Author Topic: Parents  (Read 6935 times)

Offline Sithis

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« on: April 15, 2013, 09:14:27 PM »
Are anyone else's parents assholes or complete idiots? My mother today of all days when I was in a horrible mood is like "What are you doing on the computer? Facebook? Watching porn? Searching for something?" being really fucking annoying and pushy and like I did something horrible. I told her I was looking at forums and then she's like "What are forums?" I explained to her what a forum was then she's like, "What kind of forum is it? Gaming?" ugh, sometimes I want to shoot my parents.
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Re: Parents
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2013, 09:17:50 PM »
Yes they get rather annoying. That's one reason I moved out ^.^ But you should still listen to them. They teach you life skills that you WILL use when you move out. Not just how to clean your bathroom or cook chicken, but also how to prioritize things in your life and how to live well.

Also, moved to social discussion.

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Re: Parents
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 10:01:12 PM »
That's why I killed my parents.

Depends on how old you are. When I was like 8 my parents were strict with me and whatnot, but now I'm home alone most of the time and I don't really have many problems with mine. If they are really assholes then just talk to them? If they bother you, tell them to leave you alone? If your parents are divored and one is a dick, then just live with the other.
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Re: Parents
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2013, 10:04:46 PM »
 Your parents have been born in a different generation other than the current generation you are in. They've might have had old music, lack of technology, etc that differs from ours with new kinds of music (i.e. dubstep, rap, etc), new technology (i.e. flatscreen TV, 3D videogames, etc) and in comparison, there is a few things that differ from your parents and yourself. Sometimes, they might be confused on what this or that means and you need to make them understand what it is because you stuck to that the most and they didn't. Listen to your parents, they are basically a guide.

 It's also strange that I encountered this kind of discussion on the forums WHEN I discussed it in English class today. It's quite strange. Hm. Strange.

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Re: Parents
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2013, 11:41:15 PM »
Are anyone else's parents assholes or complete idiots? My mother today of all days when I was in a horrible mood is like "What are you doing on the computer? Facebook? Watching porn? Searching for something?" being really fucking annoying and pushy and like I did something horrible. I told her I was looking at forums and then she's like "What are forums?" I explained to her what a forum was then she's like, "What kind of forum is it? Gaming?" ugh, sometimes I want to shoot my parents.

It means she loves you man. Trust me, its better to have them care and ask questions and actually interact with you than not doing it all. It may seem annoying, but she's doing it for you. She just wants to talk to you and I understand you need space. Just tell her in the most understanding way you can.

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Re: Parents
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 12:34:34 AM »
I have some problems with my parents as well, everytime my dad sees me on the computer for over 2 hours, he just tells me to take a break, so I take a break. 3 hours later, on the computer for 5 minutes, "Take a break". I would talk to him, but he has some sort of anger problems, which scares the hell out of me. Believe me, my dad can punch his own family when he is angry. He just wants me to be as sports lover as he is.
I'd live with my mom, but I lived with her for about 10-11 years, and I can't take the smell and the smoke of ciggarets. Everyday she smokes at least one box. Plus my sis started smoking about 2-3 years ago, and she is smoking one box minimum as well.
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Re: Parents
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2013, 12:54:08 AM »
My parents and I have a lot of issues. We just have a whole different level of values and fundamentals, and we don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues. I know people that argue that it's because I'm a 'rebellious teenager', but I find it to be I genuinely don't agree with all the things that they do. I mean, it's not really human to agree 100% with someone or something, at least in this modern day and age. With my way of thinking in that manner, along with issues such as authority, liability, school, computers, etc, we just get into a lot of arguements. I wouldn't say my relationship with my parents is bad, though. I still love my parents a lot, and can acknowledge that they've taught me quite a bit. But, as I grow older, I'm obviously going to take on a few ideas of my own.

tl;dr: Don't feel weird or upset if you get into arguements with your parents or don't share similar ideals to them. Just deal with it, and try to work out your problems that you have the best you can. If your Mom's in a pissy mood and starts attacking you, just let it slide and answer her questions in a relaxed, calm manner. Works wonders (usually ^^)

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Offline Sithis

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Re: Parents
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2013, 01:47:28 PM »
Your parents have been born in a different generation other than the current generation you are in. They've might have had old music, lack of technology, etc that differs from ours with new kinds of music (i.e. dubstep, rap, etc), new technology (i.e. flatscreen TV, 3D videogames, etc) and in comparison, there is a few things that differ from your parents and yourself. Sometimes, they might be confused on what this or that means and you need to make them understand what it is because you stuck to that the most and they didn't. Listen to your parents, they are basically a guide.

 It's also strange that I encountered this kind of discussion on the forums WHEN I discussed it in English class today. It's quite strange. Hm. Strange.

Yeah, but they've been in this new generation for long enough I think they should know about this stuff already. I know my parents love me, but they can be asses at times and we have many issues. Like, my mom tells us she stopped drinking but she starts again then she says she will stop, she stops for one day, then it continues. It's gotten better, but we still have lots more issues, we can't get along many times, and it just gets old. Like we have a horribly messy house, we agree to get it clean, but once it's clean it just piles up. My parents DO love me, but sometimes I just want to slap them or leave. I have severe anger issues so it doesn't help me when they get pushy like that or however they are.
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Re: Parents
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2013, 09:37:28 PM »
I constantly hear complaints about people who have parents who hate the fact their son/daughter is a gamer and is constantly on the computer, or how they don't understand anything about machines. I cannot relate, however, because my parents both work as software engineers, so they spend all day on a computer and don't mind if I basically do the same. It also means they know as much or more than me about most things with the computer.

