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Messages - Iora Rua ã??

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General Discussion / Re: Anyone buy me Gold VIP?
« on: May 11, 2011, 09:32:25 AM »
Bump because higher'd amount I'm willing to pay.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone buy me Gold VIP?
« on: May 09, 2011, 11:36:09 AM »
Yes, why?

General Discussion / Re: Anyone buy me Gold VIP?
« on: May 08, 2011, 06:08:15 PM »
Sorry yeah i meant OCRP, and i got to go to bed now, Jigger add me on steam darraghm08 and any one interested.

General Discussion / Anyone buy me Gold VIP?
« on: May 08, 2011, 06:03:29 PM »
Okay I was told to higher the price, Will anyone buy me Gold VIP for 430k OCRP cash?

If you are interest add me on steam, darraghm08

Suggestions / Re: Homefront Roleplay
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:53:24 PM »
Homefront had such a bad plot... I think there's a way to RP, it would be really boring though...

I think i good RP would be Metro 2033 RP, living in the tunnels, and then you can go out and find ammo and what not.

That could be worked one, Like in HL2RP there are CP and Civilians and Rebels, Metro 2033 roleplay would introduce a new way of zombie survival, i think jetboom would love to work on that, Monsters VS Nazi's VS (another random group in Metro2033). It would add in fact-action paced battles, to applease the trigger-happy,
driving the tanks/dune buggies will applease the racers. And the roleplaying in cities and scavanging for items would applease the hardcore RP'ers, I think thats a wonderful idea and i would love to see a gamemode on it.

General Discussion / Re: What are your talents, skills, abilities.
« on: May 05, 2011, 12:58:58 PM »
Well i went to the National Concert Hall in Dublin for drumming and acting.
Was boring so i gave that up.

Loved sport, was great at it, was team of my soccer club (Ormonde Villa) for a year. Then i got nearly every disorder known to man from the legs down( Oscar Letis, Shin Splints, Flat Fleet, Overgrown Knee's, Deformed Ankles ect ect).

Now from going from Musician to Sports player to.......nothing....... Now consider my dreams were utterly crushed I aspire to be a Human Spell-check. Nah I'm going to learn about coding for games, If I fail that I'll try be a writer for games.

Introductions / Why hello there!
« on: May 02, 2011, 06:03:01 AM »
Hello everyone!  8)

Probally no-one knows me due to name changing, removing all friends and dissapearing for a couple of weeks. But i choose to be unknown and anyone i removed please don't be mad. Long term Garrysmod player (gmod 9 bitches), played pretty much every gamemode for an average of 100 hours. And its safe to say OCRP is one of the best i've ever seen. But due to faggots practising faggotory this is the only non-slimeball troll infested community left in Garrysmod. So if this community goes I'm going too :-(


Religion seems to be the most discussed topic here so i suppose I'll join in and say what i think. I'm going to make up a story that describes every religion and what they do.

Once apon a time in a land far far away........
An idiot got bored and decided to make up story about a man who made the world and does whatever the fuck he likes. After this man told that story, people began to follow him, respect him, and they wanted more stories because they were fuck bored in their sandy shithole of a home. So this man, a very creative man, decided to make up 1000 apon 1000 of stories, everyone enjoyed these stories and respected the man greatly. Soon other idiots saw what this idiot was doing and decided to do the same, but when idiot 1 saw what idiot 2 was doing he called idiot 2 and his followers liars and infidels, total fucking hypocrite. So they went to war with each other for the for-see-able future.

Morale of the story: Religion was made up to shield us from the horrible fact that we ARE alone on this planet. When you do something wrong don't go looking for some God for salvation, because he's not their.

General Discussion / Re: GG Osama Bin Laden
« on: May 02, 2011, 05:27:38 AM »
This wasn't even mentioned in the news over here in Ireland, but then again we rarely hear anything about the outside world over on this shitfuck of an Island......

News and Announcements / Re: More downtime..
« on: May 01, 2011, 04:26:53 PM »
Oh yeah didn't see of it that way still not gonna get one tho.

I am NOT encouraging you to buy one. I'm merely saying 1 in every 4 people nearly have some sort of a i'm an idiot for assuming things/booter tool and abuse it excessively. Your best off to keep it secret and not go round acting the maggot advertising it. AND only to use in self defense.

News and Announcements / Re: More downtime..
« on: May 01, 2011, 04:03:44 PM »
I've never thought of Devnull like a gun. You're right... There's those who has it for defence, those who never use it, and those who go and use it on people they don't like.. If we still had the rep system, I'd be '+rep'ing you.

Thank you my good Sir.

News and Announcements / Re: More downtime..
« on: May 01, 2011, 03:59:05 PM »
I have Devnull but I rarely use it. I only use it at time when there's someone threatening to take down MY internet. Or that one time I was testing it and... Kinda took down GriffinRUN networks. But still, I have it, but just for cases like someone threatening to take me down. I don't go on random servers going 'admin or i'm an idiot for assuming things' or 'i want 500 million perp moneys or i i'm an idiot for assuming things ur servar'.

It's okay to own one, its like owning a gun, theres those who will use it in self defence, theres those who will never use it, then theres those who go out every weekend shooting anything that fucking moves. Thats what the kids are doing, they believe they have power to control, manipulate and destroy people. It's bonkers. But hopefully there will be a way to stop all of this soon enough. Or God save us all.

News and Announcements / Re: More downtime..
« on: May 01, 2011, 03:48:21 PM »
I agree with this so much the people selling should be arrested.

That would be nearly impossible, i doubt Interpol would go on a Nation-wide search to root out people selling i'm an idiot for assuming things programs in a small community like Garrysmod. Our only hope is that the people using them grow the fuck up. There is an easy way to avoid getting i'm an idiot for assuming things'd though, thats to buy a VPN, but we, the players should not have to pay extra money for a VPN to enjoy our games. All we want to do is play games, have fun, and make friends. But theres always going to be people out their ruining everything. All just for the feeling of power, when you give people power they are going to abuse it. No matter how pure they are. Thats what makes us humans so dangerous, It's in our nature, to hurt others and those around us for the sake of power.

News and Announcements / Re: More downtime..
« on: May 01, 2011, 03:23:50 PM »
Hello long time forum creeper first time poster.

To think people are so arrogant to i'm an idiot for assuming things every good community that tries to establish itself in Garrysmod is outrageous. First Orange Cosmoes, then Voltage Gaming, now Catalyst Gaming? The only reason why i play Garrysmod is because of the unique gamemodes you guys have. People in this world really need to grow the fuck up and start acting their age, but then again the people doing this are probally all 9 year olds.

But that adds to my post. Lots of people are selling i'm an idiot for assuming things programs, yeah okay I'm fine with that. But the fact that such large quantities of KIDS are buying these programs is unbelievable. I was playing a gamemode called Flood mod (sharpshooter server), and this little kid was screaming in the microphone. I said what i say to all little kids screaming in their mics which is shut the fuck up. He said the following, "Iora you faggot im so gunna Devnull your ass you faggot im gunna blow up your internet faggot". I said "Aww cute lil skiddie" as i didn't believe him, 2 minutes later my ping spikes up to 800 and my internet goes offline. People who are selling these programs want to make money but they should at least have the common sense not to sell to kids. It's like giving a 5 year old a gun, he's just going to shoot whatever he doesn't like or understand. And to add insult to injury, now people are distributing links that get you banned off servers? It just really rocks my boat.

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