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Messages - Nicknero

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Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: rp_c45_catalyst_v2 is in the making!
« on: June 10, 2011, 12:42:05 PM »
You know there is a modify button right? No need to post FIVE times in a row.

If you are working on this map, be advised that it already was way past it's ent limit. So if you are going to add stuff, you have to remove some as well.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: OOC running
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:51:25 AM »
After a crash, you are allowed to return position where you was before the crash. This counts for like 5-10 minutes or so. If you rejoin later, or don't choose to go back RIGHT AFTER YOU JOINED, consider yourself rejoining and resetting position.

To make it clear: Yes, you are allowed to run back to where you crashed right after a crash, but NOWHERE ELSE. If you have PET flags, use your physgun to make it clear you are OOC.

General Discussion / Re: The sad leave :<
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:41:19 AM »
I so did not expect this... Noooooo :'(

Oh well, good luck in whatever you are planning to move to.

General Discussion / Re: Just one question.
« on: June 05, 2011, 07:17:46 PM »
In my opinion, if you don't want people to read something what you say, then why say it?
Yes, I know you would answer that sentence with: "But what if you said it by accident and regret saying it?", so I respond to that with my following statement:

It is fine if you quote people without their permission, but if they ask you to remove it for whatever reason, then do so.

General Discussion / Re: Leaving
« on: June 05, 2011, 07:14:36 PM »
Ladies ladies ladies. Cut the crap with your oversexed thoughts okay? This is not the spam board, so avoid spamming.

General Discussion / Re: Admins on OCRP
« on: May 31, 2011, 06:25:32 PM »
Plus I like to make these topics to see how many admins actually post on the forums.

I find this kind of ironic. How exactly do you have to make a new thread to see how admins are posting, if you can simply look at other threads they posted in?
You simply make QQ threads to bait admins into starting a discussion with you and possibly getting themselves into trouble. Am I close?

As said in all the many other threads from people complaining about admins not doing their job or whatsoever: Get evidence and do some work yourself. You want people banned? Record them, and post ban requests. You complain about being banned? Improve yourself so you don't get banned again. Seeing admins doing something you disagree with? Get evidence and post an admin complainant.

-Locked, because I really see no reason why this thread should stay open.-
If you (Jordanlol) have anything important to say part from raging/flaming or whatsoever, PM me or another admin to get this thread unlocked, but I doubt this is necessary.

Support & Help / Re: 3 questions about firefox
« on: May 30, 2011, 04:02:18 AM »
And the red line just right click somewhere where you can type and go to spelling options and change it to English - US.

I know its because its set to Danish. Im wondering where i can find the option to change it to English as i cannot find that anywhere.

Simply rightclick in the place where you write your post, go to language settings (or whatever it is called in english) and choose the english language. If it isn't there, google english language pack addon for firefox and instal it, then try again.

General Discussion / Your very first time on Garry's Mod.
« on: May 27, 2011, 04:11:01 AM »
Simple explained, you just write a story on how, when and why you got Garry's Mod for the very first time.

Here is mine:

The time before Gmod.
Before I got Garry's Mod, or even KNEW about that game I spend a LOT of time playing Battlefield 2 with the Sandbox mod. I really loved that game and I build some really epic shit that everyone was being jealous of.
Here are two examples of what I was capable of to make:
However, as you can see Battlefield 2 has barely any physics at all, so it is more like art work then functional work. But I still loved the game and spend almost just as many hours on it as I do now on Garry's Mod.
One of my friends which played this game with me as well once found out about Garry's Mod and introduced me to it. I literally jizzed in my pants when I saw videos about Garry's Mod and I just HAD to go get it. I searched trough the internet how to download this, and found out about Steam and it's pirate ways to get Garry's Mod, but I still required a source game to play it, so I bought the entire Orangebox. When I received it home, I installed all the games, and started to play Garry's Mod eminently. I didn't even care about games such as Hl2 and Tf2, as I had Garry's Mod, which was everything that counted for me.

