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Messages - turhral=S=C=

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Introductions / Re: Introduction.
« on: January 29, 2013, 09:06:22 AM »
Finally you've done an introduction...

Welcome to CG, I guess.

Outside City 45 / Re: Lack of danger & hostility
« on: January 28, 2013, 04:54:49 AM »
Yeah... I disagree with you. Yes, in the HL2 series there WAS a lot of danger outside of City 17, but I think it is mostly because they figured that Gordon Freeman was awake. Plus, it was in the later years of the canon, means probably something happened between these 2 and a half years from our current canon time.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Just some questions..
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:24:57 AM »
you don't even need to be a loyalist to join the cca as far as i know

Wrong. They are checking your loyalist status when you Apply for it. How would they know that you are not actually an Anti-Citizen who wants to ruin the CCA from the inside?

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Just some questions..
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:06:33 AM »
1. Why is nobody ever on HL2RP?

2. How can I become CWU or CCA without the loyalist system?

3. No one is on right now... FOR ANYTHING...

Statement: I play HL2RP now, HL2RP is cool.

1. Nobody is on the City server because of Outlands brought back from the dead. Wait a bit untill everyone will be on BOTH servers.

2. You can't, you MUST use the loyalist system, as far as I know.

3. See 1.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Amanda's Authorization Application
« on: January 24, 2013, 04:14:17 PM »
I simply provided the means for the character to do what they wanted with that they had, how far they take it and how much it affects them is up to them and how they RP the experience. I never intended for this to be a ghost event personally, as I stated or really anything I would call an "event" in the terminology its used for on the server. This was an experience presented to the applicant for their personal character development, which I have no problem with, hence why I provided the character the means to take this how they wanted. They could have acted scared and ran away, ending it. My point is, the character controls how effective the hallucinations are.

Regarding eating the bones, if its possible then okay, but the point I was making was that when I did this for the character, I intended for all of it to be purely an hallucination, further showing and giving a more hands on IC excuse for the character's insanity. I never meant or personally viewed anything as actually happening, only happening in the character's mind. ICly, there were no bones, no voices, no locked doors, etc. from the viewpoint of anyone else being normal. Only the applicant's character viewed the world in the way they described, hence hallucinations for character development.

As I stated originally and to go along with Challenge's comment, I'm fine with accepting your character having the personality and mental issues authorization, but not for offensive means towards anyone else, only for passive for yourself and other's. Your insane personality should never be used to attack anyone else, or make you invincible to pain or anything like that. 

Also, as a side note, there's no creature or ghost or anything to be referred to as an entity controlling anything in this story. Everything was in the character's mind. No "Thing" ever existed or controlled any actions.

I fully understand that, it's just that I couldn't describe it in any other way, heh.
Anyway, I changed the perks and defects a bit, so it will be only Mentally, and not physically. Plus I don't think it will happen quite a lot.

Accepted Authorizations / Amanda's Authorization Application
« on: January 24, 2013, 02:01:11 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: turhral=S=C= [1-03]
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): A couple of years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About 3 months

Character Section

-Another, Insane "Personallity", due to the experience.

Name: Amanda Cavender
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Combine-hater.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

**It started in the abandoned Train Tracks, where only the Red signal lights were flashing.**
 Amanda Cavender walked through them to reach the other side of the City, known as Precinct three. She walked at her own pace, seeing not a single living in the area.
Suddenly, something appear behind her... It seems as it was a wooden box, which came out of nowhere. Amanda walked towards it, hoping to find anyone else in the dark tunnels. She yelled in each direction, to see if an answer would be replied.

There was no sound, except of the echoing voice of her. The area was empty still.
Amanda turned back, continues walking, but her pace is slightly faster. As she walks, a small toy was on the ground. It seems as it was a baby toy, standing in the way.

Amanda ignored it, and continued walking through the tunnel. As she reaches to the second curve, she turns right to enter the last tunnel, which you could have seen the end of it.
As amanda walked through it for a bit, another distinct sound was hear behind her. She turned back quickly, only to see another mystery box. She walked to it again, looking around for any living thing. The tunnels were still empty.
She turned back slowly, continued to walk towards the end of the tunnel. She walked faster, almost jogged.

Amanda then reaches a pile of something, builded from a familiar thing.
It was baby dolls. They were on each other, building a pile. It was almost in the height of Amanda's head. She went on it, dropping a few dolls on the ground, making some audible sounds. As she reached the top of it, she jumped to the bottom of it, dropping more dolls.

