Author Topic: Elizabeth Williams' Authorization Application  (Read 1825 times)

Offline Doctor Nice roButt

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Elizabeth Williams' Authorization Application
« on: February 21, 2013, 07:05:21 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Toxic_Zombie
Age: 17
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 5+ Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Less than a year

Character Section

Mechanical Engineering Technology Bachelor's Degree
  • Extensive knowledge of mechanics, electronics, and generally anything that has to do with machines.
  • Moderate knowledge of computer programming and computers in general.
  • Knowledgable in math and science.
  • Ability to understand how machines work and function.
  • Ability to draw up designs and blueprints for machines.

Name: Elizabeth Williams
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Humble Origins - Child
Young Elizabeth scooted closer to the tiny television in front of her, bouncing as she sat. She held her favorite toy, a wind-up robot that walked forward when cranked, in her left hand. It didn't have anything to do with the show that was about to start, but she liked to hold it anyway. As she wiggled with excitement, a tall man with dark brown hair, her father, leaned down and reached in front of her, pressing the channel button on the tv until it reached the image of a dark city. Of course Elizabeth was watching Batman, who didn't love that Dark Knight? Her favorite part of the show was all the neat gadgets and vehicles he had. Someday, she would make all those things and show them off to all her friends, and they would envy her. Her father made his way to the recliner, slumping down in it as he watched his daughter become engrossed in the film noir that was Batman.

Build a Robot - Child
The door slowly creaked open as small Elizabeth peeked into her father's study. Her father turned his head towards the girl, tearing his attention away from his computer so he could speak with her.
"What'cha got there, squirt," he asked in a smooth, playful voice. Elizabeth waddled up to the desk he sat at, setting down a piece of paper on it.
"Ah made another one," she squeaked, looking into her father's eyes with anticipation. The paper held a drawing of an odd looking robot with its inner mechanics showing. They were simplistic, a crude drawing of a battery, a gear, some wires. She was too young to fully grasp how machines truly worked, but she was getting there. Her father pulled his chair closer to the desk, looking over the picture and smiling. They would go on to discuss the design as they did with any of her drawings. He would compliment and critique, and she would explain and learn. Her father wasn't a master of all things robots himself, but he helped to push Elizabeth along in the right direction to the best of his knowledge.

Rage Against the Machine - Teenager
Poof. Elizabeth coughed, waving the smoke away from her sooty face. She heard a woman's yell come from outside the garage. In front of her was a worn and rusty looking motorcycle with many of its parts sprawled on the dirty floor. Her mother didn't approve of her daughter owning a motorcycle, they were dangerous and rebellious and loud, but she grudgingly approved of letting her have a broken one. Her father, of course, knew better. Sooner or later, that beaten and greasy bike would be tearing through the street with Elizabeth riding it. As long as Elizabeth didn't make a mess, her mother whined. But, of course, she made the biggest messes and the most noise and injured herself too many times to count, but she would never give up until she could mount her prize and ride off into the sunset. That, or until they all exploded. Elizabeth snickered, hearing her mother scream at her father from inside the house on how this was his fault.

How to Pass a Class - Young Adult
Elizabeth balanced a pencil on her nose, nudging the student next to her. The blonde rolled his eyes, nudging her back and whispering.
"If you keep screwing around, the professor is going to throw papers at you again." Elizabeth leaned forward, the pencil falling onto her notebook. She rolled her eyes at the boy, gripping the pencil and going back to doodling robots on the paper.
"Rory, if he throws papers at me, I'll just take them and use them as my class notes," Elizabeth said between a smile. "Besides, Dynamics is easy."
Rory smacked her lightly, going back to writing his own notes.
"If it's so easy, why don't you have an A?"
They continued to banter quietly among themselves throughout the lesson, as they normally did. Despite her carefree attitude, Elizabeth did like her college classes and paid attention during them whenever she wasn't talking with her best friend. Her favorite time during college were the labs, where she got hands on experience with the concepts she was being taught. She wasn't the best student, as she dreaded siting in a class full of people not unlike herself and listening to some old coot talk about Calculus, but she absorbed the knowledge.  It was important in her grand scheme of robots and world domination, she'd tease Rory. How is she suppose to build a killer mech if she didn't know how certain fluids affected motion and such. It was all part of the plan, long lessons and all.