My very first contraption.
I can remember very well how I watched tons of videos and tutorials about Garry's Mod, so I basically made contraptions shown on those videos. My very very very first thing I made right after I started up Gmod the first time was a rocket with 5 barrels and a thruster underneath.
Yes, I used this video for that:
Another contraption which I made millions of times was that robot which uses lockers as feet, clocks as legs and an airboat as main body. I can't find that video right now, so I hope you've seen it once yourself and know what I'm talking about.

First time online.
I can't quite remember the first time I went online, but I can sure remember the first time I joined a new server, which since that day I'm friends with the owner even till today. I got admin on that server after a few days, and I really enjoyed playing on it. It was a cracked server, as I still didn't buy Garry's Mod legally.

Finally, I bought it!
After many months enjoying myself on Garry's Mod, I decided to actually buy Garry's Mod legally to find out what this game has to offer more then just Sandbox. I was still playing on my friends server, as the same friend which I used to play Battlefield 2 Sandbox which was also playing on this server, but he didn't bought it legally yet.

The first time in RP and it's communities.
I don't know if my first time was in some kind of DarkRP server, or if it was PERP. I never really got into the entire DarkRP shit as it was boring as hell, and those kids made me cry. Once I met PERP, I was addicted to it and played it all day long as long as I could. While playing PERP, I also played on Kazuo's sandbox server for a while, as I still enjoyed making lots of good contraptions with Kaz, and Journeyman etc. Just before PE died, Kaz turned his sandbox server into an entire community with a forum, called Orange Cosmos. I was admin on it from the nearly beginning as I was admin on his sandbox server as well. Unlucky enough, I was to desperate to get admin on PE, and ruined everything so badly so Kaz demoted me on OC as well. Once PE died, and OC became bigger and bigger, and got more servers such as RE, TTT, and later even GMR. After a long while, OCRP was made and opened for public. I played for a few months but I was still trying to hard to get my admin back. I decided to lay off for a while and just give up on it. After like 2 more months, I saw a lot of players getting admin, so I was kind of jealous, so I tried to get it back one last time, with success!
Now that OC died, I followed many of the regular players to Catalyst Gaming. Now, I continue to enjoy my time here, and we'll see for how long that will take until I move on to something else?

Now, what is your story?

Kittens, remove your scanner as I told you on another thread.

NO ONE has the authority or rights to use scanners at the moment, not even I had. (quoted from Roflwaffle as he told me to delete mine as well.)

Its quite funny how me (the GEAR OfC and HL2RP SA) have never heard of this "You can be scanner if GEAR makes one" thingy.

General Discussion / Re: Question in leaving server.
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:50:44 PM »
No one is forcing you to stay on the servers forever. Just inform everyone you are roleplaying with that you have to leave for OOC reasons, and then just disconnect.

Support & Help / Re: Lagging
« on: May 24, 2011, 03:53:57 PM »
Can you be more specific? Do you mean on your PC, on your phone? or what?
If PC, possibly someone is down- or uploading which takes away all your bandwidth.

PS: There is an edit button for a reason.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Minges Minges Every Were!
« on: May 23, 2011, 05:09:41 PM »
I'm doing my best to help everyone the best I can. But the fact that there are just way to many people needing help in OOC, way to many minges, and way to many CP's needing my OfC char's help. I'm just always busy and stressing out on HL2RP.

Not to even mention that I'm like the only A/SA online during European times.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Just not enough...
« on: May 23, 2011, 05:05:54 PM »
I am online quite a lot, and I always spawn a few shipments of rations inside the terminal. It's just that there aren't many high ranked officers online who have the authority to do rations. Most of them are from America, which means rations only happen at evening/night times for Europeans.

IC Chat / Re: <::||RCT.713 Private Logs||::>
« on: May 23, 2011, 03:07:41 PM »

// They have it for mingerunners and punchwhores.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: This is getting ridiculous.
« on: May 22, 2011, 09:35:49 AM »
Ive been a rct Since the first cycle and im active a lot.

I have NEVER seen you online since the time I joined CCA, which was begin cycle 2.

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