She went through the broken Train, getting out from her doors to reach the train station.
Amanda went up to the ground through the train station, and walked towards the store.
An audible sound was made behind her. It sounded like a small screech, like the sound of the old doors.
The slums' door was open. There was no one visible inside. Amanda went inside the slums, checking for any living thing.

She walked through the stair way, walking through the small, white double doors. As she went through the double doors, a loud, very audible sound was heard behind her.
The double doors were shutted locked. It would not budge. Amanda tried to open the doors forcefully, even kicking it. Nothing helped it. She was stuck inside.

Suddenly, something on the stair case caught her view. It was another one of the weird, baby dolls. Amanda walked to it, picked it up, and examined it. Was nothing special.

She went upstairs, finding another doll near an unlocked door, while all the other doors were closed. She went inside, only to see a bone in the middle of the room.

The door closed behind her. Amanda tried to open it as hard as she could, but it was useless. The door was stuck, and won't budge.
A voice slowly crawled inside her head. The voice sounded distant, echoing inside her head. It seems as the voice was telling "Eat me..." Amanda turned around, looking at the bone. The sounds became more and more louder.

Something controlled her body against her own will. She could not control her body. Something made her move towards the bone. She crouched towards it, and grabbed the bone. She was screaming, but with no one around to hear her. She putted the bone inside her mouth, slowly chewing it. She was crying, and tears fell on the floor as well as blood from the bone. As she finished eating the bone, she was in control of her own body once again.

She fell on to the ground, crying from the horror. She wanted to puke, but she held it.
Amanda got up, running down stairs. But the stairs were barricaded with fences that weren't here before. She knew that she couldn't find a way out from there.
Amanda ran up stairs to the next floor, hoping to find a way out. She ran across another doll, ignoring it.
As she reached the next floor, she saw a few doors closed, with one of them open, with a baby doll near it. She walked to the other closed doors, trying to open them. They were all locked and won't budge.

Amanda knew she needs to go inside the open room again. She walked towards the room, getting inside.
The door behind her was shut as well. Amanda tried to open it, but she couldn't. The voice came back, saying the two words, "Eat me..." louder and louder. She turned around, only to see a human skull. Something controlled her body again, making her walk towards the skull and crouch near it. She broke the skull with her hands, revealing what seems to be a human brain, still filled with a bit of blood.

It made her grab it. Amanda couldn't resist it. It made her put it inside her own mouth, eating it. She tried to spit it out, but with no luck. She swalloed the brain bit-by-bit, eating it completly.
Amanda got control of her body again, making her insane. She screamed all over the room, kicking and punching the walls and the floor. No one hear it, and no one was around in the area.

The door opened. Amanda ran through it, running towards the stairs leading down. They are barricaded as well like the stairs before. Amanda knew she had to go up to the last floor.
She slowly walked upstairs, leaving tears all over the place. She reaches the last floor, only to be in the same scenario. Closed doors with one opened, and a baby doll near it. She slowly walked towards it.

Amanda enters the room, seeing a body of a female. The door closed behind her.
But the body... It was familiar. It was the body of a very known female by Amanda.

It was her body. It looked just like her, identical to her in any known ways.
Amanda was in complete shock. She covered her mouth, filling her eyes with tears. She turns around, banging on the door as hard as she could. Nothing happened. She turned back to the body.

The voice came back... But it does not come from her head. But from the body. The body turned its head to face Amanda, opening its mouth and saying "Eat me..." as buttons from her jumpsuit begins to open, revealing her stomach.

The thing came back, this time controlling the whole body of Amanda completley, leaving her no choice but to let it do what it wants.
Amanda gets closer to the stomach of the body, crouching near it. She took her hands, and started digging inside the stomach, tearing it open. She takes a few inner-organs with her hands, putting them inside her mouth.
She could not resist. She could not do anything. All she could do is let the thing make her eat. She chewd the organs, swallowing them completly.

Amanda was in control of her body once again. She ran out of the now-opened door, holding her mouth, trying not to vomit. She ran down stairs while crying, moving through each floor and floor. Amanda reaches the bottom floor, seeing as the white double doors are now open.

