead and let your imagination fly, use a normal sentence or make a little story for it, it's your call.

I'm not sure about the rest yet but i know my main character would probably end up giving himself in after the war, basically to "answer for what he did" before the 7 hour war. Basically ending up in prision for at the very least 15 years (might develop that idea a bit more later)

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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2012, 09:34:00 PM »
Well I guess the Wilsons would live the remainder of their time in one of the probably-going-to-be-established strongholds on the outskirts in a cabin. Do some stereotypical redneck shit. I can see Beans and Beef and Meaty all dying in the same situation in their fifties/sixties.

I'll make a story when I can be assed.
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Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2012, 09:59:41 PM »
Only one worth mentioning of mine is 495. At that stage if he wasn't shot, he would eventually die because his augments would be uncharged. But depending on the severity of the rebellion in C45 and if we get a code black or some coo coo shit, 495 would probably abandon the City and get as far as he could with what he had.

Offline Reimer

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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2012, 10:10:12 PM »
My unit 357 was deeply entrenched into the philosophy of the U.U. and took after the propaganda quite seriously, so if he wasn't taken down in combat over the city he would likely go through the rest of his life believing that the benefactors would return, at the time of writing he wasn't terribly augmented but he was in peak physical shape, so I have no doubts that he would live to an old age, providing, again, that he wouldn't die in battle which, in the end, I believe he would have preferred over living under the new rebel regimes.

His brother Jonathan, who was in Ineu from the beginning, came in on the convoy from the outer canals of (Whatever city we decided they were outside of, I think it was City 18.) He would likely try to take up residence in one of the cities that are now under rebel control and try and eke out a living with some sort of shop, as he was always partial to being a tradesman in his days in the pass. He did live in some pretty bad conditions and deal with malnutrition for a time so I doubt he would live much farther than 50. 
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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2012, 10:23:04 PM »
017 would have probably jumped ship along with the rest of ZEALOT and attempted to leave to OL once the shit definitely hit the fan. From there she would try to live out her life into the aftermath of the war on the fringes of civilization. Eventually she would return, having most likely getting off scott free with her crimes.

Richard Sherlock would probably be long dead before his goals were achieved. If he was alive to see it, he would return to assist the new Civil Police maintain order. His skills would come in handy but some elements of his past could end up branding him a terrorist'.

'Doctor' would probably continue travelling through Europe, eventually succumbing to some form of illness. 

'Kal' would end up travelling back to civilization with Red and the two would continue to live together.

Councilor Eolas would be strung up on the front of the embassy by resistance fighters for weeks until he died of starvation and thirst.

Pariah'Lok'Raam would most likely try to join another kin after the Combine's defeat, he would have forgiven himself enough by then.
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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2012, 10:36:06 PM »
I should probably get back to editing City 45 for the memorial event I had planned.

Daniel Slater would encounter the same end-game as his predecessors: if death failed to catch up with him before their victory, he would move on to be a backseat observer as the rest of the free world celebrated the triumph of humanity. Although he would be content with knowing that he did absolutely everything in his power to make life for the citizens of City Forty Five easier, he would spend the rest of his life regretting some of the more horrific and macabre decisions which were made on his behalf.

Doctor Lauren Neil would be torn apart by the rebels who found her. Although she legitimately stepped into the role of a Civil Administrator with the intention of helping her fellow humans, it later became clear she was more interested in maintaining her position and profile as an executive member of the Civil Administration Board of City Forty Five.

Nicole Mason would meld into regular civilian life seamlessly. Although she had turned away from the path which her father had set before her, she would take part in the reconstruction of humanity without a hint of hesitation. The rest of her life would be dedicated as a testament to a father whom although was now deceased, would be very proud.

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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2012, 10:59:33 PM »
Rex 'Luco' Vindicta: He would most likely end up some where in reclusion, most likely watching from a high moutain peak as humanity restored itself to it's normal state. Eventually, he will come down for visits and tours of the new human race. Or he might end up in Jail due to his mental problems...and murderous shit, all that bad juju.

Doctor William House: He would most likely surrender himself over to the Rebellious figures and hand them any important documents he can get his hands on. Being that manipulative kind of guy, he will most likely join the rebels and wait for this to all pass over, giving them speeches on how to better beat the Universal Union and give them insights on how to better ourselves from our past, being careful not to repeat history.

742: As a young 05, he would probably either follow 017, or 777. Both were nice to him, so if he could follow both he would. If he had to choose one, he wouldn't be able to. He would committ suicide due to the massive amounts of stress. OR, he would defect and run towards the rebels bearing a citizen uniform, leaving all of his weapons behind and radios.

Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2012, 11:20:37 PM »
Matt would most likely fall in combat during the war mainly due to his age, and his injuries during the occupation.
However, if he survived he'd most likely get in to politics and try to lead the new world in to a golden age.
Or he'd open a bar and serve drinks for the rest of his days/retire and just fade in to history.

Thomas may still have built up anger from the war, and follow it by enlisting in any police/military force there is left/Spend the last of his days hunting for any CCA members in hiding.
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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2012, 11:36:29 PM »
155 would most likely flee from the onslaught with 017, if he wasn't killed in any of the battles that may have occured. Eventually he would suggest living out somewhere in the outlands and attempt to gather the remainder of the fragmented CCA in an attempt to stay safe / regain fighting power. 155 would continue to hide out in the waste with other units or alone, until he died of old age, hunger, or other means.