While my parents are very chill about computers they are strict on some really weird things. They hate me being home alone, even though I'm 17, they not only forbid any cursing, but also banned any video or game that had cursing in it from me and my brother until we were around 14/15, and despite me moving out for college in a matter of months still have a strict bed-time of 10:30 for me. This makes me sometimes wish for the innatentive parents that I hear about sometimes. One thing I'm grateful for is for the fact that neither of my parents have any bad habits like drinking, smoking, or drugs. Although I can relate to turhral in the fact that arguing with my dad can be scary due to anger issues, but he wouldn't hit me.

tl;dr : I'm a spoiled suburban white kid living in as close to a classical catholic household as is possible without being catholic, and really cannot relate to much in this board but just wanted to post my situation as it was so different.
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 C45.CCA.APEX-DvL.313 reaches into his magical pocket where everything is contained no matter what it is, and takes out another armband
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Re: Parents
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2013, 10:37:41 AM »
She's being a good mother, Bryan. I can't relate that much, but at times when I'm on Youtube or Facebook my parents will just occasionaly look over and ask what I'm doing.

As for what my parents think of me as being a gamer, I think they're just used to it now. I still hang out with my dad. We work on cars, fish, boat, etc. We're going to join a bowling league to keep a family tradition going, and we also got a father-son jet boat project going. As for my mom, well, we're not very close anymore. Not much in common, either.

But love your parents, Bryan. If they're just asking you what you're doing, it means they care about you. It's common for kids your age(Even mine) to get pissy at your parents.

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Re: Parents
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2013, 11:32:42 AM »
I actually hate my family, but not because of technological reasons, but because of emotionally torturing reasons. I know people say if you say you hate your parents you will still love them, but I just don't physically feel that anymore...
im bach

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Re: Parents
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2013, 11:36:48 AM »
She's being a good mother, Bryan. I can't relate that much, but at times when I'm on Youtube or Facebook my parents will just occasionaly look over and ask what I'm doing.

As for what my parents think of me as being a gamer, I think they're just used to it now. I still hang out with my dad. We work on cars, fish, boat, etc. We're going to join a bowling league to keep a family tradition going, and we also got a father-son jet boat project going. As for my mom, well, we're not very close anymore. Not much in common, either.

But love your parents, Bryan. If they're just asking you what you're doing, it means they care about you. It's common for kids your age(Even mine) to get pissy at your parents.

You're lucky, I only see my Dad twice a month, and I constantly ask to do something with him and we don't, I just sit in his house bored for a day or two.

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Re: Parents
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2013, 12:15:22 PM »
She's being a good mother, Bryan. I can't relate that much, but at times when I'm on Youtube or Facebook my parents will just occasionaly look over and ask what I'm doing.

As for what my parents think of me as being a gamer, I think they're just used to it now. I still hang out with my dad. We work on cars, fish, boat, etc. We're going to join a bowling league to keep a family tradition going, and we also got a father-son jet boat project going. As for my mom, well, we're not very close anymore. Not much in common, either.

But love your parents, Bryan. If they're just asking you what you're doing, it means they care about you. It's common for kids your age(Even mine) to get pissy at your parents.

You're lucky, I only see my Dad twice a month, and I constantly ask to do something with him and we don't, I just sit in his house bored for a day or two.
It's hard. My dad works the midnight shift with a lot of overtime, so if he works a 12 hour shift he usually doesn't wake up until 6pm. So after work that leaves only 3-4 days a week to see him for ~4 hours each day.

Offline Sithis

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Re: Parents
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2013, 01:59:35 PM »
She's being a good mother, Bryan. I can't relate that much, but at times when I'm on Youtube or Facebook my parents will just occasionaly look over and ask what I'm doing.

As for what my parents think of me as being a gamer, I think they're just used to it now. I still hang out with my dad. We work on cars, fish, boat, etc. We're going to join a bowling league to keep a family tradition going, and we also got a father-son jet boat project going. As for my mom, well, we're not very close anymore. Not much in common, either.

But love your parents, Bryan. If they're just asking you what you're doing, it means they care about you. It's common for kids your age(Even mine) to get pissy at your parents.

You're lucky, I only see my Dad twice a month, and I constantly ask to do something with him and we don't, I just sit in his house bored for a day or two.

Thing is, my parents never got divorced so my dad lives with me, but whenever I want to do something he's always saying he's tired so instead he plays call of duty 24/7 and tells me it's bad to play video games.

My sister is suicidal and has bipolar disease, so she's always a bitch and we always have drama with her that ends up in horrible physical conflict. I don't have a horrible life, I just can't take it at times, I've even thought about suicide before because it gets so bad.
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Re: Parents
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2013, 06:56:53 PM »
If your parents ask what you do on the computer, they are just being protective.
A lot of nasty things happen to younger children via the internet, so they just hope it doesnt happen to you.

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