Grease and Metal - Young Adult
Rory rubbed the stubble that consumed his chin as he watched Elizabeth emerge from the other side of his motorcycle. She was covered in grease and was holding what used to be a piece of his precious bike. The blonde let out a groan, the noise mixing in with the buzzing and grunting that filled the repair shop. Elizabeth handed the dirty part to Rory, smiling.
"You need a new one of these, it's kinda broken and costs money," she remarked. Rory frowned, looking down at his bike in sadness, then back to his friend.
"How does a girl with a big degree like yours end up in some crappy auto repair shop," he inquired, tossing the part back to Elizabeth before wiping his hands on his ratty jeans. The girl shrugged, going back to examining the machine in front of her. Her voice rang out from the front of the bike.
"How does a girl like myself get a diploma when her best friend can't even last two years in college?" Her opposite sneered playfully.
"When will my baby be fixed?"
"Give me a week or so, you know the drill."
Rory left the establishment, letting Elizabeth work her magic.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
  • Ability to fix (or attempt to fix) objects and machines.
  • Isn't totally oblivious to the mechanical world around her.
  • Can try and recreate or modify certain objects and machines.
  • Can try and create her own objects and machines.
[See authorization for other perks that were already listed.]

  • Most likely injure self working on machines or testing them out.
  • Doesn't know anything about Combine technology.
  • Needs tools and materials, both of which are very scarce, to actually work on things.
  • Machines made or fixed could count as contraband.
  • More likely to get in trouble due to messing with equipment and machines around her.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Elizabeth likes to tinker with things and create her own abominations, so having the auth gives her a bit of credibility. I myself hope to add a bit of uniqueness to the city with Elizabeth. There aren't a lot of machine nerds in the city (not counting Logistics). This also lets me expand my horizons with a character, as Elizabeth isn't stuck being some grease jock with nothing to do. The auth also takes advantage of the new map, which has a more industrial feel. I can also take advantage of TT since she's obviously going to make a mess building and fixing things.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?
City (Outlands if she ever moves between the two)

Extra Notes (optional):
Anything she makes or fixes will go through auths to be approved. She isn't going to be building pew pew guns, so no need to worry about another gunslinger or whatever.

Also, I hate writing essays, so apologies that the backstory is in a weird sort of format. I prefer to write stories rather than write down information. If you think it's too confusing or prefer something else, I can always write it as a straight biography (although I'd prefer not to).

"Bert John: Grammer, English, your sentence isn't making sense. "

Offline Made Man

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Re: Elizabeth Williams' Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 11:17:47 PM »
 The backstory is short, but it's reasonable and not overpowered for a character. Also, I respect you for what you do. So you've grabbed my +support!. Good luck.

Offline Khub

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Re: Elizabeth Williams' Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2013, 03:41:03 AM »
The backstory looks short but I think it contains all that's needed. The perks aren't overpowered and are going to promote PassiveRP. You're also willing to try it at the city server before possibly moving to outlands - that's great! You have my support.

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Re: Elizabeth Williams' Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2013, 11:07:04 AM »
I'm confident that Toxic can roleplay this within reason, I have spent a good amount of time observing and interacting with her characters and I believe she won't start to do anything crazy like crack into Combine tech and shit.

+support, yo
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 11:59:02 AM by The 11th Doctor »

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Re: Elizabeth Williams' Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2013, 03:14:03 PM »
I also don't see anything that would really hinder this from being accepted. With the support it already has, I'll go ahead and accept it.

Accepted. Locked. Moved.


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