Amanda ran towards them, getting out of the slums. She ran towards the shop, and once inside, enters a rampage of madness.
Amanda was insane. She ran around the shop, breaking or damaging anything that comes in her way, being followed by a set number of screams and yells.
She went on with it for about ten or fifteen minutes, calming herself. Amanda then falls to the ground, curving in a ball-like position, crying loudly. She was hopeless.

From that day, Amanda tried to forget what has happened, but with no luck. The experience always comes back to her, making her enter more violant rampages.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-Becomes slightly more presistent from day-to-day human harm, such as torn off flash and blood.

-A very high chance of harming herself due to the mental defect.
-She becomes very vulnerable when she is experiencing a very bloody situation, making her remember the scenario, harming herself even more in a mental way.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to try and RP as a character which has some mental problems, such as the one above.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional): It all happened ICly, with an admin being the "Thing".

Edit 1: Edited the backstory to fix spelling and Grammatical errors, plus adding Paragraphs.
Edit 2: Edited the perks and defects to match Challenge's saying.

Fixed / Re: Outlands character glitch
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:25:10 AM »
Maybe it's because they haven't rigged something to know it is an Outlands character. Just use him again in the Outlands and it will fix it hopefully.

IC Chat / Re: <::||C45.CCA.S1-RCT.773 Private logs||::>
« on: January 21, 2013, 11:57:13 AM »
UNIT: 773

Enter Password: ***********

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: "Dinner"

**The young male appears once again on the screen, with his bright green eyes, and short, brown hair. His facemask is visible in the bottom left corner, most of it is out of screen. He looks down for a bit, before raising his head and opening his mouth.**
<::|| Unit Double seven-Three, with log number Five.
In the past week I managed to complete three trainings, two of them were pretty exhausting. Well, at least 4 more, and on to the next block., but I need to catch Oh-Fifty or Six-Fifty-Four first.
I had the chance to train with One-Fifty-Five, he got some heck of muscles. I also met Oh-Fourty-One, Twenty-Two-Eight, and Nince-Eleven. Pretty nice persons, hope they will continue to stay in the CCA. Heck, 228 got Augmentations already. She went a long way through the CCA.
I... Also helped with the training of Nine-Eleven, I think. Oh-Seventeen tried to train her how to knock people down with hitting them in the Neck, however she missed the spot with less than an inch. I think. It just hurts a bit after, that's all.

I guess that is all for now, I should go back.
Not to self, remember to buy Oh-Seventeen dinner. *He chuckles for a bit, grabbing his facemask and putting it on. ||::>

Saving File As: "Dinner"
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.S1-RCT.773
Console Shut Down.

Bug Reports / Re: inventory got wiped
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:50:28 PM »
My inventory gets wiped each time I switch characters.

Like Mr.Pettit said, it is still on your character, just not visible for you. If someone will tie you and search you, they will find your items. Use the command "/invaction drop (Name of the item here)". Khub already made a post about it in the general HL2RP board.

Bug Reports / Re: inventory got wiped
« on: January 18, 2013, 06:57:51 AM »
Excuse me for barging in, but my inventory for my character Amanda Cavender was wiped as well. All I had is a backpack, a bag, and a flashlight.

Media / Re: What music are you listening to right now?
« on: January 17, 2013, 08:33:31 AM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I just love game themed fan music such as this one.

Support & Help / Re: source sdk base 2006
« on: January 16, 2013, 03:07:21 PM »
Do you have the required game installed in your library? There are mods who won't work without a special game, such as HL2:EP1 or EP2.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: HL2RP Screenshot thread.
« on: January 15, 2013, 12:59:41 PM »
recent rave parteh yes.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

Fixed you silly - you dont put the web link to the community thing of the screenshot, you need to right click the image>copy image URL. -Blt
Oh. Well, shit, didn't know that. Thanks for fixing it.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Combine Civil Authority Meeting
« on: January 15, 2013, 11:42:47 AM »
Most of the chances that I will attend, no school at this date.
I won't be attending, I thought it was on Friday. Becuase I live in Israel, USAs Saturday-Sunday weekend is like our Friday-Saturday weekend.
May I ask what the meeting will be about?

Vortigaunts / Re: Vortigaunt Faction Leader
« on: January 15, 2013, 09:22:20 AM »
Congrats, Sexy Frog.
Out of the topic, do you have my old Vortigaunt application stored somewhere? I don't want to re-write all of it...
Already answered me in the shoutbox. Guess I'll have to re-write it.

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