Dr. Edward L. Iglesias would hide away in the cities, with the advantage of being a relatively unknown CA, he could get away with it. Chances are however he would be discovered by the rebels and killed, or be forced to flee to the outlands. Either way he would die within a few weeks after the event.

Now I feel like making a side story for future 155, oh goodie. I'll get on to that when I have a good idea set in place.

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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2012, 12:13:41 AM »
Jennifer Hanson would more than likely merge back into society, assisting in anyway possible with the reconstruction of humanity. She'd more than likely lay low during the actual course of the fighting, helping out refugees with supplies and the like.

'Flower' would more than likely flee out of the city during the course of the fighting that would occur in such an event. She'd easily blend into any outcome, due to her childlike nature of simply morphing to any figure who seems like a guardian to her. She'd more than likely spend the rest of her days in the company of those she'd escape with, or end up with in the immediate aftermath of a revolution.

There's two outcomes that 091 could have. If she some how managed to regain her memory or realise that the Union's slowly destroying humanity, she'd be quick to jump onto the bandwagon that is the Resistance. She'd accept any fate they gave her, whether it be life, torture, or death for her crimes against humanity. If she wasn't able to recall her true mindset, she'd more than likely flee the cities, fighting alongside what remains of OTA/Union supporters in the Outlands until killed or captured.

Dr. Alisha Tallen would probably blend back into society with ease, as she became a CA for the purposes of easing the lives of citizens. She hasn't done anything truly bad against humanity, and has good people skills. She'd more than likely wiggle her way out of any bad scenarios.

Michael Eloriga would join up with the fighting force of the Resistance rather quickly when actual combat came around. If he managed to survive the war, he'd have to blend in with the standard members of society and hide his past, as he was a part of a terrorist organization before the war. However, for the remainder of his life, he'd spend it searching for the love of his life, who supposedly is somewhere around City 45.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2012, 12:24:47 AM »
  Pre-Clockwork 350 would, along with 495, die either during the fighting or cardiac arrest when his augments run out of juice.  Once the server gets back up and I reboot 350, he would probably flee the city and surrender himself to the first rebel group he runs into.  Jean Sabotier (350) isn't that courageous of a character, merely joining up with Civil Protection because he wanted to help his fellow citizens and protect them.

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2012, 12:25:01 AM »
So many to name. So lets see.

- OfC 654: Expecting him to die around DvL, and be excuted on the roof of the nexus. If he happens to survive as the riots begin in the city he would probably go to the armory, and load up on ammo, and guns. Then probally try, and leave through the sewers later on ditching his uniform. He has no augments.

- Dr. Will Jones: Would surrender to the Rebels or if not at first he would attempt to hide, and escape.

- Mack 'Ghost' O'Conner: Assuming he survives for some time he would give all his ammo, and guns to a trusted friend then kill himself.

-  UU.OTA.SYNTH.71371: Most likely die by Freeman or some other rebel.

- Frank Jacobson (Tier-2.Med): After hearing about the rebellion he would toss away his white shirt walking to the CWU Supply gathering as much as he could then later taking off to hide.

- Johnny Barks: Due to him only being armed with a sword I expect him to go down very soon, and before the uprising. I would expect him charging a OTA Unit with a small sword as they pepper him down with bullets.

- C45.CCA.GRID-SCN.654: Would probally die by resistance.

- [CG:OP] Delta1116732: I don't really know on this one. Fly away into the sunset?

- C45.CONSCRIPT.11900: He would wait, and hide in the cells until citizens had overrun the nexus eventually getting inside until they release him. After that he would go all out Rambo with the resistance on the CCA.

- Mek' Vol: Hearing about the uprising he would assist the citizens in any way he could.

- UU.OTA.VANGUARD-12.65410: After taking down some citizens I would expect him to he taken down by a sniper or explosive.

- Dr. Wesley Sharp: He would continue to hide in his unknown spot with his tech. He would then attempt to move to the mountains near his home, and research lab off the coast of Indu. If he survived he would remain there, and continue on with his life though remember the people who helped him.

I'd also like to point out this is that even though the Combine are gone Antlions would still remain, and let alone headcrabs. Though the headcrabs number would vastly decrease they would still be around.

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2012, 12:50:57 AM »
905: She would end up heading off with 495 trying to help him and shit till he dies, then most likely either kill herself or just lay down the uniform, keep the guns and radio and walk off into the sun set to either live in the woods or just join the Resistance. (Suicide would also be a MASSIVE option.)

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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2012, 01:45:01 AM »
Bryan Black: Have a sexual relationship with Daniel Slater and have a bunch of black babies jk jk lol. SERIOUS: Bryan would prolly just try to find some sort of work and live out his life in some small town, not doing much.

Charlie Smith: He would continue to stalk the outlands and do everything for his personal gain, continuing life as a "bandit" and a pedophile.(First pedophile in the outlands 8) )

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Re: What would happen to your character(s) AFTER the combine war?
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2012, 01:48:28 AM »
00621 would have no place in post-combine society after being so heavily involved with the persecution of rebels and with the implementation of UU propaganda and ideals, probably to the point where he'd be specifically targeted like some officers within the Nazi regime. It's likely he would be involved in combine resistance pockets that would continue to be active post-combine fall until his death.

Marcus would have problems integrating into society due to his PTSD and facial scarring from burn wounds. He'd probably drink himself silly and die or work for whatever government would take over as a military asset.


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